What plants can not fertilize ash and why


Why feed the plants ash, why do not fertilize her with some vegetables and flowers, and also when you do not need to use it - we tell in the article.

What plants can not fertilize ash and why 15639_1

What plants can not fertilize ash and why

The ash is a very useful fertilizer, which often use gardeners. It helps to deoxide the soil and improve the growth of cultures. However, it can not be applied for all vegetables and colors. We tell what plants can not fertilize ash in the garden.

All about fertilizer ash

What is it used for

What vegetables are contraindicated feeding

For what colors combustion products do not fit

When it is better to refuse to use it

What is ash used for

Fertilizer can be obtained using the combustion process. Depending on what will burn, properties change. Wood ash is considered the most effective, however, the combustion products of various organic organics are also used (for example, herbs). They contain many elements that help cultures grow and develop on time. The most important are the following.

  • Potassium. This element needs cultures so that they have immunity and resistance to different diseases. Plus, helps to resist burns on the leaves.
  • Phosphorus. Need cultures for flowering and forming roots. Also responsible for seeds and fruits - without it they will be poorly developed.
  • Magnesium. A very important element without which photosynthesis will not occur. If the plants become pale and twisted the leaves, it means that they lack magnesium.
  • Calcium. It helps to deoxide the soil, as well as to withstand diseases that are dangerous for cultures.

Wood fertilizer can reduce the acidity of soil, increase the alkali content and in general improve the quality and structure of the soil. It also increases the permeability of water and air, which is particularly beneficial to flowers. The coal particles remaining in the ashes are disinfecting the ground, remove toxins and impurities. Plus, they scare the pests, such as TRU, nematodes and other insects. The feeding affects microorganisms in the ground, which, after fertilizer, it is better to decompose various substances and help plants to absorb them.

There are no chlorine in combustion products, so they are used as fertilizer for potatoes, strawberries, raspberries. For example, the yield of potatoes is reduced by 1.5 times, if ashes add ashes before planting soil. Thanks to this, the fruits become much more starch.

Gardeners recommend using the ashes of birch wood. In coniferous trees, too much resin, so it is not suitable. The ashes contribute in the spring with a peopling bed before planting seedlings. The combustion products are stirred with peat or humus for greater efficiency, and also make infusions for better permeability into the soil.

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What plants can not fertilize ash

Many vegetables prefer alkaline soil, so the use of ash is useful for them. For example, such include tomatoes, onions, cucumbers, peppers, cabbage and grapes. However, there is a list of plants that this fertilizer is contraindicated. It will negatively affect the growth and development of cultures. We list below that it is impossible to fertilize ashes.


Sorrel is a long-term grass that prefers the weakly acidic soil. Therefore, the contribution of combustion products to him is contraindicated in the same way as landing in the ground with a slightly alkaline medium. If this is done, the sorrel will be poorly developed and will not give good seeds.


Radish, like sorrel, is a vegetable that prefers acid-earth. When filtering plants with ashes, he will start glare leaves, and the growth of the root plates will slow down. And if the soil is deoxidized very much, then it will lead to a glorification of culture. And after that you may not wait for the crop. Experienced gardeners note that combustion products can be made to the ground, but it is worth it over the year before you plan to plant radish. In this case, they will benefit, not harm.


When growing watermelons ashes, it is better not to apply. It is often advised as a means from pests - the ash copes well with the Bakhcheva Tley. However, it can hardly harm the fruits: they begin to rot. Culture requires acidic soil. If this is not, then the plant does not have the necessary elements: phosphorus, iron, etc. As a result, water exchange will violate, and the desired amount of sodium and potassium will cease to the fruits. All this leads to booting and crop death.

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What flowers can not fertilize ash

Colors include the same rules as to vegetables. It is first necessary to read about the conditions for growing seedlings. If the flowers need more acidic soil, then the radiation with the help of the ash will not benefit them.

For example, home flowers usually prefer a sharp soil. Therefore, feeding does not need azaleas, camellia, hydrangea and many other species.

Other flowers, such as Lavender, Primula, Calendula, Sage, can grow on your garden. They also do not need alkaline soil, so it's not worth feeding the ashes of the plant. Because of it, development will cease, as well as therapeutic properties will be much worse.

It is also worth remembering a few more rules: you can not fertilize ashes, if there is a lot of iron in it. This can be determined by color: if it has a redhead, it means too much elements. Plus, it is very important to monitor the quality of fertilizer. It is impossible to use combustion products from old newspapers, films and various waste. Only ashes are suitable from the organic matter: wood, straw or various herbs.

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When you should not use feeding

It is important to know not only which vegetables do not like ash like fertilizer, but at what cases it does not need to be applied at all.

  • If there is a lot of potassium in the ground, the fertilizer can adversely affect garden crops. They will begin to reset the leaves, the fruits will become bitter. When these symptoms appear, the feeder is better to stop.
  • If in the soil the oversupply of calcium, then the fertilizer is not necessary, otherwise white spots will appear on the leaves of plants, and it also threatens the graze of young shoots, for example, at tomatoes. In this case, the ground can be made a small amount of feeding or completely abandon it.
  • If alkaline is soil, then fade by combustion products only hurt plants. Before fertilizing them, it is worth estimating the acidity of the soil, and only then make decisions on making additional elements.
  • If you decide to feed the culture of urea, then at this time you need to refuse to make ash. This may negatively affect the development of plants, so many of them will die. The same applies to putting into the soil of various types of manure. With such a procedure, nitrogen disappears from the earth, which is negatively affected by landings. Also, it is not worth introducing combustion and phosphor products at the same time, since this element is learned much worse than if you add feeding at different times.

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