Eternal glory of water


Interior fantasy on the subject of the sea: Office - blue liner, children's - Captain's bridge, partition - shovel of the ship screw ...

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Water as a source of life takes a great place in our consciousness. All that is somehow connected with it, causes most pleasant associations from most. Vacation on the sea coast, cool freshness of water in the forest stream, pleasure from a relaxing warm soul after a difficult day, such familiar memories. Maybe that's why designers are happy to use expressive seaside images. In this issue of our heading, we collected both the plots inspired by the maritime themes and the design options and the arrangement of our own in-house "reservoirs", that is, bathrooms in urban apartments and country houses.

Remembering vacation

Eternal glory of water

Architect: Pavel Popsuv (Donetsk)

Photo: Roman Torn

From maritime travel, many brought interesting multi-colored pebbles and shells. Such collections are stored in the house for years, like many other items associated with pleasant memories. Vzhietyskaya bustle is so rarely able to choose a minute and get a dust box with cherished relics from the closet. Why do neither make them part of an apartment or cottage interior? It is completely easy to position with a cement solution or one of the modern superciles right on the wall of your collection, so that by touching the pebbles and seashells, remember the heat of the sun's rays, the indequent smell of the sea and the noise of the waves.

By waves of success

Eternal glory of water

Architects: Tofik Magomedov, Amalia Talfeld

Photo Mikhail Stepanov

In business relationships, the first impression of the partner is very important. Therefore, for solid firms, the creation of a presentable interior of the office is no less significant than a concert suit for the artist.

Developing the interiors of the building of a large insurance company, architects Tofik Magomedov and Amalia Talfeld paid special attention to the design of the first floor. Each element of the room is resolved according to the overall concept. Thus, the carrying column and the retaining wall of the staircase leading from the entrance doors to the lobby and the hall for receiving customers turned into a blue ship with a white pipe. Without a doubt, each visitor has confidence in the reliability of the company, like Lainera, the "furrowing ocean" of the business.

P. S. Metal elements of architectural and design compositions were performed by AOZT "Skad" (St. Petersburg).

Along the blade of Screw

Eternal glory of water

Architect: Zurab Sturua

Photo: Evgeny Luchin

Institutions of all times and all peoples unites one unshakable rule, they seem to be created with one goal, so that an extraneous visitor, who came to their misfortune in the case, as quickly as possible and got lost in faceless corridors, completely forgot the purpose of his visit and spent the rest of the day in search of Test door with the inscription "Exit". Perhaps the image turned out to be somewhat exaggerated, but you will agree that now by entering an unfamiliar office or the office, you have to spend some time on orientation in space and meeting with a person who can send to the right office.

In the office, whose interior was developed by the architect Zurab Sturua, this is simply impossible. Any incoming volley-nilly unfolds left from the entrance door, where he is already waiting for a kind smile of the secretary at the Reception. Because of the small area of ​​the input zone, the architect could not use such traditional ways to organize the space as the construction of partitions or a device of the multi-level floor. I had to show fantasy and adapt the blade of the screw as a pointer. Hung to a blue metal beam, it not only performs its nominal function, but also thanks to the unique plastic of current surfaces adorns the interior.

On the captain's bridge

Eternal glory of water

Architects: Alexander Galkin, Maya Vasilyeva

Photo: Mikhail Stepanov

Create an interior in which it would be interesting and convenient to a child, difficult for many reasons. The world of adults is very different from the children's. Other concerns, other values ​​and joy. Therefore, in the worst case, the decorations are limited only to bright colors and materials. The solution to the problem can be the principle at which an adult man, inventing the interior for the child's room, sells its own children's dreams.

It seems that this approach helped the architector to turn the child's room into the deck of the ship with a steering wheel hatcher, the captain's bridge, ladder, mast and a gallun. Located on the last attic floor, the spacious room became a arena for the infinite game "Children's" fantasy. The height of the premises allowed to make mezzano with a sleeping place and at the same time hide the children's bathroom under it.

How do you yacht call ...

Eternal glory of water

Architects: Dmitry Mikhailov, Vasily Ivanov (St. Petersburg)

Photo: Alexander Chervyakov

In the same way, the ship's fate depends on the name given to him and the well-being and prosperity of the club influences the chosen theme chosen as the main topic, or speaking more precisely, dedication, and the corresponding design design. However, there are no uniform success recipes here.

For St. Petersburg, where, everything seems to be relevant to the sea, - the opening of the bowling club with the name "Watering" is more than natural.

The club has several bars that differ in size and design. A small cozy bar in the billiard room is interesting primarily by the unusual use of metal pipes, actually components of the entire design. The prototype of the designers used the guys of sailing ships. Bar rack is lined with perforated metal sheets painted in the same blue color as the pipes-guys. A little lighter is made of ceiling and hanging a trump card from drywall with a white window-porthole. The difference in the tone is about the same as between the blue sky and the sea in calm weather.

Bar located in the bowling hall, much larger sizes and is resolved in another key. Using metal pipes, bricks, drywall and plastic, architects created a modern version of the old, cooked by the winds of the port Kabak, the main decoration of which were mined by visitors of marine monsters and empty bottles resembling former pirushki. The plastic bottle bar is used as plafones to highlight the rack, and the stuffed successfully replaced sharks cooked from metal pipes. The overall picture is organically complemented by white ventilation pipes and brought from some pier to Knecht.

The billiard hall is interesting primarily to the unexpected decoration of lamps over each table and the blue ceiling, which, as if in a dream, flooded boats with sails. Beams, crossing the room, turn into kili of white boats. Architects used the opportunity and made every boat in their own way, changing not only the silhouettes, but also the pattern of sails adorning lamps. Completed from the fabric, sails are echoing with unusual curtains closing large, in the entire height of the room, windows. Vertical and horizontal stretching panels are attached to metal rods fixed in window openings. The colors selected for the curtain correspond to the color of the whole club, and their drawing remotely reminds of marine spaces.

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