Herbarium in the apartment and in the country


Wicker furniture made of natural materials: raw materials, weaving technology, furniture items, traditional country producers, prices.

Herbarium in the apartment and in the country 14569_1

Herbarium in the apartment and in the country
Fotos: Carsten Eichner / Picture Press

The cozy chair of the unusual shape is completely covered by a wicker pattern.

Herbarium in the apartment and in the country
Sofa swing from rattan. IKEA (Sweden), model "Romse"
Herbarium in the apartment and in the country
Original triangular stools can be pulled under the table. Penjalindo Nusantara, Indonesia
Herbarium in the apartment and in the country
Roberti Rattan

Light living room Furnished with light rattan objects

Herbarium in the apartment and in the country
Folding chair with a rathang. The seat and the back are woven from synthetic material. Antiga, Italy
Herbarium in the apartment and in the country

Rocking chair from IV roths

Herbarium in the apartment and in the country
Serving table on rollers with wicker shelves
Herbarium in the apartment and in the country

Traditional Indonesian furniture object with soft seat

Herbarium in the apartment and in the country
Pastel tones in the design of this living room are successfully combined with light green color of wicker furniture. Roberti Rattan (Italy), Romance Collection
Herbarium in the apartment and in the country
This is a chair, also a rocking chair. Its original design allows the seating not too much to tip back (Indonesia)
Herbarium in the apartment and in the country

Dining group of rattan consists of six chairs and a table with a glass cover

Herbarium in the apartment and in the country

Using the example of this dining group, it is especially clearly visible, what a variety of forms can acquire stems of rattan

Herbarium in the apartment and in the country

Rocking chair of the original shape, woven fibers banana

Herbarium in the apartment and in the country
Roberti Rattan (Italy), Nottechiara collection. Rotan stem bed with wicker head restraints and bedside tables painted in atypical blue

Summer has come. Nature awakened after winter sleep, and everyone wants to be closer to her. Go to the village, in the forest, to the sea, to write about urban bustle. Asseta can be preserved memories of the summer for the whole year, if you put furniture in your apartment woven from natural materials: flexible tropical lian or willow roths

What is good wicker furniture? Yes, almost everyone. It is natural and hygienic, easy to leaving and, thanks to a small weight, mobile. Despite the seeming fragility, quite durable and perfectly winter in unheated premises. Almost frequent drops of temperature and humidity are aboard, so it is not recommended to constantly keep on non-beam balconies or in the garden. Interior facilities of apartments, country houses and cottages; Indoor loggias, verandas, terraces and winter gardens - this is not a complete list of places of possible use of this furniture.

The lesson of applied botany

Raw materials for wicker furniture are the most diverse types of flora growing in all parts of light and many climatic belts. It can be palm trees (Rattan and Rafia), trees and shrubs (Iva, Oshness-Leschina, grapes), cereals (reeds and bamboo), grassy plants (banana) and even algae. The main thing is that the material has sufficient flexibility and did not break in the process of processing and further operation. Different parts of the plants are going on: Rattan and cane stalks, willow branches and nuts, as well as Rafia and Banana leaves. By the way, some types of banana cultivate precisely for weaving all sorts of products, and not for the sake of obtaining sweet fruits.

The most popular and most interesting raw material for the "Braided" is of course Rattan. What does he represent? A few people know about it, which means that it probably makes sense to answer the question in more detail. Rattanta-climbing liana (although it belongs to palm trees). It grows in almost all tropical areas, especially in the forests of Southeast Asia. Crawling for the surrounding trees and shrubs, hanging between them at different levels, the ratng forms a thick impassable thicket. The length of its stem reaches 150-180m, and the thickness exceeds 70mm. A characteristic feature of this palm tree is well-visible interstices, of which the filament leaves grow. Rattan wood (unless, of course, it can be called wood), inhabiting in conditions of almost one hundred percent humidity, has a specific, slightly porous structure, and therefore it is fairly easy to process. From whole thick stems, details of furniture framework are manufactured, and openwork patterns are sculpted from thin strips, "spaghetti".

In our country, furniture (and not only furniture) most often weave from the ventilated vine. Earlings of an egg around the reservoirs and swamps can be found in the middle lane of Russia everywhere: in the Moscow region, on Tambovshchina, in the Kaluga and Vologda regions. Flexible boys for residents of many of our local locations have become an excellent manufacturer material for the manufacture of a variety of large and small items.

Rattan or Rattan?

Correctly talk and write - "rattan". This borrowing came to the Russian language from Malay. The Latin name sounds similar to: Calamus Rotang, that is, "rattan palm". And "Ratthan" is simply trading with the English word Rattan, which often appears in a variety of documents, including customs and English-speaking directories.

Weaving technology

You can argue for a long time that wicker furniture is durable and durable. But after all, her "air" appearance rather talking about the opposite! Now, the manufacturers claim that, for example, a light openwork chair easily withstands weight to 500kg. How is such strength achieved? We offer a little doubt in details.

The technological process of production of furniture made of stems of rattan or a ventilated vine consists of several stages. First-blank and sorting of natural raw materials. The second is cleaning the stems and branches from the bark, which is also often in the case. It is cut into pieces, and they are used for stool braids, ends and corners of products. (Extra cases of the Corre do not remove at all, and then the finished furniture acquires a stylized "rustic" view. Of the crude rods, such as armchairs and chairs, intended for the cottage or country house, can be made from crude rods, designed for giving or country house.) The following stapped thermal processing of the material. As a result, it becomes more supplied, able to perceive the desired form. Depending on the ultimate goal of production and the original sizes of blanks, it takes at least the soaking of raw materials in warm water, and its maximum processing is ferry. Then immediately begin to create individual details: molding thick blanks and weaving pattern from thin strips or rods. The following steps are standard enough: drying, grinding, assembly, coating of a finished varnish or paint. In other words, the technology is similar to that by which ordinary wooden furniture produce. We want to emphasize that the finished products acquire high strength precisely as a result of a thorough drying of bent parts. Most items are screwed manually, without the use of any technique. There are countless types of weaving. The most common basket, checkered, "pigtail" (B1, 2, or 3DD).

Objects and groups of furniture

I submitting a spectrum of materials used in the production of wicker furniture, and briefly familiarized with the technological process, we closely approached the main question: what objects are made by such an exotic way and many of them actually braided elements? After all, the furniture, which is accepted to belong to the class of wicker, is not necessarily manufactured only from specific plant raw materials. Separate structural elements can be glass, metal or wooden. From glass often make countertops; from metal-carcasses chairs, chairs and tables; From the wood of various breeds of cabinets and bases of beds. Anabals for living rooms are necessarily equipped with removable mattresses and seats.

According to the recognition of sellers and manufacturers, we use inexpensive lunch groups with the greatest demand, as well as sets of upholstered furniture. A variety of rocking chairs are very popular. Lovers of a healthy lifestyle attract rotangling beds, and fans of the "light" styles - shelf, dressers and hallways from bent stems equipped with removable wicker baskets instead of heavy drawers. Scooter! Atabools and Bar Highchairs! However, about everything in order.

Dining groups are good on the veranda and in the garden, in an urban apartment and a country house. Consist of several chairs or seats (most often four or six) and tables. Sold not necessarily a set, many salons and shops offer a element set. It is also possible to be important to be able to make the necessary combination itself.

Chairs and light chairs often have a base of flexible rattan stems or willow branches. Backs and seats are covered with a variety of weaving. (For example, these furniture items are not difficult to trace, as bent, not breaking, tropical liana and the Middle Russian vine). The joints of the parts are fixed using the ties from the bark of the plant or genuine leather. The latter is considered more durable. Chairs and armchairs with bent rotany base are made mainly in Indonesia. Ayeuropean furniture often has a metallic (for example, wrought-made models from Expoormim, Spain) or a wooden frame (Caprice chairs with reed backrest and the seat from Isku, Finland).

Dining and journal tables can be completely covered with weaving, including a lid and base, but more often equipped with a transparent glass table top (such are many models of Indonesian producers).

Complete furniture kits traditionally include a two-or three-bed sofa, chairs and a coffee table. Can be supplemented with puffs and tobretes for legs. A set for a small living room sometimes consists of a small sofa, chairs and a decorative table (kinveyra, Romance collection from Roberti Rattan, Italy). Sofas, including corner, in rare cases are equipped with a tag transformation mechanisms. Strain of models of upholstered furniture weaving covers not only the back and seat, but also rear and side surfaces, as well as armrests (let's say, sets from Castagnettic (Italy) and other manufacturers). The framework of some chairs for greater strength make out of an array of wood, bent-glued plywood or steel rods (as in many models from IKEA, Sweden).

Rocking chairs on arc-shaped supports of bent stems of rattan or branches of willow put on verandas, loggias and living rooms. These items produce almost all factories engaged in the manufacture of wicker furniture: Russian, Indonesian, Spanish, Italian, etc. Weaving, as a rule, covers the back and seat. Bedrooms can be fully furnished with wicker objects. Especially good Rotan beds with openwork headboard. Aprication tables, dressers and cabinets included in the kit are complemented by wicker inserts on the facades (such, in particular, models from Rattan-Deco, Spain; Roberti Rattan, Italy).

Diverse versions of the hallway are diverse: wall-mounted hooks for clothing, rack hangers, butchers with shoes and shoe stands are performed from rathana stems or willow branches. These models are characterized by ease of design and, importantly, occupy a little space. Especially wide range of destroyers offer our customers Indonesian and some Spanish factories.

Countries and manufacturers

Wicker furniture is made in many countries of the world, and optionally, where vegetable raw materials are produced for its manufacture. For example, rattan models do not only in Southeast Asia, but also in Europe. Italian, Spanish, Polish, Swedish, Finnish and many other firms are purchased materials and components in the form of thick blanks and woven fabrics. Anecute European manufacturers open their branches and branches in the tropics, for example, Varaschin (Italy), ExpoRMim (Spain).

What is sold from us, in Russia? In principle, almost everything, but with some reservations. The fact is that importing firms keep the warehouses a fairly limited range of the most running models. Jesl You will choose something original according to the catalog, you will certainly be offered to make an order and wait. Well, if we are talking about European furniture, the roads from Rome and Madrid have long been running, and the customs are not very scary, although duties and immensely high. Avot with products from Southeast Asia problems much more. After all, the path from there is not free, and the timely execution of the order you made can guarantee only a few company suppliers.

The overwhelming majority of models of wicker furniture selling in Moscow is made of rattan and a yawa vine. The share of products from other plant materials is negligible. Going to a specialized salon or shop, you will see only a couple of objects from cane straws, algae or banana leaves.

So, we can buy mainly rathana products from Italy, Spain and Indonesia. Wicker furniture from the Apennine and Pyrenean Peninsula is characterized by a great design and high price. It is more precisely to its upper border, and even then with some stretch, the products of Italian companies Roberti Rattan and Varaschin can be attributed, as well as Spanish Gabar Factories, ExpoRMim, Cerda, Rattan-Deco. Rattan, reed and algae love to use in their models and Scandinavian manufacturers. IKEA (Sweden), Isku (Finland) and many others offer Russian buyers chairs, chairs, sofas and beds with wicker inserts.

Indonesian products are inexpensive, high quality and original. The traditions of her manufacturers are rooted in the distant past. Normally no materials except rattan are not used. From the thick stalks of the Liana makes frames, the intricate patterns are wearing thin stripes. Windionesia are hundreds, if not thousands, small factories and small semi-pedago industries. Their tricky names we will not be transferred, it is still impossible to remember (for example, one of the more or less large firms is called very sound: Penjalindo Nusantara).

Wicker furniture from tropical and subtropical plants also make in China, Vietnam and the Philippines, but there are few on our market.

In Russia, the streams of centuries are engaged in extension. Baskets, vases and, of course, are manufactured from IV rods. Unas in the country all this is called the products of folk art fisheries. Large specialized enterprises are practically no, on the "Pletnik" specialize in the main lonely shores and small private enterprises.


By deciding to buy wicker furniture, you should know that its price depends on the set of factors. The cost of materials, the complexity of processing products, the degree of technical equipment of production (manual work is more expensive), transportation costs, customs duties and much more.

Therefore, it is quite natural that the furniture made in Central Russia is much cheaper than the one that is brought from afar. The sides, model of Western European manufacturers developed by famous designers are incommensurable more than traditional products of Indonesian masters. Even the cost of similar products of the same factory can vary in several times, each square meter of the canvas has a certain price.

Of course, the cheapest furniture is ours, from IV rods. True, large items (such as beds, cabinets and large sofas) domestic manufacturers are almost not done. But the tables, chairs, armchairs, including rocking schools, stools and small sofas for seating are their diocese. Prices for chairs range from $ 30 to $ 70, the stool can be bought for $ 20-25, and a braided table or armchair for $ 100. The most chassis - rocking chair costs $ 100-130, and a simple shelf is $ 35-85.

Inexpensive furniture is produced in Indonesia, although compared to our it seems to be not cheap (unless, of course, you can compare IVA and rattan). Products from Southeast Asia stands about twice as much as the Russian, but also the range of items offered is much wider. Chairs price $ 90-110, chairs for $ 150-200, light shelves, dressers, couches and hallways from bent rodtan stems with baskets worth $ 100-220 ... Avota sets of upholstered furniture with fabric upholstery are no longer so cheap: from $ 600 to $ 2500 . For the Indonesian rocking chair, you need to pay $ 250-310. Inexpensive woven furniture, armchairs, chairs, stools, etc.- Offers IKEA.

It is necessary to say that the cost of Italian or Spanish products is several times higher than Indonesian. After all, the factory from these European countries offer buyers more than furniture. They offer a design that subsequently becomes a benchmark for other manufacturers. But if you still try to compare prices, it turns out that the models of Spanish firms percent are 30 cheaper than similar Italian. For example, for a set of upholstered furniture for the living room (a compartment table) will have to pay $ 3000-5000, and for a large sofa- $ 4000. They do not seem insanely expensive only beds from the thick stems of rattan ($ 800-1500). However, if the area of ​​the wicker pattern is great, the price will certainly exceed $ 2000. A small dining group (table and four stools) of Spanish production is unlikely to buy less than $ 1000, and manufactured in Italy cheaper $ 1500.

In general, Tastes Differ, as the English saying says, or Ovkusakh do not argue. Therefore, it is better to decide which is better to buy an Italian sofa with a wicker base or new "Lada", "you will have to you. Willow, of course, will handle this task. We do not doubt it.

The editors thanks the firms "Bali Furniture", "Mir Rattan", IKEA and Ommar for help in preparing the material.

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