Always have your feet


Decorative capabilities of carpet coverings: from a simple background to intricate compositions. Texture, color, drawing.

Always have your feet 14239_1

Always have your feet
Low dense pile (100% polyamide) - perfect staircase coating (Associated Weafers)
Always have your feet
Light coating visually increases the size of the room (Vorwerk)
Always have your feet
Pattern that can be viewed by clock! (Associated Weafers)
Always have your feet
Applique for those who like to be original ("Nobelton carpets")
Always have your feet
Relief Figure - Exquisite Decor ("Nobelton Carpets")
Always have your feet
What a variety of what choice! Figure, color, texture- for every taste. (Samples of coating from "Nobelton carpets")
Always have your feet
Carpet cover texture is important than color (Associated Weafers)
Always have your feet
Synthetic (100% DUPON) is also luxurious (Fabrica International)
Always have your feet
Shades of ocher like most people. Natural heat enclosed (Associated Weafers)
Always have your feet
Heavenly Blue and Yellow Points. (Associated Weafers)
Always have your feet
Quite respectable ... (Associated Weafers)
Always have your feet
Color combinations are greatly selected (Vorwerk)
Always have your feet
Bright clean colors are pleasant to the eyes (Vorwerk)
Always have your feet
Even the minimum drawing sets a special mood in the interior (Associated Weafers)
Always have your feet
Shades of green calm down, and the drawing creates an illusory volume (Associated Weafers)
Always have your feet
Baby coatings are made from environmentally friendly and completely secure synthetics (Fabrica International)
Always have your feet
Cleaning of this coverage will not cause problems (ASSOCIATED WEAFERS) (Associated Weafers)
Always have your feet
In the room with such a coating and your child, and his friends will always be what to play (Associated Weafers)

Sometimes extremely interesting things escape from our gaze only because we are not observed enough. Aesi is honest, then simply "lazy and dislike." You sometimes need to look under your feet not only from caution, carpeting, no doubt worthy of attention!

Carpeted coatings were devoted to a large article "Soft, warm and silent." In detail it was discussed in detail about the types of fiber, production technology, methods of laying finished products and the mass of other necessary things. This time it will be about decoration.

Between feeling and mind

Competent managers of solid companies engaged in carpet selling, not agreeing, claim: the choice most often depends on the buyer's preferences. No arguments based on everyday experience, no technical calculations and appeals for prudence will stop the person who decided to acquire the fascinated model. The reason for this phenomenon lies not in the insufficient awareness of the client (in love, there are professional advisers next to him), rather, it has a purely psychological explanation. It is the decor that is the main factor determining the choice of model. All other characteristics will be only additional. Eternal desire for beauty (aee, as you know, everyone understands in its own way) turns out to be decisive.

Nevertheless, the experience convinces us that sympathies never arise from scratch. Intuition and common sense are the best advisers where it comes to choosing one option from thousands of possible. There are criteria that determine the compliance of the carpet cover the main interior zones:

  • color, decor and combination with other elements of space;
  • Height and pile density, both cut and loop;
  • Quality and composition of fiber: natural or synthetic;
  • Features of the room itself.

Colourful dreams

Choosing the color of the carpet, you, in fact, choose a background for your daily life. This decor element plays a crucial role in the design of the entire interior.

The ideal option, if you yourself or with the help of a specialist designer make a preliminary sketch, taking into account all the features of the room and (if we are talking about the interior) furniture. Professionals work just as, since only in a similar way you can avoid annoying and, alas, quite common mistakes. Then you need to find a sample, in all the corresponding to your plan. Sometimes the salons and shops are offered to "try" the product directly in the interior. From this wonderful service, it is not worth refusing to refuse, even if you are extremely hurrying and consider the proposed model suitable for one hundred percent. The color has an amazing property: maimed! Rather, more than our perception of color. First of all, it depends on the lighting. Spend a small experiment: Look at the same subject with the sunlight and do not notice with an electrical difference!

It also has a great importance to what shades will be next door. Attempts to choose a model tone to the tone by memory most often end in failure, because even professional artists are not always capable of it. Connecting with what a natural question arises: whether it is necessary to choose a certain, often complex shade so scrupulously? Winteriere, as in clothing, the monochrome solution is quite acceptable, but not necessarily. Another thing is that for a complex shade it is much more difficult to find the "perfect pair". That is why in many salons, in addition to carpet coverings, you will be offered another curtains and upholstery fabric. In love, try to choose several options, and at home to check which one is optimal. The motto "Do not believe my eyes!" For a while I must define your behavior and keep emotions. Sometimes it is validually like the hue itself (the special charm has a heavenly blue, golden, emerald green), but whether it will be appropriate in your home?

So, the color of the coating does not necessarily have to completely coincide with the color of any other element of the interior. The use of additional and even contrast tones sometimes gives a stunning result. If you feel freely combine blue with yellow, and the bright scarlet with black, no one will doubt your taste only to consider the personality of creative and extravagant.

It should be remembered that the color is also a way to visually change the size of the room. Light tones, as it were, the space, dark, on the contrary, visually reduce.

In addition, the color always expresses a certain emotional state. Saturated bright colors, such as red, orange, yellow, even on a cloudy day will create a feeling of sunflower in the room. Cold shades, especially green, blue, lilac, soothe, support the working mood. However, the practice shows that buyers still prefer proven times the colors of restrained pastel tones. Be that as it may, there is always a choice.

Draw- We will live!

The pattern on the carpet of the coating can be performed using a cylinder-stencil or inkjet printing (then the villi will be multi-colored only on the surface of the product), as well as from the fiber already painted in the mass. For the case, the drawing is usually done regular, that is, consists of certain alternating elements. It should be remembered that when calculating the size of the coating, it is necessary to take into account the so-called "step". The image should be perfectly coincide on the joints (there are no such problems with promotional coatings).

The inkjet printing method allows the drawing of any complexity. If desired, the Customer may independently offer sketches, according to managers, are not uncommon. The cost of the product is somewhat increasing. There are also certain limitations associated with the size of the coating performed to the order: as a rule, its area should be at least 200-300m2.

It should be noted another important point. In the early, most of the leading companies engaged in carpet production are trying to respond sensitively to fashion trends. Finishing and upholstery fabrics, wallpapers, furniture, carpets are all elements that make up a single whole. It is natural that their creators are closely and fruitfully cooperating. Of course, it can be argued that the carpet is bought not for one year ("life expectancy" of a qualitative model under favorable conditions - 7-10 years). Chasing the fashion would be too expensive. But after all, the interior design is much more conservative than the design, for example, clothes, - the approximate decor of the model will not have time. True, it should be recognized that in the United States and some countries of Western Europe, the coating changes on average every 2-3 years, that is, 2-3 times more often than we. This is probably because in our life changes already enough.

In some way, classify the types of drawing presented in the range of manufacturers is extremely difficult. From the carpet ornament (such coatings are practically no different from traditional carpets) to intricate compositions in the style of "graffiti" or PATCHWORK. You can make anything to order anything, even though a portrait of your beloved chef. Just think carefully before siting it in the center of the living room.

I grate a mosaic ...

Everyone knows: the wider the choice, the more doubts. Sometimes I do not like anything, and sometimes it seems perfectly several models at the same time. In a difficult situation, the employees of many Russian companies offer a wonderful compromise: from different carpet coverings (selected by the Customer and with its complete agreement) a peculiar application is made. The drawing is usually approved at the stage of the sketch, and then it is checked several times and is approved completely. Alone, of course, such experiments can also be carried out, but for their result will have to answer you, and only you. Therefore, it is much calmer to transfer the load of responsibility on the shoulders of competent specialists who will listen to your opinion and return it in an optimal way.

It also happens that one-photon coating over time is simply annoying. Let the situation will save the applique. The background will remain the same, and color inserts will completely change the familiar image of the interior.

Separate modules of "mosaics" are connected, or, as experts say, "weld" with a thermal tape using a special "iron". Permanently, it is practically impossible to perform this operation: not only professional skills, but also special equipment are necessary. The back side of the coating, as a rule, is not additionally processed (after all, it is not intended for any eye), but if you need it, it is pasted with an additional basis. The price of such models depends on the set of aspects, so it is not possible to allocate the "arithmetic average". In love, it is necessary to calculate possible costs in advance.

Relief area

The texture of the carpet coating is another extremely important element of the interior decor.

Non-level loop and monophonic coatings (most often they are intended for the office) are not designed for a special decorative effect. The same can be said about carpets with a short split pile. If the model uses a vault of different heights (looping, cut, as well as combined), an original sculptural pattern occurs. In case of cases, it is a geometric pattern (outstanding meander to abstract figures in cubism style). Also popular with all sorts of stylized images that are performed according to designers sketches. The embossed surface does not necessarily have a monophonic color enhances the decorative effect and emphasizes the nobility of the texture.

Interesting models made of special twisted yarn (so-called Saxon and Frieze). Looking at a funny "curly" pile, a person subconsciously recalls soft moss or silky grass. Maybe that is why such coatings cause an irresistible desire to presser or even stick to the floor.

When buying such models, the pattern of the pattern should be taken into account, and the direction of the pile and the loop. As a rule, all the necessary comments on this issue gives a consultant before you offer you a particular model. But this is not at all the mystery for seven seals. What is a picture of a picture, knows everyone who at least once in his life chose or glued wallpaper. The drawing should coincide on the joints, which is why carpets, like wallpapers, can not be bought according to the "Instrupty" metro station - necessarily need a certain stock. The direction of the loop and the pile is transverse (the ranks of the loop or villion are located in the width of the roll) or longitudinal (ranks are located along the length of the roll). Coatings of the same color with a longitudinal and transverse pile will look different. If you do not believe, ask professional tailors, why they always take into account the direction of the pile with a string.

Below the plinth

Plinth is a traditional detail playing a kind of framing. You can choose it to be tone to the coating or on the principle of contrast. The main thing is that the color of the plinth is necessarily "rhymed" with any element of the decor. Plastic or wooden plinths are fixed to the wall with screws (there is special devices for this), nourishes or (less often) are glued. Models designed specifically for carpet coatings often with the front side have a special groove-groove in which you can insert a narrow tape cut off from the same coating. However, experts say that it is quite possible to do without the plinth, if your floors and walls are perfectly smooth surface and are connected as it is, strictly speaking, it should be at an angle of 90. Now the carpet in most cases fixed on the perimeter using a special adhesive tape . The edges are tightly adjacent to the floor surface, so there is no need to emphasize their perfect straightforward.

From coconut to polypropylene

We will not stop in detail on the types of fiber. We only note the features that are directly related to the decor.
  • Polyamide fiber.

    It is easy to paint and retains the color for a long time. Due to its elasticity, perfectly "keeps shape." Therefore, it often produces coatings with an original embossed surface.

  • Polypropylene fiber.

    It is painted only during the manufacturing process (the finished product is already impossible to paint). Color is extremely stable, but, according to experts, the choice of shades is not too large.

  • Polyester

    It happens brilliant and matte. It is necessary to pay attention to this when choosing a model.

  • Wool.

    Most often there are natural (warm oath) tones, since it is much more difficult to paint than the synthetics.

  • Sisal.

    It has an excellent natural tint, but may also be painted. Frequently combined with wool, paper, cotton, coconut fiber. The decorative effect depends largely on the type of weaving. (More about this was stated in the article "Outdoor coating from Sizal").

From the room to the room

Once again we emphasize: everyone is wave to decorate their home, as he will do, so our recommendations are in no way the truth in the last instance. Practical Americans, for example, often use one universal coating option for the whole house, not trying to do something special in each room. To choose such a way - it means to get rid of yourself from unnecessary trouble. But together with them, alas, you will have to say goodbye to all the joys of free creativity.

Let's start with the premises where the choice of carpet decor is due primarily to functional destination.

On the rug in the hallway

The corridor, entrance hall and staircases of special attention. Here you do not live so much as they go, and they go intensively.

The carpet flooring, the hallway, should have a lot of maximum density and minimum height, that is, being extremely wear-resistant. A special dirt-repellent surface treatment is necessary. As a rule, in this case, a needle-free (polypropylene) or flocked coating is used, a dense low single-level loop (from embossed surfaces it is better to refuse) and a short (up to 8mm), smooth to the touch of a split pile (the so-called velor). All of them are easily cleaning, so the most appropriate in such zones. Preference should be given to wear-resistant synthetics (polyamide). The strength is especially important and when choosing a coating for the stairs, since "noble loss" is absolutely not welcome here, and a rare pile on bends is erased much faster.

As for the choice of color or pattern, there are a number of small restrictions. As you know, any stain is noticeable on a monophonic surface, especially dark. "Black and white not to offer!" - Perhaps the only commandment with which you should not argue. It should be noted that the bright coating will visually increase the room. So for a cloth and enough dark hallway it is better to choose bright colors (especially good for such purposes light gray). The optimal option is a variable drawing (usually printed) or a melange (combination of multi-colored threads).

In all splendor

The living room is not in vain called the front or representative part of the interior. It is the focus of family life, and in its design, the tastes and style preferences of the owners are usually most fully embodied. By logic, the height and density of the pile, as well as the composition of the fiber here should be the same as in the hallway. After all, people in the living room can no less. However, in this case, the decor undoubtedly plays a major role. If desired, you can use a pile (looping and cut) of any length, if only it did not contradict the overall interior solution. Another thing is that a long pile will require additional care, but, we admit honestly, all carpet needs permanent attention. Calling your carpet "dust collector", we are absolutely right (this is one of its intended purpose), but the tone of this should not be reproachful, contemptuous, and respectful, appreciative. The carpet chooses dust that could be in our lungs. It also remains only a good spelling of your "Savior". However, such a scenario is good only for people who do not suffer allergies. If you have an exacerbated reaction to pollen plants and ordinary dust, the "Savior" will be "tormented" because it will become an allergen battery. Here it is a dry cleaning is not enough, be able to help only a high-quality wet cleaning using detergent cleaner, which read the article in this issue "Universal Cleaner on wheels."

The optimal option for the living room is dense, not too high a pile, which can be split, loop and combined, single and multi-level. With comparable success, natural fiber can be used, and synthetics.

You can achieve an excellent decorative effect using a relief surface of the coating. The combined multi-level pile creates a kind of sculptural pattering "A la Louis" to an ultramodern abstract. Naturally, the choice directly depends on the style of the interior. However, sometimes an unexpected combinations give a wonderful result. There are no restrictions on color and drawing for the living room. Let them give only a few tips. For the modern interior style it is more appropriate to cover one-photon or geometric pattern.

Wooden furniture under ancient, Roman curtains, other attributes of "luxury" will require a decent addition. Woven coatings with carpet ornaments or other models in the classic style are suitable in this case, as it is not better.

Wicker furniture is perfectly combined with sisal coatings, coconut fiber, flax, paper. Natural colors and textures of weaving have a huge charm, so that with them, perhaps, even the most stylish pattern will not compare.

White and fluffy

In the bedroom, the main thing is to support the atmosphere of intimacy, heat and complete security. It is allowed to embody any fantasies. Coatings with a high split (straight or twisted) pile and low density (soft and fluffy) not only please the eye, but also give pleasant tactile sensations. Another interesting type of texture is a combination of large loops (color or monophonic), reminiscent of marine pebbles. Walking on these soft "pebbles" barely legs - solid pleasure. They are also massaged the feet, which is extremely useful for improving blood circulation and general relaxation.

From three to five

Carpeted for children should choose, without taking into account the age of your Chad. Basic Requirements, complete safety, maximum comfort and positive emotional attitude. The kids who have not yet needed to walk are crawling with extreme enthusiasm and amazing speed. In no case should deprive them, but take care of delicate knees and palms - the duty of all reasonable parents. Soft split pile of medium height and density- ideal option. Hard coatings are not allowed in a child's room to five years, as well as models with too high, at least a mild pile. The tiny legs will be confused in these "wilds", moreover, daily cleaning in this case can turn into a severe and ungrateful work of the treasure detector. Manufacturers offer many colors and pattern options. Traditional drawing - funny animals, cartoon characters, etc.

Hazard Shalun (Sleep Dockyati) is not as terrible fall, so the pile of carpet can become more rigid and elastic. It must be said that there are no special objections against synthetic. Synthetic coatings for children are manufactured, as a rule, from a special food polyurethane (the odds make bottles for all sorts of drinks). The decor of the carpet is changing. Drawn railways and streets with all road signs are extremely popular, and is basic.

Teenagers will probably prefer something more solid, "adult" and impressive: bright geometric pattern, various inscriptions, trendy colors, etc.

Market Review

Before moving to the market review, we must make one extremely important reservation. The design of carpets, as a rule, directly affects their cost, since the production technology often depends on it. The design of carpet coatings, on the contrary, does not affect the price. This may seem strange, because throughout the article tried to extract the reader that it is from the decor that the principal choice of a particular model depends on the decor. However, this is so. The cost of the square meter will not change if the manufacturer will use the manufacturer instead of the inkjet printing or if a more complex drawing appears instead of square and rhombuses on the loop-cutting coating (we do not talk about individual orders).

The cost affects:

  1. Type and quality of fiber. It should be noted that the direct price relation between natural and artificial fiber still does not exist. Theoretically, the coating from New Zealand wool should be more expensive than the same coating of polyamide. However, synthetics may be extremely expensive.
  2. Production technology and material costs. There are great influence on the price and all sorts of protective (mudtoping, antistatic and impregnation.

The main suppliers of carpeting on our market are Belgium (Associated Weafers, Domo Group, Ideal Tuft, Tasibel, Balta, Lano, etc.), Germany (Dura, Vorwerk, etc.) and France (Berry Tuff et al.). In addition, American, Danish, English companies are known. The sector of Russian manufacturers is also quite large.

The prices below do not depend directly from the producer country.

Recall that when buying a coating, it should be taken into account its width from which the cost will also depend. The price range is wide, as well as the choice of models: hundreds of all sorts of options. And all this magnificence - your feet!

Fiber type Fiber Type Length Price 1m2, $
Synthetic Short pile (cut and loop) 4-10.
Medieval (cut and loop) 6.5-15
High pile 9.5-30
Natural wool Short and medieval From 20.
Middle Summer (cut) From 40.
High pile From 100.
Woven coating From 70.

The editorial board thanks Carpet House, Bobrov Company, "Carpeting Center", "Nobelton Carpets" for help in the preparation of material.

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