When Izba red corners


A two-storey house with an area of ​​180 m2 from a rounded log - an environmentally friendly and beautiful material.

When Izba red corners 13996_1

When Izba red corners

When Izba red corners
Floor plan
When Izba red corners
Plan of the second floor
When Izba red corners
Well isolated foundation has a sufficient safety margin. Its sizes strictly correspond to the design dimensions of the wooden structure along the axes.
When Izba red corners
Vertical holes in logs for steel pipes of electric riser are powered by chainsaw in height of the whole wall
When Izba red corners
Compensation propyl is made along the top of the log in order to reduce crack-shaped-type with natural wood drying. Along the bottom in the factory conditions, a semicircular groove needed for "landing" logs on a log
When Izba red corners
Lengthnaya interventic insulation is considered environmentally friendly and most convenient for assembling houses from a rounded log
When Izba red corners
The laying and fastening of the insulation produces in such a way as to avoid the appearance between the gaps between the logs and additionally do not cavitate the seams
When Izba red corners
The drilling of holes under the brazing requires skill: they must be strictly perpendicular to the foundation

When Izba red corners

When Izba red corners
The drilling of the holes is performed by a special brown for wood work. Wooden brazening should enter holes without effort, but not to hang out
When Izba red corners
Two logs are binding to each other, providing strict vertical wall plane. There are copp in a chess
When Izba red corners
Chainsaw is a universal carpenter tool. She, in particular, dumps under the grooves for the beams of overlaps, compensation propellers, crossing logs

When Izba red corners

When Izba red corners
For lifting logs, block-polyspusny devices, designed to work with weights up to 200 kg
When Izba red corners
The feature of the construction of the rafter system of this house is the fastening of the rafter feet to the substropyle logs of the frame at 1.5-2.5m from the overlap
When Izba red corners
The block-polyspopic device holds the support log in a suspended state until its reliable connection with racks is provided. The device is used to raise weights
When Izba red corners
Fastening plywood to the framework is carried out outside with screws - scaffolding from scaffolding
When Izba red corners
The plywood cladding gives the design additional strength and is the basis for the subsequent cladding of the semicircled. Such a solution allows you to facilitate the design and imitate log laying. Hydillo fasten to the frame to the frame with screws - self-storms
When Izba red corners
Frame part of the house- complex system of compounds using lining, corners and wrinkles
When Izba red corners
Preparation for the laying of natural tiles is made in accordance with the project, technology and using high-quality BRAAS materials. Necknotty is nailed with a step under the tiled "Frankfurt"
When Izba red corners
The design of the house must be protected from atmospheric precipitation. Before laying the tiles, this task is performed by waterproofing film
When Izba red corners
Roofing work can be conducted both after and during the frame facing, if the design has sufficient strength for this. Scaffolding and equipment are used to lift roofing materials on the roof, to install the drain system and for work on frame facing the outside by half
When Izba red corners
Eric design of the hallway at home is constructed by the same technology as the second floor frame

When Izba red corners

When Izba red corners
The tile stored on the construction site rises to the roof manually, 5-8 pieces, on the rope using the block. Laying the tiles is lowered up and left to right. The fastening of the tiles of the first row is made by nails

In the century of modern technologies, the interest of private developers to Russian log houses is growing. Paradox? Not at all. Few material is able to compete with a massive tree on environmental friendliness, beauty and opportunities for use in construction.

On the election of this log

He alone tuscal pine

And wrapped in Ivanushka

Rusa curls like silk ...

N. A. Nekrasov.

Orina, Mother Soldiers

There are enough logs

The Russia is the only state where the log houses are still available at almost all groups of the population. And can it be otherwise in the country, more than half covered with forests? Wooden houses get a simple rural worker, and a wealthy urban entrepreneur. The difference is in the location and size of the dwelling, in the thickness of the logs, as construction and finishing works, in the presence or absence of engineering communications. A two-storey house with an area of ​​180m2, with the construction process of which the editorial is introduced the reader, belongs to a person with an average intraction. Although all members of his family work or learn in the city, they are going to return to the cozy walls of their new housing every night.

It was all with a search for a brigade, which can be trusted a serious matter. The host and error host has concluded that the most closely appeal to the licensed organization, having practical experience in the construction of log buildings and the necessary production base. Such a team, in the end, was found. The advantages of communicating with professionals are obvious. First, the company itself is engaged in the preparation and supply of high-quality forests, secondly, has its own production of rounded logs and lumber, thirdly, carries out a turnkey and warranty service of the house. The latter circumstance is very important, since for several years a wooden building sitting down and its designs need to be adjusted and improved. It is also necessary to update the protective coating of the outer walls.

Stages of a big way

Before starting, in the process and after the completion of construction, the homeowner has to solve the task complex. The main one:

Distribution and purchase of a land plot (work with local authorities, obtaining permission to build IT.P.), choosing a place for construction.

Development and approval of design and estimate documentation (work with local supervision authorities, designers, surveyors, geodesists and geologists).

Building directly at home (work with the contractor).

Improvement of the territory (work with the improvement contractor).

Registration of structure and work with local authorities (municipality, "Energosbyt", "Gorgaz", "Mrs., Sansepidemstation," Vodokanal ", Ecology Committee and other organizations).

Each wave to solve these tasks either independently, for which, at a minimum, you need time, or contact intermediaries, the cost of services of which varies depending on the number of permits and deadlines. A construction company can carry out the work on the collection of permits. In love, the time, starting work, without having documents for land and building permits, means to give officials a reason for charging fines.

Building technology from A to Z

To have an idea of ​​the main construction operations and the sequence of their execution, follow how the house from the rounded log was built.

Preparation period

When Izba red corners
The horizontal waterproofing layer throughout the perimeter of the foundation prevents direct contact between the logs and the brickwork experts engaged in the geodetic marking of the territory under the construction of the house. This was done, taking into account the cadastral plan of the village and installations of the architect, which is responsible for the design and construction of new homes in this location. Based on the geodesic measurements, the location of the future structure was documented. The local specialized organization recommended by the regional office on architecture and construction was fulfilled.

Then the workers produced clearing the site (build spots) from trees, shrubs, garbage. At the same time provided protection of trees and shrubs from possible death. Did you have done manually in a couple of days. Performed this work by garter and plating plants by boards and hill.

Next, the builders have equipped the platform for unloading building materials and prepared access roads. The operation is important because the unloading of building materials in the place is not intended for this entails their damage. In addition, to prepare logs to lay in the wall, free space is needed next to the future house. The contractor finished these works in two days with the help of a bulldozer. The road for the entrance of heavy vehicles sprinkled with a broken brick, brought from the place of demolition of the old house.

Along with the platforms for unloading, storage facilities, places for recreation workers, meals and smoking. If you have the opportunity to settle the workers next to the built-up structure, it should be done. Result saves time on the road, rest and lunch breaks. It is also impossible to forget that the working conditions and life of workers must correspond to the chat. At the construction site there was a dilapidated building, which was given in the divine appearance. Nearby equipped a temporary place for washing and toilet.

Without special problems, laying electrical wires to illuminate the construction site and power supply of power tools, led water to the section, installed fire shields. Usually permission to connect to the electrical network is obtained in a local electrical supplying organization prior to construction work. The generator can also be used. Since on the site where the construction was conducted, an electrified summer cottage had already had, a special permission to use the power tool was not needed. Builders have installed two temporary wooden masts with lanterns for lighting an object in the evening and distribution shield with protective automation to connect a power to 5 kW. The problem of water supply was solved by bringing an existing well in order. Subsequently, the plot was additionally drilled well. Powder fire extinguishers were used in the winter of operational fire extinguishers in winter, and with early spring-barrels with water.

In order to avoid penetration of unauthorized persons to the construction site, it was fenced. Idello is not only that the curiosity of our citizens has no limit. Kids can get to the construction site, whose lives are threatened here. Builders partially retained the fence of the previous cottage; Additional fence was performed from an obscure camp, subsequently used as a fireplace fuel.

Zero cycle

The construction began with the removal and storage of the upper layer of vegetable soil in the dump. Throw off the fertile soil on the landfill - non-disabilities. Subsequently, the assembled soil can be used during landscape work. Builders performed this work with a bulldozer.

Next, the ground was made under the foundation before the project mark. How to be the foundation depends on the weight of the construction of the house and the state of the existing soils. In the case, they are bubbling, this is the geological peculiarity of the site. Based on the geological research and construction calculations, the weight structure of the building was decided to build a combined bolt-belt foundation. The ribbon part covers the perimeter of the structure and serves as a support for the outer walls, and the posts support the lags of the first floor overlaps and the internal bearing walls.

When Izba red corners
First of all, the grooves of logs and their locations with the elements of the structure are antisept. After laying the logs in the wall, they are covered outside and from the inside of firebivolagosis-track composition. It is recommended to use certified tools from well-known producers of work, manually was carried out, since the fare of technology on the territory of the village is difficult. Pits under the poles (111.7 m) dug around the perimeter of the future building at a distance of 2.5-3m apart. The depth of 1.7 m corresponds to the current building standards and the rules, according to which the foundation foundation should be located below the level of the labeled land (in the suburbs it is 1.5-1.6 m). Under the ribbon portion, the trenches are digging with a depth of 0.6 m and 1m width so that you can install and remove the formwork, as well as produce waterproofing work. The apack house was built on bubbly soils, the pillars have a variable cross section, otherwise they will "squeeze" from the ground during the period of freezing and thawing the Earth. A more massive base was cast in size, reinforced by two rows of masonry mesh (reinforcement with a cross section of 12mm2, class A3). The upper part of the pillar has a cross section of 0.40.4m, reinforced with four steel vertical rods and a similar mesh from four sides. The pillars of such a design are more stable in soil skames. Immissors dugged under the foundation, to reduce the effects of heating at the bottom of the ground, the soil was replaced by coarse-grained sand (thickness - about 40 cm).

After creating the trenches, the formwork was assembled for a ribbon foundation, mating and installation of the formwork of frame meshes from fittings. The cross section and class of the grid of reinforcement (12mm2, A3), the dimensions of the required mortgages and bookmarks are determined by the calculated data contained in the project. Power shields 15mm thick plyls were used. They are convenient because the solution does not penetrate through the slots and it takes less time to the location than on the manufacture of the formwork from the board.

After assembling, the formwork produced layer-by-layer concreting of a tape base with the use of deep vibrators. This is how high strength of the monolithic structure is ensured. The operation was performed at a positive air temperature in advance ordered concrete brand 300, which was brought in mixers. (Construction mixers-installed on Kamaz rotating containers in which up to 7 cubic meters of concrete is prepared.) The height of the concrete part of the foundation above the ground is 40 cm.

A week after the fill of the concrete, the formwork was removed and the ribbon foundation pillars and poles are vertical waterproofing (by coating with a preheated composition of bitumen mastic). Conditions of wet and acidic soils This measure is completely obligatory. It not only prevents the premature destruction of the foundation, but also protects the wooden structure from the soil fungus from entering it. The mastic was applied with a brush in 2 layers. After drying, the mastic in the trenches was satuned soil. It was compressed using a manual traam.

On top of the tape of the concrete foundation made a screed in 2- 3 layers of brick masonry. Thus, the surface was leveled under the first crowns. The masonry was carried out by ordinary red brick (M250) at a positive air temperature. The incidence of horizontal waterproofing to the brick, heated by bitumen mastic, was glued 2 layers of hydrohotelloisol. This roll material with a width of 70cm was laid on the base of the foundation with the bottom and fixed on the surface by the method of moving gas burner. Such a measure allows you to avoid direct contact of bricks with wood, as a result of which it is possible to defeat the fungus and mold burial.

Construction of walls and partitions of the first floor

When Izba red corners
The grooves for the installation of the rafter cut down to the estimated depth with the help of the chisels and the hammer of the foundation structures produced styling logs along the axes of walls and partitions according to the factory assembly plan ("spoolen"). In the pass conditions, all logs were calibrated strictly in size, tested by preliminary assembly and numbered. The change in places even the same items is not allowed, since each fit individually. The laying of the first row began along the axes with the half-breed, taking them with a complete log cylinder. The logs with a diameter of 280 mm were first manually (up to a height of 2.5 m), and then with the use of small mechanization (block-polyspopic devices). Alerts of each rounded trunk on the markup was performed longitudinal loop chainsaw. It was done along the entire length, with an indent from the crosses at 300-400mm. Purpose of separation - reduce the fracture of wood as a result of drying.

All logs before installation were purified from dirt and processed by the fire-optimal composition "Sezheng-Optimal" of the production of Sezheng NPL. Incoming longitudinal grooves placed a layer of a linen member interventory seal 14cm wide, which at several points fixed on the basis of the stapler. The logs put in advance the cross cups in advance on the machine. Their fastening was carried out with anticipation, located at a distance of 1.5-2m apart. The masonry of the internal partitions was performed similarly to the masonry of the outer walls.

Begroes are wooden bars more solid than logs, wood breeds (birch, oak IT.P.). These elements with a little effort (otherwise the log may be scored in the holes in the holes drilled by a drill and a brown when shrinking. It is necessary to ensure that the holes are drilled strictly perpendicular to the surface of the foundation, otherwise there is also a danger of "hanging" logs. Conductors can be used for proper drilling (devices for the exact direction of the drill at a given angle).

Floor overlapping building

After the construction of the walls and partitions of the first floor, the ceiling beams were installed. These structures distribute the load of the floor, furniture and upstairs at the top of people, so the beams must have a sufficient margin of strength. They were made of a paired grip board with a thickness of 50mm and a width of 150mm. All wooden surfaces were treated before assembling fire-beggar-based composition "Sezheng-Optimal". Kubrem beam was fucked with steel galvanized corners (100100mm) mounted in the propylated and selected grooves, and supocilm merchandise screws.

Cubes of overlapping were kept the ceiling, the floors were used on top. The first floor ceiling was performed from "lining". Between her and beams, vaporizolation was laid ("Yutafol H 110"), between the beams - heat and thermal insulation (semi-rigid mineral plate ROXWOOL thickness 120mm), under the floorproofing boards ("Yutafol d 110"). The floors of the overlap were littered with a transverse sprinkled board with a subsequent coating with waterproof plywood (20mm), as well as trim, parquet board and tiles for additional insulation from hydrohotelloisol (in the bathroom).

Construction of the frame of the second floor

When Izba red corners
The additional mounting of the beams and frame racks to the logs is carried out with the help of steel galvanized corners and self-self-adjustable screws of how the floor beams were installed and the festival was laid, the construction of the second floor skeleton was launched. According to the project, the second floor is a carcass-shield design, insulated with mineral wool and decorated from the outside. Such a decision reduces the cost of construction and makes the building as a whole easier. The frame is made of timber (cross section of 150150mm) and boards (50150mm). The fastening of his racks to the logs and beams of overlapping was carried out by steel galvanized corners (100100mm) and forty-chalimer screw screws. The oversight side of the frame was sewn plywood (6mm thick), which performs the function of wind protection and the vacuum design additional rigidity. According to the layer of plywood, the framework was faced outside the semi-crunch of the same diameter as the log logs (280mm). In other words, an imitation of a homogeneous log wall was created. For full illusion in the corners of the exterior frame of the second floor, decorative crosses from the log can be installed (according to the "ON-WHE" system).

The frame of the frame was laid by the heat insulation of the ROXWOOL thickness of 150mm. He was covered with a vapor insulating film "Yutafol H 110", then he was separated by "clapboard" (in the attic) and plasterboard (in the bathroom, followed by tiles). All wooden components of the framework from all sides were processed by the firebike radiation composition "Sezheng-Optimal".

Simultaneously with the construction of the frame of the second floor, the construction of the inner partitions was conducted. They were erected by the same technology as the frame of the outer walls. Full partitions The mineral plate ROXWOOL was laid as noise insulation, on both sides of the wall were sewn with vapor insulating film "Yutafol N 110", were separated by "clapboard" and plasterboard.

Slinge system

The construction of the roof and roofing works are preceded by mounting rafters. This part of the house was performed taking into account the used roofing material. Under the natural tile of Braas rafters are placed more often and the lamp is thicker. The lines of the rafter were made from the board with a cross section of 50200mm and put 60mm in increments. The rafting legs inserted into the transverse rods made in the substropyl logs and was fucked with galvanized steel corners and screws. Connection with skate bars, runs and bats were carried out using lining, corners and wrist. All wooden elements of the system were pre-treated with the section "Sezheng-Optimal".

Roof construction

The final stage is the production of "roofing pie", the thickness and "filling" of which depend on the designation of the room, and roofing works. In this case, we are talking about warmed residential attic. The owner of the house wished to use the attic as a children's room. Naturally, living conditions in it must meet the highest requirements: and from the point of view of maintaining heat in the room, and from the point of view of air exchange and maintaining constant humidity. To achieve the optimal result, builders made the following. After the installation of the rafter, they were tightened from the top of the vapor insulation film. In the "roofing pie" placed thermal insulation (ROXWOOL, thickness 200mm), covered with a layer of membrane waterproofing Dufarol Pro. On top of the rafting legs, a counterclaim from a bar of 5050mm was sewed. She acted across the lattice with a design step under the Tiles of Braas.

Specialists "RSM-STROY" carried out the installation of the roof according to the technology, which is set out in the instructions of Braas-DSC 1. They also installed the drainage system and roofing fittings: sings, sinks, aprons, plots, gutters, pipes, ventilation channels.

Enlarged calculation of the cost of work and materials on the construction of a two-story house with an area of ​​180m2

Name of works Units. change Number of Price, $ Cost, $
Foundation work
Layout, development and garment m3. 67. eighteen 1206.
Manual soil refinement m3. 23. 7. 161.
Founding and waterproofing device m2. 180. eight 1440.
The construction of a tape-column foundation m3. 61. 60. 3660.
Caution lateral isolation m2. 59. 2.8. 165,2
TOTAL 6632.
Applied materials on the section
Concrete heavy m3. 61. 62. 3782.
Crushed stone granite, sand m3. 17. 28. 476.
Bituminous polymer mastic, hydrohotelloisol m2. 239. 2.8. 669,2
Rental of steel, fittings, knitting wire T. 0,7 390. 273.
Lumber, nails and other materials set one 210. 210.
TOTAL 5410.
Walls (box)
Installation and dismantling of scaffolding m2. 160. 3.5 560.
Laying of brick walls (base under the walls) m3. 3.8. 26. 99.
Wall cutting from logs m3. 63. 110. 6830.
Assembling frame outdoor walls (2nd floor) m2. 90. twenty 1800.
Curing walls "semi-critic" m2. 90. fourteen 1260.
Heated walls for chopped walls m2. 180. nine 1620.
Installation of columns on shoes column four 74. 296.
Kozyrkov device m2. 5,2 23. 120.
TOTAL 12585.
Applied materials on the section
Brick clay ordinary PC. 1900. 0.179. 340.
Masonry solution m3. 0,7 60. 42.
Lumber (Round Forest, Edged Board) m3. 68. 120. 8160.
Plywood waterproof m2. 129. 4.8. 619.
Fasteners and other materials set one 190. 190.
TOTAL 9351.
Roofing device
Installation of the rafter design m2. 210. 12 2040.
Installation of trim and skate shields m2. 210. four 680.
Tile Coating Device m2. 210. eight 1360.
Enderbutting of eaves, soles, set-in frontones m2. 24. nine 216.
The device of the calane vaporizolation m2. 210. 1,4. 294.
Installation of the drain system rm. M. 43. 6. 258.
TOTAL 4848.
Applied materials on the section
Cement-sand tile Braas m2. 210. 29. 6090.
Sawn timber m3. 6.8. 120. 816.
Paro-, wind-, hydraulic films m2. 210. 1,7 357.
Drain system set one 230. 230.
TOTAL 7493.
Warm outline
Thermal insulation of walls and overlaps m2. 530. 2. 1060.
Installing window and door blocks m2. 74. 35. 2590.
TOTAL 3650.
Applied materials on the section
Heater Rosskwool. m2. 530. 2.6 1378.
Wooden window blocks and door blocks m2. 74. 110. 8140.
Foam, fasteners, fittings and other materials set one 230. 230.
TOTAL 9748.
Engineering systems
Installing shields with automata set one 200. 200.
Mounting temporary lighting set one 90. 90.
TOTAL 290.
Applied materials on the section
Electrical installation equipment set one 400. 400.
TOTAL 400.
Folding ceilings "Colding" m2. 320. 12 3840.
Device of antiseptic lag under the floors m2. 180. eight 1440.
Flooring plywood with fastening m2. 180. four 720.
Floor coating device m2. 120. 10 1200.
Facing surfaces with ceramic tiles m2. 89. sixteen 1424.
Painting surface treatment m2. 470. nine 4230.
Installation of stairs, joinery work m2. 180. twenty 3600.
TOTAL 16454.
Applied materials on the section
GLK (complete with fasteners) m2. 320. sixteen 5120.
Edged board m3. 3,4. 120. 408.
Parquet board m2. 120. 34. 4080.
Ceramic tile m2. 89. 25. 2225.
Dry mixes, paints, varnishes and other materials set - - 4700.
TOTAL 16533.
Total cost of work 44 459.
Total cost of materials 48 935.
TOTAL 93 394.

Continuation in the next issue.

The editors thanks Drendrevstroy and RSM Stroy for help in preparing the material.

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