Dismantling old and installing new windows: sealing, installation


New windows: dismantling old and installing new frames, sealing of joints, inserting glass windows. Expert comment.

Dismantling old and installing new windows: sealing, installation 14954_1

There were no written sources in Stockholm on how to earn Carlson. One-cakes and inheritance aunt will not live, perhaps, and opened the carlons somewhere in Sweden or Finland of the window business workshop. There were no testimonies about whether he had children or substructures, whether he handed over to anyone. When you see a master's house in the shaped jumpsuit in your home, there is immediately a fussy running with a folding meter around the rooms and sculpt the numbers, amounts, sizes, formulas, - you have no doubt. In order for you not to become a victim of any "wrong" Carlson, we met the methods of work on the installation of windows, talked with an expert and tried to set the window in a separate apartment correctly. On the first floor of a cozy mansion in the city center, instead of already outdated wooden frames, one of the metropolitan firms installed the window- So we spied ...

Preparation of space for work

Heirs Carlson

Furniture from the room can not be removed, close the sofas and armchairs covers, free the large table for brigade tools or a large space on the floor in front of the window. Close the parquet with plastic film. If you change several windows (construction debris, cement and wood, there will be many) - talk to the technician-caretaker of your home or janitor: you will need to protect yourself from discontent of the neighbors and the administration of the GREP of your area.

Dismantling of the old window

The occupation is not very laborious, but dirty. Removing the platbands, the frame with glass, the workers are dying with the help of a special tool to the robe itself and completely clean the window opening. A qualified firm will provide immediately as a smooth surface of the slopes and will not turn around the whole house and the wall. The stove of the window sill (depending on your desire) can be enlarged during the work process, it is necessary to think about this when placing an order. In this particular case, the lattice outside the window was installed. In order to remove the old grille, the masters used the circular saw.

Tips for experienced people

The installation is better to be made in the summer, look at the workers, but it is necessary to help them. Prepare space: push all furniture from the window, to wave a plastic film on the site of work, close furniture covers and try to close the surfaces from dusty dust very bad for breathing. Located in front of the entrance to the room a wet cloth - the Incoga can be wiped out, and the wet barrier will not let dust in the corridor. It is better to install windows in turn, and not all immediately let it go for this week.

Heirs Carlson

Playbacks with glass were removed first.

Heirs Carlson

Then the frame was dismantled in parts with scrap.

Heirs Carlson

Then, using a circular saw, the workers dismantled the lattice.

Heirs Carlson

The outdoor frame is already easier to shoot, given that this is the first floor.


The measurement stage remained behind the scenes for the only reason that the window-standard configuration was used and manufactured by the most non-original technology: plastic frame with built-in aluminum strength profile. Single binding with a double-glazed window. White color. Posted in a protective film, collected in place. Installation of the glass package was made after installing the frame and conducting "wet works": plastering of window slopes.

Preparation of Rama

To begin the wizard, the brackets for fasteners were fixed on the frame-made frame for fastener (subvening brackets on the edge). To do this, they used regular jacks for screws and a simple screwdriver. Then the frame was installed in the window opening. Special comments - Some customers remained dissatisfied with the fact that brilliating glass windows with scratches or loosely get up to the place - the Uvas have every chance to protect themselves from these problems, which correctly compose a contract with the installer.

Heirs Carlson

Special fastenings are installed on the vertical and horizontal part of the frames. They are used when installing windows in brick houses.

Heirs Carlson

When installing it is very important to know the place where it is advisable to install a plastic window with a single binding and a double-glazed window. All protective tapes remain on the frame.


Heirs Carlson

The next step is setting the window frame into the project position. First level up, then monitor installation symmetry and vertical leveling.

Heirs Carlson

When the frame is installed and aligned, it is filled with an anchor bolt with a bracket.

Heirs Carlson

Then the perforator drill holes in concrete and fixed in horizontal planes.

Heirs Carlson

The space between the frame and the window opening is filled with panel polyurethane.

While the slopes dried, took up the installation of the glass package. For this, regular plastic rails were used, a rubber hammer, and that the glass was not bothering, the same plastic wedges were used during installation. The insulation was then installed under the frame. Just as in the previous case, all the cracks of the mounting foam were poured.

Heirs Carlson

For sealing, the remaining gaps between the frame and polyurethane fill foam.

Heirs Carlson

Before closeing the slopes, they remove the protective film from the frame, otherwise, after drying, the plaster does not remove it.

Heirs Carlson

To ensure the stiffness of the design and normal functioning of the sash between the glass and the frame, the gaskets are installed. This regulates the coincidence of the center of gravity frame and glass.

Heirs Carlson

Double-glazed windows are fixed with the assistance of the stroke. To prevent scratches and damage to the glass, only plastic spatula and hammer are used.

Heirs Carlson

An important stage remained for the frame of the installation of a drain outside the window. It must be made before finishing the slopes.

Heirs Carlson

Installing the lattice in this case is due to the first floor of the building. It is made after decoration of slopes.

Heirs Carlson

Puting flowers on a wide window sill, we enjoyed the view from the window. The work ended, and we did not wait for charming: "Well, we flew ..." Although this feeling of Vital in the air.


To avoid condensate falling on walls and slopes, as well as many problems with windows, it is best to attract the designer or produce a heat engineering calculation. When installing wooden frames with double binding without glass, with a thickness thickness, more than 100mm is likely to make a mistake less than many times.


Windows and those building rates that will be discussed, first of all will be interesting to the average class. The first place of the category of windows has comfort, heat and noise insulating properties of windows.

The number of manufacturers of polyvinyl chloride profiles for windows and doors in the Russian market is steadily growing. More than half of windows suppliers in Russia, from Germany. This is primarily due to the fact that German firms have extensive experience in the production of so-called "plastic windows". However, the domestic consumer showed justified caution when buying and implementing PVC-windows in domestic conditions, which are not similar to Western European experience. There is no continually established system for certification of window profiles yet, but such influential organizations such as Gosstroyrf, StroyPolymerTrest and NIISSTRIFIsis, have developed a window profile testing system. In one case, if the system of mandatory certification will be implemented on the Russian market, the window profiles will be checked by 12-15 parameters, including: static bending strength, the resistance of the heat transfer system of the sash profile system (sunsidant liners without them), softening temperature, Resistance to impact at a negative temperature, etc. When the windows are certified, it will have to take into account such an important parameter as the tightness of the glass barns (dew point).

The consumer will surely know what is waiting for it in the case of accessing charlatans from the window case, so we tried an opinion about each type of windows.

Criteria of consideration: materials used, finishing, glazing, fittings, seals.

Windows from high quality, environmentally friendly wood on European technology and standards

Materials used: spruce, maple, pine, larch, oak.

Finishing: transparent (transparent varnish) or opaque, any colors, clean glossy acrylic paints.

Glazing: single or two-chamber glass windows - glass can be toned or purchased windows with protective functional films. Fittings: Depending on the possibilities and project of the company, as well as the customer's desires, foreign or domestic fittings are applied. Seals: gaskets from rubber, thermoplastic elastomers. The main requirements are durability and strength, adjustment density, all together providing high tightness. The windowsills, platbands and other accessories can be supplied complete.

Aluminum windows

Materials used: aluminum profile (designed specifically for domestic harsh conditions).

Finishing: opaque, any colors, powder enamel with heat treatment. Glazing: single or two-chamber glass windows - glass can be toned or purchased windows with protective functional films. Fittings: depending on the possibilities and project of the company; Foreign accessories applied. Seals: gaskets from rubber, thermoplastic elastomers. The main requirements are durability and strength, adjustment density, all together providing high tightness. The windowsills, platbands and other accessories can be supplied complete.

Pluses of aluminum windows - the absence of articulation of materials of different thermal conductivity (there is only a thermal station), resistance to deformation during operation, ease in the installation.

Plastic windows (metalplastic windows)

Materials used: polyvinyl chloride with steel or aluminum reinforcement. Finishing: opaque, basic color, possibly toning in mass (red tree, oak, mahogany, rosewood, etc.). Glazing: single or two-chamber glass windows - glass can be toned or purchased windows with protective functional films. Furnitures: Depending on the possibilities and project of the company, as well as the customer's desires apply overseas fittings. Seals: gaskets from rubber, thermoplastic elastomers. The main requirements are durability and strength, adjustment density, all together providing high tightness. The windowsills, platbands and other accessories can be supplied with complete accessories, mosquito nets.

Plastic windows are usually in a single binding (only one plant is known to us, in Kazan, which produces plastic windows in a double binding with single glazing (without glass)).

Plastic windows windows have their own advantages for premises with elevated levels of humidity - air-conditioned room, as well as in the sauna or bathroom rooms with a wet mode. The complexity of windows with a single binder is that it uses a double-glazed windows of the glass windows 10-15 years, and the cost of the window depends largely on the price of the glass package.

It is necessary to know the consumer about the bridge of the cold-some temperature imaginary line, with respect to which the window must be correctly established, so that it does not happen irreversible internal temperature destruction (as if clogped water in a bottle and put it on the frost). When determining the installation site with a single binding, heating devices and wall thickness must be taken into account. Plastic window with double-glazed windows Energy efficient: High heat protection and light source give heat savings 15-20%.

For 50 years of operation in wooden frames, it is hardly necessary to replace the glass, while in plastic or aluminum windows, it may be three or four times to replace the glass windows.

Another problem is a different thermal conductivity of plastic and metal in the steel frame frame. Lidlice the improper installation of the frame may crack or will be skewed.

The appearance of a nappy on the window or windshop to -25c is an obvious evidence of the wrong installation. Supported reasons can be: unrecorded air conditioner, creating increased humidity indoors, closing with a window with curtains, provided that the window is too pulled out to the street side. Alluring the use of the air conditioner can be installed at home windows with triple bindings and glazing, but it is necessary to check the certificate of compliance with norms on natural light. Finding on windows at the temperature range from -25Sdo -35С, the phenomenon is undesirable, but probable for windows with single binding (a certificate for many double-glazed windows takes into account the maximum temperature for double-glazed windows in -31c).

Silence clock and wall condition is unacceptable for any interior. There is an error of the designer or installer, the window is too close to the house. To troubleshoot problems, it is best to use the services of the firm that set the window.

Special comment

Double-barker - two or three layers of glass connected around the perimeter using the adhesive composition and iron profile, depending on the number of layers of glass there are single and two-chamber. From the chambers of the glass pack or the air (vacuum glass), or the space is filled with inert gas (for example, argon). The video light is a double-barker thing, however, under certain conditions, depressurization may occur, leading to quite sad consequences. The depressurization depends on the quality of the sealant applied to the inner remote frame of the glass package. Provisions of this sealant The main quality criteria are adhesion to the glass and the materials of the internal distance frame of the glass and low permeability of water vapor and gases. Remote frames are from 6 to 24mm, and the sealing zone can be reinforced using double sealing, for example, butyl and two-component polysulfide. Quality guarantee is different in numerous firms, but does not exceed 10-12 years.

A double or triple window window (single and two-chamber, respectively) after depressurization will bring a lot of problems with the consumer:

  1. Dust in the double-glazing will reduce light light.
  2. Annexes may appear and fog windows.
  3. Jumping with air conditioning in a gap between the glass windows (provided it is depressurized) can be gained vapor water - when the glass freezing, the glass will simply go cracked (so far this has not yet happened, but the saying is known: if something can happen, you need to expect That at any time).

When analyzing the windows market, first of all, it is highly necessary to note the long-tempered wooden frames used in Russia (these frames are installed in all new-built panel houses). The wood material is durable, can stand, with the right installation, up to fifty years. Preference is given to larch rocks, maple, oak, pine and ate. The obvious advantage is the lowest glass, unlike the glass package.

In the central region, a sealing can necessarily need. Windows in separate double binding - the similarity of those that are now standing in many block houses, only with a smaller area of ​​glazing, - save energy costs.

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