Newest story: generic nest


The story of how the architect dynasty created its home.

Newest story: generic nest 14768_1

Newest story: generic nest
Building's facade. Canopy above the playground before the garage and the visor over the porch recently appeared
Newest story: generic nest
Behind the house there is a real park - with alpine slides, cobbled tracks, gazebo and reservoirs
Newest story: generic nest
Thanks to a set of windows, a small living room is literally oversaturated with light
Newest story: generic nest
Italian furniture is perfectly combined with objects, constructed

The owner of the house on the order of the hostess. Windows over the desktop and washing, too, its fiction

Newest story: generic nest
Original polishes allowed to almost double the useful Son's Room Square
Newest story: generic nest
Sunlight and warm floor are able to warm the winter garden even in the most severe frost
Newest story: generic nest
General view of the park area of ​​the site. Balca with pool, right-girlfriend, between ni-reservoir with humpback bridge
Newest story: generic nest
Competent alternation of zones (Park-"Forest"-coherent playground-pond-fruit garden) surprisingly affects the perception of the site, making it literally limitless
Newest story: generic nest
Behind the bath is visible to the fence, seized by wild grapes. Behind him hidden the backyards of the municipal house
Newest story: generic nest
Floor plan
Newest story: generic nest
Plan of the second floor

Birds are singing behind his windows and flowers flamed, a little pond and fruit trees are exhausted under the severity of fruits. He is already familiar with three generations of one family and expects the appearance of the fourth. Assethe, he, as any living being, never ceases to change. In general, the family home is typical for modern Europe. Only is located a few kilometers from the Moskovka district road. IOT Rod him less than ten years. Split area with artificial landscape - fourteen acres

Whoever got in touch with the Russian private construction of the beginning of the nineties, will never forget about him. For the rest, some details. Building materials, technologies, competent workers. The same with opportunities to receive professional information, take the experience (KSLOV, before the release of the first number of our journal is about six years). In general, darkness is Egyptian. The main landmark in the field of private construction was pretty houses that were seen in overseas trips (in the case - burglaria and Finland) and the rare imported publications on the design of the housing. But the enthusiasm, the feeling of new horizons, etc. Agroes of our narrative spurred also the sharp need to solve a housing issue: at some point they turned out to be in a 26-meter two-room apartment. At the same time, the composition of the family was the following: the husband and wife of the Capania, both professional architects, the elderly parents of his wife and son, soon entered the marchs.

Here in such a difficult situation, they managed to buy the land of the Earth, first 6 hundred and then 8. The beloved private ownership was the territory of an abandoned kindergarten, willingly visited by local drinkers. In addition, the site adjacent to the backyard of an apartment building (the garbage plus a place for the fire). Isv and this was real happiness!

However, happiness had a completely real "inner threat". Just imagine what work on the project can turn into if three architects are turned on at the same time! Yes, two different generations! Assessing the situation, our heroes from the first day clearly distributed rights and obligations among themselves. For the design of the house, the head of the family took. Landscape works were given to the power of his wife. The son, by the time the first-year-friendly fellow hopes, provided full freedom in the design of his own room.

However, during the construction, the influence of the younger family member was noticeably expanded. So, he carried out a competent supervision over the entire process, and often he did the work of a locksmith, a carpenter, a bricklayer, plaster. For example, at the time of creating a fireplace in the living room, it was impossible to find an experienced cook, capable of high-qualityly post the brick arch, and this was honored with the Jr. with honor. He is the author of a light and elegant inter-storey staircase (by the extent, from design to welding). Already later, when the building was almost ready, the young architect designed a canopy above the playground before the garage and the original visor over the porch. Asseta House became a kind of bridgehead for him to work out new finishing materials and technologies.

But it was all then. The auxiliary - the whole season went only on garbage collection, digging, laying the foundation and the construction of the first floor. At this stage several builders brigades changed. The next summer, the forces of just two workers under the strict observation of the Junior Capania, the building was able to put under the roof. I clever when parents and son moved to their home, there were still no gas, heat, sewage, clean floors. Its detailed drawings of Capania-senior performed in the literal sense on the knee. Walls were placed on their own, in his free time. In the absence of good paints, the kids were made of what will have to go up to the carcass.

But the building itself is still not all. So that in the house lives truly calmly and cozy, it should be surrounded by a beautiful and diverse landscape. Therefore, barely ended the main construction, the Capania Mom began to break bright flower beds before the facade. First, small, on the ground brought from the nearest forest in the bucket. Later, when the house was erected under the roof, 3machin of the Earth was brought to the site. Ilandezaft architect with enthusiasm engaged in creating a real artificial landscape.

Those restless and extraptures have long been in the past. Today, without a small ten, later, we drink fragrant coffee in the winter garden of the Family House of Capania, listening to the dedicated murmur of the fountain and admire the sunny fleet: thrown through the streams of the humpback bridge, the honeysuckle with a gazebo, alpine slides ... The winter garden appeared quite recently, In the past, when the hostess found that for the plants that the winter required for the winter, there is no longer enough space in the rooms. The extension was performed almost entirely of the glass, with the exception of the translucent wall facing the neighbors section - it, like a visor over the porch, on the initiative of the son is made of polycarbonate. By the way, thus taking this material, the quadania-younger in it was immediately disappointed: too soft, not quite reliably fixed, and even with time it darkens. The young architect's university projects continually decided to use tempered glass or triplex.

Interestingly, for heating the winter garden, even in the coldest times of a fairly warm floor. The rest gets at the expense of sunlight penetrating the room through the glass roof.

Such a well-thought-out and deserving a combination of beauty with practicality draws attention to all corners of the house and the garden. Take, for example, the entrance hall is spacious, light, it is clearly opposed to the poor guises and corridors of typical apartments. Symenimi reports all the first floor rooms, the inner staircase originates here. In order to view the hall to visually, most of the doors overlooking it made glazed, translucent. Perhaps someday the glass will be replaced by the author's stained glass chapania-senior, but so far their hands do not reach them. However, the doors of the rooms of grandparents were required to leave deaf. Aproitful massive products at the beginning of the nineties was impossible. The family of the family came up with such a way out of the situation: bought the cheapest doors from the organity, saked them for the insulation of the foam rubber, and on top of it, tapestry and, around the perimeter, ordinary leatherette. It turned out something very original and elegant.

The double living room is small in the area and at the same time it looks quite spacious, not only due to a reasonable layout, but also due to the set of windows along the upper tier (each size in two standard glass blocks). They literally overshable the room with light, and even beautifully contrast with a dark ceiling tree. By the way, in the whole house, the ceilings are made of ordinary toned pine. The fireplace is lined with tiles from Gzheli (a gift of local masters of the owner of the house). Remove perfectly combined the once brought from Egypt panels in the blue gamut and lambrequins on the windows purchased in the emirates. Another decent decoration of the living room is a weightless staircase without vertical supports, made as we already know the son. True, in the coming days, her exquisite fence will be replaced by another, safer for a kid, whom all relatives-household are looking forward to.

And now about the room, the interior of which was actively engaged in all three, forgetting about the initial distribution of functions. This is, of course, the kitchen. It is clear that the number and location of lockers, shelves, illuminated zones dictated to mom. On her initiative, the windows over the sink and the work desk were also made, not a century to look into the wall, sometimes you can and in the garden! Father designed individual furniture items formed with an Italian cuisine an excellent ensemble. The zoning of the room is emphasized by the floor and ceiling. Near the desktop is the same Italian floor tile, which in the lobby. Howsed half the floor of the female, pine, as in all private rest (in contrast to the living room with her powerful oak parquet). On the ceiling, the multifunctional zones are indicated by the direction of laying of unequal in length (in fact, it is dictated by the circumstances of the kitchen ceiling, they did away from the remnants, the same boards were simply left).

Initially, the walls of the kitchen, like all other rooms, were covered with textured plaster. But she was too brand. Izyn offered to replace this type of finish by Venetian plaster, then still appeared in Russia. The hostess remained very satisfied with the result: beautifully, practical, not trite.

Coming out of the kitchen and descending on steep steps, you get into technical rooms and a large, well-thought-out pantry. Harmful free minutes of Capania-senior gradually lay out the walls of the basement of a bright mosaic. However, the end-edge here seems to be no longer visible.

On the second floor there is a father's office, mother's bedroom and son's room. Each room is equipped in accordance with the tastes and needs of its owner. For example, the Jr. Capania, not wanting to lose a meter of space, designed for itself unusual, as if freely soaring in the air, the flats, which allowed not to double the useful area of ​​the room. It was not without experiment without experiment: the "Velux" window was mounted in the attic ceiling, whose properties of the young architect were completely satisfied. Anyna in the "Children's" again restructuring - entering the heir. Cabinet Father is extremely concise: a large table near the window, a large rack, plus a sofa and a wardrobe. There is a lot of light, a lot of comfortable racks, it works well, what else do you need? Apparently, the office will last for a long time. But the mother's bedroom is a suspicious bed and luxurious curtains, with an unusual mirror and dolls on the shelves - already anticipating the repair. Soon one of the walls of this room will be painted by a landscape, which will be done in the interior of the garden, opening outside the window.

In the house there is a attic, purely functional-semi-in-in cabinets and a sewing corner. This room is not equipped with any heating devices, but even in a nudice winter, the temperature here does not fall below + 15c.

And in whatever part of the house you are, from all windows a magnificent view of a complex hilly landscape, thought out to the smallest detail. For example, from the aforementioned rear yard of the communal house, the site is fenced off with a high concrete fence. Agotea fence did not cut the eye, he was taken by the grid and the wild grapes were launched on it, which for the year hidden all the flaws of the structures with thick foliage, changing their color on the dark cherry. From the neighbors section, the house is separated by a fruit garden, broken on a small elevation. What trees here just not! Apple trees, pears, two suburban sweet cherries, cherries, plums of all varieties are white, early, late ... The farmer is hostess, it gives unusually sweet and large fruits. A bushes of raspberries are planted along the fence.

There is on the plot and a small garden in which everything is growing to the table, onions, garlic, salad, carrots, strawberries, cucumbers. Absorption of Vintage Vintage of Vintage varieties begins.

And yet the main characters of the garden - flowers. They are planted with such a calculation so that the paints do not have dried up from early spring to late autumn. Gentle flocks are adjacent to exquisite lilies, while only seven colors, but will soon be more. But now you can admire the fifteen shades of dolphiniums. Numerous pergolas in the park area of ​​the site were used by roses and honeysuckle. Specially cultivated low pines, spruce and thui bought by very tiny, gradually reach their maturity. The hobby is engaged in organizing all the new slides, platforms, shady corners with benches. Akak you have an idea to create a piece of wood on the plot? To do this, a blue Christmas tree was planted, a fir brought from Moldova Walnut, garden ripples, oak ... on the background of "forest" perfectly look at the "hunting house" -bank and a gazebo, near which the Bangal is installed. The head of the pond and a small pool affably reflects the sky.

In this house and next to him - in the park, the garden, in a conversation, you feel somehow especially good, freely. No one is trying to hit you the high cost and luxury, everything is done with love and caring calculation for a long happy life. Well: There is a completely lack of false, fictional "noble" story. The history of the Family House of Capania is written right in our eyes. Ivpeedy-new chapter.

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