Time of sliding doors


Market overview of the cabinets. The appearance of the cabinets and their internal device, purchase tactics and cost calculation.

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Time of sliding doors

Time of sliding doors

Time of sliding doors

What do we imagine when hearing the phrase "wardrobe"? Of course, not an ordinary wardrobe with sliding doors, but something else. What exactly, immediately and not saying the way its own image system. In the same unique, as your inner world, can be a place to store things. Unique because these cabinets are manufactured by individual order.

And yet, before proceeding, which is called, to the subject of the subject, we will try to deal with terms and concepts. Since the "wardrobe" is rather a conversational expression than literary, we take the courage to give him interpretation.

From the point of view of theory, some designs with such a name can be attributed to the class of built-in, the other kcase of cabinet furniture. Perviously, the first are the system of sliding doors, which, being fixed on the floor, ceiling and walls of the room, ships off the existing niche (it can be initially provided by the layout or specially designed at the construction stage). If a niche is great, that is, there is an area of ​​several square meters, we will receive an already built-in wardrobe, but a whole dressing room with a separate furnishings, and the doors leading there will perform the function of the interior partition. Case varieties that have side walls, roof and floor, to some extent similar to serial cabinets, but in most cases differ from them with dimensions and internal filling, because they are designed according to your size and taking into account the needs of your family. One of the advantages of cabinets having a housing is that they are not tied to a specific apartment and can be easily transported from one house to another. (Built-in designs in this case will have to be dismantled and re-assemble in a new place, which is not always feasible.) Many cabinets can be called partially built-in, since their body consists of one or more parts, and the functions of other carrier parts are performed by walls, ceiling or gender premises.

Scope of application

In which cases are preferred by a wardrobe (a particular design) of ordinary serial furniture? Firstly, when the apartment has enough useless and even hard-to-reach places in which it is problematic to put traditional items (already mentioned niches, as well as surcharges and corners of premises of various purposes). Secondly, if you feel the deficit of residential space: the wardrobes are most often designed to the ceiling tile (used maximum room cubic), and sliding or folding doors, unlike swing, equipped with loops, do not require space for opening. Well, and, thirdly, the wardrobes as one of the types of furniture manufactured to order chooses the one who does not suit the serial products offered by manufacturers (the latter by nature is significantly cheaper, if you compare the models of one artistic level, made of the same materials) .

Where in the house or apartment most often have such cabinets? Small, but high (doping), with mirror doors- either, whose area rarely exceeds 4m2. (Okorpus furniture for these premises. It was in the article "Restamping the threshold".) Capacious and long, in the entire wall, - stamps, and if the room is large enough, it is possible to design a whole wardrobe. Non-standard configuration, thought out, taking into account the habits and tastes of household households. Universal, often equipped with a built-in writing desk, intended for storing clothes, books and toys toys. Glazed, with a multitude of shelves for books and magazines - VCabinets and libraries. Different destination, depending on your needs and volume of things, - swallows, corridors and attic. In short, everywhere, where fantasy and wallet will allow. If you order several cabinets (let not immediately, and gradually), performed in a single style, you can give your dwelling absolutely peculiar appearance.

Shopping tactics

Where to begin? Of course, from the choice of the location of the cabinet and the determination of the number and composition of the items that you are going to store it. (Unforgettable and that over the years, the number of things usually increases, so it is better to immediately admonish and order a design more conveniently.) It is useful to see pictures in catalogs, read the magazines, look into the Internet to relate your fantasies with the real state of affairs. Decide what amount you are willing to spend on the purchase of a wardrobe - ivput.

By the way, by approximately imagining, as it should look like and what the wardrobe should make, you can spend a more detailed review, more precisely, the market call, without leaving the house. Consultants of sellers are responsible for questions on the phone, and some count the approximate cost of purchase. Of course, cost sums are obtained very conditional (the error is 10%), since much depends on how accurately you measured the installation location.

Subsequently, when you choose a firm in which you want to make an order, in any case you will have to invite home the Master of the Measurer. It is necessary so that the designer or the consultant makes the exact project of the future cabinet. By the same specialist, you can contact all your problems, you will probably give a good advice.

The production time of furniture in different firms of non-etinacins: Usually from 3-5 days ago 3-5 weeks. It depends on both the complexity of the invented design and the technical capabilities of the manufacturer. The cabinet assembly is carried out by the specialists of the company in which you made an order, and is paid separately (it will cost about 10% of the price of the product).

Constructive solutions and appearance

Any wardrobe is a rather complex multi-element design consisting of a housing or its parts, doors, guides (so-called tracks), a sliding mechanism, as well as internal filling.

The cabinet case, if it is performed separately standing, is a side panel, roof and floor bonded using special screeds or corners. In many cases, the rear wall is not manufactured, and the wall of the room is in its role. Do I need to order all parts of the design or can be limited to, for example, one side panel (if, say, the cabinet is installed in the corner)? The answer to this question is ambiguous. It all depends on what materials the walls, the floor and the ceiling of your home are made. So, concrete is good "holds" fasteners, and the plasterboard is, of course, no, and then it is better to order a body model.

Cases of cabinets are generally manufactured from chipboard, lined with melamine or laminated, in rare cases, from other materials. Plate thickness varies from 10 to 25 mm, usually 16 or 18mm (18 is European standard). The cost of chipboard in different firms is calculated from the same. Washing the price of a square meter of material is multiplied by the required area of ​​panels: side, bottom, top and rear, if needed. At the same time, you do not pay the cost of waste generated after sawing plates. (Such a counting scheme is used in domestic companies Mr.Doors, Kardinal, Versal, Coupe, etc.) in others, they proceed from some standard sizes of plates that buy the firm, and for the cut of each plate for your size will have to pay separately about $ 5. True, the remaining pieces often go into business: of which you can make a decorative rawpanel, which is attached above the doors; lining on the floor where guides will be held for the sliding mechanism; or shelf inside the cabinet. Alsa is one nuance. When planning the design depth, you need to understand that the guides, if they are located on the floor, occupy some place (usually about 10 cm).

Each door has a frame that "holds" the cloth and allows him to ride the guides. Most often, the frame is performed from a metal profile, steel or aluminum, from the same material and guides for the sliding mechanism are made. The door canvas, as a rule, have a smaller thickness than the walls of the case. Machining them from the 8mm thick chipboard and 4mm thick glass, manufacturers try to reduce the total mass and reduce the dynamic load on the entire design. Solid side, thin plates have an appearance property and can simply fall out over time.

Aluminum systems are considered more progressive from the point of view of silent and aesthetic requirements, but they are much more expensive than steel. The aluminum profile can be lined with veneer of the wood of valuable rocks, and then the design looks very solid, but it is very expensive. The manufacture of cabinets and interior partitions from these materials specializes, for example, the Moscow enterprise ECALUM (old name-Ecolux).

The sliding mechanism is attached to each door, whose wheels ride on a special guide. Distinguish the lower and upper sliding systems. For the first case, the main load falls on the lower wheels, which are driven by grooves (at the top of the doors, an auxiliary wheels are installed, which move along a duplicate guide). One of the most famous manufacturers of the lower Slip Slip Slip Slip Systems (United Kingdom). The upper sliding systems, which are also called non-free, are on average, more expensive than their lower fellows, but also more perfect. They are used in the manufacture of not only wardrobes, but also interior partitions. The main advantage of the "upper" above the "lower" should be recognized as the lack of a rail on the floor: there is nothing to clog dust and not worry about. The sliding mechanism of the unrelated type is connected to the door in its upper part and is designed for a certain mass of the web (as well as the St. Petersburg firm "ALP" produces mechanisms that can withstand a mass of the door from 50 to 125kg). The height of the doors with the lower sliding system usually reaches a maximum of 2.7-2.8 m, with an upper system - 3.5m, and in some cases even 4m.

Internal organization

Filling the wardrobe is designed by your desire. Therefore, initially everything needs to be thought out. Much depends on what specifically things you want to store here and how much money can spend on it. If you choose for an example of a wardrobe, then the cheapest filling for it will be ordinary partitions and shelves from chipboard (for linen and clothing), as well as barbecue rods, located at different heights, depending on the length of things. If the depth of furniture is greater than or equal to 60cm, the shoulders with clothing are placed on a conventional bar, walking parallel to the plane of the doors. With a shallow depth of the cabinet (for example, in a narrow hallway) use so-called end hungry, which are attached to the rear wall perpendicular to it: then the clothes will hang parallel to the door plane. More expensive options for "filling" - retractable boxes for small items, metal mesh baskets and shelves. In addition cases, the filling is completely autonomous, that is, it is not attached to the outer walls and has its own framework, but these systems are more often used in the wardrobe or huge cabinets. Such modular designs are offered by many manufacturers, including Mr.Doors, Stanley and Versal (PERFECTM system).

Inside the cabinet, you can arrange very convenient and technically advanced devices, but do not be surprised if they seem too expensive. Thus, a mini-elevator (a loading type lifting device) will help you hang her shoulders with a suit or blouse in the top of the cabinet, at an altitude of up to 2.7 m, but the price of it is more than $ 100- not everyone will find attractive. Many times cheaper to buy a "fishing rod" with a crochet on the end and, using it, shoot and hang her hanger with clothes on a bar, located at high altitude. Asseta is simpler to immediately design the cabinet so that the usual shelves for seasonal things were upstairs, and the rods with her shoulders are a bit low.

Manufacturers and prices

All cabinets are supplied by buyers in disassembled form. Before you pay for the order, do not forget to ask a question: "Will the collectors cut and drill the plates at me at home?" Some companies (for example, Mr.Doors, Versal, Aldo, Kardinal, Coupe) make design details, close the edges and drill holes under fasteners in factory conditions, as they have their own production base. As a result, the installation of a product at the client house takes quite a bit of time and is rudely speaking, in twisting the screws (connecting parts between themselves and fix the design on the walls, floor and ceiling). Other firms, and most of them, bring some blanks to the buyer home, which are poured, glued and drilled at the installation site. These companies lead to the next argument: only in this way it is possible to achieve an accurate fitting of the cabinet to the irregularities of the walls, gender and ceiling.

The cost of the cabinet depends on which materials and components are used in its manufacture, as well as on the degree of building structure. The "weighted average" price of a fully built-in wardrobe with the doors from the plate, lined with melamine, with a steel profile is about $ 300 per 1 in the standard ceiling height. Cabinet models will cost approximately 1.5rd more. If the cabinet is filled with convenient devices of the type of retractable tracks for ties and lifts for the shoulder, its cost can increase even more.

The wardrobe, made by the individual order, is a complex design consisting of many elements. What factors affect product price formation? How to calculate the cost of the cabinet? Answers to these and other similar questions could take more than a dozen magazine pages. Therefore, we decided to proceed easier and make all the calculations on the example of a particular one, and quite typical of our wardrobe apartments. Having made one sketch, we suggested three major manufacturers companies to calculate the cost of the designed cabinet. The following conditions were set. Length cabinet - 2m, height, 2.7 m (Doping), depth - 60cm. Configuration: three-rolled, mirror central door. Slip system low. Internal device: one section with shelves for clothing and two drawers, the second and third, with the barrels for the shoulder and shelves for seasonal things.

Time of sliding doors

In the spacious children can be placed both the built-in wardrobe and modular cabinet furniture Modula-Next

Time of sliding doors

Sliding wardrobes often become places for storing books, magazines, souvenirs and installed in libraries and cabinets

Time of sliding doors

Since the wardrobes are made by individual order, you can choose any option for their external design.

Time of sliding doors

Parts of a spacious cabinet in a teenager's room steel sections with sliding doors, open shelves and a computer desk

Time of sliding doors

Model Jade. The wardrobe is equipped with mirror doors, edged with an aluminum profile with veneer facing

Time of sliding doors
The door of the cabinet compartment can be made of different materials, in this case, metal and glass. Kardinal
Time of sliding doors

Small, but cutting cabinet "imaging" is complemented by open shelves for storing small things

Time of sliding doors
A huge five-grade cabinet with deaf and mirror doors and an open section occupies a whole wall
Time of sliding doors
"Fishing Fishing" will remove the shoulders from the rod at the top of the cabinet
Time of sliding doors
One of the cabinet sash is made in the technique of classical stained glass. "ALP"
Time of sliding doors
The multi-purpose cabinet of the angular configuration from Aldo will be able to accommodate almost all things of your household
Time of sliding doors
Mr. Doors.
Time of sliding doors
An unusual design solution from Aldo: the wardrobe and interroom partitions were formed a single integer

Case, internal partitions and cabinet shelves are made of chipboard, lined with melamine, Polish production. Plate thickness - 18mm. Color- "Shagreen White". The price of the sliding mechanism is included in the cost of the doors. The edges of all parts are embedded with PVC ribbon.

Name of element unit of measurement number Price per unit, $ Cost, $
one Case, internal partitions, shelves m2. 11,4. 25. 285.
2. The door is deaf PC. 2. 133/197 * 266/394 *
3. Mirror door PC. one 156/219 * 156/219 *
four Drawer pull-out PC. 2. 32.8. 65.6
five Fastening corner set eight 2. sixteen
6. Rod for shoulder M. 2. 12.5 25.
Total materials and components 813.6 / 1004.6 *
Delivery and assembly (10.5% of the value of the elements) 85.4 / 105.5 *
TOTAL 899 / 1110.1 *

* - door frames and guides of the sliding mechanism: enlightened - from steel, cornamer - izaluminum

Time of sliding doors

Time of sliding doors

Time of sliding doors

The side and top panels are made of chipboard, lined with melamine, Slovak production. Panels for internal partitions and rope of domestic production. Plate thickness - 18mm. Color- "Walnut Classic". The cabinet is not equipped with a bottom and installed directly to the floor. The lower guides are located on a special lining with a width of 10 cm made of the same material as the body of the product. Lining, as well as the Fake Panelle at the top of the cabinet made from the residues of the side panels and therefore have zero cost. Door frames and guide sliding mechanism are made of steel profile.

Name of element Number, Price per unit, $ Cost, $
one Side panel 2. 56,1 112,2
2. Upper Panel one 56,1 56,1
3. The door is deaf 2. 133,1 266,2
four Mirror door one 174.9 174.9
five Sliding mechanism one 72.6 72.6
6. Corner for fastening to walls twenty 0,3. 6.
7. Corner for fastening to false eight 0,7 5.6
eight Bar for fastening the top guide one 3,3. 3,3.
Total building 696.9
Interior filling
nine Panel for internal partitions and shelves five 19.8. 99.
10 Drawer pull-out 2. 17.6 35.2
eleven Pen for drawer 2. 1,3. 2.6
12 Rod for shoulder 3. 5.5 16.5
13 Corner for mounting shelves 64. 0,3. 19,2
Total internal content 172.5
Total materials and components 869,4
Discount for purchase worth more than $ 500 (2%) 17,4.
Delivery and assembly (12% of the value of elements) 102.2
TOTAL 954,2

Time of sliding doors

Time of sliding doors

Time of sliding doors

The housing, internal partitions and shelves are made of chipboard, lined with melamine, 18mm thickness of Polish production. Color- "beech". The price of the sliding mechanism is included in the cost of the doors. The price of fasteners is included in the price of the cabinet. Door frames and guides of the sliding mechanism are made of anodized aluminum profile.

Name of element unit of measurement number Price per unit, $ Cost, $
one Case, internal partitions, shelves m2. 11.5. 36. 414.
2. The door is deaf PC. 2. 242. 484.
3. Mirror door PC. one 264. 264.
four Drawer pull-out PC. 2. 40. 80.
five Rod for shoulder M. 2. 12.5 25.
6. Edge from PVC 100
Total materials and components 1367.
Delivery and assembly (10% of the value of the elements) 136.7
TOTAL 1503.7

The editorial board thanks Versal, Mr.Doors, Aldo, Kardinal, Ecalum, Coupe, Alf and Two CJSC, the exclusive dealer of Stanley Works Corporation in Russia for help preparing material.

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