Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room


We tell how to choose the perfect green curtains: what to take into account what a shade to choose and with what to combine.

Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room 17050_1

Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room

Properly selected textiles transforms any room. It can become a bright accent or inconspicuous background, dilute the monochrome range or supplement the flower palette. We tell what to pay attention to when designing windows, and show on the examples how green curtains look at the interior of the living room, bedrooms and kitchens.

We select textiles

Mature shades

Choose curtains

Options for each room

- Living room

- Kitchen

- Bedroom

Mature shades

"Landscaping" of the interior is a confident trend of recent years. The more time we spend at home, the more you want to make space in the four walls of fresh or, on the contrary, soothing. And the topics and the other effect is green. And in order to surround yourself with greens in the walls of the apartment, it is not necessary to even buy flowers - it is enough to update textiles. For example, hang new curtains. One of the main features of this color is its multifaceted. In the color circle, it is located between yellow and blue, and depending on the subtonum can be cold or warm. It causes different associations: from tropical brightness until a walk in a quiet forest.

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Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room 17050_4
Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room 17050_5

Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room 17050_6

Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room 17050_7

Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room 17050_8

The variety of shades gives a different design effect.

  • Light green, lime and salad wretched and tone.
  • Herbal is associated with nature and creates a positive attitude.
  • Mint refreshes and has a stimulating effect.
  • Olive helps to focus, configures on a working way and distracts from the bustle (it is recommended for the rooms of hyperactive children).
  • Emerald, malachite and bottle are soothered and packed.
  • Blue-green is neutralizing effect on the psyche and therefore is usually used in the bedroom.
  • Swamp in large quantities can cause Handra and even anxiety.

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Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room 17050_10

Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room 17050_11

Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room 17050_12

Church selection

In addition to the correct shade, other aspects are also important when choosing textiles for windows.

  • Material. Dense tissues are suitable for the bedroom and well "will take" dark noble shades of greenery (malachite, emerald, coniferous, etc.). But for the kitchen it is better to choose smaller curtains, for example, from organza or cotton.
  • Illumination. The general rule "dark reduces, light increases" and the color of the curtains. Speakingly make a dark room with small windows. Bright curtains made of light flowing tissue will help, and curtains of deep dark colors are suitable for protection against light.
  • Accent or background. Decide, what role in the decoration of the room will play the design of windows. If it is the main color spot in the room, then decoration and furniture must be maximally neutral. If the curtains on the contrary only complement the total color gamut and should not draw attention to itself, the appropriate variant will be muted shades.
  • Location. If windows come to the north, warm shades will make the interior more cozy; If south - give preference to cold colors.
  • Combination with other colors. Selecting the curtains, you need to decide in advance, with what other elements of the interior they will be combined. For example, furniture objects, the rest of the textile or finishing of the neutral shade of the same color can be the binding element. Successful combinations with green will give the following colors: deep blue, white, gray, cold brown, yellow, blue, beige.

Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room 17050_13
Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room 17050_14
Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room 17050_15
Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room 17050_16
Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room 17050_17

Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room 17050_18

Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room 17050_19

Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room 17050_20

Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room 17050_21

Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room 17050_22

  • Just pick up the color of the curtain in the interior: 9 options that can not be mistaken

Options for each room

Now consider specific photos and various variants of the combination of green curtains for each room.

Green curtains in the living room

The living room has a large field for experiments. Here you can use any color variations and play with textile length and texture: minimalist monotonic curtains are equally appropriate, and multi-layered compositions from different types of fabrics.

When choosing, you need to take into account the style of the room and the total color gamut. For example, in a modern style, predominantly porters are used in the floor of neutral shades, the classic involves expensive tissues with drapery and deep tone of green, Provence - neat curtains with floral ornament.

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Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room 17050_25
Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room 17050_26
Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room 17050_27
Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room 17050_28

Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room 17050_29

Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room 17050_30

Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room 17050_31

Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room 17050_32

Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room 17050_33

Elegantly and beautifully looking emerald curtains in the interior of the living room. This tone is associated with well-being and comfort, and in the room the room helps to effectively distinguish certain parts, becomes a luxurious background for furniture or decor.

However, it is dangerous to overdo it with emerald tint - in large quantities it will suppress all other colors to its depth and will make the living room too dark. That is why it is better to use it dosed like an emphasis. Textiles on the windows in this case should elaborate in color with 1-2 elements in the living room. It can be sofa pillows, plaid, armchair or carpet.

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Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room 17050_35
Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room 17050_36
Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room 17050_37

Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room 17050_38

Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room 17050_39

Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room 17050_40

Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room 17050_41

  • Boldly and fashionable: how to issue a living room in green

Ideas for kitchen

In the kitchen, you need to be particularly attentive with the color range: fresh cold tones with an admixture of blue or blue will help not overeat, and warm yellow-green on the contrary excite your appetite. In terms of texture, give preference to simple and light tissues (cotton, flax) and yoke. Curtains can be both in the floor and to the windowsill - either combine both options. Popular option - rolled or Roman curtains.

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Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room 17050_44
Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room 17050_45

Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room 17050_46

Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room 17050_47

Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room 17050_48

Green can become a contrasting element in relation to the main color: white, gray, sandy and even pink. In any combination, "edible" varieties look harmoniously: olive, salad, apple, lime, pistachio.

For textiles in the kitchen in the style of Provence, Country or Classics are fitted tones with caring in gray. In the modern interior, the bright accent (lime, aquamarine, mint) on a neutral light background looks very fresh. If you want to hang green curtains in the kitchen, the photo below can be used as a source of inspiration.

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Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room 17050_50
Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room 17050_51

Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room 17050_52

Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room 17050_53

Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room 17050_54

  • Beautiful kitchens in green: design rules and 73 photos

Registration of bedroom windows

Green curtains in the bedroom interior are protected from bright light and help relax. For this room, any nonsense variations are suitable, light or dark - based on the total colors. Here will also look good curtains from dense fabric to the floor: you can experiment with complex dense velvet or satin textures.

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Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room 17050_57
Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room 17050_58

Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room 17050_59

Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room 17050_60

Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room 17050_61

If the bedroom windows come out on the sunny side, you can "muffle" windows with cold shades: blue-green, conifer, dark emerald. If indoors, on the contrary, not enough heat and light, revive the interior with the help of any subtocks where yellow color is mixed.

Interesting design reception is a combination of deep green with warm natural textures of a tree or brick, as well as with light textiles. It turns out a very cozy and relaxing interior.

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Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room 17050_63
Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room 17050_64

Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room 17050_65

Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room 17050_66

Green curtains in the interior: Tips for choosing and examples for any room 17050_67

  • 35+ Stunning interiors in green

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