How to plant lavender seeds: Detailed Growing Guide


We tell what kind of lavender grade accurately takes on in your garden and what needs to be done to grow it.

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How to plant lavender seeds: Detailed Growing Guide

Lavender is a grassy perennial plant that many love for a pleasant smell. Therefore, it is often added to the aromasasha, used to create medicines and cosmetics. It is believed that light and unobtrusive fragrance calm and eliminates stress. In addition, the plant has a very beautiful appearance. During flowering, it is decorated with tiny purple blue flowers. Flowering fields are an extraordinary spectacle. If you want to have at home or in the garden the same beauty, tell me how to plant a lavender.

All about how to grow lavender

How to choose seeds

How to pick up a variety

Stage of preparation

Landing in sad

Care for seedlings

Features of seed selection

When choosing seeds for growing colors worth paying attention to the manufacturer. It is recommended to take only those seeds, as you are sure. You can contact you who are checked or good familiar suppliers who have a wide range of products. And also buy them from famous brands, the reviews about which is easy to find on the Internet.

Do not trust a low price, as Lavender is a fairly expensive plant. The cost is due to the popularity of colors. Seeds with a small price can be fake. The packaging should be given detailed information about the characteristics of colors, as well as the instruction on sowing.

If you are already growing a plant in the garden or on the windowsill, then, most likely, you will not need to go to the store for seeds. They can be collected independently. To do this, cut the twigs with completely blossomed inflorescences. Then leave them to dry. You can collect small bouquets and put in the vase - so the composition will look in the interior beautifully. When inflorescences are dried, the seeds will easily collect.

If you have an old package with seeds, then do not hurry to throw it out. Seeds of this plant are distinguished by the striking germination. Therefore, there is no need to use only freshly collected. The five-year-old material is suitable for cultivation, if all this time he lay in a tightly closed container.

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Select variety

When choosing a sowing material, pay attention not only for quality, but also on the variety. Grow a lavender from seeds, as a rule, is easy if you choose a frost-resistant look. This can boast a good winter hardiness. In the middle of Russia, there is one suitable - narrow-leaved or English lavender. This species is a long-term semi-stabiliar. The lower part of the shoots is wood and covered with leaves. And on top there are beautiful narrow lilac flowers. Usually, the bush grows in a height of up to 30-60 cm, the width reaches 1 m. This form is rather unpretentious and able to carry freezing. It usually blooms in the middle or late summer.

If you are going to grow flowers exclusively in warm conditions, for example, at home, then the choice of varieties is not limited. However, it is worth remembering that most of the species are demanding in care and capricious plants.

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How to plant lavender seeds: Detailed Growing Guide 16813_6

How to plant lavender seeds: Detailed Growing Guide 16813_7

Narrow or English lavender

How to plant lavender seeds: Detailed Growing Guide 16813_8

Narrow or English lavender

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Preparation of seeds

Before you put the lavender by the seeds at home on seedlings, it is important to prepare them - hold stratification. This stage is considered the most important and difficult.

Stratification - a procedure that needs certain types of plants. It helps the seeds to grow. To do this, they must be placed in the cold. For example, seeds of perennials after flowering at the end of the summer fall into the ground and are in it all winter. Such stratification is called natural. It also happens to artificial stratification, during which seeds are cleaned in cold, for example, in the refrigerator.

With natural stratification, placing seedlings are in places where water does not cause. You can also place them in containers, it is pretty covered on top and leave on the street. In this case, they do not threaten strong overcoating and freezing without snow shelter.

With artificial stratification, cold conditions you will have to create yourself. To do this, take a suitable container, a wet peat is poured into it (peat tablets can be used), sawdust and sand. Then stirred with the finished soil seeds. After it is loosely covered with a container with a lid or tighten with a film. Place the container stands in the top of the chamber, where the temperature does not exist above + 5 ° C. This is exactly the ideal. Leave it there stands for 1.5-2 months.

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How to plant lavender seeds: Detailed Growing Guide 16813_11

How to plant lavender seeds: Detailed Growing Guide 16813_12

How to plant lavender seeds: Detailed Growing Guide 16813_13

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How to plant and grow lavender

After stratification, the material is ready for sowing. Plant Lavender seeds to seedlings right at the end of winter or early spring. To do this, prepare a suitable substrate, for example, it can be a universal soil that is suitable for growing indoor flowers. Ready soil is to decapitate. It is possible to do this by hardening or treating by a solution of manganese.

It is best to sow prepared material into a shallow but wide container. Cassettes for this are not suitable. When landing, seeds are laid out into the ground one by one at a fairly long distance: 1.5-2 cm from each other. The fact is that plants in the future will acquire a powerful root system that will interfere with neighboring bushes to develop.

The rest of the sowing scheme does not differ from other plants. It is necessary to fill the containers of the prepared soil, then moisten it. You can do this with a sprayer, so the soil will not be too wet. It is not worth the ramp of the ground. Then placed sowing material, pour it with a small layer of land. After a glass or any polyethylene film to create a greenhouse effect.

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Care for seedlings

Containers with seedlings are placed in place with good lighting and room temperature. It should not fall below + 15 ° C. At this time, be sure to monitor the condition of the soil: it should always be slightly wet. However, it is impossible to pour it, otherwise the seeds will die. Therefore, once a day, you can spray the ground from the spray gun and briefly convert the film so that the landings are ventured.

The process of extension of colors is quite long. After drying, the first sprouts may appear after 14 days, and will actively begin to grow in only 30 days. When you notice strong shoots, you can remove the shelter. During this period, it is also impossible to forget about the humidification of the soil, it is necessary to do it every day.

It is possible to transplant plants into full-fledged pots when they have 3-4 full-fledged leaves. Suitable capacity with a diameter of 5 cm. Then the lavender should harden for at least 7 days. For this pots are put on the street: on the first day - for an hour, in the following days the interval gradually increase.

Plants planted in open ground will bloom only next year. In this they will build roots and shoots. For their landing it is better to choose a sunny place with light soil. Bustards should be placed in the ground at a distance of 30-40 cm apart.

In the first year, a special care is needed for lavender: emerging inflorescences need to be cut off so that the bushes have gained strength for flowering next year. It is also necessary to carry out regular weeding and get rid of weed herb.

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