9 seats in the kitchen, where the mold is constantly started (make cleaning there carefully)


Refrigerator seals, place around the sink, dishwasher - telling where a dangerous fungus can start, which is able to significantly sway not only the quality of products, but also of life.

9 seats in the kitchen, where the mold is constantly started (make cleaning there carefully) 1914_1

9 seats in the kitchen, where the mold is constantly started (make cleaning there carefully)

Even if you are often retaining at home, and in the kitchen you have order, check if you disappeared all the places? Until some do not reach the hands, in others, it seems, mold cannot penetrate. We tell, on cleaning what parts of the kitchen should pay closer attention.

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1 Kitchen lockers

Mold in them moves most often from the walls. But another cause of the development of fungus can be couples from a slow cooker or kettle. Lifting, it creates an extra humidity, which is the root cause of fungus. In addition, mold often occurs in the closet, where the kitchen dryer is worth. Wash the pallet carefully.

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2 table top around the shell and drain

The place of the adjuncing of the shell to the tabletop is a plot where dampness is often formed. And she, as you know, fertile soil for the development of mold. But it is important to regularly wipe dry not only the worktop around the shell. Pay attention to the drain, food waste and constant humidity can also contribute to the appearance of fungus.

9 seats in the kitchen, where the mold is constantly started (make cleaning there carefully) 1914_4

3 Stand for knives

Wooden stand can also be a victim of mold. But the thing is that it is almost impossible to clean it from there. Do not put wet knives in a wooden stand to save it for a long time. Or replace metal.

4 Microwave

The fungus appears here first due to negligent cleaning. Carefully clean the whole meal that accidentally resulted or crumpled inside. And try to dry the microwave to go condensate. Remove it from the mold is unlikely to succeed, but to warm up food in the amazed fungus technique - it is impossible.

9 seats in the kitchen, where the mold is constantly started (make cleaning there carefully) 1914_5

5 Apruk

Moisture and fat residues are the ideal nutrient media for bacteria and fungus, which most often affect the seams between the tiles. The perfect scenario is when the apron is clean after each cooking. This is done not many, but in vain, because fat and dirt are entrusted to the surface, and then it is more difficult to extort them.

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6 Refrigerator

Most often mold can be found on the refrigerator seals. But in the very camera she can appear. Where vegetables are stored, as a rule, less cold, besides, products often deteriorate faster than they have time to throw them.

Box for vegetables need to wash once a week or two to avoid the appearance of fungus.

9 seats in the kitchen, where the mold is constantly started (make cleaning there carefully) 1914_7

7 Space under the refrigerator

You ask why on the rest of the plots (under furniture, under the kitchen table) in this case, also does not form mold? It's all about condensate that can flock down. Moisture, plus solar pollution on the floor together contribute to the formation of fungus.

8 dishwasher

Another universal assistant who can spoil everything with negligent care. Inside the dishwasher, namely on its rubber elements, mold is often formed. Moreover, this happens, even if you regularly clean the device using special means.

What to do in this case? It is necessary to dry the inner chamber, and for this, to open the door after the washing cycle of dishes.

9 seats in the kitchen, where the mold is constantly started (make cleaning there carefully) 1914_8

9 products storage

Just if the mold penetrates the refrigerator, where vegetables and fruits are stored at a reduced temperature, then nothing is worth it in the kitchen box branches. Those places where potatoes are stored, onions, garlic, other vegetables and fruits or cereals need to be checked regularly and with a double frequency to sort out products and delete spoiled. At room temperature, the mold can spread instantly.

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