Successful leisure furniture


Furniture foldable, woven, plastic, wooden, cast iron and wrought-iron - for giving and garden.

Successful leisure furniture 15421_1

Successful leisure furniture
Garpa chaise lounge (Germany)
Successful leisure furniture
Model Updown Firm Pierantonio Bonacina (Italy)
Successful leisure furniture
Folding chair. Model CIAK Firm EMU (Italy)
Successful leisure furniture
Foldable Furniture from Unopiu '(Italy)
Successful leisure furniture
Foldable furniture. Table Covent and Chairs William Firms Unopiu '(Italy)
Successful leisure furniture
Egg Model of the company Pierantonio Bonacina (Italy)
Successful leisure furniture
Set of wicker furniture. Model Giardino company Varaschin (Italy)
Successful leisure furniture
Model M 133 firms Mondo (Italy)
Successful leisure furniture
Wicker furniture. Model Maxima company Unopiu '(Italy)
Successful leisure furniture
Chair. Flototto Country Furniture (Germany)
Successful leisure furniture
Set of garden furniture. Model Thor company Unopiu '(Italy)
Successful leisure furniture
Flototto Cedar Tree Chair (Germany)
Successful leisure furniture
Garden furniture. Unopiu Aurora model (Italy)
Successful leisure furniture
Hammock. AMANDA model Unopiu '(Italy)

Country house or cottage is a kind of ecological niche, where you can retire, relax and relax, and comfortably. Always somewhere in a hurry, nervous and even a few aggressive citizen turns into a leisurely and good-natured dacket. In order for this metamorphosis to occur, very important both the interior of the country house and garden furniture. And if it is comfortable and beautiful and combined with the original lighting in the garden, a variety of arbors, by burning water, the rest in the country becomes unforgettable.

Descendants of claws

So what is the choice? First of all, it is well familiar to us, but slightly modified folding furniture with a frame of bent aluminum or steel tubes painted with special colors. Chairs and chairs have recently purchased a much more elegant and diverse shape, and most importantly, they became equipped with mattresses and pillows from the foam rubber, which made them immediately much more convenient. Prices for such furniture are greatly dependent on the manufacturer's country and the complexity of the design. Although the Middle Eastern Prices for Such Goods and not high, but customs duties and taxes make you remember the old Russian proverb, that "for the sea, the telephone is a half, and the ruble - transport." Thus, Italian furniture is twice and more expensive than domestic or Belarusian. The chaise longue made in Belarus costs about 585 rubles, and the folding chair is 250, a domestic tiny folding chair - 110 rubles. At the same time, the furniture of the production of Italy, France, Germany and other European countries is usually widely represented in large corporate stores, and their Russian, Belarusian and Polish analogues can be bought in more modest shops and in the markets.

Wicker furniture

Recently, the popularity of wicker furniture increases. In part, it is a tribute to style retro, return to fashion that existed during our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers when light and comfortable furniture, figurines and decor elements in the colonial style appeared in urban and summer houses. But now its assortment is not limited to traditional rocking chairs, tables, chairs and sun loungers: sofas and dressers, bedside tables and writing tables, kitchen kits, beds, beds and wardrobes appeared on sale. It also has an expensive exclusive, and cheap, calculated only for one season, suitable for any premises - from the hallway to the bathroom.

In Europe, wicker furniture is used for a long time. In Russia, she had no widespread, although here was published from Willow and Oshness, not only the baskets, lampshadows and a variety of rugs, but also chairs, armchairs and separate details of furniture. Basically wicker furniture is imported from Indonesia, Latin America and Malaysia.

All Indonesian and Malaysian furniture are made of rathana-liana. Its length reaches 50 meters, and the core has a porous structure and has unique properties: high plasticity and "fatigue". Depending on the thickness of the Liana, various techniques are used: it is or bent, or weave. A framework of wide bent roths is made of a frame, and the rest of the parts are made of woven. Growing in the conditions of a tropical climate, the rattan does not deteriorate under the influence of moisture. Furniture from it has a typical yellow color.

Latin American Rattan Analogue is called Mimbra. She is somewhat shorter rattan, and the furniture made from it is very different from Asian, for the production of which is used exclusively rattan. Furniture from it is extremely elegant and exquisite and also has a high strength. Wicker furniture from Latin America usually has a wooden frame and looks, of course, more massive. It is more stable, this is its feature, as well as durable. Such furniture is different and the original design.

The most important indicator on which the strength of wicker furniture depends is the number of joints. At high-quality rathana junction, as a rule, one. The fastening of parts is carried out by wooden or metal pins with camouflage seats with decorative weaving, simultaneously give extra durability. When choosing rotangling furniture, you need to pay attention to the place of the joints and the integrity of weaving. If it is torn or abandoned, the junction will quickly disperse. Rattan furniture usually paint oil paint on a polyurethane based and varnished; If, for the first time, seeded in a wicker chair, you will hear a suspicious crunch, do not be scared, it cracks the lacquer spikes in the places of weave the rods, and you, and the furniture is strongly threatened.

In the Russian market, you can often find braided European-made furniture (Spain, Italy, Germany). She, like Asian, is made from the rattan. It is this material due to its unique properties of Liana and its plasticity, was the "catalyst" of the revival of fashion for woven furniture in Europe. Almost all began to produce from rattan: business and home furniture, front and everyday, expensive and not very, various supporting structures, partitions and decorative panels. In Europe, Italy is considered legislator. European wicker furniture has the highest quality, original design and variety of paintings. Unlike Asian and Latin American, European-made furniture often has a more complex and intricate form due to the combination of natural materials with a metal frame. In the manufacture, except metal, began to use wood, glass and different other materials, and most importantly, it is now done not only manually, but also in the machine method in factories.

It must be said that the prices of imported wicker furniture are quite high (a set of four chairs and a table - from $ 700, a rocking chair - from 250, armchair - from $ 120). Double bed or sleeping headset from rattan, of course, quite expensive, although many believe that they are very practical and there are such money, especially if we take into account the absolute ecological purity of this material.

The spread of fashion for woven furniture has revived in Russia, it would seem, from the complete oblivion of some folk crafts. There are wonderful traditions of weaving from the vozyovy bruh. But the furniture made of them looks not so elegant as rattan, due to the fact that the length of the scroll rod is significantly less than that of Liana. Therefore, in the furniture from the vine, a large amount of joints, but it is very resistant to the effects of dampness, has a pleasant terracotta color, the intensity of which depends on the time of exposure of the rods in the sun and the number of lacquer layers. And naturally, the domestic wicker furniture is the cheapest in the Russian market: the chair can be bought at a price of 2000 rubles, a table - from 1800, a sofa - from 2500, a rocking chair, from 2200 rubles. Recently, due to the increased demand, its range has significantly expanded and, except traditional tables and chairs, began to appear original wicker cabinets and bedside tables, secretaries and sun beds, lari and chests, coffee jams and beach cabins. If you decide to put wicker furniture in your interior, the ensemble will complete and give a special charm a variety of wicker lamps for lamps: chandeliers, scheduling, floor lamps and table lamps.

Search new. But simultaneously with wicker furniture from plant materials in different countries, the furniture is increasingly beginning to meet, in the manufacture of which are used strong cotton and repition ribbons, Manila Hemp and even sea algae. Applying these fairly traditional materials, designers create new original models. Unusually looks furnished with a rotan frame and wicker surfaces from leather straps.

In recent years, woven furniture is made not only from natural materials, but also from modern polymer. According to its environmental purity, it is also inferior to the rathana and IVov, but according to practicality and design leaves them far behind them. As a frame for this furniture, aluminum or steel pipes, braided with multi-colored plastic cords are used. Perhaps it's time to part with the prejudice that the plastic product is second-time. After all, modern polymer materials can be washed, and they have a very long service life. While of them produced mainly furniture to relax on the street.

The revival of fashion on woven furniture is becoming another confirmation of not new, but the wise thought that the new one is well forgotten old.

Plastic for every taste and wallet

Plastic furniture is becoming increasingly distribution. Depending on the complexity and features of design, it can be divided into two large groups. The first includes light and durable plastic chairs, sofas and tables designed for summer cafes. In some table models, a special hole is provided, where the umbrella from the Sun is inserted. This furniture is suitable for the garden - it is comfortable and inexpensive, besides easily clean and is not afraid of rains. The plastic chair costs about 120-150 rubles, and the table, depending on the size and form, 280-450 rubles. However, for the winter, such furniture needs to be removed, at temperatures below zero, plastic becomes more fragile.

For a dachain, presenting high aesthetic requirements, foldable plastic furniture is suitable for the second group. Designed as beach and equipped with soft pillows and mattresses, it is increasingly found in garden sites. Such furniture, of course, more expensive, but more comfortable and looks much more picturesque thanks to multicolored pillows. In branded stores, a small folding chair is an average of $ 16.5, a normal chair-60, a folding chair, 65-80, a pillow to it- 25, bench-approximately 70, table 120, swing- $ 220.

It is impossible not to remember about one form of furniture, which is still rarely found on sale and therefore almost used in the country area. This is a portable inflatable furniture. It is made of a durable polymer, and its base is designed to be installed even on a stony surface. The price of a children's inflatable armchair or a sofa is 250-300 rubles, and the models for adults will cost somewhat more expensive, about 900-1200 rubles. But her convenience is indisputable. This furniture occupies very little space in a latter condition, and it does not make it up with the help of a car compressor.

Luxury luxury

In conclusion about wooden, including folding, cast iron and wrought-iron furniture. Made of expensive varieties of wood, for example, from tick, impregnated with water-repellent compositions, covered with several layers of varnish, wooden furniture is very expensive (a set of two folding chairs, benches and tables - from $ 1500), but it will give the garden a special country flavor and will serve very long. Its distinctive feature is comfortable and extended functionality. We must fear fakes, which recently appeared quite a lot. Really upscale wooden furniture is sold in large furniture salons.

Calling and wrought-iron furniture is rarely found in large stores of garden products. Such furniture is much stronger than any other, it is mostly done by hand, and, of course, it is expensive. At present, exclusive furniture with marble and glass countertops appeared on our market, as well as with countertops made in the technique of Florentine mosaic. Whatever you choose your choice, we wish you a good rest in a plastic or wicker chair, and if you are a real love lover, then in a rocking chair or hammock.

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