Wall, steno, on the wall


The walls of your home probably deserve an individual and expressive appearance. Pay attention to the original designer-work work.

Wall, steno, on the wall 15007_1

Probably, it is easy to submit our magazine in the form of a kind of designer, where each number, each article becomes an integral element, brick in creating the image of your home. And both in every structure there is a foundation and floor, walls and roofs, partitions, furniture and dishes, and in our magazine there are a variety of materials dedicated to serious problems and funny trifles.

The heading "Piggy Bank of Ideas" does not pretend to the role of a carrier wall or enclosing design. She talks about creative rethinking and informal approach to problems arising from home arrangement. Today it will be about the walls and ways to give them an individual, expressive appearance. Moreover, your "native" walls will surely deserve it

Wallpaper with an individual design

Wall, steno, on the wall

Architect: Yury Andreev

Photo: Evgeny Luchin

Like not a selection of wallpapers in the stores of finishing materials, everyone would like to have such walls, what no one has anyone, and to save your room with wallpaper with a picture dictated not fashion and assortment, but by your addictions and hobbies. Teenagers, not burdened by social complexes, this is exactly what they do, hanging posters of the favorite groups. The entrance can go all that does not interfere with the self-expression. It is easier to copy notes, engravings with architectural monuments (as on the presented illustration), species of exotic countries, various breeds of dogs, car brands, etc. If among our readers there are convinced egocentricists, they can advise them to use their own portraits. Photocopying can be arranged the entire wall of the room, and you can only part. Listening if you want to create a large-scale composition like the Borodino panorama, use the achievements of civilization in the form of products of widescreen printers. You will need to choose a drawing and set the exact dimensions of the cloth. An example is the walls of the Cafe "City Grill".

Original traditional material capabilities

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Architect: Roman Bessarab

Photo: Zinur Ranuddinov

Plaster as a finishing material for facade and interior works is known from time immemorial. By its current appearance, Moscow, especially the central part of the city, erected after the fire of the 1812, is obliged to it. Now, with the emergence of new modern technologies, the role of plaster as decorative material in residential and public interiors is increasing. Finished color texture mixtures are increasingly used, copyright, with the creation of unusual textures, methods for applying the solution to the surface. Barefooting work is carried out, as they say, raw. The originality of the find of the architect Roman Bessarab is to use a slightly fucked plaster. It is very important to properly withstand the time so that the solution is not unnecessarily plastic, but also not hardened. Stucco is applied on the grid. The second layer (approximately in1.5 cm thick) is rubbed. After some time, the architect manually reproduces the drawing, and then the plasterers are removed by a piece of solution, creating a bas-relief from smooth and textured areas. After drying, the surface is putty and painted. This creates the effect of tightened with relief tapestry walls living room. Walls on the stairs are processed by about the same technology.

"Dress" for the wall

Wall, steno, on the wall

Text: Hope Serebryakov

Photo: Evgeny Luchin

Smooth, monotonous walls are no wonder called "bare". To give them a more lively and warm appearance, do not seek help for paintings or posts, as is usually accepted. Let's go to another way in search of "clothes" for walls. A thin sheet of drywall is superimposed on the finished wall with curly slots (in the case on the kitchen theme). This option is implemented in a small cafe called the "City Grill". But you can fantasize and complicate the task. For example, plasterboard is attached directly to the wall, but at some distance from it, and fluorescent lamps are installed in the resulting space. Vitog light gently penetrates through the holes, creating unique light effects.

From the depths of centuries

Wall, steno, on the wall

Architect: Yuri Kozlovsky

Designer: Oleg Kovalenko

Artist: Alexander Krvertsov

Photo: Georgy Shablovsky

Which only exotic motifs do not use designers for designing interiors of nightclubs, casino and restaurants! In essence, they are called upon to create images of worlds, diametrically opposed to our gray everyday life. Consequently, the fantastic than the original design, the more successful the architect coped with his task. Visitors of the Giant Hall St. Petersburg Club have a rare opportunity to experience shock from alloy of the original materials with the motives of the Paleozoic era and the Stone Age. Among the glitter of anodized metal and running lights of light bulbs from the wall, stone blocks with primitive patterns and an unexpected mammoth skull appear.

P.S. The relief is easiest to complete from the gypsum, and then fix on the wall and paint according to your plans. Using plaster, high relief can be achieved using metal or wooden frames, pre-fortified on the wall and covered with a grid.

Vernissage Antiques

Wall, steno, on the wall

Architects: Yuri Konik, Vladimir Kozlov

Photo: Dmitry Lifshitz

Sometimes old things are valuable not so much with its objective uniqueness, expressed in the cost of how many memories associated with them, evaluate that even the most experienced art historian. You do not confuse a warm, tight feeling that is born when looking at the old toy or a porcelain cup with a punched handle. That's just in our crazy life, it is too rare to experience it. And the fate of old things is not joyful. In the case, they dust in the attic or mezzanine, in the worst, are thrown into the garbage. So why not let them transform your home? For this not so much need. There is enough space on the walls to arrange a peculiar venice of ancient things. With the help of metal brackets it is easy to fasten any thing, whatever form it is. Adlya of volumetric items in the wall can be wound up the deepening like those that are being made in cases for jewelry. Becoming part of the wall, they no longer occupy the place on the shelves, in the closet or on the mezzanine.

P.S. You can make recesses only in the walls laid out of brick or timber. In love case, the thickness of the wall should be no less than 25 cm.

Not painting and not mosaic

Wall, steno, on the wall

Designers: Ilya Kozlov, Ilya Klimov

Photo: Ilya Klimov

The bathroom is not worse than all other rooms in the apartment, and the artwork of art on its walls is also appropriate as in the living room. The only obstacle can be increased humidity. The abundance of water and steam can spoil any wall painting, no matter how strong the modern paints were. For compensation by firms manufacturing tiles, panels are developed with already ready-made plots. The cost of such panels is significantly higher than the cost of simple tile, and the proposed drawings do not differ in originality. An interesting solution to this problem was offered designers Ilya Kozlov and Ilya Klimov. To create an unusual abstract composition on the wall next to the bathroom, they used Sidek - the material like a "bayromic", which represents a quartz crumb that is applied to the epoxy basis. Such technology allows you to create picturesque compositions, regardless of the index of the room humidity. The choice of colors for drawings is limited only by the range of Saydek.

The main thing - realism

Wall, steno, on the wall

Architect: Jesus Belousova (firm "Tsar Terem")

Artist: Sergey Molev

Photo: Zinur Ranuddinov

Continuing the topic of various "decensses", it is impossible not to say about the consecrated traditions of both the gallant centuries and the socialist period of the walls of the walls. Here, as in any other form of painting, the realism is important, and consequently, the skill of the artist in creating the plausible illusion of the visual escape of luxury rooms, the park, descending the terraces to the pond to overlooking water lily, or with any of those who appeared in the Moscow region Antique ruins. Light, open Leonardo da Vinci, the trembling of impressionistic painting in skillful hands Yes with modern materials are able to work wonders not worse than Igor Kio. However, the architect plays a considerable role in achieving the desired illusion, choosing a place for the future masterpiece. The painting on the wall is the reception is very spectacular, and therefore it is important to apply it in an accurate interrelation with the rest of the interior. An example is the fragment of the interior of an apartment, designed by the designer "Tsar Terem". Two arched doorways, one of which is real, and the other with drawn Anfilat, became the main decorative element of the living room.

Do not fool and entertain

Wall, steno, on the wall

Designer: Marina Zaidadnova

Artist: Camille Zaiddinov

Photo: Mikhail Stepanov

It is unlikely that an unknown decorator of the Pope Carlo room seriously put the goal of fooling Pinocchio, sipped on the wall of a canvas with a heart and a bowl. Only the uneducation and naivety of a wooden man can serve him with justification.

Similar decorative reception is akin to card focus. You know the magician gets cards from the sleeve, but ready to be surprised and enjoyed by his skill and dexterity. Similarly, it can be refer to the so-called "deception." This element of the interior was very common in the XVIII-XIX centuries, and now almost does not occur. The more interesting to see unexpected and original examples of "deceptions" in modern apartments. Especially I would like to note the combination in one composition of bulk real objects, flat figures drawn on plywood, with painting walls.

P.S. If you use this technique, placing plywood figures at some distance from the wall will strengthen the effect of illusory three-dimension.

Illusion of airiness space

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Architects: Elena Fedorchenko, Maria Fedorchenko

Photo: Dmitry Livshitsa

Text: Hope Serebryakova

The interiors created in the basement, sometimes require visual overcoming of the suturing space. When designing a store resembling an Italian courtyard, the architects have conceived "to liberate" the room at the expense of niche, arches of the world around the world. For panel painting, a special pictorial and architectural system with a partial backlit of a niche giving at some points illusory perception of space at some points was developed. Painting is made by special acrylic paints on linen canvas. Scene images are indefinite and remotely resemble the neighborhood of the Motherland of the Architect of the Testzinni and Fjords of Norway. Arches-niche are mainly decorated with one of the richest marble-scabos Rossa marble, emitting light. Thus, with the help of illusory outputs to the surrounding space, the feeling of the basement completely broke and it even seems that this is about to fake a fresh sea breeze.

Archeology on the walls

Wall, steno, on the wall

Architect: Yury Andreev

Photo: Evgeny Lichina

Rushing the ancient cities and settlements, archaeologists open one by one by the cultural layers, marking themselves the stages of the development of disappeared peoples, opening scientists the chronicle of the life and life of real people. Perhaps it is this association with excavations and suggested to architect Yury Andreev's idea of ​​multilayer walls in a restaurant, whose interior is resolved in ancient Roman or even ancient Greek style. Dilapidated, with sloping eaves and faces, with trolms that open the churricular murals, these walls typify fantasies about the ancient three, with a hormone. To enhance the dramatic effect, the architect deliberately closed part of the windows, thus adding the weak rays of sunlight, making through narrow wall failures to cracks and divorces.

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