

Electricity in the service of humans - wiring accessories, RCD, counters, designs and installation.

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Fotos: WinFried NRENBERG / Picture Press
The transparent plastic window on the LEGRAND machine gun of the LR 604805 automaton allows you to designate the protected chain.
Automatic switch "House" BA 63 from Schneider
ABB machine gun. The transparent case shows an internal device: a spring spider, a bimetallic plate and an electromagnet



Sections DIN-PEEK to install modules. Rakes are installed in the chassis of the cabinet
Fotos: WinFried NRENBERG / Picture Press

An example of the installation of the electric boiler in the apartment: the built-in locker is "hiding behind the screen", but access to it is not limited.



Differential automata: DA 7786 from Legrand, "House" and Multi 9 Vigi from Schneider Electric belong to the most common category C category


Devices of protective disable "Astro-Uzo": two-pole and four-pole


Two-pole UDO F 362 (ABB) and LR 602 136 (Legrand) open the phase and zero conductors
The four-pole protective disable device (for a three-phase network) from "Astro-Uzo" shows the current leakage current at the moment
Single-phase one-tariff electric meter SO-505 (LAMZ) in a transparent case. The most common electric meter installed in most apartments
Single-phase single-tariff electric meter of CE 6807 b ("Enerometer") is designed for more modern attachment on DIN rail
Electrical cabinet from Schneider, staffed by the Modules of the "House" series and an electric meter "Enerometer". All internal connections are closed with a protective panel or a pantry
Hinged electric cabin on 6 modules with a translucent plastic door from Schneider. In idle you can install the lock
ABB electrical panels set on DIN rails by the modules of protective devices. The front protective panel is conditionally carved, in order to show connecting conductors of different colors and mounting tires installed in the cabinet chassis
Plastic cabinet (ABB) on 6 modules. Veskufa is provided for installation on the screws of the SO-505 sample electric meter (Russia). The door with the rubber seal allows you to install it in small country houses.
Plastic embedded in the wall niche locker to install 12 modules on DIN rail with two translucent doors. Interesting combination of two small electrical cabinets in one common unit
Metal door STJ BL 514 D for electric cabinet model UK-510 (ABB). The customer can choose any color from the proposed gamma according to the company's catalog
The BL 533 D door for the UK-530 series cabinets from AVB is made in the form of a frame for a picture. The color of the frame is selected at the request of the customer from that diversity that the company's catalog offers
Fotos: WinFried NRENBERG / Picture Press
Door BL 532 D Art-Line from ABV for cabinets of the UK-530 series. A wide variety of modern forms and colors allows you to use them in any interior without disturbing the general composite solution.
Door BL 521 D Models UK-520 (AVB). The design of the door frame for the picture makes it easy to update the appearance of the electric cabinet, using a variety of color inserts, for example, under the new wallpaper in the apartment after repair

Since the invention of the electrical engineering light bulb goes ahead with sevenmile steps. Today we do not imagine life without electricity. Avteda, in addition to comfort and amenities, carries and threatening. The danger, first of all, is associated with the possibility of defeating people to the current, in the second - with fires arising from the malfunction of electrical equipment and wiring, not to mention the failure of expensive home appliances. But all this can be avoided if it competently and timely take care of the measures of protection.

Do not think that only a negligent electrician is capable of getting under tension. Each of us can get a blow to electric current, and for this it is not at all necessary to climb into a camshaft or turn the wires. The sensitive blow is easy to get, touching the usual household appliances, the refrigerator, the washing machine IT.D. If the insulation of the current-carrying wire is broken, the electrical appliance body may be substituted. It is not grounded, in the case of touching this device, it will almost certainly hit this instrument. It means that in the interests of electrical safety (its own and their homes), first of all, take care of the ground.

Secondly, from the overload of the network as a result of the inclusion of a large amount of electrical appliances and short circuit (this is an extreme case) the traditional circuit breakers are saved, the progenitors of which were traffic jams.

Finally, the most important question is how to protect yourself from a serious injury, if you touched a conductor under tension, and God forbid in a wet room. Ikak avoid a fire, which is a consequence of current leakage. Special protective shutdown devices (RCO) come to the rescue, which recognize the slightest current leaks and interrupt the power supply of the entire apartment or separate current-carrying wires.

Listed above the device, grounding and mandatory meter (without it, the energy company will not supply voltage) mounted in the electrical panel installed today in all apartments (or on stair cells) and cottages. The cost of "filling" of such a locker at the maximum setting of housing by electrical appliances and care for their health and their own health can be hundreds of dollars. Safety savings are often much more expensive, so that in this review we set out to introduce you to the full range of funds and devices opposing electrical hazards.


As we have already spoken, the basis of electrical safety is grounding. The video file to each instrument designed for 220V, be it a table lamp or TV, should be approached by three conductor: phase, zero and protective. This solution has become already familiar and increasingly replaces the outdated two-wire connection scheme. Phase conductor (L), or in a phase use, is a working conductor under voltage and feeding the consumer. Its necessarily complements the zero conductor, in another way, the working zero (N), or "neutral". Zero protective conductor, or "protective reassembly" (re), ensures network grounding. For him, as a rule, a wire in yellow-green striped isolation is used.

If your home is built after 1998-1999, then, most likely, a protective zero conductor RE, or, as the "special" says, has a protective zero. In place, the wires of the wires are laid from the distribution panel to your apartment: on the lighting - 2 of the conductor, phase and zero (L + N); The group on the sockets 3 of the conductor (L + N + PE); The group on the electroflit- 3 of the conductor (L + N + PE). That is, 3 wires must be outlets, with zero and protective (N and PE) in no case can be connected to a common contact clip on the shield.

If you live in the house of an earlier building, the years of the seventies-eighties, the protective zero on the outlets may not be. Solid side, floor shield, as a rule, grounded. Therefore, it makes sense to invite an electrician from the local Dhaz. He knows exactly whether a reliable grounding is in the shield, and if necessary, it can pave an additional zero protective conductor to one of the sockets, for example, to connect a washing machine.

So, in an urban apartment with a protective rejection more or less clearly. Avota owners of their own home have something to break their heads.

As a rule, the supply to such houses is carried out through the power line of the power line, and the shield in the house is not grounded (and this must be done!). In addition, use the coming zero working N-conductor also as a protective PE conductor is completely unacceptable. When the air transmission line is broken (for example, a tree fell) zero conductor (N) may be under voltage. Then the same voltage value will appear on a protective conductor PE (to which the housings of all household electrical appliances are connected in the idea), and from the protective it will turn into a deadly! Therefore, it is especially important to ground in the cottage. What is needed for this?

First of all, you can use natural earthingers that are able to become:

laid water pipes and other metal pipelines, with the exception of pipelines of combustible liquids, combustible and explosive gases and mixtures, sewage and central heating;

bounty pipes of wells;

Metal and reinforced concrete structures of buildings and structures in contact with the Earth.

If such an opportunity is, it is good to make a removal from them. The removal is equipped only by means of welding, only the necessary section of the cross section is provided. Punching the ground conductor uses strip steel with a cross section of at least 48mm2 with a thickness of at least 4mm or steel corner with a thickness of the shelf is not less than 2.5mm. The strip or corner is paved in the room where the contour of grounding from the steel strip by cross section is at least 24mm2 and a thickness of at least 3mm. Another option: A bolt is welded to the strip (corner), the copper conductor is attached to it (from 2.5mm2), which will be a protective PE conductor.

If the house is wooden, and there are no pipelines, nor wells, you need to make an artificial earthing. This is a very difficult task. In addition, it will have to throw a large amount of soil, it will be necessary to further conduct some calculations and measurements of the electrical resistance of the soil in place. All this work is better to entrust qualified specialists.

The organization of the protective ground is only the first step in providing human and housing electrical safety. The next step in the protection organization can be circuit breakers, or, as they are more often called, automata.

Automatic switches

To begin with, we note that sockets, switches, automation, counters and much more electrical equipment of domestic use are produced in a wide range of a variety of companies. We call only some of them: ABB, AEG, KOPP, BUSCH-Jaeger Electro, Siemens (Germany), Schneider Electric, Legrand (France), "Astro-Uzo" (Russia) IDR.

Manufacturer vendor code Number of poles Rated current, and Current KZ, ka price, rub.
ABB. S231RC16. Single-pole sixteen 4.5 129.
Legrand. 6019. Splots

2 conductors (L + N)

sixteen 6. 302.6
604805 LR Single-pole sixteen 6. 110.
Schneider Electric SE 24403 MULTI 9 Single-pole sixteen 6. 199.
Siemens. 5SQ21700KA10. Single-pole sixteen 4.5 125.3
"InterelectroComplekt" Automatic switch Single-pole sixteen 4.5 45.5.
AEG Automatic switch Single-pole sixteen 6. 129.
Busch-Jaeger Electro Hager MS140. Single-pole 40. 6. 107.
Corriment RCD. Single-pole sixteen 6. 130.

Circuit breakers (automata) - the most widely known and familiar protective device. Designed to protect the chain from short circuit and overload. They replaced the abnormal cork-disposable strokes of electrical protection - 20-30 years ago. Today, the automata are equipped with a special executive mechanism, which directly performs the opening of the electrical circuit.

Most of the modern household circuit breakers presented on the Russian market are combined. They have an electromagnetic and thermal release and can simultaneously protect them from network overloads, and from short circuits (KZ). The electromagnetic release is an electromagnet capable of protecting the chain from a short circuit when the current instantly increases to critical values, 5-10 times (category C) exceeding the nominal indicators. The machine must turn off the chain in order of about 0.01 seconds. The thermal release - bimetallic plate, changing its shape when heated. This element warns critical overloads, accompanied by a significant heating of conductors whose braid can ignore. The machine with such a mechanism with a load exceeding the nominal value by 13% must turn off the chain for an hour.

What is the nature of the danger of electrical current and the consequences of the defeat of them for a person?

The danger of exposure to electric current depends on two factors:

current flow time through human body;

Current forces.

These factors are not connected one with another, the electrician will be greater or less, depending on the value of each of them.

To assess the degree of danger, the curves of the changes of the two parameters value of the current strength and time of exposure are determined. Graphs are shown in the picture.

Danger zones for humans depending on the physiological effects of electric current:

AC1 is usually no reaction;

AC2- No dangerous physiological effects;

AC3-reversible heart rhythm disorders increasing with increasing current and exposure time;

AC4- physiological violations, such as heart stop, respiratory stop, severe burns.

The value of the hazardous current flowing through the human body is estimated as follows: with a direct touch to the current-generating parts at a voltage of about 220V, the current determines the resistance of the human body, it is conventionally equal to 1000 ohms (with the most unfavorable version along the path of the flow / foot). Then the current current is obtained equal to 220 mA. This is a serious electrician, requiring immediate hospitalization.


The danger of fire. The dangers of exposure to electric current are not only people, but also equipment. For him, there is a risk of fire. For example, a current of 500 mA, flowing through combustible materials for some time, is able to cause their ignition. There are always current leaks that may vary significantly depending on the state of the equipment, the time of its operation, the conditions of the environment. Leakage currents pass in metal parts of the structure (pipes, beams and other elements) and heat them, which can cause fire. More than a third of all fires occur due to the ignition of the wiring.

Depending on the response characteristic, the circuit breakers are divided into groups: B, C and D. To protect networks in the housing and communal sector, as a rule, the categories C, since they are universal and are designed for short circuit currents, which are 5-10 times above rated current values. The machines of this category can also be used in circuits that feed electric motors, pumps IT.D. More often in everyday life, more sensitive category B categories are used. They are triggered at currents, 3-5 times larger than the nominal value, and are used in electronics.

The devices of both categories are manufactured with a par value of 6, 10, 13, 16, 20, 25, 32, 40, 50 and 63a. It is important to note that the nominal value of the machine is selected based on the permissible current load of the conductors. That is, the correspondence of the characteristics of the machine and sections of the conductors of the power consumed, which is laid in the project of the electrical installation of the house or apartment.

There are single, two- and three-pole switches. The first put on the opening of the phase (wires under voltage), and they are most often used in apartments and houses. Less often apply two-pole, which are disabled not only the phase, but also zero wire. Atrech-, four-pole machines are designed for a three-phase liner with a voltage of 380V, where three phase wires are wetted in one cable, one zero wire and one protective.

Frequent error - the use of a machine with an overestimated trigger current. Actually, it is not even an error, but a violation. For example, in an old house with a dark wiring, the outlet protects the machine in 10a, and the owner of the apartment acquires a modern electric kettle with a power consumption of 2.2 kW and includes it. What's happening? The machine works. The owner, no longer thinking, replaces the machine to others, with a high current of the operation - on the 16a, and then on 25a (what is the hand to hand). After that, "knock out" the machine will not be. But the network that is initially not designed for such currents will begin to work with great overload. Conductors will overheat. If you are lucky, the circuit breaker will work when, as a result of melting insulation of wires, a short circuit will occur. Although life shows that in such cases it earlier the fire margins.

Modern models of automata are attached to the so-called DIN rail, which is a 35mm width mounting bus, which corresponds to the Unified International Standard. The grune sector such machines will definitely be out (and already displaced) the devices of old sizes that are mounted using screws.

As already mentioned, automata, first of all, protect electrical chains from overloads. Current currents for which switches are calculated - from 6 to 100a. Listening to a person to a conductor under a voltage of 220V with impaired insulation of such currents may not occur. If the resistance of the human body is consecrated to be taken equal to 1000 ohms (when the current flows the current / foot), then the current passing through the body is obtained equal to 220 mA. For a person, this is a serious electrician, the machine does not perceive this value as a short circuit current and the circuit does not turn off. Therefore, to protect a person from accidental damage to electric current, a different device is needed - it is a protective shutdown device.

Protective Disconnectors and Differential Machines

Their active implementation in broad practice began in the sixties and seventies of the last century around the world, especially in Western European countries, in Japan and the United States. To date, the narrow one of all known electric power facilities, which not only ensures the protection of a person from electric shock, but also can escape from fire and fires due to electrical wiring and electrical equipment. In many ways, due to this, insurance companies in assessing the risk determining the insurance amount must necessarily take into account the protective shutdown devices and their technical condition.
Manufacturer Model Number of poles Rated current, and Differential current, ma A type price, rub.
ABB. DS 941 C25. 1p + N. 25. thirty AC 1798.5
Legrand. 7886. 1p + N. sixteen thirty AC 1407.
SE 19665 MULTI 9 1p + N. sixteen thirty AC 1936.
SSHNEIDER ELECTRIC. SE 11474 "House" 1p + N. 25. thirty AC 1427.
Siemens. 5SU13531KV16. 1p + N. sixteen thirty AC 1075.
5SU13531KV40. 1p + N. 40. thirty AC 1075.
Corriment Msv 1p + N. sixteen thirty AC 1669.
Busch-Jaeger Electro Hager AD007A 1p + N. sixteen thirty AC 829.
Manufacturer Model Number of poles Rated current, and Differential current, ma A type price, rub.
ABB. F 362. Two-pole 25. thirty AC 1198.5
F 372. Two-pole 25. thirty BUT 1866.7
Legrand. LR 602 136. Two-pole 25. thirty AC 876.
8909. Two-pole 25. thirty AC 990.
Schneider. SE 11450. Two-pole 25. thirty AC 906.
Siemens. 5SM13140. Two-pole 25. thirty AC 938.
Corriment RCD. Two-pole 25. thirty AC 1243.

Extras are found online, calculated on two rated voltages (the active voltage value, in which the efficiency of the device is ensured) - 220 and 380V, as well as nominal currents in 6; sixteen; 25; 40; 63; 80; 100; 125a, which the device can skip a long time. Obviously, the choice of the device on the first parameter depends on how voltage in your network, while the rated current is determined by the power that household appliances in the protected chain consumes. The estimated calculation of the power consumption was given in the "Home Energy" article.

The nominal disconnecting differential current is the most important for the consumer the protective shutdown device parameter. The stash point of view we are talking about the strength of the leakage current, which causes a shutdown of the UDO under the specified operating conditions (0.006; 0.01; 0.03; 0,1; 0.3; 0,5A). That is, when such a drowing current occurs, the chain will instantly dispel. For wet rooms, sanitary cabin, bathrooms and shower, - if a separate line is highlighted on them, it is recommended to use the RCD with a 10 mA trigger current. Increased cases, even for street sockets, it is allowed to use the RCD with a current of the operation of 30 mA. Separately, to increase the level of protection against fire on entering into an apartment or an individual house, experts recommend installing an RCD with a current of operation of 300 mA.

Reliability and quality of the UZO are determined by the short circuit current - 3000, 4500, 6000, 10,000a (this parameter is sometimes called "resistance to short circuit currents"). The higher the specified value, the more reliably your protective shutdown device will be.

Principle of operation of Uzo.


The phase conductor (L) and the "neutral" (N) pass through the C1 core in such a way that the electromagnetic fields are oppositely directed by them. Subject to the absence of leaks in the chain, these fields are equal and compensated for each other.

If a leak occurs, a current in the core winding occurs (since the currents that current on the conductors N and L are not equal and their fields are not mutually compensated). The value of this current is assessed by the relay of the difference current K2. When a certain threshold, the relay causes the chain interruption.

The differential device (UZO) constantly compares the current flowing through the phase wire (to the electrospode), with a current flowing through "neutral" (from an electrical appliance). In the case when the difference of these currents reaches a life-threatening value, the device turns off the supply voltage. This means that if a person comes to a bare wire or a faulty electrical apparer and through it to the "Earth" flows current, the difference in currents (leakage) will appear. The device immediately triggers and turns off the voltage chain. And the time of operation of the UZO is so small that the current will not have time to cause damage to health.

There are two types of differential disabling devices: AC and A. The difference between them lies in the sensitivity of these devices to a direct current appearing in a conventional network variable under the influence of household appliances. The AU type UDO has a special designation on the housing of a sinusoid in a rectangle. It is sensitive only to the variable (sinusoidal) current leak, while the washing machines with a speed regulator, adjustable light sources, video recorders, computers, audio engineering distort, straighten with sinusoid and are the sources of the pulsating current. Casting conditions of the UZO type of ac sharply loses sensitivity, which means that the ability to reliably protect a person from lesion to the current. Here, type A devices react to both variables and damage pulsing currents (leakage currents with a constant component). Such urozo is more expensive than the UZO type of ac, by 20-50%, but for groups of sockets, and for groups of lighting, it is desirable to apply them.

The protective shutdown devices of both types (AC and A) exist either in the variant S (selective) or in normal design. Execution S (type A or AC) implies triggering with time delay. Used when you need to give extra time for the priority response of other protective devices or automata.

You can check the operation of the newly installed or long-standing Uzo by clicking on the "Test" button, which is on the front panel of most devices (in addition to the on-shut-down lever). When you click on this button, the disconnecting differential current is created. If the Uzo is properly, it should turn off. Such test manufacturers are recommended monthly. After the uniform and troubleshoot is triggered, the device is again brought into the operating status of the inclusion lever.

Protective differential devices can be installed in the already existing distribution cabinet of the apartment, one device with a rating of 30 mA for all dwelling. This option is relatively cheap, but does not allow to determine the place of leakage, and, in addition, when the RCD is triggered, the entire apartment remains without light. A much more progressive decision, to which it makes sense to strive, is to install multiple protective differential devices to individual lines. Way case wiring is divided into independent branches serving various consumer groups. For example, it is possible to such an alignment: individual branches per group of sockets, on lighting, on a group of power vehicles (washing machine, electric stove), a separate branch on the bathroom and shower.

Each group should be monitored by its circuit breaker and its UzO. To do this, each group should be laid independent (ranging from the distribution shield) of the wire for the phase (1 to 220V or 3 to 380V), for neutral N and for grounding PE. The presence of a separate grounding wire, as we have already spoken, increases the level of security.

With this detail, it is possible to fully realize stepwise or selective protection, the principle of which is to be able to accurately determine which device caused leakage, and turn off only it. The nominal (nominal disconnecting differential current) each subsequent from the input of electricity to the home of protection is selected to the stage below (or even less), but can never be more! In other words, if an Uzo, designed for a leakage current of 30 mA, is set to the apartment, then the Uzo, intended for the branch of the bathroom, kitchen or separately washing machine, should be calculated on 10 or 6 mA. When this condition is fulfilled in the critical situation, the protective device will be performed, nearest to the fault site. For example, when malfunction in the electric stove will work the RCD in the electrical stove circuit. All other lines, including lighting, will remain in working mode. To protect before object, it is guaranteed to work first, an Uzo is mounted on an introductory-camshaft device, acting with some time delay (about 0.1-0.5 seconds), that is, the RCD in S-selective execution.

While protecting against leakage currents, the RCD has a narrow specialization and in no way can replace the circuit breaker. Protection against overload or short circuit is a versatile circuit breaker, which must be installed to protect the electrical circuit and the differential device itself. For example, the UZO with a nominal operating current of 25a must be protected by a machine, which has no more than 25a.

In order not to have a need to purchase many different automata and the UZO, the manufacturers have created and released devices with integrated short-circuit protection and overload-differential machines. This is a kind of hybrid of the circuit breaker and the Uzo in one case. An example of such devices can serve as a MULTI 9 series from Schneider, RCD from KOPP, DS 941 from ABB, as well as Legrand appliances. And the latter even have transparent plastic pockets for the convenience of marking the protected chain. The presence of differential automata in the market has significantly simplified the life of consumers who now do not think about the harmonization of the electrical parameters of the Uzo and the circuit breaker.

The differential automaton opens the electrical circuit when exposed to it of any of the three fault factors:

short circuit (coils with a core react to it);

overload current (bimetallic plates triggered);

Differential leakage current (in this case, a magnetoelectric release is valid).

Typical flat electrical panel circuit using Uzo and circuit breakers 1. Tibal case

2. Connecting element of zero working conductors

3. Connecting element of zero protective conductors

4. UzO for leakage current 30 mA

5. Automatic switches

6. RCD on leakage current 10 mA

7. Electricity meter

8. Lines of group chains

Protection against thunderstorm and induced overvoltages. Dischargers

The overvoltage is impulse excess of the nominal network voltage, the voltage jump when lightning strikes (can reach 15 kV). Overvoltage and, as a result, failure of wiring, equipment and instruments, fires may occur on the network in the following cases:

The direct impact of high-voltage atmospheric discharge, at the points of direct lightning point, there is a strong current in conducting elements.

Direct blow at one point. It is able to cause overvoltages from a distance from a few hundred meters to several kilometers from the lightning strike. Spreading the power grids, IT pipelines, the impulse of overvoltage falls inside the buildings and displays electrical equipment.

Punch lightning to the ground. The surge surgery on the grounding conductor can spread through grounding.

The entrance of the operation of electric motors (in the elevators of apartment buildings, IT.D pumps) is likely to appear in the network of houses of high-voltage discharges of non-vitial origin.

The overvoltage between the power grid and the earth can completely disable electrical protection. Overvoltage that occurred between the phase conductor and the "neutral" damages electrical equipment (audio video equipment and computers). In the case, the case cuts off the protective shutdown when the voltage is exceeded in the network. Devices that allow such a shutdown are called arresters (or overvoltage limiters). The main task of the discharge is to force the overvoltage pulse to the ground, therefore, in the device case, it is possible to connect a grounding conductor with a cross section from 10mm2 or more. The arresters are mounted immediately behind the introductory circuit breaker and are mandatory connected to the terminal "Earth" of the electrical panel.

All arresters certainly have an operating status indicator. After one or two triggers (lightning strikes), the device from ABB and Schneider is subject to replacement, which will indicate the indication of the LED on the front panel. Learning from these arresters, Legrand devices consist of a base and operating module. This is especially convenient for four-pole arresters on a network designed for 380V (protection of three phases and grounding), since it is possible to replace only one of the four modules.

Among the devices of Russian producers, the arresters of the brand of the OPN-12 / 0.4 of the company "Astro-Uzo" are known. Calculated for the maximum current up to 10 ka and voltage up to 1200V, they allow to reduce overvoltage to a safe value at which there is no breakdown of electrical equipment insulation.

Useful advice

Do not save on the conductor. Correctly chosen cable (wire) from copper will not prevent any surprises, 50 years old you can sleep well.

It is absolutely unacceptable to connect directly copper and aluminum, use mounting pads.

You can not save on protection equipment. A good machine, a circuit or differential machine cannot cost cheap.

Avoid connecting multi-voltage conductors under the screw (for example, in the meters).

When using a three-phase network for powering equipment, an individual working zero should be pazed to each phase.

It is impossible to allow breaks in the ground highway. All connections should be performed only in parallel, without damaging the main grounding line.

A few words about electric meters

As a rule, foreign manufacturers that produce devices for installation on a DIN rail must be included in its model range of electrical instruments - ammeters, voltmeters and electrical counters. However, before purchasing a corporate electric meter that faced you, it is necessary to get in the local supplier of electricity supplier - "Energy sales" consent to its installation in your apartment or in the house. The apacks of each newly installed electric meter enters the balance of such an organization, it overspending over it, assumes the responsibilities for its repair and maintenance, then all models of electric meters, Russian and imported, are necessarily certified and only after its successful completion is recommended for widespread use.

Domestic electric meters "Incotect" (Moscow), Lamz (St. Petersburg), Mytishchi Forer plant are widely represented on the market. They are available at a price and mounted in the shield in the traditional method - on the screws. But today the modules installed on the DIN rail practically disapplied all others. It would be very convenient to have an electric meter with the possibility of installing on a DIN rail, for example, a certified model of DAN 2902 Delta, which ABB manufactures at the Moscow Plant "Metronik". I would like to note that among Russian electric meters there are installed on a DIN rail. This, let's say a single-phase model of CE 6807 B-1 and a three-phase CE 6807 B-2 Stavropol Plant "Eneromera".

Manufacturer Model Description price, rub.
Avv. BL 531 D. Color "Aluminum" with frame for painting 8601.
STJ BL 514 D Color "Anthracite metallic" 1950.
BL 532 D. Door Art Line 8754.
BL 533 D. Color "Burgundy Metallic" with frame for painting 2158.
Schneider. SE 10331 Opaque, for the mounted cabinet "House" 207.6
SE 10305. Transparent, for the embedded locker "House" 207.6
Manufacturer Model Description price, rub.
Avv. Dan 2502. Two-tie, class 2, 220/400 V (65 A) 12943.
Dan 2902. SingleTarithic, class 2, 220/400 V (65 A) 10200.
Lamz SO-505 Single-phase, one-tariff, class 2, 10-40 A 645.
Co-ee6706 Single-phase one idarity, class 2, 10-40 A, transparent case 645.
"ENERGOMER" CE 68 07 B On DIN rail, single-phase, one-tariff, 5-50 A 1260.
CE 6803V. On DIN rail, three-phase, one idarithric, 10-100 A 2628.
Mytishchinsky factory CE 6807 B-1 Single-phase, one-tariff, class 2, 50 A 975.
CE 6807 B. Single-phase, two-timer, class 2, 50 A 1178.
CA4-I678. Three-phase, one idaric, 50-100 A 2309.

Distribution shields

And now, finally, we came to the time when the scheme of the protection of the power grid of your home is already chosen, all protective modules have been purchased, their number and models are determined. Now the devices constituting the scheme you are built, you need to install somewhere (hide). For this company Schneider, Siemens, ABV and some others produce plastic shield hulls that ensure high user security and ideally fit in the interior of an apartment or at home. For example, ABB supplies a plastic case of a model 13204 to the Russian market, designed for 12 modular blocks, in which a special place is provided for installation on the screws of the Russian electric meter model SO-505. The housings of all shields are performed from self-refining plastic, which does not conduct an electric current. The design of the housings is such that completely eliminates random access to the current parts.

Unified components are used for convenience of installing equipment in shields:

DIN rails that are mounted all equipment;

Terminal tires - for the convenience of docking the conductors;

comb - for the simplicity of switching several installed devices;

Side plugs - protective caps that serve to insulate outdoor current parts;

Protective-decorative panels that fully cover the mounting wires inside the cabinet case.

Cases of shields can be supplied in a mounted and embedded performance. Hinged housings are mounted on the wall and are used, as a rule, for open wiring. Built-in shields are installed in a wall niche and usually used for hidden wiring. Kccupus can pick up a transparent or matte door and a mortise lock. A huge variety of decorative doors for lockers will not leave anyone indifferent.

When choosing a electric boiler should be taken into account that manufacturers are recommended, to create favorable conditions for the electrical equipment, to provide up to 30% of the free volume inside the box. In addition, in the future, this unoccupied volume makes it possible to establish some additional equipment (when modernizing the power grid).

Manufacturer Model Number of modules Description price, rub.
SSHNeider. SE 10322 "House" 24. Hinged, without doors 390.
SE 13942 MINI PRAGMA 24. Embedded cabinet, transparent door 800.6
SE 13912 MINI PRAGMA 24. Hinged cabinet, opaque door 865.6
Siemens. 8GV11031. 36. Built-in, for hidden wiring 1590.
8GV13011. 12 Hinged, for open wiring 596.7
8GV13031. 36. Hinged, for open wiring 1536.8.
Avv. 12044. 24. Built-in, with a translucent horizontal door 927.
12742. 2-4 Wall-mounted boxing with a translucent horizontal door, dustless, for outdoor installation 384.7
13204. 12 Hinged cabinet, transparent door, place for meter co-505 1363.
"Interomplekt" Shrn-12Z. 12 Hinged metal cabinet with lock 397.5

Who to contact?

Recently, there have been a lot of firms engaged in the installation of electrical equipment and performing the entire complex of electrical work. By entering into an agreement with such a firm, you should pay attention to the presence of a license confirmed by Energonadzor.

To connect home appliances it makes sense to contact the seller's service center.

Adla gaskets of the zero protective conductor when connected, for example, a new washing machine, without meaning the full modernization of the wiring in the apartment, you can invite a representative of the service organization (DEZ, Wheck IT.D.).

The editorial board thanks the Crocus-Trade company and an accredited LEGRAND office in Russia for help in the preparation of material.

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