Intercom as a means of self-defense


A brief overview of the elements of the intercom system, specifications. Subtleties of communication with the installer.

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Intercom as a means of self-defense

Intercom as a means of self-defense

Intercom as a means of self-defense

Intercom as a means of self-defense

Intercom as a means of self-defense

Intercom as a means of self-defense

In Moscow, in accordance with the Moscow City Hall, the mass installation of metal doors in the entrance halls of residential buildings began. This is the second attempt of the city authorities to close the entrances from the unborn guests.

The first attempt, when code locks were installed on the entrance doors, failed. Now the maintenance of the RAU includes the installation of a metal door, but equipping it with all the "hinged" equipment is given to the deposit of residents. It is somewhat strange, since in most cases the design of the metal door depends on the type of locking device being installed. But the fact remains a fact, so we will talk about the equipment that you need to install on the metal door so that it protects as much as possible from the unwanted guests. Usually such a set of equipment is called intercom. Mine enforced: codebar, control unit, lock, door closer, cable system and audio contact tube, installed inside the apartment.

Let's start with the front door, namely from the code panel mounted outside. Their choice, with all the apparent diversity, is very small and they differ, above all, according to the principle of action. The simplest buttons (for example, Eltis, the old "visit"). Immediately, it's not necessary that the buttons with the numbers are unreliable: plastic buttons ignite, metal is smelted, but it is still halfbes. Every day the buttons account for a huge load in the form of presses when typing an individual code. Abolshit electroconptops is calculated for a maximum of 1000 points.

A more modern and reliable design of the codeb panel is based on the optical coordinate system. Over each vertical and horizontal number of buttons, parallel to the plane of the panel passes infrared (IR) Ray and, to whatever 12-point (0-10, reset, key) you did not bring a finger, the two beam will be crossed and the finger position will be identified. . Extractive models (Raikmann, Filman, CD200), IR rays pass along the outside of the panel, and in a number of others ("Visit-M", WEKTA) - on the inner, and then the role of the finger performs the buttons.

When choosing a code panel of the intercom, it is necessary to pay special attention to the "anti-vandality" of its execution - the panel must be made of thick metal, have a special protection of the microphone and dynamics, and the light board must be closed with unbreakable glass to withstand the blows of heavy objects. In addition, the intercom should be provided for the two-way "Apartment-Visitor", the ability to open the door not only by the key, but also using the set of an individual code.

The most important element is definitely the control unit is not only the brain, but also the most expensive part of it. Therefore, it is usually installed far enough from the entrance door in some protected place.

The basis of the control unit is the processor. It is he who allows you to communicate with the visitor, remotely or with the use of code to open the lock. In many models, such a security feature is also implemented as a signal in the apartment when the intercom is opened by a set of your individual code. If the individual code has become known to someone, the intercom can be reprogrammed by changing the code for a new one. In addition to the processor and switching systems in the control unit there is a lithium battery that provides power to the processor in power supply in power supply so that there is no erase of the information recorded in it.

Driving metal doors are usually completed with one of two types of locks: electromagnetic or electromechanical. The electromagnetic lock consists of two parts of the electromagnet installed on the door frame, and the metal plate fixed on the door. Such locks are extremely reliable, wear-resistant and easy to operate. The deterioration force of the electromagnetic lock is at least 450kg, that is, the door is not pressed climbing or a rubbish. Castle supply voltage - 12B, power consumption is approximately 6.5W. When the power is disconnected, the lock opens. Chanted systems of the system can be attributed quite loud click when the magnet is triggered.

The second type of locking electromechanical. They are much less reliable and wear-resistant compared to electromagnetic. This is not surprising, the presence of moving mechanical elements with a daily huge number of switching the lock pretty quickly leads to its breakdowns.

A very important element of a system-door closer, a device, forcingly closing the door behind a person. Conditionally, they can be divided into two groups - single and two-speed. To work with electromagnetic locks, single-speed closers are better suitable, which simply pull up the door cloth to the castle, slowing down at the last moment so that there is no impact. Two-speed closers quickly catch the door to the castle and at the final stage sharply reduce the speed of pull-ups, while significantly increasing the effort to overcome the resistance of the lock tongue. These closers are designed to work with electromechanical castles. When choosing a closer, except the above described, it is necessary to take into account the mass of the door. If the closer for a light door to install on a heavy one, then he will either reach it to the lock, or will not be able to slow down, and when closing the door will slap and grow. Yves Tom, and in another case, the closer will quickly fail. The price of closers ranges from35 to 80dollars depending on the type and power.

The final element is the audio contact tube installed in the apartment. This is a regular handset with at least one button for the remote door opening. Firms establishing intercoms offer products of Russian, Polish and Italian production. They differ, mainly design and coloring. The semicomeness of the basic installation kit of the intercom includ of domestic tubes, which are somewhat rough, but for imports it is necessary to pay apart 5 dollars in rubles.

After installing the intercom, you need to pay attention to whether the company offers a contract. If you are offered to install an intercom without the conclusion of the contract, refuse immediately, it can be much cheaper than in a solid company, but the warranty and post-warranty service in this case is not expected. The intercom establishing the intercom should be a license for this type of activity, an agreement should be concluded with you, providing for mutual responsibility: on the part of the company- Installation and warranty service, and with your own relationship and "non-interference" to the work of the intercom during the warranty period. The usual limit of warranty service of the company is six months, in some cases. It is much better, since during this time the intercom has time to work out in all possible climatic conditions. Another small note: Do not sign an act of acceptance of the intercom until the slightest unfinished and all tenants have not checked its performance in their apartments.

It is difficult to speak about the price of the intercom, in each particular case, it is different and depends on the type of codeb panel and the control unit, on the size of the door and the type of lock, and on the number of apartments in the entrance. The more apartments in the stairwell, the cheaper the installation of the intercom is required for each tenant.

In the case of an individual house or cottage, the installation of the intercom is much simpler, as it does not require a layout of apartments and floors. The installed system as in an apartment building can be audio, while inside the residential premises it is useful to install several tubes in order not to run, for example, from the kitchen to the front door and video, when you can not only hear, but also see your visitor. However, video cameras are a topic for a separate conversation.

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