A completely hand garden tool


Cutting knives, secateurs, brushes, garden scissors and another tool - for which they are needed in the arsenal of each gardener.

A completely hand garden tool 15081_1

A completely hand garden tool
Highly located branch conveniently trimmed, consolidating on telescopic plastic or aluminum pole up to 3 m long (of two knees) or up to 5 m (of three knees) of a garden hacksaw or suchkoreau
A completely hand garden tool
A variety of garden secateurs
A completely hand garden tool
Models of custoresov
A completely hand garden tool
Shrub secateur one-sided cutting cut dry thick branch better perpendicular to no leaving hemp
A completely hand garden tool
Models of shrub secator
A completely hand garden tool
Garden knobs
A completely hand garden tool
A light eyepiece knife allows you to carefully cut the kidney, which will then be grafted. To do this, you must first make a shaped shallow incision behind the chosen kidney and smoothly move the blade of the knife from the bottom up, after which it can be carefully separated by a sliced ​​kidney
A completely hand garden tool
Garden knives
A completely hand garden tool
Border scissors allow you to trim the grass where the lawn mower is impossible
A completely hand garden tool
Gardening scissors

How many times to measure to cut off, everyone knows. But what to cut and why in the arsenal of the gardener should be certain tools, know a few

The sculptor cuts off excess to create a masterpiece from stone, and the gardener, cutting the branches, controls the growth of trees and shrubs, flowering and formation of fruits. Without trimming, they first grow well and even begin to fruit early. However, the crown of the tree, developing on its own, becomes either high or too wide with time. The center begins to progress the ladder, and on the peripheral of the branches. The sheet canopy moves to the periphery of the crown, and the fruzing zone with a large diameter of the crown decreases. Due to the acute development, the cleavage of large branches is possible, especially during the period of fruiting, so you have to install backups (chatals), which complicates the treatment of the tree and makes it difficult to fight pests and diseases, as well as harvesting.

Distinguish several types of trimming:

Forming - the young plant creates a crown of a certain form;

Adjustable (support) - Twin seeking good lighting in all parts of the crown, which ensures the most optimal ratio between growth and fruiting;

rejuvenating - aims to stimulate growth and flowering;

thinning - shorten or remove small and weak branches;

frightened - it is necessary to create a plant in the branches of a directional focus;

Restorative - Returns the ability to grow and fruiting in launched or frozen branches (for example, with the appearance of wolfs).

With all types of trimming, you have to deal with branches of different thickness: from the finest shoots (3-5 mm) to the petrified dead branches with a diameter of 80-100 mm.

Garden work other than a simple trimming of branches involves also cutting the kidneys, and the vaccination of other trees breeds to diversify the varieties of fruits. Requires constant care and grass on lawns and lawns. And I confess, we cut flowers - for yourself and as a gift to those who want to delight pleasure. For all these works, various tools are needed, but certainly comfortable, light and reliable.

One of the oldest garden tools - edged knife. They and branches of the trees were cut off, and the shrub was cut, and the cuttings prepared, and cut the bark of the tree to vaccinate, and cut flowers. However, in order for a knife to do any of the listed works, it is necessary to be a real master of your business, or, in other words, a professional gardener.

In France, in 1915, a new tool was used to trim the vine for the first time, called the "Secateur" (French word Secateur happened from Latin steering, dissect). The secret assumed a part of the functions of the edged knife, for example, a trimming of relatively thin branches, which became convenient for the person and at the same time effective for plants. But not any branch for the secret of the sector, therefore further improvement of the manual gardening tool for planting plants led to the appearance of a shrub of the secateurs, custodeza and suchkoresis. The main characteristic of each of them was the maximum diameter of the branch, which can be cut with them, putting an effort to 15-20 kg, developed by the hand of the "medium" person.

Of course, the dimensions of the instrument are important: than it is less, the more convenient to use it and easier to find it a place for storage. Weight in this case plays a secondary role and usually does not exceed one kilogram, although individual samples reach two kilograms.

Sadkin secateur

The most common garden tool is the secret tool, while it has the best ratio of the maximum thickness of the cut branch and the tool length with a fairly efficient use of the weight of the tool.

The secret cuts due to the movement across the branch of the inclined sharp cutting edge of the working blade, while the branch itself remains fixed. The latter is achieved due to the support located on the opposite side of the branch.

There are two types of secateurs: bilateral cutting (dummy cutting blades) and one-sided cutting (promotion and one support blades). IVTE and in the other uses the principle of "acute cut", according to which the edge of the secret leaves a pure slice, thereby ensuring the rapid healing of scars.

The cutting edges of the bilateral duplex blades are moved towards each other until one brings the branch and does not start sliding along the inner surface of another blade. This blade has a curved shape, reduced friction and allowing the best to capture the branch. It is usually equipped with a groove for removing the plant flowing. The secantors of this type are most famous and are used to trim the living branches with a diameter of up to 25mm.

The unilateral cut secator has only one cutting blade, which, having reached the plane of the support blade, does not slip along it. Such a secateur is particularly effective when clearing the crown from dead branches, but it is not recommended for trimming fruit trees, because it squeezes the branch and worsens the process of healing the remainder. The surface area of ​​the support blade is large, so the secateur is successfully cut not only branches, but also any soft materials, such as a plastic or rubber hose. The pens of the secateral can be decorated differently: simply painted paint, with a rubber or polymer coating, and then they are made at all from a special composite material. In the last case, they are noticeably easier aluminum, but at the same time stronger steel; Due to the low thermal conductivity of the material tool with such handles, it is especially convenient to work in cold weather. Extractive models of the secantors handle, which is captured by four fingers, make turning, which allows you to avoid friction about her fingers and prevents the formation of corns, and, in addition, when circumcised a large number of branches, the brush of the hand is not tired.

Susta Susta

It must be said that the length of the pens of the secateral affects the efficiency of work: to circumcise thick branches due to short handles you have to apply too much effort. For trimming a dozen branches, a person without much voltage can create an effort equal to 15-20 kg, but if the branches are greater, then this force should be reduced to 4-6 kg. Therefore, with a large number of cropped thick branches, it works easier if the pens of the secateral will be three or four times longer. Such tools are more often called shrub secateurs. They can also be bilateral and one-sided cutting. For the next case, the support blade has a sickle form that allows you to fix and trim the branch with a diameter of up to 50mm. The grooves for removing the flowing juice of the plant reduces the area of ​​contact of the cutting edges, which reduces the danger of their "sticking". The shrub secateur of one-way cutting is designed to trim the solid old and dead branches. A significant surface area of ​​the support blade eliminates the offset and rotation of the cropped branch relative to the cutting edge of the working blade, this makes it possible to cut the branches with a diameter of up to 30mm with a relatively small force (10-15 kg).


The thick branches of some shrubs (gooseberry, raspberries, currant, ornamental bushes), as well as the roasting piglets are cut off by non-secator, but scissors with elongated handles. This tool is called a brush cutter, it is very convenient when trimming small, often still inevitable shoots, especially if the cut part (green cuttings, shoots with the colony of pests, spiny shoots and the like) must be destroyed or used in the future. The brush cutter has long and well-sharpened blades and may be two types of two-way and one-sided cutting.

The cutting edge profile of the first-type blade blades is straight and wave. The straight edges with straight edges are used to trim the branches of up to 15mm thick when processing most shrubs, especially very dense, which requires a curly haircut, as well as to create classic English gardens. Some models of Custodeza have near the hinge a special notch that reduces the danger of squabbles of thick rods and dry branches along the cutting edge.

A brush cutter with wave-like edges allows you to trim the branches with a thickness of the up to 10mm more neatly, since the branches do not slide along the cutting edges of the blades. Such a grinding is particularly convenient for haircuts of living ingredients and plants with a relatively open structure, such as decorative grape vines, juniper and low-spirited coniferous trees.

The reference blade of unilateral cutting blade reliably holds the cut stems or branches, when the sharp cutting edge of the working blade is moved along it. Such a grinding is most suitable for haircuts of plants with soft leaves (for example, hops or ivy) at the maximum thickness of the rod 15mm. Bilateral cutting browns will simply be somewhat doubt of these plants, which makes it difficult for a haircut.


For trimming, highly located branches need a special secret, more often called suchkorev. It is fixed on a six-to-extension with a diameter of at least 25mm and drives with a twine. Suchcores is equipped with a hinge-lever mechanism and allows you to cut thick branches without much effort, and the more complicated this mechanism, the more thick branches can be trimmed (from15 to 40 mm) with the same effort.

Hoven Sadovaya

The branches of a diameter of over 40-50 mm are difficult to cut even with a shrub secator or suchkoresis. In this case, it is better to use the edged saw, which is customary to call a garden hacksaw. It happens indispensable and in cases where uncompaired by the secateurs and suchores. Its teeth are usually directed towards the handle, which allows you to cut "on yourself" (while the probability of bending and breakdowns of the canvas is less). Compliance with the correct sequence of the branch separation will avoid its detergent, eliminating damage to the wood bark and thereby ensuring the formation of a smooth and clean cut, which will quickly heal.

Garden scissors

From the thickest branches, we move on the grass. It should also be pulled periodically, and it is not always done by means of a lawn mower- there are special shears for haircuting grass. Of course, in terms of performance, they are inferior to any lawn mower, but they can work in hard-to-reach places and easily obtain the surface of any profile. The design of such scissors provides for the possibility of installing cutting blades in three different provisions, which facilitates both lawns, and work in hard-to-reach places. Blade sharpening angles are chosen in such a way that in any of the three positions of the blade is constantly self-causing. For the cutting of the edge of the lawn, special border scissors with long handles will be useful, they can successfully be used for alignment of herbs in height. Carefully cut the cuttings, trim the shoots of fruit trees or cut off the stalks are not thicker than 10mm better with the help of light flower scissors. Their support blade may have several jar, preventing sliding on it smooth or wet branches.

VVS vaccine

What types of work in the garden remained for a garden knife? It is still possible to trim live or damaged (lap!) Branches of fruit and decorative trees, cut out unnecessary shoots and clean the cuts after spilling thick branches of garden hacksaw. However, we did not mention such a kind of variety, like the vaccination knives, although without only a single breeder, but also self-respecting an amateur gardener.

The vacuum knives are three types: ochulating- for vaccination of gardens of garden plants by kidney or eye, copulating - for grafting with a cutlets and combined, for the execution of both other functions. The ball side of the handle of each of them or on the blade itself there is an opening agent (in a different way it is called "bone") - this is a protrusion, with which the branch is pushing the branch after the knife performed by the knife.

Our recommendations

Clean, smooth cut without a bark scope on the left part of the branch is achieved by a strong and sharp press on the twig of the secateurs, while the working blade of the tool should firmly reflect into the cut part.

Working a brush cutter with a wave-like cutting edge, it should be noted that the shorter the length of the wave, the less likely to slip the branches during trimming, but at the same time it is harder to cut thicker branches. Acting suchkorev, do not use paper or hemp twine. Polypropylene twine or thin steel cable is best suited. Well: with long-term work, the trimming must be carried out in gloves.

If the diameter of the branch is more than 80mm, it is better to use not a garden hacksaw, but an ordinary carpentry, preferably with a pitch of the tooth no more than 3mm. True, the cut is harmed, and the bark of the tree in its edges will be with the jackets, so it will overcome longer.

For smoothing scaling, especially if the branch is thick, use a garden knife. After they distinguish between big, medium and small garden knives, it is enough to have one of them if you use a secateur and brush cutter to trim the branches.

Acute as a razor

Of course, over time, the cutting blades of all listed garden tools are blinking, and they have to be stuck with the help of a bar (manually) or electric. First, a rough abrasive tool with graininess 63-40 (for imported circles: F30-F46) From the surface of the cutting edges, it is necessary to eliminate the potholes and jads, and then the fine-grained tool 8-5 (F150-F220) circular motions to bring the blades to the razor sharpness from the side of the flat part . With coarse sharpening, the bar is better to moisten with water, and vegetable oil or soap foam is better suitable for the final sharpening.

Unlike twins

On our market, a manual gardening tool for pruning plants supply companies such as Swedish Sandvik, American Oregon, Finnish Fiskars, German Gardena, Spanish Bellota and a number of Russian factories, such as OJSC Mekhinstrument (Nizhny Novgorodska). After all of them, they constantly improve their products, the tools of different manufacturers differ in weight, sizes and versions.

Usually the manufacturer gives a guarantee on a manual garden tool for a period of one year, while our standards require that the average service life of such an inventory in amateur gardening was at least three years. However, it should be noted that the same standards are recommended when working to apply an effort to 4-6 kg, although the hand-made garden tool, say, the company Sandvik is withstanding an effort without breakdown, approximately in 10 times superior limitation of domestic standards.

Characteristics of manual garden tool Sandvik

Tool name Maximum branch diameter, mm Tool Length, mm Mass, kg. Price, $
Sanding knife twenty 200 (revealed) 0.10. 25.
Propriety knife:


fifteen 180 (revealed) 0.07 14-21
Copulius 10 180 (revealed) 0.09 14-21
combined 10 170 (revealed) 0.09 14-21
Saddle secator:

bilateral cutting

25. 180-230 0.23-0.44 18-64
one-sided cut twenty 200. 0.24. 23.
Structural secret:

bilateral cutting

30-50 400-800 0.40-0.60 47-79
one-sided cut thirty 600-800 0.42. 43-75
Brush resort:

bilateral cutting (with straight blades)

fifteen 480-900 0.9; 1.2; 1,8. 42-56
bilateral cutting (with wavy blades) 10 540-600 0.95 44-47
one-sided cut fifteen 450. 1.5 26-33.
Succoresis of the sixth:

with one lever

twenty 200 (without a pole) 0.55 33.
With two levers 25. 205 (without a pole) 0.60 42.
With three levers 40. 210 (without a pole) 1.0 54.
Garden scissors:


1-3. 880. 1.9 54.
For haircut grass 1-3. 280-340. 0.35-0.44 12-22.
for cutting cuttings and stems 5-10. 190. 0.12, 0.24. sixteen
Hoven Sadovaya - 190-360 (cutting part) 0.06-0.41 21-29.

The editors are grateful to the head of the Sandvik manual instrument department Sergey Sergeevich Tolkachev for help preparing the material.

The article uses the terms from GOST 4153-93 "SECTORS", GOST 4154-93 "SUCHKERS", GOST 4156-93 "Hoven Sadovaya", GOST 4229-94 "Knives" and GOST 4230-93 "Garden knives", GOST 21753-76 (Red.1987) "System Man-Machine. Control levers.

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