7 Errors when transplanting plants that can destroy them


Sprinkle without preparation, to help immediately with manure, not moisturize - it is very important to remember these errors so that your room and garden landings are in perfect order.

7 Errors when transplanting plants that can destroy them 19866_1

7 Errors when transplanting plants that can destroy them

If an absolutely healthy look at the plant unexpectedly lost strength and faded, the reason may be in the wrong transplant. This also applies to indoor plants in Kashpo, and seedlings for the garden. So that the plant does not gain, keep the right transplant technology and do not make these errors.

Listed errors from the article in a short video

For garden landing

1. Spring without preparation

It is not recommended to plant seedlings without procedure "hardening". A young seedling can simply not survive a sharp change of microclimate, temperature and soil composition. At best, the plant will slow down its height, and at worst - will die. Do not seek to maintain the conditions of the apartment or the greenhouse to the transplantation itself, take the boxes with a seedl of fresh air as soon as the temperature becomes comfortable. You can begin adaptation as soon as the seeds climbed: to air, rearranged to different in terms of light illumination. Such prepared seedlings feels better in the garden and grows stronger.

7 Errors when transplanting plants that can destroy them 19866_3

  • Do not repeat: 6 errors of gardens, which will harm plants

2. Do not prepare a pit for a plant

Typically, the plant for the garden is transplanted into landing pits that need to be prepared in advance. The minimum time to landing, for which it is recommended to pull out the pits - 2 weeks. Usually, this period for autumn fit is a month, and for spring, it is perfectly prepared to prepare pits from autumn. A hole should be sufficient. Shrubs and trees put in a pit with a side of about 70 centimeters, smaller seedlings - in recess with the side of at least 30 centimeters.

7 Errors when transplanting plants that can destroy them 19866_5

3. Immediately eat landing by manure

The manure will be useful for plants only if it is divorced with water or if it is humus. Fresh manure to contribute under plants is not necessary, because it can burn the root system, and the plants will die. During the transplant, it is impossible to enter the hole for the same reason.

7 Errors when transplanting plants that can destroy them 19866_6

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For room flowers

4. Do not transplant purchased plant

A room plant that is sold in a pot is subject to an immediate transplant. Instead of soil in such pots, a mixture of different nutrients and chips is usually located. Despite the fact that these fertilizers act for a long time, they are not able to provide a comfortable livelihood of the plant for the entire period of its growth. And the faster the plant can be cleaned from this substrate, the better.

7 Errors when transplanting plants that can destroy them 19866_8

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5. Transplant to inappropriate soil

In addition to the fact that there are different types of soil for different plants, each of them may be more or less suitable. It depends on the composition, greater or less density. Depending on what kind of soil is needed by a specific plant, different types can be mixed. So you will achieve the desired consistency and density.

7 Errors when transplanting plants that can destroy them 19866_10

6. Leave a part of the purchased soil in the pot

Sometimes the owners of indoor plants in order not to damage their root system, leave part of the soil from the root store and transplant the plant in the new soil. So it is impossible to do, because the substrate containing a plant in the store is not suitable for further cultivation, it depletes the new soil and can even damage the root system in perspective.

7 Errors when transplanting plants that can destroy them 19866_11

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For indoor and garden

7. Do not moisten the land in advance

Replanting the plant is needed in the already watered soil. If the soil does not pour in advance, then the liquid "rides" the loose soil and makes it more densely, which means it will block the access of oxygen to the roots of the plant.

7 Errors when transplanting plants that can destroy them 19866_13

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