Softness without borders


How to choose a sofa and armchairs to serve as faith and true dozen years? Overview of the system of upholstered furniture of the medium price range.

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Softness without borders
From the soft elements of the "Kalinka" constructor, you can make a set of any configuration. For example, corner
Softness without borders
"Calypso" from the Revuel Design Factory (Brand "Soft Life") is equipped with a "Click-Click" transformation mechanism with the possibility of fixing the side parts of the seat and backs in different positions
Softness without borders
"Missouri" from "Instroymebeli" The original upholstered furniture is equipped with built-in shelves and capacities. The sofa is equipped with a SEDAFLEX transformation mechanism.
Softness without borders
IKEA. Sofa "Grinda" - a great place to relax with a book and a cup of tea, as well as night sleep

Softness without borders

Softness without borders
Anderssen. The model "Mont Blanc" with colored covers and ruffles will probably enjoy the girls. Transformable sofas and armchairs are equipped with a mechanism of type "Accordion"
Softness without borders
Leather furniture in traditional English style from Freiling Fernich factory (brand "soft life"). Model "Sienna"
Softness without borders
BEAUTY CO PASSIO of the company "Europlast" - line of upholstered furniture on a metal frame with filling from elastic molded PPU
Softness without borders
FINN FANI FINAL Factory Collection includes elegant home furniture objects on slender legs

Softness without borders

Softness without borders
"Midnight Cowboy" from Anderssen "dressed" in removable denim covers. Rubbing and armrests are pockets
Softness without borders
Lush, slightly "dodged" shapes of upholstered furniture are perfectly combined with a monophonic upholstery of a noble gray. Model "Kalinka24" Factory "Kalinka"
Softness without borders

Unusual "streamlined" forms of this chair are formed by the frozen polyurethane mass

Softness without borders
"Europlast". Laconic compact sofas and chairs without the possibility of transformation well fit into this minimalist interior
Softness without borders
Sofa "Lixel" from IKEA. Change of removable covers of upholstered furniture will help easily and quickly change the view of the room.

In many countries, sofas and chairs are indispensable attributes of a spacious living room that perform mostly decorative features. The "highlight" of the interior is what they are looking for and find our ingenic neighbors in them. Of course, the upholstered furniture should be comfortable for recreation: to give the ability to back on the back, pull the tired legs. All this is so. But we, in Russia, chairs and especially sofas are often intended to carry out the unusual, in fact, the function- is a silent to serve as a sleeping place for the inhabitants of small apartments

Today we want to talk about upholstered furniture of the middle price range. We offer its upper border to set at about $ 2,500 per kit, consisting of a sofa and a pair of seats. In the focus of our attention, there will be a model in the focus of our attention, in most cases transformable, many domestic and some foreign manufacturers, manufactured using high-quality materials and components. Of course, about the cheapest furniture, the origin of which causes doubts, it will not be. Let's not talk about the latest developments of world-class designers.

How to choose to choose upholstered furniture to serve you faith and truth 5-10 years? What should separate parts of the design be made? What transformation mechanism to prefer? We will try to find answers to these and other similar questions, giving a complete picture of the upholstered furniture on the Russian market.

What is standing on?

Of course, on legs, wooden or metal. But not only on them. Choosing upholstered furniture, you must definitely pay attention to what the materials are made of its frame. (This is especially important if you are going to use a sofa in the form of a permanent bed.) The composition and quality of materials will largely determine the strength of the entire design and the service life of the furniture. If you yourself can not recognize, from which the basis is made, you will certainly ask the seller. A simple way to determine the quality of the frame on the eye to check how neatly surface is treated. However, in many cases it is impossible to make it, since carriers are under the upholstery. Then you have nothing left, except to be satisfied with the response of the seller or to trust the good reputation of the manufacturer.

The absolute majority of soft products of different manufacturers "worth" on a frame of wood materials: timber, plywood, etc. Plotted dear furniture uses a timber of hardwood, usually beech, durable and slightly flexible (so arranged, for example, many models from Albertshtein, Russia). Often sofas and chairs, including Russian and Scandinavian manufacturers, are equipped with a base of coniferous breeds and ate. It should be noted that the wood should be well sucked (the humidity rate is 6-8%). Interesting the fact that many Scandinavian manufacturers, such as Finnish Pohjamaan Kaluste and Finn Fani, give a ten-year warranty on the frames of their upholstered furniture.

Good material for the manufacture of parts of the base is a multilayer plywood glued from thin sheets of veneer (often birch). Which is thicker, the stronger the design. Thick plywood perfectly "holds" accessories and during operation is not deformed. Most often, several materials in various combinations are used for the manufacture of carrying structures of upholstered furniture. For example, a beech, pine timing plus plywood (as in models from Riverel Design and Freiling Fernich, Russia, a brand "Soft life").

Of the laminated chipboard, serious manufacturers make only linen boxes. For the manufacture of carcass parts, this material is used only in the cheapest and short-lived models.

And the most reliable, apparently, the welded metal base should be recognized, which are equipped with sofas and chairs, made in a lightweight modern style: many models from Anderssen (Russia), as well as from Swedish IKEA (for example, one of the most popular sofas "Beding" ).

Transformation mechanisms

If you want to put up a soft furniture in the living room and use it only for short-term recreation, sitting back on the back, you will not need transformable models. (By the way, this is another opportunity to save slightly, because not folding sofas and chairs are significantly cheaper than similar folding.) It is well known that all over the world, upholstered furniture is rarely equipped with transformation mechanisms, except that the so-called "guest", that is not too durable, And therefore inexpensive. It is in Russia, or rather, in the USSR sofas and chairs have become beds, because most of our apartments were and remain quite close. The small area of ​​the premises dictates its requirements for a device of upholstered furniture: it should take a little place in the folded state, but to provide maximum comfort during sleep, without harming our health. A variety of transformation mechanisms There are countless. Let's try to figure out the sea of ​​mysterious words, focusing on the most common. For simplicity, we divide all folding sofas into two groups, assuming that it is originally this item is installed along the wall. The clerk group will take those sofas that, turning into bed, allow people to sleep in parallel with the wall. Then in the second group, the models will fall forward, having a person perpendicular to the wall, along which the sofa is worth it.

A parallel wall is located the bed of double sofas with the "book" and "Click-Click" type mechanisms. The principle of their actions is the same: you need to lift the seat until it clicks, and then omitted, the idioca is decomposed. At the same time, the "Click-Click" mechanism has, unlike the "book", the additional possibility of fixing the back in the middleback position, and therefore is considered more perfect. The advantages of both models are compactness and ease of use. The disadvantage should be recognized as the need to move the sofa from the wall for 10-20 cm each time before the transformation. In addition, the maximum sleeping width in sofas with these mechanisms is 135cm. There are copies with stationary armrests and without them, as well as the possibility of fixing the back and armrests in several inclined positions (such as in the Calypso model from River Design.

It is interesting

Russian sound-resistant "click-click" corresponds to the French "Clic-Cluc" or English "Click-Cluck". Hence the name of the mechanisms of transformation type "Books". The principle of their action involves raising the seat before clicking, after which the sofa is fixed in the desired position.There is also a "eurobook" - an upgraded version of the "books". In order to decompose such a sofa, you need to push the seat on yourself, and to lower the back to the vacation place. Favoring the advantages of the two previous "books", this mechanism lost both above the flaws mentioned above: the sofa does not need to move away from the wall, the sleeping place expanded (150cm and more).

The sofas, folding forward, are equipped with roll-out mechanisms or all sorts of "clamshells". The first simple and reliable. When placing the simplest roll-out mechanism, the sofa is to push the lower part with the legs from the sofa, and then put the pillows for forming the back.

Flash acts in a similar way, only on the plane that left the sofa should be put one of the seats (when the sofa is assembled, they lie alone on another, bonded together). At the same time, the back of the sofa leans back.

The unconditional advantage of all roll-out systems is the large width of the bed location - from 180 to 180cm, which corresponds to a full-fledged double bed. The disadvantage has to recognize the fact that in the decomposed state the sofa becomes rather low.

This flaw is deprived of the "dolphin" - the most perfect and new rolling system. The principle of his action is in fact resembles the emergence of this cute animal from the water. The lower part of the sofa needs to be pulled out, and it smoothly moves forward and up, put on one level with the seat. At the same time, the third component of the structure will appear due to the stationary back.

Mechanisms known in Russia as "clamshells" or "scrolls" are actually special names (for example, Sedaflex, Mixotoile, Cosmolat, Meralatte, Meratoile and other French-Belgian firm Sedac-Meral). When the sofa is folded, all the details of the device together with the mattress are hiding under the seat. For transformation into the bed, you need to leake yourself and omit. The result is extracted from under it, and then three interconnected parts of the "clamshells" are placed in one plane.

"Accordion", variations on whose theme is also a lot, consists of three articulated parts. The design is equipped with a mattress and a removable case. For the transformation, you need to pull the seat on yourself, as a result of which the double back, which is a "house", decompose and three parts of the design form one plane (so arranged, say, Discovery model from Style House, Italy).

With a shortage of residential area, the problem of storage of bed linen, pillows and blankets is particularly relevant. Therefore, most folding sofas are equipped with built-in lounge boxes. The exceptions are models with systems of type "folding glands", since the seat under the seat is usually occupied by the mechanism itself.

In addition to folding sofas, some manufacturers offer transformable chairs (for example, "Aviator" factory "shop", chairs from the "Magdalen" collection from "Instroymebeli" and others). Most often they are intended for rest in the middleside position. However, such chairs are produced, which, as a result of transformation, are transformed into a single bed. Watch models use mechanisms similar to those used in sofas: roll-out, "Accordions" and "Click-Clak".

The transformation system is directly related to the design of the furniture object. Thus, sofas with chubum forms and "duyami" backs are usually equipped with "clamshells" and roll-out mechanisms. Awesome more modestly models with the back and seats of comparable volumes on verification are "books" or "accordions".

Most of the high-quality transformation mechanisms are equipped with so-called lathered lattices (or a racking bottom, which is the same). They help to distribute body weight along an extensive plane, thanks to which a person feels like sleeping more comfortable. It is very important for the presence of such lattices in the daily use of the sofa as a bed. Usually they are made of plywood or wood of hardheld beech or birch. Some models of "clamshells" are equipped with a grid of metal plates.

What inside?

It is this question that needs to be asked the seller when buying up a soft furniture. From the answer, you must learn about the presence or absence of springs, as well as get an idea of ​​the used filling materials. Especially important than filled with those parts of the sofas and chairs that carry an increased load: the seats of all models without exception, as well as the backs of sofas with the "Click-Click" mechanisms.

Of course, it is impossible not to trust and your own feelings. Be sure to sit and even lie on the sofa (this, unfortunately, you will not do when buying furniture via the Internet). One people like soft, cozy and chubby sofas, others prefer hardness and straightness.

Do you really need springs? Generally speaking, they are optional, because the elasticity of the flooring can be achieved in different ways, and the use of spring is only one of them. If the sofa or chair has a thick "stuffing", in which the soft and hard layers alternate, the effect will be similar to what the springs plus one or two covering layers. The perfect variant is the combination of a spring block with thick multi-layer filling.

In the production of mass furniture of the middle price range, mainly synthetic filling materials are used. Among them, polyurethanes were most common: foam-block elastic polyurethane (Polyurethane Polyophthane) and PPU (Cold Forming Polyurethane). The chemical composition and technology of their production are different. In the manufacture of foam rubber, a chemical reaction occurs, in the process of which carbon dioxide is released. It is he who foams polyurethane, ultimately increasing its volume of several tens of times. Then the mixture is gradually frozen, forming a lightweight elastic gas-filled material with a large number of communicating pores. And the air takes up to 98% of the volume in it! The aging of the finished blocks of foam rubber occurs within two days.

In the manufacture of PPU, the mixture of components is poured into a pre-harvested form, which is then closed tightly. The material gradually freezes. Extracted from the form element after compression is ready to use. The main technological advantage of the PPU in front of the foam rubber is that in one molding cycle you can get a soft element of a complex sculptural configuration (it is the molded PPU that is inside the car chairs, the ergonomics of which high demands are presented). In this principle, the process of producing upholstered furniture offered by the EuroPlast company (Russia) was founded. The mixture of components is poured with a welded metal frame, which is placed in a special press form corresponding to, for example, the back or seat of the sofa. Ready parts, lured by frozen mass , tighten with cloth or skin.

Lifetime, as well as the cost of synthetic foam-rone and PPPs depend on their density. The minimum recommended foam rubber density for seats is 30-35kg / m2 or more, spinning-from25kg / m2. When using a material with a smaller density, residual deformation increases and dramatically decreases the life of products. Therefore, therefore, it should be abandoned to buy a set, the price of which seemed to you too low- $ 150-200. It is possible that such upholstered furniture will last you just a year and a half. In turn, a sofa with high-quality dense filling can be used for a long time - about ten. In love, the case of the PPU has a higher density than the foam rubber - 42-50kg / m2.

The principle of a multilayer pie usually assumes the presence of a rigid at the bottom, and at the top of the soft layers of filling. Between the foam rubber or pamp and the upholstery, as a rule, are fluff and feathers (vaccinal meaning of the word). The pen is used by the present bird (for example, in some IKEA models), the poch is predominantly synthetic. There is a huge number of fluffy furniture fillers, and to figure out the physicochemical properties of each of them is difficult. Let's just say that a synthepon with comrades (syntipeuch, duraphil, britfil, periothek, etc.) are most often used to give a product of additional softness and "fluffiness".


Materials used for handling upholstered furniture are divided into coating and facing (upholstery). Capocarbons include so-called technical fabrics, quite primitive in texture, monophonic (more precisely, unscreased), but durable and durable. Upholstery materials There are such a quantity that they should be devoted to a separate review. Now we will only try to summarize the essence of the case.

Immediately make a reservation that each manufacturer of upholstered furniture operates with its assortment of fabrics and leather, which often acquires different channels. Solid firms offer up to 500 items of upholstery materials, of which the buyer can choose one or more, in combination, and order models of sofas and chairs in a certain design. (For example, sells its furniture "Furniture Furniture Market", Russia.)

All upholstery materials are divided into textiles (woven and non-woven) and skin (natural and artificial). Fabrics are completely natural in their composition (which is quite rare), artificial or mixed. Nonwovens have a mixed or synthetic basis and necessarily a synthetic coating.

The most common nonwoven furniture textiles is, of course, Flock. The technology of its manufacture consists in gluing a nylon pile to a pre-woven-based basis. Pork falls strictly vertically due to the creation of the base of the electrostatic field above the surface. The result is achieved by the smooth coating, and ultimately a pleasant feeling of softness (as if we stroke a cat). Despite the good visual and tactile properties in combination with a low price, wear resistance and the service life of the FLOK is small: over time it "bald". However, it should be noted that recently the flocks of very high quality began to appear in our market. But at the price they are already quite comparable to woven materials, for example velor.

Flock and velor- "Gemini-brothers" from the pavement of pile. The inexperienced buyer does not distinguish them from each other. Amezhda, the difference between these materials is fundamental: velor Tkut, and Flock glue. Naturally, the first way to fasten the threads is obviously stronger. The technology of velor production is the V- or W-shaped interweaving of the porous threads with one, two threads of the foundation or two bases at the same time (in the event of the case at the outlet in the output is sunmage). As you understand, the process of manufacturing velor is complicated, and therefore the final material is quite expensive, but at the same time very durable and durable. In composition, it is usually mixed, for example, cotton, viscose and polyester.

The small effect of velvety creatures and Shenill is one of the types of jacquard, fabrics with a complex pattern of weaving. This effect is achieved by adding one or more fluffy seinyl threads to the fabric structure. The composition of the material is different, for example, 60% acrylic and 40% polypropylene, 100% polyester or cotton, viscose and acrylic.

Actually Jacquard is a whole class of fabrics made by the weave of colored threads with an unequal step. With such a complex weaving, a very high density of the threads per unit area is achieved. Therefore, every jacquard is obviously more durable than any other material obtained by one of the simple methods of weaving (linen, sarrenchy, satin-satin) produced on the usual weaving machine. Fabric composition is more often mixed.

Natural leather- unconditionally, one of the best upholstery materials. It is wear-resistant, durable and durable. Artificial leather is usually used to cover office furniture. Large models are rarely used.

Manufacturers and prices

In the Russian market there are upholstered furniture of many foreign and domestic manufacturers. However, mostly products of Western European factories, German, Dutch, French, English, Spanish and Italian and Italic-applies to the highest price category. The exceptions are sofas and seats of individual "inexpensive", as well as little-known manufacturers from Italy (for example, Tarquini, House Line, Salotti Ferrulli, Style House) with the cost of a set from $ 2000. Many buyers have a special flutter for many buyers, it causes Finnish upholstered furniture, because this phrase has become synonymous with high quality products since Soviet times. Products of many factories from this Scandinavian country (Pohjamaan Kaluste, Relax, Finn Fani, Isku and others) is located on the border of the middle and highest price range (the estimated cost of a set of $ 2000-3000).

Now about what is meant when the price is said. The standard for comparing prices on the models of different manufacturers is usually considered a standard set of three-bed sofas and a pair of armchairs. But more often, the upholstered furniture is sold alternately, not a set, and you can always choose the desired combination of objects. Many firms also produce double sofas, ottomans and some other items to supplement the combination. In addition, it is impossible not to take into account the fact that the cost of the model may differ in one and a half, two or even three times, depending on the upholstery material you choose. Therefore, most often we are talking about the minimum price of the kit 3 + 1 + 1.

Special place in our market is the Swedish firm IKEA. It offers a large selection of upholstered furniture, while the price variation is quite large. From the product of the company, you can choose sofas worth $ 230-400 (for example, "Beding" and "Lixel"), as well as solid, with leather upholstery for $ 800-1100 (let's say, "Flood"). Chairs many, including folding, price range is very large: "Tullasta" is offered in less than $ 75, and, say, "Barcabi" with removable striped covers cost about $ 350.

But with all the attractiveness of suggestions of suppliers, we still have the most successful products of Russian manufacturers. This furniture is offered at a fairly low price. If the factory produces high-quality products, similar to the level of execution with foreign, and even using imported materials and components, they will also be comparable to foreign counterparts.

A large number of famous domestic home furniture manufacturers focused in Moscow and the near Moscow region. There are factories that are part of the Holding "Furniture Furniture Market" (Wet Albertshtein, "Tsekh", Anderssen) and the Association of Furniture Manufacturers "Allegro", as well as enterprises "Moion", "Prestige-Furniture", "Alliance-M" , "INSTROY-FURNITURE", "EUROPLAST", "Freiling Fernich", "Ravel Design", "Concept" and a huge number of others (for the listing of all would not have the whole page of the journal). Among manufacturers located in other regions of Russia, I wanted I would mention the enterprise "MZ-5" (MBelzeit) from Kirovo-Chepetsk, which produces not only original exclusive soft furniture, but also a line of democratic sofas for the price of $ 500. You can also buy a soft furniture Factory "Good Style" from Ulyanovsk, "Kalinka "From Saratov and Falke MBEL," Kniksberg "," Maksik "from Kaliningrad (the last three are located on the territory of the free economic zone" Amber ").

The model range of many of the Moscow and regional producers mentioned is so large that in the framework of the review article it makes no sense to stop at the price of individual sets. Let's just say that if you want to use upholstered furniture for a long time (no less than 10 years), it should cost it quite expensive. Of course, the understanding of the words "expensive" and "cheap" depends on the level of your income, but in less than $ 400 a qualitative kit you will not find. There will be an average price for quite cute sets 3 + 1 + 1 domestic production with a tissue or flock upholstery and an imported sofa transformation mechanism ranges within $ 500-1000. Leather sofas and armchairs made in Russia are sold approximately $ 1200-1500 per set. If you want to get something unusual or yourself to make an angular or even the P-shaped composition for the living room, you will have to spend the amount of about $ 1500-2000, and even much more.

The editors thanks LLC "Ravel Design", LLC "Freiling Fernich", the company "EuroLast", LLC "Instroymebel", Holding "Furniture Furniture Market", Salon Divanov, Factory "Kalinka", "Good Style", Falke MBEL, IKEA, Isku and Kanti International for help preparing the material.

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