Artist artist.


Pine shields, paint, pencil, jigsaw and ax - and in a three-bedroom apartment in the house of the P-3 series, the artist's ideas about a comfortable living space were embodied.

Artist artist. 15501_1

Artist artist.
Shelves in the form of musical instruments, walls, upholstered with a striped fabric causing association with a tank line. We are in the music office
Artist artist.
Interiors located symmetrical bedrooms and music cabinet are decorated differently
Artist artist.
Hall and entrance finishes echoes the bedroom interior
Artist artist.
Bed of painted pine boards resembles the coil of the sunken ship
Artist artist.
The studio has even winter garden with its unusual inhabitant (Ceramics Evgenia Leonova)
Artist artist.
"African" writing desk. To the left of him figures of women collecting harvest, right - guards guarding the fortress
Artist artist.
Figure lamp- main art object at home
Artist artist.
Home focus on host hand
Artist artist.
The apartment begins with a lira like the theater - a whisk

Artist artist.

Artist artist.
Apartment layout

This interior hardly makes sense to copy, perceive as a sample to imitate. Rather, he gives a reason for creative rethinking. Publishing it in the journal, we intend to introduce you to one of the options of the relationship, in this case of people art, to their own apartment, and in general to life.

"We want to be in our house it was interesting," about this formulated the young owners their wishes. And they turned to their realization to a friend of the family, the artist. Evgeny Leonov and first happened to issue interiors as an artist on furniture, ceramist. But when well familiar people, without going into details, are fully relying on your taste - this is, you see, a completely different degree of freedom. Eugene got the opportunity to embody his ideas about the formation of humane, comfortable living space with the help of natural materials, colors and active use of copyright, addressable objects. The result is obvious. First, the main role in the interior is played by the living, "not licked" and a different tree. Speaking "tree", we mean and furniture, and wooden ceilings, and radiators box, and window sills, and doors. All this is emphasized, rethought and turned into artwork. At the end of the ends, a person who is in the apartment arises persistent (Ivbolly degree justified) the impression that he got into the entirely made from the village of the dwelling. Secondly, the creator of the interior was extremely carefully at his color unity. No, the rooms do not repeat each other color, it would be too straightforward. Business in roll-ring, binding details, accents. The red lamplan lamp lamp, standing in the bedroom, responds with many small details in the office to re-arise in the studio, and then, in the corridor, "get to get" with an incredible refrigerator. The same - with an orange tone (wooden surfaces in the studio and office, curtain in the studio, brickwork stoves in the kitchen), with green (bedroom, cabinet fragments, wall corridor) IT.D.

Paints ValTIColor and Acvacolor are applied to a smooth sump wooden surface with a brush or roller, which allows you to get smooth color, without divorce. It is necessary to work quickly, because it hits the paint literally a few minutes, so practically you can immediately see the end result. Finnish paints for Tikkurila woods are good for the fact that they do not burn out and do not change color from time to time.

Finally, thirdly, the stylistic theme of each room is set using wooden silhouettes. However, it is possible to see all this and it is possible to see everything when the work on the interior is finished. Asnalaced the owners of the future apartment-museum offered the artist to make interior and furniture in only one bedroom.


Digested door to the owners, Evgeny immediately undertook to work. Material - finished furniture shields (pine), Finnish paint for furniture and walls Tikkurila. Pencil instrument, jigsaw and ax, place of action - right here. Tracting bedroom as a room for complete relaxation and ballasts, the artist was based in the design on stylized motifs of the sea. Hence the light unusual rack, whose shelves have the shape of waves, fish, dolphins. From here, according to the author, the general tone of the room is greenish (Ava thought, the sea of ​​what color?). Surprisingly gracefully look unusual beams, chopped by an ax and painted under malachite. They contribute to the situation of the Edaki unobtrusive note of the "Poland", rethought in the postmodern spirit. The massive bed is deliberately "shavy", from roughly chopped pine boards, painted under the oak (the coil of the sunken ship? Or the royal bed?) - Combines and balances both declared ornamental topics.

In general, when the owners saw all this and realized, they asked Evgeny to arrange a neighboring, symmetrically located room.

Musical Cabinet

Here is already the fantasy of the artist, despite the freedom granted, was not so serene. Listen to music can also want the owners and many guests, and not the smallest dog living here. The upcoming is not too spacious. Consequently, the furniture must be extremely compact.

Interestingly, the idea of ​​the rack with figured shelves (in this case, in the form of musical instruments: guitars, saxophone, pipes) was done with such a formulation of the issue particularly relevant. Despite the very small depth, the rack does not look like Kuts. Written and folded writing table - in the form of the piano cap. The brains seems to be rising by artistic reasons, turning into the original cabinet door, and actually allows you to free up space.

For the manufacture of furniture at home, pine is recommended, this soft tree of wood does not require for processing professional equipment. Today in building materials and markets in the markets, you can find a wide variety of pine furniture shields of Russian production. Formats are different, standard thickness - 18 and 28mm. Shields sold shields and packaged in cellophane. Having delivered a shield to the destination, it is necessary to remove the cellophane and be sure to dry the tree at least within a day. Similar products of German and Finnish production can not be sucked.

In general, everything is thought out in the office all to the smallest detail. Exactly selected shades of paint Valticolor "mask" pine under a variety of wood species, emphasizing her living texture. Walls are upholstered with striped matter causing distant associations with a tonfit string. There, here, ahead with the picturesque works of Evgenia Leonov, the busy things brought from different exotic countries: seashells, vases, onions with arrows, African musical instruments.

The African Subject marks the relationship between the musical office and the next room, which was asked to arrange the owners, the studio.


The studio can be called "African" (as well as the bedroom - "marine", and the office is "musical"). Especially indicative writing desk framed by an open rack and a closed cabinet. At the same time, the side panels of the shelving are made in the form of women collecting a crop. On the contrary, the figures of the guards guarding the fortress with the toothed gates (locker). All figures are inspired by the motifs of the fine art of the black continent. Looking at the entrance to the room, you find another rack. His sidewall is a huge human profile (switch - eye, below - nose with a hole of the nostrils, chin). This piece of furniture is intended, among other things, modify space. Let us explain: Initially, the room was disproportionately long. By placing a rack along one of the narrow walls, Eugene managed to "hide" an annoying architectural drawback (without redevelopment, purely decorative means). Involuntarily remembered that a few minutes earlier, in the office, we saw the author's furniture, which also changed the perception of space, but, on the contrary, towards the visual increase in the size of the room.

Two directions can be distinguished in the decoration of wooden furniture for the house. The first, more traditional, includes furniture, sprung by "solid" varnish. Care for such surfaces is reduced to the erasure of dust and bleaches. The second direction, which has become particularly popular recently, is built on the "alive" surface effect - with stored roughness, a texture of a tree IT.D. In this case, the tree is only toned, remaining extremely close to the "natural". The incorporation with it should be careful - it is "afraid of" minor mechanical effects, able to absorb dyes. However, the restoration is simple: it is necessary to open again and tint the surface. We do not recommend comparing such as table tops, they must be covered with varnish.

It is impossible not to note other copyright items inhabiting the studio. Let's say a writing table echoes a low podium that has the same light upper panel, the same drawers (they are stored sketches made by the hostess at home, which is the artist herself). However, when someone from the guests stays spending the night, the podium turns into a laying. That is, not the beauty of the uniform-furniture works of Evgenia Leonov know how to be multifunctional.

Hall, corridor

Hall is spacious and leveled. And, of course, it has a number of rounded light shelves under the boarding ceiling (according to the author, this time is "clouds"). And already under them, continuing the theme of the sea, the old fishing network with loads and traffic jams is freely hanging.

But the chief sculptural character will wait for us in the corridor leading to the kitchen. Here, logically balancing the already mentioned red refrigerator, it is huge, to the ceiling, the figure lamp. The shape and ornament is inspired by the same art of Africa. Two light bulbs: one looks from above, through the "hole of the eye", the other is clamped somewhere "under the arm". In principle, already one such an art facility is enough for the house to become a museum. But we know that the great many exhibits here.


Creativity is catchingly. And the owner of the house, after having watched a friend-friendly artist, too, "fell ill" and put the furnace in the kitchen with his own hands, thus putting an electric stove. Aevgeny, in response, created another wooden sculpture depicting his own wife in the form of "inverted Caryatida". Holds this Caryatida a regular TV. In addition, it seemed to us that the purchase of Italian cuisine was also "infected" with the creation and was very well fit into the amazing pine world of this house.


And the case ended with a hanger. Eugene came up with her at the last moment of the easy, bamboo, in the form of a lira. Iteper on the first that he sees the guest in the apartment. She sees and understands: further everything, except silence and boredom.

The editors warns that in accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the coordination of the conducted reorganization and redevelopment is required.

Artist artist. 15501_13

Artist: Evgeny Leonov

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