House in which the walls help


Wooden house construction technology from glued timber: phased description of the work. Estimates.

House in which the walls help 13959_1

House in which the walls help
According to the Technology "Palax-Stroy" from the moment of laying the foundation until the construction of the house from the glued bar is held at least six months
House in which the walls help
Houses from glued timber create a small load on the foundation, so it is enough to equip a columnar design for them.
House in which the walls help
Earthworks are made manually
House in which the walls help
The foundation is poured in phasate
House in which the walls help
Properly made foundation for longevity wooden buildings:

Foundation ribbon casting

House in which the walls help
Removal of formwork
House in which the walls help
Preparation for casting plates base
House in which the walls help
Division of "zero", waterproofing of a concrete screed

House in which the walls help

House in which the walls help

House in which the walls help
Drinking the timber and removal of excess wood is made by disk and chain saws
House in which the walls help
For proper marking and accurate manufacturer of bars, templates are used

House in which the walls help

House in which the walls help
Accurate folding of cups is made by hand tool

House in which the walls help

House in which the walls help

House in which the walls help
Assembling bars in a whole: landing the first crown on anchor

House in which the walls help

House in which the walls help
Cequet and drilling of holes under the "Glukhari"
House in which the walls help
Tightening bars with shuchars

House in which the walls help

House in which the walls help

House in which the walls help
Warming of seams, compounds of compounds foamed polyethylene
House in which the walls help
Finishing the surface of the walls of vibratory grinding under the coating of a lesing antiseptic
House in which the walls help
The ends of the BRUSEV are impregnated with the preservative composition "Ayidol"
House in which the walls help
Adjusting threaded knots are used to compensate for shrinkage
House in which the walls help
Upper wands built at home hid from rain film
House in which the walls help
Thermal insulation of rafter foot
House in which the walls help
Installing the elements of the drainage system
House in which the walls help
Floor plan
House in which the walls help
Plan of the second floor
House in which the walls help
Mansard floor plan

Technologies for which wooden houses are being built are constantly being improved. A convincing alternative to a solid wooden bruus today is a laminated bar. The houses from this material are distinguished by the grace of architectural forms, the magnificent texture of the walls and high energy-saving properties.


House in which the walls help
The union of wood and the stone - the pledge of the ecology of the Domadoma from a solid bar in Russia takes decades. Convenience of construction from a broom-shaped log (and the bar-main product of such a cutting) is obvious. You do not need to finish the logs to each other, in engineering calculations you can be guided by the standard dimensions of the elements. The result of the construction becomes less laborious and faster. In addition, the house from this material is easier to seal, outside it can be separated by a board or siding, from inside plasterboard or "clapboard". Barbed building warmer buildings from the log of the same volume. But, with all the merits, a solid bar has disadvantages. Like a log, it is subject to shrinkage as a result of natural wood drying. It cracks; Under the influence of atmospheric factors, it "leads", as a result of which the surface of the walls is deformed. Finally, not treated with anti-epires, antiseptics and water-proof timing of solid wood is susceptible to burning and rotting. In the early, the decade in Russia was distributed to the technology of glued (profiled) bar, which came to us from abroad. The houses from this material do not lose the environmental properties of structures from solid wood, but an order of magnitude exceeds them in terms of technological opportunities for construction and design.

House in which the walls help

The production of glued timber corresponding to European standards has been established in Russia, but still the highest quality material comes to us from Finland. As a rule, Finnish companies export the sets of finished houses that are collected by local experts. Building buildings from glued timber bars

House in which the walls help
The terms of successful construction are the proper storage of the bar and the neat transportation of production are engaged in Russian firms. The manufacturers of manufacturers are supplied to both the sets of finished houses and materials that are processed at the construction site. The cost of 1m3 of the glued timber varies within $ 400-550 and depends on the properties of raw materials and glue. Qualitative is considered the glue "Cascolite" of the German company "Kleiberit".

The glued bar is distinguished by a variety of sizes and production methods. Popular sizer-height is 160mm, width 180mm. The vertically glued bar consists of three or more parts (lamellae) glued vertically in such a way that the solid part is located outside, providing brushing the smallest deformation and almost complete absence of cracks. Such a timber is produced by a height of 76-202mm and a width of 88-210mm. Used to erect walls. The horizontal glued bar consists of horizontally glued parts; Its width is usually 160 mm, height varies from 100 to 210mm. This material is used for the manufacture of rafters. The so-called saloon bar sticks out of six parts. Good for the construction of walls of buildings of high floors. Its width is 185, 205mm. For the same technology, pillars, beams, rafters, elements of overlapping, floorboard, window sills, steps are glued.

House in which the walls help

As the construction material of the glued bar has no analogues among wooden products. He is twice as high as massive wood, since there are no cracks in its structure. The heat shield properties of the glued bar of 180mm thickness coincide with the properties

House in which the walls help
The surface of the bar carefully finish with grinding to minimize tolerances and detect wood texture of one-meter memetic brickwork. It is allowed to glue a bar of any length (under the order) and from the tree of different varieties. So, outside the waterproof larch can be used outside, and inside pine. Designs made of glued wood by 50-70% stronger solid. Shrinking such a house is only 0.5%. The set of wall parts and floors coming from the factory is a set of smooth, the same cross section of bars with different quantities and arrangement of cups (wall interface sites). Build house is carried out strictly according to a technological map, each detail is marked. Conjugation nodes performed directly on the construction site are equally accurate, since the wizards use templates and an accurate cutting tool. The surface of the processing of the bar is ideal. Tolerances for the location of the cups are 1-3mm. In addition to the wall, the wall does not need to be covered with protective compositions, it is the main decoration of the interior and the appearance of the building. The variety of properties of the glued bar allows you to build from it at home in any styles, from traditional to ultra-modern.

How to distinguish high-quality material from poor quality? First of all, it is necessary to make sure that the availability of a certificate of conformity. A high-quality glued bar is manufactured in enterprises certified according to ISO 2000 standard. Unfair manufacturers, as a rule, do not have such a certificate. Sometimes to make sure that it is enough to inspect it. If there are cracks and non-flimple places in the ends of the bar, if the facial lamellas are assembled from different wood, if chips and dead knots are thrown into the eyes, - this material does not match the standard. On the contrary, if there are no cracks and non-ferrous places on the ends, if the surface is homogeneous in color and texture and does not have visible defects - the material is high-quality. Another quality factor is the absence of spruce lamellas in the body. The most suitable breeds are northern pine and larch. Specialists recognize them in color and fibers structure.


"Good and half of the case," says the proverb. With regard to the foundation of a wooden house, this is true. It is clear that if the total load on the foundation of the construction of a total area of ​​250-300m2 is 70-80 tons, it makes sense to think over all the details of the base laying of its base. Incovering "when the hollow of red corners" described in detail the technology of casting a ribbon-column foundation of the log house.

House in which the walls help

The construction workers dealt with the previously mentioned case with a bunched soil. Therefore, to protect the foundation from the deformation was replaced by the soil in the trench of large sand. The house of glued bar, with the construction of which we introduce the reader, stands on the hillside. Soil - ordinary loam. In the intake of the situation, designers and workers were proceeded as follows. From the side of the hill sole, where the base house is higher, they laid the foundation tape on 20cm deeper than from

House in which the walls help
All parts of wooden structures are repeatedly processed by various protective compositions of the elevated part of the hill. Increased pillars were used asbetic pipes with a diameter of 300 mm, installed in pre-drilled shurts to a depth of 160-190 cm. The pillars were mounted throughout the perimeter of the foundation every 0.5m. The charger of the pipe was laid out the frame of a triangular cross section from a metal bar and flooded with concrete. Frames with a width of 40cm from the same metal reinforcement a frame of the foundation tape was associated. The first fill of the concrete was made in the ground with the level of land. Then, on top of the basement tape, installed formwork, inside which the additional framework from the reinforcement was tied, and cast the upper part of the foundation with a height of 50 cm above the ground level.

House in which the walls help
Holes for mortgage elements and under the "Glukhari" are worked out in the field of space formed between the foundation ribbons, engineering communications mounted. Forward the queue, the asbetic pipes were laid with a diameter of 200mm, through which the sewage and water supply pipes were led to the house, the electric cable. Outpatched ground and thoroughly tamped. A smooth sand layer was laid on the ground submission. Armature framework across the plane of the future foundation of the house. Including, setting an additional formwork on the outside of the foundation, cast a monolithic concrete slab with a thickness of 200mm, which became the basis of the house. The base was performed from an ordinary red brick (M250).


The walls of the house should rely on an absolutely level basis. For this, builders brought "zero": made the plates with the help of a measuring tool and a level, along the perimeter of the bearing walls and interior partitions, strips in 200mm were laid with a concrete screed with a height of 5 cm and insulated with its hydrokhotklozol.

House in which the walls help
Repeated antiseptation of the surface of the bars between the crowns before laying the heat-insulating ribbon thebed the timber was treated from the sprayer with a primer antiseptic "Waalty-Lushi" (Tikkurila, Finland), after which they started the markup of the bars and the manufacture of cups of compounds. The cups were shuffled on the bars of the disc electronized by made from plywood moving patterns. Excess wood was removed by a chainsaw and a chisel. The angular compounds of the first crown were performed using a semobrus, to which in the end of the ends of the outside) were put out full-size bars with a height of 160mm and 180mm width. The first crown was fixed on the basis of anchors to fix the walls of the house on the foundation. Subsequent crowns were collected from a full-sized timber with the same joining trip. This element looks beautifully both outside and inside the house. Of course, the processing of a bar in place is less technological and costs more than produced in the factory conditions. But experts believe that manual work on the construction site allows you to achieve a more accurate assembly. A good approach to the case of solidarity and customers, for which 5 houses are built at once along similar projects.

House in which the walls help
Inserting holes in the bars under the "Glukhary" of the Maintenance of the Palex-Stroy Technology (Moscow) technology (Moscow) is that the bars are attracted to each other "coarse" (big turnkey head screws). They are tightened by the end key in the screwdriver pre-drilled in a checker order with the surface of the bar. Distance from each other - 1.5m. Inside angular conjugations, two "muffuhar" are put. Such a connection, with a small shrinkage of the walls, makes the design very durable. In addition, it allows you to pull the bars denser in places where the size is observed in relation to the opposite wall. The centered groove of the glued bar is stacked with foamed polyethylene tape, which plays the role of additional seal and thermal insulation. This technique provides interbruse compaction double reliability. Some Finnish firms enjoy "muchakha". Others apply a system of threaded studs (napillates) that permeate the walls from below to the top. Several bars on the hairpins are attracted to each other nuts. The studs themselves are increasing as the walls are erected. The combination of bars with wooden brazers is also practiced. For simplified assembly technology, the bars are connected only by profiled spikes.

House in which the walls help
Grinding the ends of the bars belt grinding as a house was headed under the roof, the workers made a machine grinding of the walls and ends of Bruusyev. Indeed, in the process of construction, these surfaces are subjected to all sorts of atmospheric influences. The result is violated the purity of their processing, and it has to be restored. The tree is gaining atmospheric moisture mainly from the ends. To prevent this and prevent cracking of the bar under the influence of UV radiation, the ends and walls were treated with the preservative composition of AiDol (Remmers, Germany). With the finishing decoration of the walls, the workers used the linseed oil lesing antiseptic "Valtikor-Satin" (Tikkurila), which protects the wood from atmospheric precipitation, solar radiation and simultaneously tinted in the selected color.


House in which the walls help

As the beams of inter-floor overlaps, engineers offered to apply the same wall timber, but in a special way improved. From it is made by the beam in the form of an inverted letter "T". On its five-point meters (height), the protrusions are based on the ceiling overlap boards. The beams stuck in 1M are strong enough to withstand the load of furniture, equipment and inhabitants of the house. Ceiling floors are performed from pine "lining" (18mm wide),

House in which the walls help
Overlapping beams have a T-shaped section on which the entire "filling" is based on. At the same time, the board is both a clean ceiling. On top of the ceiling, a layer of vapor insulation is placed on top of the insulator's rigid mineral wool slabs (100mm). They are also steam and waterproof. On the top of the bar 55cm, the lamp is made and the counterclaim flooring was made to lay out a parquet board. Under it, a layer of ten-minute moisture resistant plywood will be placed on the counterclaim. When building walls and overlaps, workers for movement between the beams stretched temporary ladders.

Several differently looks in the flooring of the attic - in this part of the house they were made open. In addition to performing engineering problems, they play a decorative role and are part of the interior.


House in which the walls help
Lower assembly roofing on the construction of the construction of the house. They have a load of roofing "cake" and snow in winter. The estimated strip of Russia is the calculated snow load on the roof - 1300kg / m2. We add to this the weight of the natural tile, from which the roof was made. Its area in this case is 420m2. It is clear that the roof farms should be made from high strength materials. The most reliable in a wooden house are glued products. The beams of overlapping in the attic are made of standard glued timber. The rafters are made of wood glued according to the other technology, it provides them with increased strength. The rafter legs are made of a horizontally glued bar with a height of 210mm, 78mm width and 12m long. They rest on the upper wints of the walls and intermediate racks that are connected by the "coarse".


House in which the walls help
Brux, beams, boards are tightened to the top by a tray with the help of the rope technologies of the roof structure on a paving house there is little different from the one that is used in the buildings of other structures. In the case, the attention of architects and engineers was drawn to aesthetic factors, since the house from a bar is a work of art.

Specialists of the company RSM-Stroy (Moscow) were performed with a crushed situation of work on the installation of rafters and laying the roof. Roofing "Pie", as it should be supplied, contains consistently laid layers of vapor barrier, insulation, and vapor-hydro insulation. The Palax-Stroy attachment prefers to use the rigid mineral wool plate Rockwool, which, according to employees of the company, is most environmentally friendly and convenient in wooden house-building. For the device under the natural tile "Braas" used a bar of 55 cm. The technology of laying such a tile has been described more than once in our journal (see Articles "Modern Roofing Materials: What are they?", "Roof, Roof, Roofing" Pie "," Roof of Your House "), so let yourself not talk about it in detail . We only note that the terracotta color of the tile "Frankfurt" in combination with a slightly tinted under the oak bars wall-spectacular, delightful even for sophisticated experts. Along with artistic advantages, a heavy natural tile has the qualities of the natural oppression, under which wall bars are tightly pressed against each other. .

Outdoor stairs

House in which the walls help
Docking the wall timber under the installation of a rafter using the surrounding area of ​​the site is a gentle relief. In order to protect the foundation from the rowing hill of the hill and take it into the current stream below the building, a perfect surface drainage system is organized around the building. Immediately behind the concrete breakdown, specialists laid drainage polyethylene pipes into the soil, which bind several water-driven funnels along the perimeter of the building. Water that flows from the hill and roof falls through the funnels in the drainage collector, further- in the stream (the arrangement of his bed is not yet completed). For a hand, it is planned to bring closer to the foot of the hill. Concrete stairs are cast on top of the drainage pipes from both sides of the house. You can either climb to a high porch, or continue to move on the hill towards the forest.

House in which the walls help
Preparation of formwork for casting stairs to the castings of external stairs deserves special attention. After drainage pipes were laid in the ground, the workers arranged on top of them a sandy-gravel submetage and collected the formwork of future staircase marches. Inside the formwork tied out of the reinforcement frames of the steps, after which they cast them on the same method as the foundation. Nearby time stairs will be lined with a stone. Note that the construction company is engaged in the arrangement of the territory of not one house, but a whole small village, the first stage of which is 5 houses from the glued timber. Landscape works are supposed to be completed in the spring of next year. Only then will fully be assessed by the originality of the architect solutions and the quality of construction.

To be continued.

Enlarged calculation of the cost of work and materials for the construction of the house with a total area of ​​270m2

Name of works Units. change Number of Price, $ Cost, $
Foundation work
Takes up axes, layout, development and recess m3. 92. eighteen 1656.
Device of rubber base, pre-work and horizontal waterproofing m2. 170. eight 1360.
Formwork, reinforcement, concreting (tape and columnar foundations, monolithic w / b plate) m3. 98. 60. 5880.
Caution lateral isolation m2. 240. 2.8. 672.
TOTAL 9568.
Applied materials on the section
Concrete heavy m3. 98. 62. 6076.
Crushed stone granite, sand m3. 51. 28. 1428.
Bituminous polymer mastic, hydrohotelloisol m2. 240. 2.8. 672.
Rental of steel, fittings, knitting wire T. 1,8. 390. 702.
TOTAL 8878.
Walls (box)
Preparatory work, installation and dismantling of scaffolding m2. 270. 3.5 945.
Laying of brick walls (base under the walls) m3. 10 26. 260.
Cutting walls from timber m3. 90. 150. 13500.
Heated walls for chopped walls m2. 320. nine 2880.
Installation of columns on shoes column 10 74. 740.
TOTAL 18325.
Applied materials on the section
Brick clay ordinary PC. 3800. 0.18. 684.
Masonry solution m3. 1.5 60. 90.
Lumber (glued timber, edged board) m3. 90. 450. 40500.
TOTAL 41274.
Roofing device
Installation of the rafter design m2. 180. 12 2160.
Tile Coating Device m2. 180. eight 1440.
Enderbutting of eaves, soles, device of frontones m2. 70. nine 630.
The device of the calane vaporizolation m2. 180. 1,4. 252.
Installation of the drain system rm. M. fifty 6. 300.
TOTAL 4782.
Applied materials on the section
Cement-sand tile Braas (Germany) m2. 180. 29. 5220.
Sawn timber m3. nine 120. 1080.
Paro-, wind-, hydraulic films m2. 180. 2. 360.
Drain system set one 500. 500.
TOTAL 7160.
Total cost of work 32680.
Total cost of materials 57310
TOTAL 89990.

The editors thanks Palex-Stroy and RSM-Stroy's company for organizing photographing at the facility and for consultations on wooden house-building.

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