Fisherman hut


A two-storey house of 84 m2 at a plot of 1500 m2, on which the picturesque pond is located - a place for secluded reflections.

Fisherman hut 14010_1

Fisherman hut

Fisherman hut
The track leading to the house and part of the territory are not familiar with pebbles, and wooden dies
Fisherman hut
Antique buffet of the early last century makes the atmosphere at home more reliable, convinces us that all this is not a game of fishing hut, but a natural continuation and rethinking her style
Fisherman hut
Living room room, terrace, an overlooking the woods of the forest merge into a single integer. The building as if he was about the surrounding landscape. ITEPER, when the sandy shores of the pond frightened the grass, it is difficult to believe that the water is not natural at all, but the man-made
Fisherman hut
A small hallway connects the living room and a kitchen, from which you can get into the room of the bath. Here, in the hallway, there is a beautiful spiral staircase leading to the second floor, in the bedroom
Fisherman hut
An open fireplace today is used not as often because its cassette fellows are cheaper and safer in operation. But in it you can even cook food on the outdoor fire.
Fisherman hut
Thanks to the furniture made specifically for this room, tiny kitchen looks unusually cozy. An interesting element is a shelf above the windows, running around the entire perimeter. It feels a beloved in these places. Clay utensils
Fisherman hut
The hosts decided not to lay out all the walls of the shower ceramic tiles, it is expensive, and does not mean a common style. Limited to one corner
Fisherman hut
Although you can run out of the bath straight to the pond, the owners still decided to install inside a barrel with cold water. The barrel is connected to the sewage and water supply, so in it, regardless of external weather conditions, always clean water of the desired temperature

Fisherman hut

Fisherman hut
Elements of the Japanese decor do not look like alien here, do not seem to be tribute to fashion. The impression is that they are created for this corner in this house in the water
Fisherman hut
The bedroom on the second floor looks very restrained. The only thing that decorates this room, besides the wooden ceiling floors, is the wallpaper with sailboats. Such a decor is not chosen by chance - in the youth of the owner dreamed of becoming a sailor
Fisherman hut
Floor plan
Fisherman hut
Plan of the second floor

Fisherman hut

Fisherman hut

Fisherman hut
The door of the bath is collected from individual boards connected to each other forged nails and slats. In addition to beauty, such a door has another very important property, it is rather severe and, therefore, will not open from each draft. The root at the entrance is originally performed. Here is a specially selected flat stone

If you live with a rapid sea for a long time, sometimes I really want to look at quiet water. People, in the pond, water always keeps the reflection of the house standing on the very shore. Ito first, which you see every time, returning from the sea, and the heart is filled with peace ...

Fisherman hut
So I want to sit down on these wooden carriages, the arms of the legs into serene stationary waterproof the sake of saying that this romantic idea is to build a house on the shore of a quiet dark pond, it appeared at the hosts under the action of certain circumstances. The fact is that part of the house territory, where they decided to put the bath, turned out to be very low and wetlands. Therefore, before anything at this place to erect, it was required to dry. Of course, it was possible to act with standard methods: pour land, make a drainage system. But the architects of Vita Polkovnikov and Inina Kulikovskaya offered another option: to dug a big pond, thus drying up, thus adjacent territories, and on his shore a guest house with a bath. The idea was approved, and construction began. Only not as usual, from the foundation bookmark, but from the organization of the pond.

Fisherman hut
Despite the decorative species, the pond is actively used in their direct intended purpose. For lovers, refreshing after the steam room is a separate way out of the bath, and the descent to water is equipped with a wooden Lestenkaprold has a g-shaped. For a longer part of his part, he looks at his glass archer the front facade of the house, and the smaller seems to be counting behind the corner, and the windows of the bath are published. Naturally, from Erker, and from the bathhouse is equipped with separate outputs directly to water. The shores of the pond are made in the form of an embankment from the sandbrene mixture. Only where there is a house that goes into the water (under the wooden flooring) of the wall and part of the coast are concreted and lined with a natural stone of local origin. The depth of the pond is about two meters. It is filled with water naturally by the groundwater located here very close to the surface. The apack pond is not just dug in the ground, but has bulk sandy shores and the bottom, problems with unnecessary water vegetation the owners managed to avoid. However, from time to time it still has to be cleaned, and this is perhaps the only trouble that he delivers. All other emotions associated with the pond are extremely positive.

Fisherman hut
In the dark it seems that the house stands on the island. Arazva is not romantic to live on your own, even if it's very small, a piece of sushi among the water? .. I created a special, quiet and thoughtful atmosphere on the plot, which determined the style of the house. He resembles traditional fishing huts for these places, but he carries and printing the minimalist simplicity inherent in Japanese residents rather. The authors of the project say they did not seek accuracy to recreate some particular architectural style, but only borrowed the most suitable details for this case literally from everywhere. In addition, the most important element is built by a huge glass erker already during the construction, when the owners suddenly seemed that the living room with a massive fireplace would look too close and need to be increased. The apack at that time the main carrier walls were already erected, I had to come up with a remote glass element, which ultimately lived a house very much and visually facilitated the massive cutting structure.

It should be noted that the design of the house is extremely simple. The foundation forms a concrete plate lying on a bulk sandbreaker with a thickness of 50 cm. The building itself, as already mentioned, is a wooden log house from the local ate. Interesting detailed: all its logs are not milling, but manually oat. The peculiarity of their processing is that they are not round and not square, but have two flat and two rounded parties. Thus, the walls of the house outside and inside are flat, and not standard for cutting out the convex form. The slots between the logs are embedded with natural moss. The short side of the construction is not covered with anything, but only treated with special wood oil Tree Oil (Norway). From the use of a cheaper protective varnish, it is less durable and can crack from the temperature drop. It is clear that if water falls into such a crack, the tree will darken or even start rotting.

Fisherman hut
Even when the windows are closed, it seems that you sit right on the street, in the water. AESLI Glass walls of the Erker are spread, the room is filled with the noise of the surf and the salted sea aircraft is covered with traditional for fishing huts with reed. This material has a lot of advantages: it is environmentally friendly, it does not cause allergies, naturally resistant to dampness, very easy and relatively cheap. However, in order to make the right roof from the canthage, you need to know some subtleties of its styling. First, the roof should have a bias of more than 35. Secondly, only annual plants are suitable for its device, the stems of which have a length of 1.5-2.2 m. And finally, it is necessary to be able to reliably fix the reed oakhas on the inclined plane. To do this, it should first fill horizontal rails on the rook rafters, and then with a copper wire or a hen rope to tie my reed to them. Moreover, the lower part of the stems must necessarily be beyond the roof of 2-4 cm. Only then water will freely drain from the roof without falling onto its wooden parts. The copper wire as a more modern and durable material is used for fastening. By the way, the service life of the reed roof, contrary to the problem, rather prolonged, from 50 to 90 years.

The internal layout of the building is not more complicated its design, and the set of rooms is common for a bath-guest house. On the first floor there is a living room with a fireplace, a kitchen, a bathroom and a bath with a locker room and a shower room equipped with a separate outdoor access to the street. At the same time, the living room, the noticeable part of which is the same glass erker, double and has a height of two floors. On the second floor, which in the area is almost twice as smaller than the first, a bedroom and a recreation corner are located on the domestic balcony. By the way, this is a small, but very exquisite room is the only one in the house, from where the sea is seen through the glass erker, the trees are blocked on the first floor.

The kitchen, the living room and the bedroom practically do not have interior decoration. Werettened pine walls, gender and ceiling. True, in the bedroom, one of the walls is saved by wallpaper with a romantic pattern, but in the color scheme they also fit into the overall tone. The bath is covered with aspen wagon, and the bathroom and shower - water-resistant plasterboard followed by a tile facing.

Since the house was built on the already mastered area, with life support systems, there were no problems: the sewerage, and water supply, and electricity were already supplied. The only question that was to decide is heating. As a rule, at home a small area is quite easy to protrude with a cassette fireplace, by compulsory air convection. But in this bath the fireplace is not a cassette, but an open type, and therefore his efficiency is obviously lower. But it is very large, so also allows you to warm the whole house. Yes, the first floors are equipped with warm electric floors. Thus, even despite the large area of ​​glazing, the house turned out so warm that, arriving for a couple of days in winter, the owners stop in it, and not in a big house, to warm which is much longer and more expensive.

If you turn to the financial side of the case, it can be said that such an architectural excess, as a terrace over water, has not particularly increased the cost of the project. It was not the main item to increase costs, but an aircraft glazing, made by individual order (two-chamber double-glazed windows in wooden frames), and an open fireplace.

Only one thing can be said about the site: its main decoration is the same man-made pond. The rest of the territory is a typical forest belt near the sea: a few adult trees and grass in half with sand. The side of the part where the site goes outside, a small number of colors and flowering shrubs landed. The owners are quite suitable, because they fell in love with this place for strict ascetic beauty. Aproy only added to him the charm and, as the exact touch, completed the perfect picture of the landscape, is a weathered or in Japanese, or in the Baltic style.

Terrace over water

The terrace hanging right above the water is a very beautiful architectural image. But in order to correctly implement this idea, you must take into account several key moments. The first one is the choice of material. In order for the boards that are constantly over the water, they have not rejected and do not rot, it is necessary to abandon inexpensive ate and choose some more solid waterproof tree.

In the case, this is a larch, but you can take, for example, and oak. The second point is the stability of the design of the floor. The fact is that the bottom in this man-made pond is sandy, and hence, not too dense, asking. Piles, driven into such a soil, will inevitably drive around, and the flooring lying on them will be done.

Therefore, piles here are only a supporting element, and the main load falls onto the concrete wall of the pond from the house and the protruding part of the basement concrete plate. At the same time above the water "hanging" only wooden flooring, and a concrete plate serving the foundation is entirely on the shore, that is, as the whole house, rests on solid soil. It is necessary to pay attention to, the choice of material for piles and water-repellent wood processing. In the case of pile, made of oak and missed the resin, similar to the one that is used for the processing of boats. The same material is processed and wood flooring itself, but only from the inside.

Instead of resin, you can use Olif.

It remains only to add that, even taking into account all the listed measures, the service life of such a flooring does not exceed 7-10 years, and he may lose even earlier.

Enlarged calculation of the cost of work and materials for the construction of the house with a total area of ​​58m2

Name of works Units. change Number of Price, $ Cost, $
Foundation work
Takes up axes, layout, development and recess m3. 36. eighteen 648.
Soil refinement manually, reverse fusion, soil seal m3. eight 7. 56.
Device of rubber base, pre-work and horizontal waterproofing m2. 79. eight 632.
Formwork, reinforcement, concreting (slab foundation, including terrace) m3. 83. 60. 4980.
Caution lateral isolation m2. 35. 2.8. 98.
TOTAL 6414.
Applied materials on the section
Concrete heavy m3. 83. 62. 5146.
Crushed stone granite, clamzit, sand m3. 23. 28. 644.
Hydrosteclozol, bitumen-polymer mastic m2. 160. 2.8. 448.
Rental of steel, fittings, knitting wire T. 0.9 390. 351.
Formwork Shields, Lumber, Nails, Other Materials set one 180. 180.
TOTAL 6769.
Walls (box)
Preparatory work, installation and dismantling of scaffolding m2. 90. 3.5 315.
Cutting walls from timber m3. 32. 110. 3520.
Overlapping device m2. 84. fifteen 1260.
Terrace and supporting structures m2. 34. 29. 986.
TOTAL 6081.
Applied materials on the section
Lumber (timber, edging board, larch, spruce) m3. 46. 160. 4600.
Lumber (oak) m3. 2.6 430. 1118.
Natural resin L. 90. 7. 630.
Fasteners and other materials set one 210. 210.
TOTAL 6558.
Roofing device
Installation of the rafter design m2. 73. eight 584.
Installation of trim and skate shields m2. 73. four 292.
Enderbutting of eaves, soles, device of frontones m2. 36. eleven 396.
The device of the calane vaporizolation m2. 73. 1,4. 102.
Canthem Coating Device m2. 73. eight 584.
Installation of the drain system rm. M. 21. eight 168.
TOTAL 2126.
Applied materials on the section
Cancama natural m2. 73. nine 657.
Vaporizolation and wind-hydro-proof film m2. 73. 1.9 139.
Sawn timber m3. 2,4. 120. 288.
Plywood waterproof m2. 73. 4.8. 351.
Drainage system, fasteners and other materials set one 250. 250.
TOTAL 1685.
Warm outline
Isolation of walls, coatings and overlaps insulation m2. 126. 2. 252.
Filling opening windows and door blocks m2. 48. 35. 1680.
TOTAL 1932.
Applied materials on the section
Insulation isover m2. 126. 2.6 328.
Wooden window blocks (two-chamber glass) m2. 34. 160. 5440.
Wooden Door Blocks, Fittings and Other Materials PC. 7. - 1580.
TOTAL 7348.
Engineering systems
Installation of water supply and sewage systems (connection, wiring, installation of instruments) set one 2700. 2700.
Device fireplace set one 2650. 2650.
Installation of floor heating system set one 380. 380.
Electric installation work set one 2100. 2100.
TOTAL 7830.
Applied materials on the section
Ensto floor heating system (Finland) set one 700. 700.
Fireplace set one 1600. 1600.
Equipment for sauna (Finland) set one 2200. 2200.
Plumbing and electrical equipment, heating and installation devices set one 3700. 3700.
TOTAL 8200.
Facing the surfaces of GLCs m2. 32. 12 384.
Surface treatment with protective composition (facade) m2. 116. 4,2 487.
Facing surfaces with ceramic tiles m2. 79. sixteen 1264.
Flooring device (board) m2. 36. fourteen 504.
Installation of inter-stairs set one 600. 600.
Installation of decorative elements m2. 58. nineteen 1102.
High-quality surface treatment and decorative elements m2. 58. 21. 1218.
TOTAL 5559.
Applied materials on the section
GLK (complete with mounting elements and fasteners) m2. 32. sixteen 512.
Plotted board m2. 36. 23. 828.
Ceramic tile, decorative stone (Italy, Spain) m2. 79. 29. 2291.
Decorative elements, primers, mixtures and other materials set one 2390. 2390.
TOTAL 6021.
Total cost of work 29940.
Total cost of materials 36580.
TOTAL 66520.

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