House, bath and a little psychoanalysis


A four-storey log house with a total area of ​​400 m2 - the embodiment of the Children's dream of the owner about his own dwelling built by its own hands.

House, bath and a little psychoanalysis 14253_1

House, bath and a little psychoanalysis
From this side, the house looks like a sample of the German medieval architecture, and a dark pond with stone shores only enhances the impression
House, bath and a little psychoanalysis
There are no transverse floors over the library, although it is here that the intersection point of four roof planes is. In order for the design to be reliable, it is used not only wooden, but also metal supports hidden under the layer of plasterboard and plaster
House, bath and a little psychoanalysis
Even in the photo it can be seen how massive this fireplace is fully folded from the brick for all the rules of the chimney. TV and other equipment do not fully match the rest of the library entourage, but the modern house is simply impossible to imagine without these attributes
House, bath and a little psychoanalysis
A glass erker leaving the interior balcony looks unexpectedly (small winter garden). But it is the original turns of familiar planning solutions that make up the main feature of this house.
House, bath and a little psychoanalysis
From a small winter garden, you can get on the open gallery, stretching around almost the whole house. Great place to contemplate sunset and walks in rainy weather
House, bath and a little psychoanalysis
With the help of wicker furniture, the bedroom is furnished inexpensively, but with undoubted charm. Pay attention to how baskets are used for trifles
House, bath and a little psychoanalysis
Even here, on the gallery, where the ceiling can be touched by hand, enough air and light, due to the "voids" below and the erker passing through two floors

House, bath and a little psychoanalysis

House, bath and a little psychoanalysis
Although the terrace and is conceived as a summer, but, according to the owner, it is pleasant to sit here at any time of the year. The main thing is that there was a good company and burning fire in the oven. Aota Rain and Snow will always save a reliable roof
House, bath and a little psychoanalysis
Floor plan
House, bath and a little psychoanalysis
Plan of the second floor
House, bath and a little psychoanalysis
Floor plan

"To build a house that dreamed from childhood, you do not need to be an architect. It is enough to have an accurate idea of ​​what you need, a little fantasy and acquaintances who know how to make engineering calculations of designs," Evgeny Golotzvan, who created his own home that way.

House, bath and a little psychoanalysis

House, bath and a little psychoanalysis
The fence made of dasane logs seems to illustrate the famous principle "My home is my fortress". But for its gate, there are always wide open, today few people build a house independently, most prefer to entrust the case to construction companies operating under the supervision of experienced architects. Evgenya deliberately went on another way , believing that no one knows him better, which dwell is needed. He himself first drew a sketch of the future building, then with the help of relatives who disassembled in engineering intricacies, made technical calculations and drawings of the foundation and the first floor. The rest was built by sketches The problems were solved as far as item occurs. In the course of the case, the internal layout of the house was changed, new ideas of his decoration changed. For some types of work, various contractors were attracted. So, one of them did all lifting systems of life support systems, foundation, built the brick part of the first floor. and concrete overlaps over him. Another pine log houses at home and Bath. The third was engaged in the inner and exterior decoration. Over fireplaces and ventilation worked a liver with a forty-male experience. The owner itself carried out and constant control over the entire process, and the purchase of materials (by the way, far beyond the Moscow region). In addition, he filed new ideas and solved thousands of more questions, inevitably arising in the construction process.

House, bath and a little psychoanalysis
And for the dining room, and for the living room here as if too little furniture and too much space. But the seventeter ceiling in the shape of a star and double light emphasize the natural beauty of this almost empty room of course, all these troubles took away from the owner a lot of strength and lasted a few longer ordinary for about two years. But it was exactly the house that I wanted, I wanted to tastes and the needs of future inhabitants, but consonant with their vision of the surrounding world, the movement of their souls.

Well, of course, this approach to construction gave a significant one to 40% - saving funds. So, instead of typical of buildings, a similar design of $ 400 for 1m2 without finishing the owners was put in the amount of $ 250 for 1m2 without finishing. Immediately make a reservation, such a price is possible only in the only case when the owner of the house combines the positions of architect, Proba, engineer and the supplier, spends all his time at a construction site and, in addition, in a state of their own forces to carry out the most time-consuming final stage of the interior . It is worth or worth spending two years of life for the construction of the house, each decides for himself. But back to the ready-made home created by the architect and not the builder, but just a very passionate man.

In the building four floors, although when looking from the street it is difficult to believe it. The total area is 400m2, of which the living is about60%, everything else is given under technical premises (service, garage and boiler room). The thing there is neither the attic nor the basement - the latter prevented the dangerous intimacy of groundwater. Achendak was originally planned, but during the construction of the hosts changed his mind to use such a large and amazing premises under the roof as an economic and equipped here a billiard room (25m2) and a secluded hostess office (15m2).

House, bath and a little psychoanalysis
This house should have many secluded corners for a pleasant pastime. It is they who create a unique charm and coloring a happy family live-being times we began to look at the house not as usual, from the bottom up, but on the contrary, then we will continue to move in this direction. So, the third floor, which here is called family, consists of a master bedroom (24m2) with a bathroom, the same in the area, but a double cabinet (ceiling height) and an internal balcony (origrey), from which an amazing view of the library opens from fireplace (second floor). Library Square (so this room calls the owner), which combines the functions of the living room and the dining room, no 40m2, the height of the ceiling - 7.5m. Thanks to this room and located next to the kitchen (23m2), the second floor was called "part", because the main day life of the inhabitants of the house passes. In addition to the "public" premises, there are still two children's 12m2 each. True, while in the family only one child, in one of them temporarily equipped the bedroom of parents. Inacontal, the first floor consisting of two zones: technical "(here a boiler room and garage) and" Starikovskaya "are located, as a joke, the bedroom (24m2) and the bathroom (9m2) of the older generation - grandparents are called.

The main idea based on the construction of this unusual home is the creation of a comfortable habitat for all family members. Moreover, under the comfort, not only the free, non-competing space, the logicalicity of planning solutions, the presence of all urban communications, including telephone, but also the ecological cleanliness of housing, its reliability, high heat-saving ability, durability. WHAT These factors were most seriously taken into account by the owner when choosing materials and technologies. According to Eugene, in all supporting structures there is a two-three-time storage margin. For example, a concrete foundation can easily withstand a five-story building, for which it goes under the ground by 3.5m. True, this solution has significantly increased the price of the project, but the house on such a platform will have much longer thanks much longer, it does not threaten the erosion of the foundation with soil waters and the bumps are not terrible because of the natural soil movement.

The main building material is pine logs with a diameter of 25 cm. They are not just driven to each other, but are laid on the pillow of the moss (a mixture of sphagnum and cucosushkina flax). The gaps are cocked by natural pacles. All logs are not numbered, but manually crashed. And outside, they are left round, and inside the chips as a bar. Outside the log part of the house is covered with DuFatex (Germany), preserving the structure of the tree. According to the owner, this dye serves in our weather conditions much longer than others, but it is not suitable for internal work, because it has a rather persistent unpleasant odor. Votchchych, for example, from Pinotex, which is covered with all wooden structures in the interior (walls, ceiling, stairs, railings, doors).

The technical part of the first floor is made of brick, plastered from the inside and outside. But if inside this is a simple white plaster, then from the outer side, the color-colored plaster, which put the "fur coats" method. The solution is performed from a white cement that does not change the overall colon, and a ocher dye on natural salts. By consistency, the solution resembles a thick semolina porridge with small lumps. The method of applying to builders is called "spray". Separate parts of walls are separated by natural stone, laid on the plaster grid.

Stylistically house close to the favorite owner of traditional alpine half-timbered architecture. Tribute to this stylastic roof. It would be correct to cover it with natural tiles, but because of the large area, such a roof would be too heavy. Therefore, they chose the lighter bitumen-polymeric material "Ondulin", which, by the way, cost cheaper, and replace it if necessary will be easy.

The principle of rapid and painless replacement of one element to others is based on the basis of the design of most rooms. If on the first and second floors, wooden walls are left open, then at the top and walls and ceiling are mainly sewn with drywall and are sealed with glass windows, which can always be repainted or flushing with another material, such as a cloth.

For all windows, and they are in the house more than 35, double-glazed windows were ordered according to the owner's drawings. Stamps and children's double-glazed windows are dual, in other rooms are single. But this does not affect the ability of the dwelling to maintain a comfortable temperature at any time of the year.

The house is built for permanent residence, so all communications in it are made on urban type. Even the sewage here is notherent, and local (settlement). The water supply in the cottage village is also a local (well with pump), gas main gas. Heating in the house is water, heating is carried out using a gas boiler. Just in case there is a backup electrical heating system. If electricity will be turned off by accident, you can use a huge fireplace. Of course, it will not be possible to protrude the entire volume of the building, but it is capable of supporting a comfortable temperature for life.

House, bath and a little psychoanalysis
Real antique, and not stylized furniture furniture in the office and library- the subject of special pride of the host. Places where he mined his rarities remain mystery even for close friends by the way, the fireplace, located on the second floor, deserves a separate conversation. The height of its pipe is 13m. Apacks The whole design is fully composed of bricks, then the mass of it is very impressive, about 5thton. Naturally, no gender would be able to withstand a similar load. Therefore, the fireplace has a foundation-independent foundation with a depth of 3.5m. Aexexerase technical premises of the first floor also undergo independent concrete supports on which the concrete base of the fireplace lies. A massive tube fuel tube canals for ventilation of the entire building and the gas boiler tube is laid.

In addition to the house, there is a bath (56m), a summer terrace with a fireplace and a manual reservoir. The bath was erected and decorated several earlier buildings, so she has its heating system. In addition to the traditional steam room, wailing and rest room, there is still a spacious bedroom in the construction (30m2) on the second floor. It was here that the owners lived until the house was completed. Now guests can stay in a small house, guests who arrived for several days. Guest bedroom is finished as well as the top floors at home, - plasterboard. In order for it, it is not dumped from moisture and steam outgoing from the lower bathrooms, the steam room is covered with a thick layer of chammed clay mixed with moss. The features of this composition, invented by our ancestors, many years ago are: the more you are soaring in the bath, the more interesting is the insulation.

House, bath and a little psychoanalysis
A four-storey house, a spacious bath with all the amenities, an open terrace and even a man-made pond, on this site there is everything for a comfortable life in nature. But the most important thing is that this is a visual incarnation of another children's dream dream about his own perfect home near the bath is a pretty large pond for swimming after steam room. She has a special ladder for entering the exit, it is the pond, and not the pool. There is no tile (the walls are simply plastered, and the shores are posted with natural stones), no special filters (in the summer in the reservoir floats and frogs live). The depth of the pond is 3m, with maximum filling it holds 45 tons of water.

The fact that there is on the site, in the house and in the bath, the author of the project, he is the owner of Yevgeny Golotzwan, can tell infinitely. After all, about every log, every stone, every detail of the interior, he knows absolutely everything, missed every little thing through his hands and his soul. "In order to build a good house," says Evgeny, "you need to know many different tricks and subtleties. It is known, and not to invent. Our great-grandfathers created countless excellent technologies that work today, just many, even professional builders, about They were completely forgotten. Athens you need from the very beginning to love everything you do. Every little thing ... "

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