Mobile carpet


Comparative characteristics of the floor covering scored from carpet and rolling carpet coating squares, practical recommendations for choosing and care.

Mobile carpet 14609_1

Apparently, the main characteristic of modern interior fashion must be recognized mobility. We increasingly appreciate the opportunity to easily and quickly change the appearance of your home, while it has not yet had time to bother or out. Hence this popularity of modular designs - modular furniture, modular suspended ceilings, modular parquet. It has reached the modular floor covering, which for a number of indicators is superior to the usual rolled carpet.

Carpet rolled and carpet modular

Mobile carpet
Interface Galleria Collection with modules 111040 and 111041Sred domestic consumers There is an opinion that the flooring, scored from carpet squares, is not suitable for housing: First, too many joints whose angles will start raising, secondly, the drawing is limited to monophonic or melange, as a last resort, a combination of multicolored squares. Avota practical Americans and residents of Western Europe adhere to another opinion and gradually increase the volume of production of this type of coatings. Hyprichin a lot. Let's talk about them.

The side of the square carpet module is usually 50cm, although it is possible to meet 60cm, and among American products- and47cm. Like a rolled carpet, this coating consists of the base and the top layer. The front side is formed from a woven, tuffing or flocked pile, and can also be a needle-free or wicker. The pile or is connected to the primary basis and fastens with the base of the secondary, non-woven, through the latex layer (as in the roll carpet), or is fixed in the upper layer of a single multilayer base. Anyway, the reverse side of the foundation module is placed on the floor.

A bit of history

The development of machine carving at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries made it possible to reduce the maintenance and speed up the process of making carpets, and at the same time expand their circle of their buyers. Summary of consumer experience contributed to the appearance at the beginning of XXV. Floor carpets. Creation in 1947. Dupont synthetic yarn, and in 1950. In the USA-tuffing method of making a pile made these covers available to all. B1954 HEUGA has mastered the production of modular coatings, which implemented all the advantages of carpet in front of carpets. Starting with 80-hgg. XXV., Microprocessor equipment management helps to equalize the products of mass production and handmade on a variety of pile shape and pattern. This led to the conversion of carpet into one of the most practical and elegant species of flooring.

Mobile carpet
BRINTONS CORNERSTONS COLLECTION COBERSTONES COBERS CONCLUSION FILLING, CURRENT OR COMBINED TAFTING WILS, The features described in the artistic, warm and silent carpet coatings. Polyamide is considered the most common material for the pile, but there are a combination of wool (80%) with polyamide (20%) or cheaper polypropylene, as well as exotic sisal and coconut fibers. CARPET HOUSE network managers argue that modules with a wicker riding fibers of coconut and sisal from Tasibel (Tasicocos collection) are environmentally friendly, as well as similar rolled carpet.

The mud-repellent properties of the coating are improving by applying a thin layer of Teflon on Dupont technology. Other options for such protection are also known: for example, Bayergard of the German company Bayer, until recently used the ScotchGard of the American company 3m. The result is mud just does not stick to the fiber and easily removed with a vacuum cleaner. In the manufacture of modules, their antibacterial and antifungal processing is performed.

Differences of the modular carpet from a roll

Mobile carpet
An example of a possible pattern to obtain a pattern within one module-module carpet coating in more than 1.5rd is heavier than the roll - its superficial density is not below 4kg / m2. The order of this value is dictated by the necessary high bending rigidity, which must have a module with its limited sizes after laying on the floor (to eliminate deformations when operating, twisting, twisting or appearance of wrinkles). Another significant difference between the module is due to a completely different manufacturing technology that prevents the crepe of edges even if it is cut into parts. Moreover, the fiber protruding on the edges is intertwined with similar from the adjacent elements in such a way that the impression of the single shelter of the coating is created. This impression should not deteriorate over time. It should be noted that the joints not only reduce sound-absorbing coating indicators by about 10%, but also make it unwanted wet cleaning.

But from individual modules, you can collect any intricate outline, material waste will always be less than when using a roll coating. Some collections include a set of 3-4 elements with different fragments of a single pattern, by difficulty not inferior to the drawing of carpet or roll carpet. The evaporator surface of individual modules is not necessarily brushing directly on the floor, they can, for example, to give in dry cleaning. If, in places of the most intensive exploitation of the floor, the surface was noticeably watched, nothing prevents you from changing modules with places with those that are used in more "calm" zones, or just replace new. If necessary, repair the main floor (let's say, in the case of a raspiece of parquet), it is sufficient to raise only one or two fragment of the coating, and not to learn a significant part of the roll. Some collections allow you to slightly change the drawing of the carpet, on their own "pulling" its parts. Aesley you fear for the roadside parquet floor, you can literally an hour before the arrival of a large number of guests to the coating on it (the apot is also easy to remove). Finally, when changing the apartment, the modules can be captured with them, equally simply by removing them in an old place and putting in a new one.

Modular carpets are sold in specialized salons. On the Russian market there are products of manufacturers such as the American company Interface and its Dutch department Heuga, Belgian Desso and its Dutch Esco Branch and German DLW, French Tarkettsommer, English Brintons, Graduc and Bonarfloors, Belgian Lano, Dscarpets and Tasibel, German Fulda, Dura and Domo.

Module base: Material and structure

Mobile carpet
A variant of modular carpeting from the collections of the company InterfaceOblock module may be bitumen-polymer (B-P) or polyvinyl chloride (PVC), and the first takes it to 10%. According to the structure, the base is most often five-layer. Between the B-P or PVC layers of about 1 mm thick, two thin layers of fiberglass are paved, the fibers of which are perpendicular to each other. This ensures the stability of the linear size of the sides of the module in time: the deformation does not exceed 0.2% of the initial value. In addition, the risk of visible gaps in the joints of the joints is eliminated when the temperature is changed in the room from -30do + 60C (such a mandatory requirement for modular carpet covering). Bonar Floors, Dura and Dscarpets, leading data on product producted, do not provide detailed information about the structure of their base.

The reverse side of the base is performed with a small ripgy - to increase the friction force when laying on the floor. The base thickness is usually 2.5-5mm, the total thickness of the module is 5-9mm. But you can find elements and with a higher vors - up to 7-9mm. The maximum density characteristic of a flocked pile, by convincing the managers of the company "Kontraftstroy", increases the resistance of the facial surface of the coating to pollution. Some firms make modules with a dirt-waving surface, which is inserted into the pile of a mixture of wool (80%) with polyamide fiber (20%), more rigid threads, such as a thin line or metal wire.

Options coloring surfaces

Mobile carpet

The modular coating with the fasteners of the company Gradus on the staircase surface of the coating can be a monophonic, melange or have a drawing. Waterproof option is achieved the most durable staining - Massage (solutiondyed), before pulling the thread. Melange coloring (small drawing with a chaotic combination of colors) is achieved either by twisting several threads of different color, or as a result of repeated staining of individual sections of one thread with different colors even before the manufacture of the coating. The plot pattern is obtained either by combining the threads of different colors, or apply the paint screen or inkjet to the surface of the ready-made module.

The relative position of the sides of the adjacent modules, even with a monochon or melange color, usually matters. The laying direction is indicated by the arrows on the reverse side of the base. If the elements are different, in different ways, a deforming pile will eventually emphasize the composition of the surface. Proper laying will make gaps between modules invisible, and high-quality pile will exclude the appearance on the coating of the trotted paths.

Depending on the degree of complexity of the figure, the coating can be formed from 1-4 modules. Sometimes the composite surface nature is specifically emphasized (for example, a chess cell in the Tisseynattey collection and a strip in the PremiumDesigh collection of the company TARKETTSOMMER, as well as in the coatings of Montana and Taupe Multi from Bonarfloors). And, let's say, the various elements of the Galleria collection from the company Interface allow the surface with such a complex single pattern that at first glance, the coating is difficult to distinguish from the carpet (even the curb is provided). Modularity makes it easy to adjust the drawing along the indoor contour, since the length and width of the coating are created in almost the process of laying.

Moldings, layouts and framing steps

To interfacitate the dysfype, modular coating with rolled or for framing the steps, you can use the fasteners of the company Gradus. They simplify the laying and protect the edges of the modules from squeezing. So, for each step and for the inner staircase, in general, there are sets of layouts and framents performed in several color variations. The carpet is attached to the floor rigidly, after which the edges are covered with fasteners, giving the connection to the connection a kind and elegant look. Light bulbs and wires of hidden wiring can be embedded for highlighting when using the staircase. Extras are provided with grooves and folds, corresponding to the altitude of the coating. So it is allowed to floor modules without attaching.

On the surface of the modular coating, you can create any original drawing. It is only necessary to record it on a floppy disk and wait for about four weeks, while in the factory it will be applied to the white surface of carpet modules using inkjet printing. It will be more expensive to cost such a coating. But you can order modules with your logo, and in several combinations of colors of the inscription and the background.

Free flight fantasy

Mobile carpet
The Galleria collection of the company Interface with modules 111190-111192 and 111200s are not completely unable to limit the flight of its fantasy modules of the square shape. If the customer is more likely arc or complex curves of different radius, for their manufacture in each installation company there is a set of patterns. The designer will draw, and then cuts out and will be almost any pattern, like a multicolored mosaic. True, in this case, you will lose in mobility, since it is difficult to change the exclusive section with places with other modules, and it is impossible.

Single-type modular coatings with bright patterns or multi-colored inserts in two or three places are quite widespread. However, with this solution, it sometimes has to make additional patterns that are missing in the package of the company. According to the company's specialists of EscapService, the only restriction in the implementation of the customer's fantasy becomes the ripples from the varnish color and a large number of surface elements.

Modular coating care features

It is necessary to monitor the modular coating in the same way as for the roller. Experts warned by carpet owners from abundant use of fluid to remove cleaning products, as well as from excessive hobbies with a cleaning vacuum cleaner. Excessive moisture stalk through the gaps between modules to the floor. Of course, the restriction can be not considered when cleaning modules outside the floor.

Fighting with static electricity

Mobile carpet
An example of a modular carpet with a standard patterns in accordance with the laws of physics on the surface of the coating gradually accumulates the electrostatic charge. This happens as a result of friction when walking or moving furniture, as well as due to the operation of household electrical appliances. Periodically, static electricity manifests itself with intersecting sparks and tingling when touched a person to the coating. To reduce this effect in the manufacture of modules, their fibers are impregnated with antistatic composition. However, such protection is gradually collapsing under the influence of our feet and furniture wheels. Therefore, antistatic impregnation has to be restored that, you see, quite uncomfortable.

DuPont has developed another mechanism for electrostatic protection of modules. It produced by the fiber with the name Antron is supplied with a conductive filler. According to such a thread, the accumulating charge flows first into latex, and then a broken bitumen layer of the base. Moreover, both the other layer has a reduced electrical resistance (volumetric and surface). The overall coating resistance should be at least 5105 and not more than 21010, which limits the size of the charge and the risk of sparking. All layers of the basis for reliability are "flashing" through special conductors. Several collections of modular coatings with similar properties on a bitumen basis and with ATRON fiber produce Interface, Desso and Gradus (for example, Tatami from Interface, Pallas-XL from Desso and Cascata from Gradus). On the wrong side of the module, there is an inscription indicating the presence of antistatic protection that meets the IBM / ICL methods test requirements (Interface Company ComputerGuard system, Polyscan Computer system from Desso). To completely eliminate the accumulation in such a coating of the electrostatic charge, it is enough when laying ground the base. It is very convenient when creating a home theater, with active use of a personal computer and a variety of electrical appliances.

Module mounting methods to the floor

Mobile carpet
Fulda Ment Covering Almost all manufacturers guarantee the fixedness of freely laid carpet modules without mounting to the floor. They are held in this position only due to the force of friction and stiffness of the structure during the rest in each other or into the wall. Dura supplies the opposite side of the secondary base with a sticky layer protected by a transparent film that is easily separated before laying. The surface of the floor should be smooth, smooth and clean. For residential premises, another three ways of fastening modular carpet are possible: a certain-sided adhesive tape (tape), by applying an intermediate adhesion emulsion and glue. Let us in briefly focus on each of them.

Free laying ("dry") is effective with a clean and smooth floor surface, for example, if it is a lacquered parquet. Also permissible in the case of a thoroughly aligned plane covered with organice stoves.

With the help of two-way skotch, the module is attached by analogy with a roll coating: a mesh is glued to the surface of the floor from the arrangement of the cross-closer stripes (there must be less than the side of the module). This method is sometimes combined with the first, fixing the coating only around the perimeter, and the central part laying freely.

Mobile carpet
The coating from the Tatami collection of the company InterfaceEdgeezion water-soluble acrylic emulsion can be used with a non-porch floor material, for example, a parquet. It is convenient because after evaporation of water on the floor surface there remains a thin sticky film, which, on the one hand, prevents the sliding of the module, and on the other, it allows it to easily lift it. If necessary, the film is observed mechanically or washed with water.

The glue is most often used acrylic, polyurethane or epoxy, high quality. It will provide a solid coating with floor, but the reuse of the modules will be quite problematic. At the same time, the specialists of the Bamard company distinguish the preliminary preparation of the surface of the floor with conventional moisture (on a cement screed or wooden) and with high humidity.

Requirements for the floor surface

Mobile carpet
Covering from the Impressions collection of Desso on parquet floor modules can be stacked in any way. A pave surface should first align with an accuracy of height not worse than 0.05mm. Chickens from chipboard must also be covered with primer recommended for the glue used. A low -tented surface should be removed cement milk, after which it is possible to align one of the mixtures recommended by a modular coating manufacturer. Kardoy plane modules are better attached to glue. Auto woven, cork or rubberized materials should be removed before the coating flooring, since the modules are not recommended for them.

Storage modules

Mobile carpet
Carpet modules are supplied in rather hard cardboard boxes for 16-20 pieces each. Only absolutely flat modules are able to tightly lay down to the floor and create the effect of a solid surface without tangible joints. Therefore, it is better to store products before drinking in the same boxes, and away from heat sources and moisture so that they save their shape. It is not recommended to put the modules vertically or fold. Observing these rules, you will save the appearance and mobility of the coverage during the entire warranty period, and even longer.

Practical recommendations

one. Some manufacturers firms indicate two directions of possible laying of monophonic modules: the promotional and "chess" position of the pile of adjacent modules. Note that in the second case, the original texture of the smooth surface is created, especially noticeable at a look at an angle.

2. So that the gaps are invisible, it is not necessary to get involved in frequent permutation of modules: the waging of some time in a new location will be visible. For the same reason, it is better to numbered all the elements of the coating on the reverse side if its transfer is envisaged to another place.

3. You can make an original pattern of coating from multicolored modules laid by the "cross" or on the principle of a patchwork blanket. Do not limit yourself with one collection. Outdoor panels are especially advantageous when the room is over 30m2.

four. A very tempting laying of modular and roll covers is not always realized due to different requirements for their basis. The unsatisfactory result is sometimes manifested immediately, but after some time. Separating thresholds on the border of heterogeneous materials will help solve the problem.

five. When using modules with a mud-making surface, it is worth pre-picking them in the tone of the main collection. Stop these modules in the hallway with the use of thresholds, ranging from the entrance door and 4-5m to the depth of the room. By the way, such a coating with a rather rigid pile can be used to massage feet feet.

6. The highest quality protection against electrostatic electricity will provide a metal foil mesh, laid between the carpet and the floor and grounded in the usual way. It can be made and lay an assembly company with coverage flooring.

Warranty obligations

Mobile carpet
The variant of the color range of the coating from the MILA collection of the company DESS-performed above manufacturers are experiencing carpets to moisture resistance, for the presence of external fat-containing contaminants, on the resistance of cyclic and static loads (it characterizes the degree of fermentation and speed of straightening the pile), to abrasion (silence resistance), for mechanical strength The basics and strength of its clutch with a pile and, finally, on the durability of painting to natural and artificial lighting, as well as to chemical reagents recommended for cleaning the product. All firms give a direct warranty on the coating from 5 to 10 years. Thus, the English company Gradus and the French Tarkettsommer provide a ten-year warranty on such characteristics of any module such as edge sandability, separation of fibers, indulgence and wear of the pile, antistaticity and preservation of the brightness of the color. We will negate that a number of other firms extend warranty obligations only to large parties purchased, for example, by public institutions or restaurants.

Examples of modular carpets

Manufacturer Model Outer layer Picture The foundation Price 1m2, $
Preparation method Material Character The number of frag-


Material Number of layers
Interface (USA) Galleria. Tafting, looting Polyamide Antron. Multicolor 2. PVC five 63.
Galleria. Tafting, cut Polyamide Antron. Multicolor 3. PVC five 63.
Galleria. Tafting, cut Polyamide Antron. Multicolor four PVC five 63.
Tatami. Tafting, combined Polyamide Antron. Monophonic one Bp five 43.
Desso (Belgium) Vitae. Tafting, looping, multi-level Polyamide Antron. Melange, multicolored one Bp five 38.
Pallas-XL. Tafting, looting Polyamide Antron. Melange, multicolored one Bp five 33.
Mila. Tafting, looting Polyamide Antron. Melange, multicolored one Bp five 28.
Tarkett Sommer (France) PREMIUM DESIGN. Tafting, looting Polyamide Multicolor one PVC five 28.
Tissey Nattey. Tafting, looting Polyamide Multicolor one PVC five 38.
Brintons (United Kingdom) Cornerstone. Woven, Wilton. Wool - 80%, polyamide - 15%, polyester- 5% Single, Melange one PVC 3. From 80.
Gradus (United Kingdom) Cascata0. Tafting, looting Polyamide Antron. Melange one Bp five 24.
Tahoe. Tafting, cut Polyamide Antron. Monophonic one Bp five 51.
Bonnar Floors (United Kingdom) Santiago. Flocated Polyamide Monophonic one PVC * 35.
Montana. Flocated Polyamide Monophonic one PVC * 35.
LANO (Belgium) Matrix 500. Tafting, looting Polyamide Antron. Melange one Bp five 34.
Matrix 900. Tafting, looting Polyamide Antron. Melange one Bp five 42.
DS Carpets (Belgium) Tonga. Tafting, looting Polypropylene Melange one Bp * nineteen
Tasibel (Belgium) Tasicocos. Wicker Coconut - 53%, sisal- 47% Single, Melange one Bp five 62.
Domo (Germany) Firenze Tafting, looting Polyamide Single, Melange one Bp five 29.
Rallye. Tafting, cut Polyamide Single, Melange one Bp five 29.
FULDA (Germany) Ment. Medalmobive Polyamide Melange one PVC five 26.
Star Medalmobive Polypropylene Melange one PVC five 24.
Dura (Germany) Prestige Tafting, cut Polyamide Single, Melange one PVC * 23.
Derby Tafting, looting Polyamide Single, Melange one PVC * twenty

* - The number of layers does not provide.

The editorial board thanks the company "EscapService", "Bamard", "Bobrovcompani", "Kontraftstroy", Carpet House stores, Interface, Desso, DuPont and Tarkettsomer representative offices for help preparing material.

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