How to wash the gas stove to the state of the new


We tell what funds will come and disassemble the process of cleaning step by step: from the lattice to the oven.

How to wash the gas stove to the state of the new 1635_1

How to wash the gas stove to the state of the new

The place where food is preparing should always be clean. This rule is not so easy to perform if it comes to a gas stove. It is difficult to care for her. The hostess has to spend a lot of time and strength to wash every time everything after cooking. This process can be greatly alleviated. We'll figure it out how to clean the grid and other elements of the gas stove from dirt quickly and easily.

All about how to wash the gas stove

Than you can wash

Rules for cleaning

Sequence of work

- Clean the lattice

- Konford

- Pens

- cooking surface

- oven

Than launder gas stove from fat

Some hostesses are confident that only strong chemicals can be cleaned. Perhaps, "chemistry" cleans quickly and efficiently, but at the same time it makes serious harm. Alkali and acid, even in the smallest quantities, are not useful for the human body. In addition, they are easy to spoil the surface if you do not act according to the instructions.

It must be recognized that in some cases, chemicals are indispensable. But it is necessary to begin with gentle techniques and less aggressive substances. We list ordinary but effective ways than and how to wash the gas stove.

Once reading? In the video listed all means


Contains ammonia that dissolves well different contaminants. For cleaning, the ammonia alcohol is applied to the right place with a sponge and leave for several hours so that the substance dissolved the dirt. After that, rinse the surface. Important moment. The ammonia has a very unpleasant sharp odor. They work with him only in a mask indoors with good ventilation. If you have the opportunity, it is better to open the windows. The subject for processing is best to put in a sealed plastic package, tie.

Food or calcined soda

For efficient cleaning, the powder is applied to a wet sponge and wipe the surface. Important moment. In this embodiment, the soda "works" as abrasive, therefore it is not worth using it on glossy coatings. Soda Cashitz apply to remove solar pollution. Approximately half of the glass of soda or more, if the area is large, mixed with several spoons of water. Intensively stirred. The resulting mass is uniformly distributed on the basis. Leave for two or three hours, then wash off.

How to wash the gas stove to the state of the new 1635_3

Table vinegar

Fresh dirt better clean vinegar. But if she managed to enjoy, act a little different way. Vinegar is bred in half with water. The liquid is poured into the pulverizer, sprayed over the surface cleaned. Top sprinkled with a thin layer soda powder. Waiting for a chemical response. Powder will actively foam. After 30 minutes, the base was washed, dryly wipes with a rag.

Laundry soap

The varieties with the highest concentration of fatty acids are chosen for washing, 72%, and sometimes 76%. In addition, the economic soap contains a large number of alkali. The combination of these substances can wash the dirt. Use a soap solution consisting of grated the quarters of the bar and 5 liters of boiling water. In it for several hours soaked the details. Also manufactured cleaning paste: 50 g of soap chips are bred by boiling water to a paste-like state, 40 g of calcined soda and 100 g of table vinegar are added. It is well mixed, applied to polluted areas, withstand several hours, wash off.

How to wash the gas stove to the state of the new 1635_4

Special chemistry

A variety of special cleaning agents are produced. When choosing them, you have to be very attentive. So, abrasives irreparably spoil stainless steel or enamel. Acid them are also not shown. For the cooking surface, gentle universal preparations like "frosch", "Optima Synergetic", "Green Love" and others. To get rid of heavy nagar in the oven or on lattices, formulations with strong alkalis type "Shumanitis Extra Bagi", "Mr. Chister", "Gold Unicum". Any chemical preparation apply only according to the instructions. The risk of spoil the coating is great.

Rules for cleaning

Gas equipment is a source of potential danger. Therefore, it is necessary to handle it carefully and be sure to comply with the safety rules. We list them.

  • The gas supply valve must be blocked.
  • If the technique is equipped with an electrofery or electric brass cabinet, the power cord is removed from the outlet.
  • If the device recently used, you need to give it time to cool. Cleaning hot-founded chemicals can be very dangerous.

How to wash the gas stove to the state of the new 1635_5

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Plicing stages

Washing technology starts from the top and gradually falling to the bottom. We gradually discern how to wash the gas stove.


The grille for which pans and pans are put in the cooking process, is always very contaminated. It is made of steel or cast iron, there are enameled models. Depending on this, the processing method is selected. We list the effective techniques, how to wash the gas stove lattice.

  • To richly mixed with the ammonic alcohol, pack into a sealed package. Leave a minimum for three hours, better for the night. Throw a sponge, rinse, dry.
  • Apply Soda Cashitz. Leave per hour, wash off. With severe pollution, a combination of vinegar and soda is used.
  • Effective way how to clean the cast-iron grilles on the gas stove, it is rated. They are warm over open fire or in the oven. On the bottom of the brass cabinet put a container with water, the grille is placed on top. Give minimum 15 minutes. After processing, it is impossible to pour cold water on hot cast iron. We must give it to cool.
  • Prepare a hot solution of household soap, soaked the product for several hours. You can add a calcined soda to the liquid and mustard powder.

The inserted tart is well cleaned with a liquid for washing the engine. True, after processing it is quite difficult to wash off. If the item is placed in the dishwasher, you can wash it there. This method is suitable for steel and enamel, but do not use it in order to launder pig-iron grilles on the gas stove. The porous material from a long stay in a wet environment can be covered with rusty stains.

How to wash the gas stove to the state of the new 1635_7
How to wash the gas stove to the state of the new 1635_8

How to wash the gas stove to the state of the new 1635_9

How to wash the gas stove to the state of the new 1635_10


All removable details are removed. Metal burners are more often treated with the grille. You can do otherwise. We offer two techniques, how to clean the burner at the gas stove.

  • A glass of table vinegar and three glasses of water are stirred, heated. Machine the cork covers for 15-30 minutes. Rub dirt, rinse.
  • Machine products in hot soap solid, leave for an hour. Brutal with sponge, wash off pollution, rinsed.

Similarly come with burners. They also accumulate pollution. Especially carefully examine the holes for supplying gas. If necessary, they need to be cleaned.

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Pens, if they are removable, soaked and clean with the burners. In some models, they are not removed. There are ways to launder non-removable handles at the gas stove.

  • Prepare a mixture of soda powder and table vinegar. Instead, it is possible to take divorced citric acid or lemon juice. The resulting mass with a toothbrush should wipe the handles, leave for a while, wash off.
  • Take one part of any alcohol and one part of the water, stirred. A toothbrush or cotton wand is abundantly applied to the handles. After 20-30 minutes, washed and wipe off with a dry cloth.

How to wash the gas stove to the state of the new 1635_12
How to wash the gas stove to the state of the new 1635_13

How to wash the gas stove to the state of the new 1635_14

How to wash the gas stove to the state of the new 1635_15

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Cooking surface

It is very dirty. It is fat, flying around with frying, products that are thrown out and burn. To get rid of them, use soaking. The cooking surface is poured with water, and better with an aqueous solution of any of these substances: citric acid, vinegar, ammonia alcohol or lemon juice. Leave half an hour, then wash off. Effective treatment with soda casket and solution of economic soap.

Well works and such a method. Acetic solution is applied to the surface. Then the soda is poured. Give time to have a chemical reaction. After the powder stops bubble and hiss, waiting for another 15-20 minutes and wash off.

Effective cleaning with a silicate glue composition. In the dishes with a tightly closing lid, half a tablespoon of any washing powder and three tablespoons of calcined soda are laid. Add one and a half tablespoons of silicate glue. Everyone is well scolded, the resulting paste is applied to the base. Leave half an hour, wipe the wet cloth first, then dry with a soft cloth or felt.

How to wash the gas stove to the state of the new 1635_17


The most difficult thing to cleaned the stains from the fat dripped to the walls. We list the most effective techniques.

  • 200 ml of ammonia alcohol pour into a baking sheet. Add water to edges. Put in the cold oven for one or two hours. Rinse the walls with soap, then rinse.
  • Mix in equal proportions soda and salt, dilute with water to pasta consistency. Apply it on the walls of the oven, leave overnight. In the morning, rinse and wipe dry.
  • To clean the bottom and pour a salt layer on them, turn on the oven. Bring the temperature inside to 100 ° C, in this mode, leave half an hour. Give the equipment to cool, sleep salt together with nagar.

Wash the glass will help vinegar with soda powder or ammonia alcohol. Any tool is applied, left for 30-45 minutes, wash off.

How to wash the gas stove to the state of the new 1635_18
How to wash the gas stove to the state of the new 1635_19

How to wash the gas stove to the state of the new 1635_20

How to wash the gas stove to the state of the new 1635_21

We listed gentle ways, how to clean the gas stove. If the contamination was too persistent, and they did not help, the chemicals are used. All of them are very aggressive, contain strong alkali or acid. You can enjoy them only strictly according to the instructions with the use of protective equipment.

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