Traditions of Czech depth


The house built at the turn of the XIV and XVI centuries. and carefully restored in the spirit of ancient Czech life.

Traditions of Czech depth 14728_1

Traditions of Czech depth
Mr. In Plan, the house is clearly divided into two halves. The horny wing is a large hall, combining the functions of the living room, kitchen and dining room, and the living rooms are located in the long. At the junction of volumes, a spacious porch with two entrance doors is arranged, each wing. Such differentiation greatly simplifies life in the inhabitants of the house.
Traditions of Czech depth
The living room is quietly adjacent to the items of a variety of different eras. Next to the XIXVEK servant storing the glass collection, the pedal sewing machine is located, on which the speakers of the music center are now standing
Traditions of Czech depth
Dining room. Lights rovering out of the window is quite enough. But for comfort, it is better to turn on the lamp, in the radiance of which, without the delicious lunch, will get a completely special taste
Traditions of Czech depth
The kitchen corner looks like a fortress in which the hostess has all the full power. Here is her kingdom and her treasures. The main thing is the stove, plastered and lined with red tiles
Traditions of Czech depth
Numerous shining doors, levers and cranes are not decoration. It is difficult to even assume how much useful tools can be from a conventional stove. For example, a built-in tank for water and an oven- "Thermos", long retaining the food warm
Traditions of Czech depth
The new fireplace is only recently completed, but it does not look alien in the "Knight's Hall", where even the lattices on the windows are in their century two or three hundred years
Traditions of Czech depth
A simple setting of the bedroom does not immediately open its treasures to an outsider. Frame paintings is probably the beginning of the XXVEK, Czech Modern. Niche near the stove is communicated with the next room to simultaneously with the bedroom it was possible to hug
Traditions of Czech depth
The focus on the backyard is not so much for cooking, how much to create the necessary atmosphere. Easy to imagine how fun will be celebrated New Year on the roast fire, under fluffy lips of luxury spruce

We accustomed to consider the country of the former socialist camp with something like a branch of the submemblingment "sixth of the sushi." So the Czech Republic, in contrast, for example, from her closest neighbor of Austria, in absentia looks native and understandable. However, it is, first of all, Europe, which is felt much stronger than the departed socialism. Take at least such minor details: in each, even the smallest village itself there is a "chronicle" - a hereditary chronicle. Ilenets are conducted without interrupting many centuries (sometimes inkusii) ...

Traditions of Czech depth


1. Hallway

2. Kitchen

3. Dining room

4. "Knight's Hall"

5. Tambour

6. Pantaya

7, 8. Bedrooms

9. Bathroom


10. Rear courtyard

The house in which we visited is fully stacked in this scheme of love and respect for traditions. His location is amazing. Judge for yourself: 60km from London, it's still London, 60km from Moscow, quite near, and 60km from Prague is already halfway to the border. In general, the real Czech depth. The road comes through the fields (here it is addicted with pears or a stalk-shallow plum, lying down by the middle of August under the trees of a yellow carpet), then through pine flips, then along the sheer cliffs. Soft bends of the way up and down- means, the Czech "medium" begin (probably, it is better to translate the name written on the map). Extras around the landscape is so beautiful that it is difficult to believe in it. Wangog and Pissaro cannon come to mind. Pass on these places romantic (and possibly lyrics) the hero of the paustovsky - the one that hurts about the wonderful in the distance, he probably would jump out of the window.

A centuries-old history attracts attention to himself in Prague, where no crowds of tourists are capable of flooding it, and here, in the blessed silence of the province. The lords are visible to the church of St. Martin lost among the fields, it's all that remained from the village that disappeared in the XIIIV. Near the city of Kozedy, from where Dalibor, the hero of Czech epic. The story of this "husband of a stra-lady" says that, becoming a prisoner, he independently learned to play violin, so that all Prague came to listen to the windows of the dungeon. Abashnya Prague Castle, where he graduated from his days, is still called Dalibor.

The village, to which we approach, also has its own history. She arose around the fortress, mentioned back in 1318. The current fortress was rebuilt into the castle, and the village began to develop particularly actively. Iteper Streets with houses are running down from the castle, and then bend around the foot of the mountain. Houses in Czech villages have a single (ane through the streets) numbering. And the rooms are assigned to buildings as they occur, and not by location. The house we are going to visit is the fourth. At number one is the castle. It is clear that the house and on Czech concepts is very old, and according to our, just ancient. Somewhere between the XIV and the XVIVs, he was built for himself. Maybe he earned a living, delivering a garrison of the Fortress of a sheep cheese? Or wool? Shepherd is right there, through the street. Its wooden rafters have not yet completely rotted, and the roof is still holding off, but the tile sat down in places. Akamena walls seem to be not one century. To enter the old shepherd service is already unsafe, although local youth often neglects it. Once and the house, and shepherds stood on one extensive plot, the streets were not here. Its occurrence is associated with the rapid growth of the village after the XVIV. How long, the shepherd was used to be appointed, we could not find out.

It also remains incomprehensible, and at the same time both half have arisen. They are located to each other at right angles, and the building has two entrances. The latter circumstance in itself does not speak of the time of the construction of these parts. One of them could be a residential, and others are targeted for services or for accommodating Batags, which in the season hired in large quantities. The current owners of the Batags do not hire. They are here "Navup", that is, the dacms, and both half of the houses are residential. One entirely occupies a kitchen with a traditional stove, a solid oak table and a lamp above it. In the second two bedrooms. Related parts of the house with a huge "knightly hall" - so the owners are called. It is only in the project. That is, there is a room for a long time, but the turning of it into the "knight" has not yet been completed. Although the chief attribute is already completed, and wooden beams on the ceiling are blown to deep brown.

The owners, bright and health, reconstruct their home for five years. Here, in the Czech Republic, everything is happening that, with the arrangement, without fuss. Yes, and crazy money, allowing for one season to build a villa with a swimming pool on the wasteland, people are usually not found.

The idea of ​​reconstruction is fully realized, formulated, and now gradually embodies in life. This is the idea of ​​Czech tradition. Neither the slightest desire to surprise someone, create something extraordinary (no fuss!). The very fact that they can support and support the tradition is for the owners of an undoubted subject of pride. It should look like housing, so obviously for the owners that they consider it excess. But with pleasure, they are told about the stages of creating a current, almost complete image of their cottages. Show the photo album, completely dedicated to her: so she looked at the moment of "first acquaintance", so after some time, etc.

"Live in the house, and does not collapse the house," said the poet. But by the time, when bright and health decided to buy an old building, in it for several years no one had died for several years, and the heirs did not come. Upochet in the whole house collapsed the roof. Only the current kitchen remains suitable for habitat. The discrepancy of the duties turned out to be that normal floors exist only in it. The part of the building floor was made of a brick, laid directly to the ground.

How was the reconstruction going through? The main thing is without redevelopment. Walls and openings are in the same places, which they have long defined shepherd. The only change touched the kitchen, the windows of which were originally looked at the three sides. However, this innovation was made long before the appearance of current owners. It is likely that the street rang between the house and sheeparte, neighbors appeared in close proximity, the kitchen windows, looking at someone else's courtyard, were laid. Now the shelves of the dark wood are mounted in the preserved niches, which are placed with the taste of selected old utensils. By the way, many of these items and some furniture were found here, under the crumbling roof. They were restored, washed and returned to a rightful place.

To think only, multicolored bottles built into a row on the buffet, despite the seeming fragility, survived the destruction and restoration of the house! The buffet itself also appeared a lot before the current owners. But those objects that came along with them do not look beginners. And they did not raise those fateful vortices that completely dares with us all the material culture of past times. Inexpensive shops with the charming name "Starripability" can be cheap to buy any items of the old life, from home fieharmonium to simple faience dishes.

After the restoration of the rafter, the owners did not fluctuate for a second as to which material to overlap the roof. Yes, the tile is expensive and laborious. Yes, there are "Ondulin" and other convenient novelties. But who then takes care of the preservation of the original appearance of the village? The only concession of modern technologies was that the tiled was not ceramic, and concrete. It is easier and not thirty-five on the square meter, but only twelve pieces.

The window frames needed to be made anew, but the villagers were asked to make accurate copies of the previous ones. As for the benefits of civilization, to which a modern urban resident got used, then the house was carried out in the house, and the combined bathroom was just fit in a vaulted dark room (probably former pantry). But for heating and cooking, firewood is used in the old manner. In other words, being taken for the shabby, Prazhanka is bright every time he breeds fire in the furnace and puts the pans and a frying pan on her heated cast-iron surface, like women who lived 4-5 centuries ago. There is no poses that nor some special dedication, the traditional life of the traditional life.

The same sense of tradition allowed the new owners to create in a freshly surmounted house that the atmosphere, which, in general, should be the construction of XIV, well, even if the XV psychoretias. Nobody recognizes what century walls, if outside, and inside they are covered with fresh plaster. The power of generations that replaced each other throughout the life of the house did not disappear. She felt in a simple rustic crucifixion, which hangs over the entrance, in clay jugs, crowded on the shelf, in household bedspreads, in frames of paintings resembling a Russian eye about Abrahasev's mug ...

Here is another example: putting new doors (old were eaten by a bug), the owners have retained the former handles and locks. I think that it is bronze in ampir style. Conventional consumer goods, but old, genuine, "that very".

And once again about the stove. It seems to be drawn from the picture in the book of fairy tales of the Nemny-grandmother of Czech children's literature. Everything is thoroughly reproduced, right up to the tile facing. But hardly the owners have copied the illustration. This is again the special feeling of "your", which is described with us Tolstoy.

By the way, an interesting moment is the traditional Czech stove has a niche like an oven, called the "trub". Food left in this niche remains warm (when the owner returns, he is already waiting for dinner). In the case, the water tank is mounted in the "TROUB". The stove is token, the water is heated, electricity is saved - Aono in the Czech Republic every five more expensive than us. Europeans are accustomed to save. Invoivat ultimately not only your money, but also natural resources.

From the prose of life, we turn straight into the garden. Czechs love lawns at no less than the British, and cut with the same regularity. There is no special aspiration for flowers and bright colors. The parksaders are usually decorated by evergreen plants like Tui or Juniper. They are distinguished here the great set and skillfully combine among themselves, creating expressive compositions. The plot of our owners is located, as already mentioned, on the slope. Taking advantage of this, the former owners of the house staged a grotto in the garden (as possible, this is the beginning of the underground stroke, through which shepherd wore his cheese into the fortress?) And the backyard with a hearth. The farther to the garden border, the steeper rise. IVOT We are already standing above the roof. It overlooks the adjacent village located in the valley. The Agricultural nuts grow on the slope at an angle of 30. Probably, in the fall of the fruit, falling out of the branches, roll right on the table, which is below the retaining wall, on the aligned site near the house. Above the table, as a tribute, not so much a tradition, how much fashion, the pergola is decorated, decorated, it is possible to emphasize a few foreign character, which is a Chinese bamboo bell.

Here, in the shadow of pergola, the kind hosts fed us with the delicious traditional-national Czech dinner-compounds cooked for a couple, and beer. It is a pity that the bright and health refused to take pictures for our magazine.

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