Carpet Shahryzada


Middle Eastern carpets in the interior: Features of Turkmen, Afghan, Syrian, Kurdish, Azerbaijani, Persian, Iranian ornamentics

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The carpet created in the Middle East (in Iran, Afghanistan and in the surrounding territories), the product is unusual. No wonder he appears in fairy tales: the magic carpet, a carpet-aircraft ... The input palaces, cradled carpets, flows the life-noge. However, the carpet is universal: the artists of the Renaissance era often portrayed it in their paintings, and he attaches a particular European interior to some otherworfish. Probably, a carpet with a complex ornament is ideal for meditation: it can be viewed infinitely, plunging into patterns, spreading the thought and concentrating it ...

Being committed and self-sufficient work of art, the carpet at the same time is very functional in the dwelling. It insulates the floors and walls, serves as a coat for the sofa and tablecloth for the table, making the dwelling cozy. The carpet is perfectly organizing, structures the space, denoting the zones, emphasizing the forms of furniture, decoration, harmonizing and contrasting with them.

Carpet Shahryzada

Carpet Shahryzada

Carpet Shahryzada

Carpet Shahryzada

Carpet on table

The carpet on the table is a purely European manner. At the Netherlands, German and Spanish still lifes the XVI-XVII centuries. We see the amazing combinations of metal dishes, glasses, flowers, fruits, various accessories with lush and elegant patterns of carpets in the role of tablecloths lying heavy decorative folds. Along with the European antiques at low oriental tables covered with floor carpets, openwork metal lamps, chased non-ferrous metals, Syrian glass with enamel, playing board, enveloped by pearl and ivory, will look great.

Carpet Shahryzada

Carpet Shahryzada

Carpet Shahryzada

Carpet Shahryzada

Councils of decorator

Soft furniture and small pillows are "dressing" in Syrian silk cloth handmade. They are dense, wearing, often with golden thread. Their value is not only in the beauty and infinite variety of colors, even within one rapport, but also that they definitely reproduce the ornament of fabrics of the XIV-XVII centuries. Featuring the fabric so that they are harmonized with carpets, you will create a truly eastern interior.

Carpet Shahryzada

Functionally carpets are used in a modern urban apartment, based on the decor and what technique they are made. For example, thick pileous Turkmen and Afghan carpets of dark red tones, especially Turkmen with a repeated small ornamental element-gel, better look and more comfortable on the floor. Comparatively thin lint-free carpets are the motley or large pattern in a limited color scheme, Kurdish and Azerbaijani kilims of wool and silk wool are good and on the wall, and on the tacht, and on the table. For floor, walls and sofas fit classic Persian pilewood carpets and silk. Thick woolen lint-free motley Azerbaijani summas, very dense and tough, are suitable for putting them on the floor and hang on the wall. Athensive silk pilewood rugs from Kuma (Iran) - with filigree patterns, tender coloring - suitable for walls, ottomans and tables.

Tiens and mosaic

Continue the "carpet" topic in the kitchen-dining area, the bathroom, the loggia is designed by the language "decoration". It is also a magnificent authentic tires from Iran and Morocco, amazing the fineness of execution: with vegetable and geometric ornaments. Interesting Tunisian and Moroccan floor mosaics, which are reproducing Muslim patterns in the ancient technique.

Carpet Shahryzada

Carpet Shahryzada

Carpet Shahryzada

Carpet Shahryzada

For complete kayfa

Carpet Shahryzada

To create a comfortable atmosphere of Eastern beauty and ballasts, it is worth bothering about the appropriate furniture and lamps - the so-called decoration items, because the carpet as the most expensive and expressive detail of the interior requires certain forms of these elements. Now you can purchase a suitable artificial furniture made by manually masters of the East, from the original to a flattened in any of the European styles, where "Easyness" is only an exotic element of the decor. For the stylization of "under Seryal", lamps and non-ferrous metal vessels are chased, openwork, carved.

Carpet Shahryzada

Carpet Shahryzada

Carpet Shahryzada

Carpet Shahryzada

Councils of decorator

Memmodation carpets are not so difficult to combine with each other due to their multicolor and variety of patterns. Some colors and elements of a pattern of one carpet, even aged in a limited color scheme, will almost always find a response in the other.

Carpet Shahryzada

Carpet Shahryzada

Carpet Shahryzada

Carpet Shahryzada

Inside of the Middle Eastern Carpets, you can note two basic principles: "People's", "tribal" and "scientist", "academic". "People's" pattern is extremely technological: it is mainly angular geometric elements (the basis of the repertoire - rhombus, stars, stripes, corners and triangles), which correspond to the crossresses at the right angle of the basics and duck. Vegetable and zoomorphic motives are not less widely used, but they are stylized with limit geometrization - almost beyond recognition. "Academic", "scientific" pattern of classical Persian carpets developed court artists in XVI. It includes only plant ornaments, images of genre scenes (hunting scenes and meetings of beloved in nature), as well as dragons and phoenixes. Drawing such a pattern by the artist is easy, but the cruiseer weave is very difficult. For this, special technical techniques came up with. Therefore, Persian classic carpets with ornaments from lush colors, rounded the bent shoots and human figures were so amazing on beauty and roads. Attace XiX. The masters began to produce carpets with portraits of ancient and modern rulers of Iran, with images of archaeological monuments, with imitation of European landscape. The Persians themselves are very appreciated similar products, but for European eyes it is unusual.

Practical advice

To clean the carpet, it follows, putting it with the front side to the floor, knock out dust. Then both sides to treat the vacuum cleaner by including it on low power, and go through a soft brush on the front side along the pile. Once every six months, it is carried out wet cleaning with soap non-ionized solution (you need to check whether in advance whether the paints do not linger). Wash the carpet in the low-side pool. Dry, wrapping in dry clean rags and pressing, then wipe the ammonia and lay out in the shade outdoors.

Carpet Shahryzada

Carpet Shahryzada

Carpet Shahryzada

Carpet Shahryzada

The editors thanks the company "Home Forest" and "Mabroke. Eastern interiors "for help in holding survey and provided accessories.

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