My tender and gentle reptile


Device of terrariums: varieties, shape, internal design, special equipment, maintenance.

My tender and gentle reptile 14675_1

My tender and gentle reptile
Built-in vertical terrarium ("Anchor")
My tender and gentle reptile
Terrarium for iguan in the premium opening.
My tender and gentle reptile
Built-in terrarium with an exotic design and an iguana living in form can be attributed to cubic ("Ankor")
My tender and gentle reptile
In a cubic suspended terrarium with a simplified design, a helmet chameleon and a syneasic scinting ("Live World") are perfect
My tender and gentle reptile
The cubic flooring aquaterrarium with landscaped design is intended for an evil trionix - freshwater (soft) turtle. The definition of "angry" it is endowed with sharp teeth, which allowed when protecting against the attack ("Living World")
My tender and gentle reptile
Built-in horizontal terrarium resembles a traditional furniture "wall"
My tender and gentle reptile
In a small terrarium (150 l) with landscaping under the corner of the rainforest, 3 young water Agama live ("Aqua Logo")

"The Professor's wife ran away from him with the tenor of the Opera Zimin in 1913, leaving him a note of such a content:" Your frogs excite your frogs in me. I will be unhappy with all my life because of them. "

Mikhail Bulgakov "Fat Eggs"

Many not without reason believe that without grasses in the house somehow is empty. And there are cats, dogs, hamsters, parrots ... And if you are an unusual, extravagant person, respectively, you want to see exotic: boob or crocodile, or a terrible, but cute toad? Well, please! True, the content of all these reptiles (Ie of amphibians and reptiles) in the interior requires special conditions and devices.

Terrarium: varieties, shape and location

The terrarium is designed for maintenance of small fauna representatives at home. At the same time, it is fundamentally different from the cell or, say, the aviary and rather resembles a greenhouse. The aspical designer can be entered into the interior decorated in almost any style. The main feature of the terrarium is that it contains a miniature model of a fragment of the earth's surface: here, except for the land plot, there may be a shallow water branch (aquaterrarium), and a piece of a swamp for growing moisture-loving plants (Polyudarium, from Latin Palustris-swamp). The plow is the main thing - these are plants, and small representatives of the animal of the world (for example, dicks or lizards) play a minor role, adding to a beautiful, but static vegetative composition is a pleasant dynamics for his eyes.

The choice of places for the terrarium is dictated not only to aesthetic considerations, but also the rules for the content of your pets. It is undesirable to have it in the immediate vicinity of the entrance door, heating elements, the inner unit of the air conditioner and under the right sunlight. It is necessary to protect the internal volume of the terrarium from sharp fluctuations in temperature and humidity. At the same time, it is possible to successfully establish this exotic object in problem areas from the point of view of design places, opening, deaf angles, under the inner staircase, etc. It is easy to embed it into furniture, in the protruding parts of the walls, to build in the opening between the rooms with Different floors, use as a transparent partition. Finally, terrariums look perfectly perfectly at the wall, on the wall or center of the large room, Hall, winter garden or living room.

The terrariums are made mainly of silicate glass, glued, as in the production of aquariums, special silicone sealant. The material keeps moisture well, does not scratch and relatively inexpensive. Acrylic glass and other transparent plastics are less common, since many animals scratch them from the inside. The walls of dry terrariums (except transparent species) can be wooden treated with non-toxic water protection compositions. Such structures are better kept warm. Large volumes of glass usually have a metal frame, some walls can be built from bricks or other no less "serious" building materials. The volume of built-in terrariums of large size is often limited to the walls of their opening. It is only necessary to cover the inner surfaces with a layer of waterproofing and decorate specially. The external trim of the terrarium, as well as the stand under it, is selected for the finishing of the entire interior, using wood, plastic, metal and other materials.

Usually, terrariums are supplied with a lid: small - non-removable, and medium and large. FINER MOVE Lighting and other technical equipment. Doors have frontal or side; Some models have access to top. Doors should be easily open and reliably close, contributing to light cleaning of the internal volume and not allowing at the same time your pets break out.

By the installation method, terrariums are divided into outdoor, suspended and built-in, in form-horizontal, cubic and vertical. Their cross section can be rectangular, rectangular with cut front angles ("panorama"), angular pentagonal ("Delta") containing arc elements, correct five-, six and eight-marched, as well as any other, depending on the interior features and wishes of the customer.

When choosing all listed characteristics, it is better to trust taste and professional experience of zoologists. For example, we will tell you about the varieties of the terrariums offered for residential premises by the companies "Akival", "Ankor" and "Lyomir".

Interior design

Deciding with a variety, form and location of the terrarium in the interior, you will inevitably think about its inner design. Three ways of such design are distinguished: landscaped, exotic and simplified. The first implies the creation of a fragment of a terrain resembling real. If you prefer this option, we advise you to read the article "Rocks, trees and streams in the interior." Most often, the jungle is mimicified, the desert island, the savannah fragment, the journey of the rocks or the coast of the pond of medium latitudes. True, the external attractiveness of the artificial landscape can smooth the effect of the presence of animals, and the inexperienced observer will have to search for them for a long time. The appearance of the inhabitants of the terrarium in this case is not particularly important, and you can choose those of which are not too complicated. The apack, as a rule, recreates the medium, naturally relevant to this animal, it feels very comfortable.

With an exotic method of registration, the inhabitant of the terrarium turns into an organic component of the overall composition. As a background, you choose the fabulous plot, lunar landscape, castle or abstract layouts of real or surreal objects. The appearance of the animal in this case should be emphasized attractive by color or in shape. Designers-zoologists of the company "Ancor" consider such compositions the most advantages, especially with successful backlight. Just do not forget to coordinate the fantasy flight of the designer with the conditions necessary for the comfortable life of the animal.

The simplified method of execution is the most economical, since it comes down to filling the terrarium by vertical or horizontal branches and the installation of water tank. Sometimes a regular plate or a bowl is used for water, a commensurate animal. The apack all the attention will be attracted to him, its appearance plays a paramount role. For this method, the design is suitable, for example, suspended terrarium with directional lighting.

And separately about the shelter for animals. It can be man-made and natural. For the first case, the knowledge and taste of designer zoologists will turn it into a decorative element of the composition. In addition to creating your home, your pets will be engaged in themselves. It is only necessary to paint them the necessary building material - similar to the one they find for this purpose in natural conditions.

A little about the flora terrarium

Rarely encounter terrariums at all without plants. Ito despite the fact that modern technical equipment can provide animals a normal microclimate (humidity, temperature, purity, freshness and the necessary air movement speed) even in a lunar landscape. Sometimes, for ease of care, artificial plants are used, which is fully justified from the point of view of design: their appearance is not only no worse than natural, but also remains unchanged. In most cases, the owners of terrariums prefer live flora.

It should be noted that herbivore reptiles are able to cause significant harm to plants, so they will have to or install them at an inaccessible height, or to exist with glass. Well, or humble overlooking the ablosted branches and leaves. For some animals, well multiply in captivity, the presence of green plantings is simply necessary. To protect the roots from lovers of digging holes, plants will have to be placed in separate containers, for example in flower pots. It is best to determine the role of flora in the future terrarium (or with the help of a zoologist's designer) while designing.

Features of animal selection

Selection of animals- Purely individual problem of their future owner, since representatives of different kinds differ from each other with character and behavior. Someone in the soul of a water lizard, someone's grand-nephew of dragon-iguana. But all lovers of exotic fauna seek to acquire the animal to be in order to get to his mature age to get used to each other.

The only thing that must be taken into account when choosing an animal is the ratio of its final size and volume of the terrarium. If a small pretty lizard in the future turns into an eight-kilogram Iguan, and a small "lace" - in three-meter python, to such a turn of events it is advisable to be ready in advance. Adult amphibians and reptiles must have a certain freedom of movements, and not lying curly and resting the nose and tail in the opposite walls of their home. It is necessary to take into account the degree of animal mobility. Let's say chameleon or a vulvering can sit for hours without lying. But the same turtle, although at very low speeds, is constantly moving, so it needs more space. What we can talk about tailed amphibians and almost all kinds of scaly-beings troubled, or even fussy!

Amphibians and reptiles

In Terrarium, it is necessary to create a shelter, otherwise the animal will experience stress and cannot implement the usual behavior - maintain the desired body temperature, lift, alternate wakefulness and sleep, multiply. Some cold-blooded periodically fall into the hibernation, most often in winter, so during this period of the year they will not be seen. But it is not necessary to monitor the air temperature in the terrarium too carefully.

In terrarium, various creatures can live, from insects and snails to small monkeys and rodents. IWA is the main of its inhabitants amphibians (amphibians) and reptiles (reptiles). The first are divided into 3 turns: legal, taper and taught; second- 4: turtles, scaly, crocodiles and beakhead; Moreover, among the scales, their own subversions form snakes. The cloves are given animals, more often than others found in home terrariums. All of them belong to cold blood creatures, incapable of maintaining the body temperature on constant and active only at its determined level: amphibianizes 5 to 35c, most reptili-from28 to 45c. At temperatures below 15-20s the latter lose the ability to move. Some periodically fall into the hibernation (most often in winter). The presence of shelter for animals in the terrarium is necessarily.

Reptile Amphibians
Scaly Turtles Crocodiles Beakheads Ruthless Tailed Cheeky











caiman Gatteria worm triton











The lifestyle and type of animal activity is important. So, for climbing or tree species, the height of the terrarium plays an important role, the plane of the gear is insignificant. For terrestrial, in particular, the situation is reverse. Movable wood lizards of Vasiliskam or chameleons with a length of 50-60cm may require more space than a three-meter anaconda, which is easily placed in a reservoir size with a pelvis, where is the main part of the time. But in the terrarium they will be much more noticeable.

Finally, the number of animals. The specialists of the company "Akival" recommend putting in one terrarium of representatives of one species (no more than 3-5) or two compatible species (2-3 individuals from each). For novice lovers who do not seek to breed animals, better terrariums with one or three lizards, small turtles, woody frogs. Another optimal option is one snake, a large toad or a large water turtle. The territorial behavior, the degree of aggressiveness and its focus (depending on the floor and age) has a great importance. In more detail, the Terrarium settling problem is better to discuss with a zoologist designer.

Special equipment

Special technical equipment allows you to stably maintain the necessary climatic conditions in the terrarium, which facilitates the care of animals and makes their existence comfortable.

The most important in terms of the needs of your pets are devices that provide the desired temperature. These are heaters in the form of special cords, films, plates and blocks that can be located outside and inside the terrarium. The CTO category includes reflectors based on incandescent lamps (for large volumes, gas-discharge lamps are preferable), creating local heating on top. Finally, these are submersible heaters for the aquaterrarium or paludarium. All devices should be turned on through thermostators that hold the temperature at the desired limits. In addition, timers are needed that ensure the inclusion of devices at different times (to simulate weather changes over the day).

My tender and gentle reptile

Not every of us has the opportunity to keep in the house of wild animals: someone is not enough free space, someone is not ready to repaint the emergency interior and life. No problem! Intensively develops the direction of mini-terrariums with a volume of OT5L, in which there are small and unpretentious animals weighing from 18g. Most often, such tanks are installed in a wall niche wall or cabinet, which resembles the built-in design of the conventional terrarium. However, they are and suspended. The method of registration of the internal volume can be chosen any, and with such a miniature composition, each in the forces to fantasy independently. It is not worth only forgetting that it is still populated by alive creatures. Therefore, microclimate and lighting should be given to the most serious attention. Specialists of the Firm "Living Peace" assure that the effect of communicating with animals in the mini-version is quite full. Updated experience will help take a practical solution for yourself: is it enough to limit the small volume of the terrarium or it is worth it to increase it.

Another important parameter of the microclimate terrarium is common humidity. Its stability is achieved by several paths: the device for water bodies, placement at the inlet of fresh air of special evaporator containers, dilution of living plants and regular spraying. The spraying and topping of water is preferably automated to automate the vulgarity of water, which offers devices for splashing water and fogging equipped with a timer. In this case, the terrarium will have to be connected to the water supply and supply the electromagnetic valve (it can be borrowed from a washing machine).

Regardless of the total humidity of the terrarium, it must have a drink. Water is desirable to use filtered, as descended or distilled - it is optimal for plants and does not form after evaporation of salt spots. For some animals, such as certain types of gecko, water should also be running, and therefore you have to organize a cross or a fountain.

The coverage of the terrarium depends on the needs of animals and plants. For many amphibians and most gecko and snake it can be moderate. Maximum intensity is required by mountain and deserted lizards, chameleons, woody Agamam and Iguanam. Interprises are convenient to use fluorescent lamps with high light output and low heat dissipation. With large volumes, the optimal lamps with a discharge in steams of mercury and metals, allowing simultaneously solving the problem of lighting and heating. The spectral composition of the light also matters. It is better to use lamps with a high color reproduction and color temperature close to 4000-6500k. In addition, most reptiles and many amphibians need periodic or regular lighting with special sources of ultraviolet radiation, which contributes to the normal absorption of calcium and maintaining natural biorhythms.

Lighting is preferably connected through the timer. Electronic timers in all cases are preferable to mechanical, since it allows you to more accurately set the time, including weeks of the week, and save the settings even with periodic power failures. The general management of a large and complex terrarium can be entrusted with a microprocessor that will implement a predetermined program. Of course, the cost of such a device is somewhat higher than when using individual timers and thermostators. But the accuracy and stability of climate maintenance increases, and energy savings will emerge (by 15-30%). Not to mention the fact that the whole process of controlling the terrarium becomes easier and more enjoyable.

If glass faded in the chamber, this indicates its insufficient air exchange with the environment. To exclude air overheating and activating its movement, miniature fans are used. Effective in this case, the cooling fans for computers are effective. The location of the devices should ensure that the upper ventilation panel of warm air and the inflow from the bottom is colder. Muffin terrariums this process occurs due to convection. Drafts must be completely excluded. Designers zoologists always take into account this when designing the structure of the terrarium.

Features of terrarium care

Since terrarium is just a manual model of a particle of nature, a biological equilibrium, characteristic of real nature, is very difficult to establish in it. Most often it needs periodic care. Which is more terrarium, the more time this care will require.

First, you need to follow the well-being of animals to detect deviations in a timely manner in their behavior. Secondly, periodically it is necessary to wipe and even wash the glass outside of dust. Even more often you will have to wash it from the inside. Sometimes it is covered with saliva animals, many of which are "spit," threatening their own reflection. It is better to apply special cleaning products. If you use conventional household chemicals, its traces should be washed into the most thorough way. Phenol-containing drugs can not be applied. Thirdly, it is necessary to consider lime deposits allocated from the water, from all the surfaces in contact with it (filters of cleaning, disassembled by IT.D.). Fourth, for animals that drop intransment (for example, water turtles and boys), if there is a system of bio filtration, it is necessary to change water for a third once a week, and in the absence of the whole. For the same reason, it is recommended to fall asleep a new soil in about half a year. Another option is to use the absorbent granulate specially fastened over it. Fifth, due to the increased humidity of the microclimate (for example, in the aquaterrarium), the heaters should be turned off when changing water and not "upgrade" independently the power circuit.

Turning order, note that your wards have a good memory, and any change in the situation causes anxiety. Especially this should remember the lovers of general cleaning in their own apartment.

Preservation of animal health

According to the testimony of veterinarians, the "Center" clinic, amphibian and reptile diseases are not studied, therefore these animals become almost the most difficult patients.

You need to have a separate volume for newly acquired or sick individuals. Itha and others need to keep on quarantine for about two months until they behave normally. It is difficult to exclude the appearance of the animal at least once of ticks and worms, about the fight against which you can read in any popular edition about the content of amphibians and reptiles. The bacteria of the intestinal group (salmonella) in amphibians and reptiles are just as dangerous to human health, as well as those who encountered chickens and ducks. So do not allow children to bring animals to quarantine close to face.

To preserve the health of your pets, disease prevention is needed. It implies primarily periodic ultraviolet irradiation of animals throughout the year, especially after hibernation. This procedure does not exclude the obligatory disinfection of the entire volume of the terrarium to prevent the appearance and distribution of causative agents of diseases. In addition, be sure to give animals vitamins and minerals that are not enough in artificial feeds that replace natural food. Depleted diet can lead to the development of many diseases, both specific and characteristic mammals, - stomatitis, pneumonia, rhinitis, abscess, skin ulcers. Disturbance, molting, breeding, impairment, and sentences, etc. are also not excluded, and others. In the event of the slightest deviations in the behavior of animals, it is best to contact the veterinarian.

Practical recommendations

one. Too low terrarium of any design usually looks worse in the interior than commensurate with human growth. Insufficient height complicates and its service.

2. Not every building material is suitable for use in terrarium. From the facing tile only tuming and basalt, but it is not a lime, which, destroying in a wet atmosphere, significantly increases the pH of water. Cheap and convenient in the processing of foam at elevated humidity begins to decompose with the release of toxic substances destructive for animals.

3. All metal parts of the structure, in particular the waterrarium and paludarium, must be grounded, and the power supply circuit is equipped with an automatic differential protection switch for raw rooms with a shutdown current of 30 mA.

four. In the spectrum of gas-discharge lamps there are ultraviolet rays. Therefore, to prevent burns in animals and plants, glass is put on the path of light spread. It absorbs the rays of this part of the spectrum. Replacing the glass with a mesh, you can use the lamp as a lighting device, as a source of UV radiation.

five. Most of the aquaterrariums use pumps for pumping the water - most often aquarium or intended for indoor fountains.

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