Warm welcome


In winter, so I want warmth! Mobile electric heaters will come to the revenue. The main thing is not to be mistaken with their choice.

Warm welcome 14156_1

Warm welcome
Horizontal layout fan heater in the "classic" version from a binatone - a very compact device with a low noise level, which will suit any modern interior
Warm welcome
In the heat and fan of Sprinto 2400 from Rowenta, the flow of heated air is adjustable in height. With random tipping, automatically shutdown the device
Warm welcome
Manufacturers are farther and further leave boring colors, making heaters with the real element of the decor. Evidence is an elegant silver, which attracts attention to the model from Binatone
Warm welcome
In the x-tenso desktop heater from Rowenta power by 20% more than standard models (2kW). And noise level remains at the same level
Warm welcome
This model from Delonghi with a rotating fan has a splash protection and can be installed in the bathroom.

Warm welcome

Warm welcome
In the heat-fan from Honeywell, the control panel is placed under the slam of the lid and is not available for children. Hyd air flow can be manually directed up / down
Warm welcome
"Hybrid" fan heater and convector in mobile version from Delonghi is equipped with a room thermostat

Warm welcome

Warm welcome
Desktop fan heater with a ceramic heating element from EWT has a folding air filter that is easy to clean
Warm welcome
The oil-filled closed radiator from the OLEO series from Rowenta has large rear wheels for stability and small front-on-maneuverability. In the device there is a built-in moisturizer
Warm welcome
The radiator with a metal casing from UFESA has rounded corners, large plastic wheels. Channels formed between the surface of the casing and edges of the sections create a craving that allows you to speed up the circuit of cold and warm air streams
Warm welcome
Radiators with a solid BRAVO body from UFESA heat air through and heating, and convection
Warm welcome
SCARLETT heaters are equipped with a comfortable carrying handle ...
Warm welcome
... and the original color gamut instruments will revive the interior
Warm welcome
UFESA If you are constantly experiencing discomfort from cut-in air, take care of the models with a built-in humidifier - a small removable capacity where water can be addressed
Warm welcome
Infrared heater AD-H900R from AirComfort and step thermostat
Warm welcome
FINNWIK Series Thermal Gun can be used as a device for constant heating

Mobile sources of heating in our apartments is the necessary thing. On the street, the autumn cold, and the strong frosts are not far from the mountains, during which the central heating that sin is thawing, fulfills his duties rather with the coolness than "with a light". Avteda so want warmth! All sorts of portable electrical heaters will come to revenue. The main thing is not to be mistaken with their choice. Other ways in your house will be warm and cozy.

Air forces

Faced with the problem of a shortage or lack of heat in the apartment, you are unlikely to beat the electric heating floors or an autonomous heating system. It is long, expensive and fraught with another number of worries. The easiest option is the acquisition of a mobile heater. Household electrical appliances of this class still "erect" and reliably depart us and our households in a cold time. But before gideways to the store for heaters, let's deal with what they happen, we will estimate their capabilities, dignity and disadvantages. It's good to understand what The type of device will be the most efficient for each room at home.

Immediately decide that it will be about electrical appliances. Electricity we still have enough cheap, and for urban apartments an equivalent alternative is still not there. According to the type of heat transfer, electrical heaters can be divided into radiating, convection and combined, and according to the method of heat exchange - on accumulation devices and devices directly transforming electricity to heat.

Why is it important how the heater transmits the heat of the air of your apartment? The fact is that warm air is lighter than cold and therefore is going under the ceiling. On our own share the sharp layer falls. And the temperature difference between the floor zone and the ceiling zone, of course, is not too comfortable. The change in temperature per unit of height is called a temperature gradient. This indicator may vary in fairly wide limits. For example, in rooms with high ceilings (3-3,5m), the temperature difference in the air layers "habitats" and in the ceiling area sometimes is 5-8C. But the situation can be changed, if you correctly select the type of heating system. So you cut the temperature difference, and therefore reduce thermal losses and make heated more efficient and cost-effective.

Another significant factor capacity of the heater. It is from it that it depends whether the device will be able to heat the air in the room to a comfortable temperature. To navigate when buying, you can use simple and easily memorable rule: 1kW for every 10m2 area or 30m3 volume. This refers to rooms with a ceiling height up to 3m, with normal thermal insulation. For heating rooms, it is advisable to select devices in such a way that there is some power supply in case of passing frost. In other words, for a 15-meter room you can buy a power heater with a power of 2kvt. If there are two windows or one of the walls in the room is an external, heat consumption increases by 0.2kW to 1M2.

The most common types of electrical heaters for home are fan heaters, oil radiators, infrared devices and convectors. Each group solves its tasks, applied to the size of the room and the conditions of operation of thermal equipment.

Fan heaters

If you need to quickly warm the room or in the shortest possible time to bring the temperature in it to comfortable, it is difficult to think an alternative to thermal electrovents. It is enough to press the button, and in the blink of an eye you get a stream of hot air. Fan heaters are the cheapest and very simple heating appliances. As a rule, they are a plastic housing, inside which the fan is mounted that blows the spiral heating element. Fan heaters contribute to forced air circulation and accelerate heat exchange. Depending on the model to heat the room with an area of ​​10 to 20m2 (if we talk about the volume, then it is a maximum of 60m3 with a ceiling height of 2.7 m) for 10-15 minutes.

Today in stores you can find fan heaters with a capacity of 1000, 1500 and 2000 W from Honeywell (USA), Rowenta, Supra (France), Ufesa (Spain), Thomas, EWT (Germany), Delonghi, Atmor (Israel), General (Italy), Ballu (Taiwan), Thermobalt (Finland), Binatone, Polaris, Dimplex (United Kingdom), Unit (Austria), etc. Prices for such equipment are not raised above $ 60. Cheaper than other models with a thin open spiral ($ 20-40). Their main disadvantage is an overly high temperature of the heating element, as a result of which the smell of burned dust appears and oxygen is burned in the room, which is not too promoted to comfortable accommodation. Yes, and a spiral in 2-3 years intensive operation can overcome.

Recently, most manufacturers have models with a spiral pinned in ceramic plates. Devices with a planing agent serve significantly longer than their "relatives" with a thin spiral and are not heated so much (up to 200 ° C), almost without burning dust and non-overpowering air. True, at the same time, a little more noisy (30-35 dBs against 15-25 dB), because in ceramic models, the air flow is driven by a fan through narrow channels formed by plates. However, even this difference in the noise level will be practically invisible for you: both the other indicators are comparable to the weak background sound of the street outside the window. In general, all modern models from any manufacturers work almost silently, and rather, the loudly included TV from the neighbors behind the wall should be feared. The cost of ceramic fan heaters is higher, but slightly (at $ 10-20). Let's say, the model KRP-2 from General will have to pay $ 35, and for UCH-9398 from Unit- $ 30.

The temperature gradient is an indicator of the increment of the temperature in the room per unit is height, expressed in degrees Celsius per meter. The lower the indicator, the more comfortable for a person. The smallest temperature gradient creates radiating infrared panels (0.3c / m). For convectors, this indicator is approximately 1.7c / m, for heat fans and oil radiators, 2.5 ° C. Of course, the temperature difference can be reduced by heat floors or stationary heating instruments (say, infrared panels or moldings). But if we talk exactly about mobile heaters, the most affordable heat sources, which provided by them the difference in temperatures in 2-3c will not cause tangible harm to your comfort. To prevent sharp temperature fluctuations, the devices are better to have it where the cold air is seeping: near the window, in front of the entrance doors IT.D.

The instruments of this row are especially good for installation in a one-room apartment or room with an area of ​​10-15m2. In addition, fan heaters are the most compact from all electrical heaters. Even the horizontal layout models (resembling a rectangle, laid plastics), for example FH-950E from Honeywell, do not take away a lot of space, and find the corner for them will be possible in the closest and tightly forced room. Most of the fan heaters has a "vertical" design. Such devices, size with a thick book, are easily placed on the shelf, windowsill or desktop. In addition, they are the most mobile. Need to quickly heat the part of the room, where do you watch TV? There are no problems, move the light (weighing 300-500 g) the device may even a small child. After watching television programs, do you want to work at a computer located in the opposite part of the apartment? Please would be a rosette.

In order to transfer the device, in almost all models there is a special handle or recess in the housing. The mandatory grill will not allow you to burn about the hot spiral, so fan heaters are quite safe and convenient to use. But with one indispensable condition: to handle any electrical appliance with special caution. Significantly relieve and secure your "communication" with a fan heater will help protection against overheating and an electromechanical thermostat to maintain a given temperature (and the other is found in almost all models presented in the market). Some models (for example, the WF-2320 from Ballu, CZ-2300E from Honeywell, Sprinto 2400 from Rowenta) have an automatic shutdown function when tipping, and Rowenta fan heaters are further equipped with a beep.

Fan heaters, as a rule, have only protection against overheating and only one operation mode (for heating). "Instance" more comprehensive boasts to the presence of a three-position mode switch on the front panel. The standard set here is heating on a complete or half-power plus blowing without heating (ventilation). Such are the models of the TV9304 from UFESA, KWIK HA 280 from Rowenta, Ceramic C-55 from EWT, VFH-2410 from BINATONE, etc. The mode of operation during half-power will allow you to save electricity and use it when the street is thawed or if you need to heat the air indoors Small square. Well, with the onset of frost, the device can be safely included "to maximum". It will become too hot - use the ventilation mode, and immediately behaves cool. By the way, since it was discussed about the coolness, it is worth noting that in some models (example-Ceramic C-64 from EWT) you can adjust the number of fan speed when working on a cold blowing.

To be able to adjust the distribution of hot air streams, buy a device with a horizontal plane with a housing. For example, Delonghi HBP Series 832 B and 832 TB models are a stand ("base") on which the housing is mounted with a fan, heating element and an electric motor. During operation, the device automatically turns at an angle about 150. Associations need a function can be turned off by pressing a button. There are fan heaters, where you yourself, manually turn the body, fixing it in the selected position (they are represented by most firms). Finally, you can specify the direction of the flow of warm air in the vertical plane. Let's say, the HZ-350E model from Honeywell fan deflects a relatively rejection.

The disadvantages of this class heaters include the noise of work (compared to other electrical appliances) and a relatively short period of operation (4-5 years). Since the blizzard zone is not as large, the fan heater is logically called the zonal heating device. In addition, when using it, the temperature difference in the floor zone and the ceiling increases, and the jet of heated air carries the dust clouds.

Oil-filled radiators

If you need a reliable additional heating of rooms up to 30m2, oil-filled radiators are one of the most suitable options. These are the devices of a combined type: heat transfer occurs due to the convection of the oil, and the thermal distance is due to the air convection in the room and radiation from the heated surface of the housing.

In principle, the design of these devices does not change for many years. Radiators are a hollow sealed metal structure (externally resembling a central heating battery), which is filled with mineral oil. The oil is heated by the devils immersed in it, located at the bottom of the housing. Then the heat is transferred to the ribbed, made in the form of a number of sections, the case. Specially selected oil is characterized by high heat capacity, so that a slowly cooling device continues to warm the room and after turning off, almost like a well-drown rustic oven. Since the Teni is immersed in oil, and the surface of the radiator has a relatively low temperature (80-90c), the heaters of this class are less dried by air and almost do not burn the dust weighted in it. Depending on the number of sections, may have different power, from 1 to 2.5 kW. Moreover, wheels or roller supports make very heavy devices (weight up to 30 kg) are quite mobile.

In the Russian market there are radiators of two more than dozens of manufacturers. Options Ufesa, Thomas, Ewt, Delonghi, Binatone, Atmor, General, Rowenta, Ballu, Unit, Thermobalt, Delmitt, as well as Scarlett (United Kingdom), Whirlpool, Omas (Italy), First (Austria), Tesy (Bulgaria ), Vigor, Bork (Germany), "Avevest" (Russia). The cost of devices ranges from $ 50 to $ 140. Radiators of famous brands and European assembly are a little more expensive (from $ 60), products from South Asia, Eastern Europe and Russia are cheaper (from $ 40). Prices depend on the power (number of sections), as well as the presence of additional functional devices (timers, fan heaters IT.). Almost all firms offer a ruler of several models of different power: 1; 1.2; 1.5; 2; 2,5kW. But there are more "mighty" devices (such as the NLR 1130 HA model from the German company ZASS with 3 kW).

A modern radiator has "in service" thermostat, overheating protection system, light indicator, as well as a two- or three-position switch of operating modes. That is, you can choose one of several power steps, each of which corresponds to the TEN of a certain power. It is convenient if not too much heat is required. With a cold course, turning the switch, you will increase the heat transfer, forcing the device to work at full power. A situation is also possible when you have to move the heater from one room to another, with a larger area, and create heat there. In a word, the exact choice of power steps helps to achieve optimal air temperature and at the same time save electricity.

Radiators are maintained in the room a given temperature with an accuracy of 1-2. The operation of the instrument is managing the thermostat. It automatically turns on and off the heating, depending on whether the temperature value is reached or not. But, as a rule, the thermostat sensor measures the temperature of the oil, not air, so lead the "weather" in the room has a purely empirical way, on the eye. One of the exceptions is the model of the Rapido series from DELONGHI (the price is about $ 170), in which the adjustable room thermostat is installed.

Some radiators (for example, D-011-2009T from TESY, NDB-11 from Avesta, models with an index "T" of the H 19, Radia, Dragon, Rapido series) are equipped with a 24-hour turn on / off timer. This feature will allow you to program the heater at the beginning or end of work to a certain time. So, in the evening, before your return from work, the Timer team radiator will prepare a warm welcome in the room, and at night will slow down the power in order to warm the air to the comfortable temperature by the morning. The price difference for the same models with a timer with a timer can be from $ 10 to $ 30.

If you, using the heater, are constantly experiencing discomfort from the underwent air, it makes sense to pay attention to the models with a built-in humidifier, a small removable tank where water can be addressed. The radiators with a humidifier produce the firms of UFESA, Whirlpool, Ballu, etc. As a rule, this function practically does not affect the price of the device. Meanwhile, you will always have the opportunity to avoid unwanted dryness of air.

Although, as already mentioned, the design of oil-filled radiators as a whole does not change, manufacturers make their efforts to reduce the time of heating the instruments (usually 20-30 minutes). Slowly cooled oil due to high heat capacity, of course, plus. But this is when the device went to the operating mode. The minus is that the oil is just as slowly heated. And the transfer of heat from the heated radiator is only circulation of air - the process is not too fast. It is high inertia, one of the main disadvantages of oil-filled radiators. Different firms cope with this problem in different ways.

Partially compensate for inertia radiators with a built-in fan heater (models with index "V" from Delonghi, AMB-487 from Whirlpool, OH-11 from Ballu, HZ-180920FE from Honeywell, 2 RILV 2009 from Omas, RSG from Thomas, etc.). After turning on such a "hybrid", the fan heater immediately begins to supply warm air, while the Tane warms the oil. Vitoga These devices play the room noticeably faster than ordinary "oil batteries". Similarly, there are two disadvantages: firstly, the fans often fail, and secondly, the price of the heater itself increases. Say, the radiator without a fan NOC 1102 TLS (2,5kW, 11 sections) from EWT costs about $ 87. For the same model, but with a built-in fan heater (and with another index - NOC 1123 TLG), will have to pay already $ 103.

To accelerate the propagation of warm air, a special cover of the radiator began to be mounted on the radiator ribs and with holes in the upper part. Channels formed between the surface of the casing and edges of the sections create a craving that accelerates the circuit of cold and warm air flows. Due to this, the heat transfer increases: the propagation rate of warm air rises almost twice the usual. For example, in the radiators of the Dragon series (models with a power of 1.2; 1.5; 2; 2.5kW) from Delonghi The case has a smooth surface with rounded corners. The instrument sections form numerous vertical channels, creating a significant area of ​​radiation and, in addition, the so-called "fireplace effect". In other words, natural thrust arises. Moreover, warm air is sent faster up, having a greater than usual, the temperature at the outlet, and more intense air exchange is formed. Vitoga creates a constant convection stream with a high level of heat transfer, while radiators with a "battery" design goes warm in all parties, which slows down the mixing of cold and hot air streams. A similar solution can be found in models from ZASS, Rowenta, Scarlett. Their common drawback is to increase the mass and in the difficult removal of dust from the sections.

Delonghi offers another interesting solution to the solution of high inertia radiators - the Instant Heat System function ("Instant heating system") applied in the Rapido series models. In addition to the "fireplace effect" and an enlarged heat exchange area, two independent heating systems are present in the instrument. Actually, two lane are used here, as usual, immersed in the oil, and the other withdrawn "on clean air" and is located at the bottom of the housing, under the casing. To activate the rapid heating mode, it is enough to press a special button. While the first Ten is warming up the oil, the task is second, to start the direct heating of the air. The trapezoidal shape of the casing even more increases the craving due to the told channels.

Among the household heaters, oil radiators have the most impressive sizes both in height (from 50 to 70mm) and in width (from 300 to 500mm), not to mention a significant mass (from 10 to 30 kg, depending on the number of sections). There are several problems at once. Home- Disadvantage of storage. Do not put a cumbersome device by bed attendant to the mezzanine before the following cold. Yes, and leave it for a long time in the horizontal position undesirable- There is a chance of oil leakage. If you really stored the radiator in this way, do not rush to immediately include it on the network. Install the device in a normal position and do not touch about an hour so that the glass oil into the lower part of the container, where it should be (otherwise, the hotlands will bring the radiator, and there before the fire is not far)). It turns out that it is possible to optimally store the heater in the standing position, throwing out somewhere in the long corner, the benefit of the thickness of the case in most models are small, from 10 to 22mm. The Australians of small, tightly forced apartment furniture we advise you to look at more compact heat sources, such as fan heaters.

Before buying an oil heater, think where you put it and how often you will move from the room to the room. If the "dislocation" of the device is assumed to be constantly changing, it is best to choose a model with a comfortable handle and large wheels (all this can be found at Rowenta, Delonghi, Zass, Binatone and other large manufacturers).

It is also advisable to reflect what functions are really necessary for you, and which is rather for nothing. All heaters, and oil-filled radiators are not an exception here, give in the form of heat exactly so much energy as consumed from the power grid. And, despite the many functions that gradually "turn" modern modifications, the devices differ from each other, in fact, only the quality of the assembly, and therefore the level of reliability. This affects mainly on the duration of the electromechanical and electronic control units, as well as the tightness of the housing. If the radiator flows (which is likely, if you bought the device to anyone not a slave manufacturer somewhere in the wholesale market), the housing can be sought, and oil. Here are just repair costs will be comparable to the cost of the heater itself. That is, cheaper to throw it into a landfill. This applies in the principle of all oil-filled radiators, but in eminent firms the number of defective products seeks to zero. So it makes sense to give preference to the most famous brands and even overpay for the brand, but to bring a highly reliable device to the house, which will serve as faith and truth significantly longer than the manufacturer of ten years.

And further. The effective operation of any radiator is possible only if it is provided with a free air exchange. Do not freeze the heater of furniture or dry on the body of a towel.

Infrared heaters and convectors

In general, these devices are initially developed as stationary, as an alternative to the classic central water heating system. Therefore, the overwhelming majority of household infrared heaters and convectors are presented in the form of devices mounted on the wall or ceiling. Mobile models in our market appeared not so long ago (we are not talking about old "plates" -califers with polished reflector).

The principle of operation of infrared heaters is based on the effect of hot air convection, as in other devices, but on wave radiation (with a wavelength from 1mm to 1 microme). That is, the heater spreads heat rays, very similar to natural and sunny. Since such radiation, like the usual light, is not absorbed by air, all thermal energy from the infrared heater without loss reaches the surfaces of objects and the human body. It turns out that the rays are heated not air itself, and the floor, walls, furniture located in the area of ​​reaching the instrument. Assue queue, heated surfaces give "secondary" heat air room.

Infrared emitters are a design with a heating element (quartz or halogen lamp), which is located before polished reflector. The front panel has a protective grille. The devices are warmed up to operating temperature (about 300C) very quickly. It is ideal for using thermostats or controllers, which contribute to economical power consumption. This method of control allows to achieve and optimal temperature heating surfaces: the device can be quickly and silently turned on or off. The apack is warm reaching the object (man, gender, furniture, various items) unaffected, infrared heaters are used mainly for large and high premises - greenhouses, winter gardens, closed veranda, halls, living rooms. True, there are mainly stationary models here.

As any modern household appliances, heaters should, if possible fit into the interior. And fan heaters are no exception. Many manufacturers begin to leave the monotony of colors, offering instruments with a housing not only white and gray-black gamma. If you want the heater fit into the color of the interior, you can search for other colors, ranging from red and orange and finishing yellow and blue. Such models are available, for example, Honeywell, Rowenta, Delonghi, Binatone. Let's say in the Piko line from Atmor (Italy) there is a choice of devices in the following version: gray, yellow, green, blue and even pink. Would you like to issue a room in the style of High Tech or put the device into the kitchen, where the household appliances have a frontal panel of polished stainless steel? Then it makes sense to buy a fan heater in a chrome-plated case, say BHF3 or HVM3 from the Chrome Line series from Delonghi. The sophistication of the interior will give the model VFH-2410 (BINATONE) with silver coating.

In the family of oil-filled radiators, there is no such color variety. The whole "color" is limited, as they are called "office white" and the color of the ivory. This is largely due to the peculiarities of the technology of manufacturing instruments. True, manufacturers enliven their appearance due to plastic parts - usually it is legs-stand and control unit. A bit of color and a banal radiator acquires a very unusual and fresh look. The price of the "color" of the control unit of a noticeable effect does not have, but the devices (Delonghi, Dimplex, Bork) are successfully fit into any home interiors. There are exceptions to the rules: Say, Scarlett offers radiators, fully painted, for example, in blue.

The main task of portable infrared heaters is zone or point heating. If, say, you spend the evening in the chair at the TV, there is no need to heat the air throughout the room, it is enough to arrange a zone of comfortable heat where you are. In this sense, the size of the room does not matter. The emitter zone is limited and depends on power consumption. As a rule, a 1-kil-coal device has heating efficiency at a distance of 1-1.5m.

When using infrared heaters, the air temperature in the room can be reduced by one or more degrees and still felt by a person as comfortable high due to direct energy absorption. Araz no over-heating air, the temperature is equalized between the floor and the ceiling, which allows to provide up to 40% of energy saving.

Mobile electrical infrared devices (at a price of $ 60-110) are manufactured by Honeywell, Delonghi, Thermobalt, EWT, etc. The "classic" heaters are the radiating panels with a power of 1 to 1.5 kW and externally similar to convectors. The heating element serves as a plate of special steel with a special coating. For example, the EWT Classic series modes have 3 operation modes (230, 500 and 1000 W), overheating protection, thermostat and roller supports. The latter, by the way, is not all devices presented in the market. Standard performance for most manufacturers provides legs-struts, and not roller supports, so it is not very convenient to carry such heaters from the room in the room.

There are also more compact models with a vertical layout, for example AD-H900R ($ 120) with a capacity of 900 W from AirComfort (Italy). The role of the heating element here is played by vacuum quartz tubes, inside which carboxyled (carbon fiber) is placed in incandescent. TEN is protected from moisture penetration and has a practically unlimited service life. A metallic or ceramic heating element in conventional infrared devices is optimally operating at a distance of up to 1m, and carbonic to 3-4m. The effectiveness of the 900-watts carbon heater is equivalent to a standard oil radiant with a power of 1800 W. The device is equipped with a switch to 2 power positions (respectively 450 and 900 W) and is designed for heating rooms up to 20m2. In addition, the AD-H900R model is automatically rotated 180 and is equipped with auto-power in case of a fall or tilt. There is also a shutdown function when overheating. Many probably will like the "pyramidal" design of the device and its small mass (about 4kg).

Models with vertical layout and relatively low temperatures of the radiating surface provide good heat dissipation and high degree of comfort in low ceilings (up to 3m). Using several infrared heaters in different parts of the room, it is possible to maintain different temperatures that are suitable for your household. Choose or not an infrared device is a matter of personal preferences each. One it may seem too comfortable (dry skin and face skin), others, on the contrary, very comfortable and cozy.

Electrical convectors, like oil radiators, work on the principle of natural convection (about the instruments of this class we wrote in N 2 for 2003). However, the heating element here is a TEN located at the bottom of the metal panel. He does not grow up and does not stop the air indoors.

Instruments in the mobile version (power from 1 to 2 kW) produce the company NOBO, HONEYWELL, DELONGHI, UFESA, EWT, THERMOBALT, "DELSOT", etc. From the wall modifications, they are distinguished by the presence of roller supports. Sphuctional point of view The standard equipment of heaters does not change: there is a thermostat, and a step (or smooth) power switching, and overheating protection. Additionally, the automatic shutdown system can be built on when tipping. Some models of portable convectors (say, HCA 320 FS from DELONGHI, TK2000F from Thermobalt et al.) Are equipped with a fan heater, which creates a forced convection, which increases the efficiency of the device.

Separately, it is worth mentioning a relatively new convectors for the Russian market with a glass case. They are published by the Norwegian company NOBO and French ACSO. For example, the Safir series electric heater from NOBO consists of two interconnected plates with a thickness of 4mm each. An invisible electrically conductive layer is applied to the inner surface of the rear plate. When the electric current is passed, it highlights thermal energy in the infrared range (95% of the heat energy released) accounts for this range). The temperature is distributed throughout the electrical heater and does not exceed 70c. The front plate performs the function of electrical and mechanical protection. If overcurrent occurs in the network, the device turns off automatically. This design provides a slot for connecting a thermostat that provides adjustment of the temperature in the room with an accuracy of 3C. Single special bracket devices are attached to the wall as horizontally and vertically. Compliest there are legs for installing the device to the floor. Heaters are manufactured both transparent (with black grid) and tinted (black or gray). Their unusual stylish design is suitable for any interior.

A significant lack of such an appliance is its high price (from $ 500) - you can justify an exclusive appearance. But a small range of capacity (there are models at 750, 900 and 1000 W) will not allow it to be used for non-alternative heating into severe frosts.

If you want to apply convectors for additional heating, weigh all "for" and "against". Single side, these devices are characterized by silent operation, accuracy of regulation and maintain a given temperature, completely safe for children, do not burn oxygen and economical, some models have splashing performance and are suitable for use in the bathroom and in the kitchen. Solid side, they are pretty roads ($ 100-170) compared to radiators and have a small range of capacity (as a rule, to 2 kW). In addition, the convector does not put in the closely forced room, the efficiency of heat exchange will decrease.

Heat guns

Thermal gun is essentially the same fan heater, but significantly greater power (from 3 to 30 kW) and in a robust metal case, designed for an outdoor installation. Valid dreams from other mobile heaters, thermal guns can be used not only for temporary or local heating, but also as the sole (main) heating source. True, they are mainly intended for residential premises. Garage, workshop, household, submissal, and a typical "habitat" of these devices. Mobile and powerful heat source will be indispensable if you arrived in a cold country house, and will allow you to quickly heat the air in the room until the stationary heating system enters the operating mode. Especially the device is valuable if you need to create a comfortable temperature zone during a certain time in a cold garage or workshop, because the stationary system is unjustifiable there.

Among the manufacturers of heat guns, such companies like FRICO, Veab (Sweden), Pyrox, Thermo (Norway), General (Italy), as well as Russian factories "Tropic thermal technology", "Makar" (Moscow), Cheboksary Scientific and Production Elara instrument-making enterprise, Meteor plant (Izhevsk), "Delmitt" (Miass) and other domestic heat guns enjoy good demand due to low price and sufficiently high reliability. The model range presented in our market is quite wide with 2 kW devices to semi-industrial instruments (30kW). Portable models have an outdoor performance, but there are separate instances and for hanging on the wall. On the back of the case of a row of guns (for example, the models Tiger P33, P53, P93 from FRICO) there is a socket for connecting electrical devices with voltage 220V, which creates additional convenience, especially if you use all sorts of power tools while working.

For complex operating conditions (increased humidity or fire hazard), special series of thermal guns are produced. An example is the FINNWIK series of FRICO series, performed in a tight version, can be applied in wet rooms. Fan heater 408B from the same FRICO is designed specifically for fire hazardous areas.

Almost all heat guns are made of galvanized, and stainless steel lane. The options for connecting to the network may be different, and it is stipulated by the manufacturer for each series. Let's say, the power guns 2 and 3kW of the PROFF series from Pyrox are equipped with a cable with a grounded fork, and the model is 5 and 9 kb-cable with a round fork of type. The devices are more powerful (at 15, 20 and 30kvt) have a cable without a plug connector. An important factor is the low-noise work of the fan heater. For this, it is equipped with blades with a special profile.

Domestic heat guns are inferior to foreign analogues. For example, the instruments of the TPC series from the "tropic" there is a polymer anti-corrosion coating of the steel case, the TENS are seamless stainless steel tubes, and the double thermal protection system (bimetallic thermostat and thermostat) turns off the device in an emergency, thereby eliminating the possibility of its overheating. The control system is calculated on the ability to work in the "Full heating power" and "partial heating power" or in the fan mode. The thermostat allows you to automatically maintain a constant temperature in the room. Its selection is carried out stepless, ranging from 0 to 50c. Powerful guns (from 5kW and above) are designed for a three-phase network 380V. But there are models (TPC-2, TPC-3, TPC-5) with a capacity of up to 5kW to work on a 220V network. Prices for Russian guns (with similar assembly quality) are lower: from $ 150 (TPC-2; 2kW) to $ 390 (TPC-15; 15kW). For comparison: the BX-15 model (15kW) from Veab costs about $ 530.

The undoubted advantage of heating with thermal guns is very small inertia. If the oil radiator warms up for about 20 minutes, and after shutting down no less than an hour, the heat gun begins to give heat instantly, making the cold room suitable for habitat in the shortest possible time. It is very convenient if the heat is only required for several hours. Heating with thermal fans is considered the most economical solution from the point of view of capital investments on the kilowatt of the installed capacity. This is explained by the fact that very often thermal guns provide the implementation of greater power per installation than, for example, the same infrared heaters.

How to choose a thermal gun? Experts are recommended to proceed at the rate: for every 10m2 required from 0.8 to 1,4kw power. Let's say, for heating a room of 20m2, a 2 kW device is optimal.

Heaters are always a compromise

Give specific recommendations which device to choose for your home to heat the most economical and efficient is incredibly difficult. Yes, there is no particular sense in this. Preferences in favor of mobile devices of one or another type are largely determined by our individual habits. One of the infrared zonal action device, others are delighted with a light and compact fan heater, the third loves the soft heat of the convector or oil radiator. Active selection of the heater is always a compromise. Between the mass of the device and the speed of heating, between the functionality and the cost of IT.D. So the optimal choice essentially depends on you and your needs warm. Without which the concept of a cozy home, of course, is unthinkable.

The editors thanks the company "RFK Climate", "Euroclimate", the plant "Tropic thermal technology", as well as Russian representative offices of Delonghi, Rowenta (SEB Groupe), Ufesa, Rowenta, Binatone, Unit for help preparing material.

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