Lifehak: how to start cleaning, if you hate her


Put together specific tasks, make first of all the most unpleasant and do not forget about the rewards - we tell how to tune in to the process, if you do not like to clean up at home very much.

Lifehak: how to start cleaning, if you hate her 1998_1

Lifehak: how to start cleaning, if you hate her

Some people adore cleaning and ready to manitally clean the whole house day long. If you do not treat them and cleaning for you is an unpleasant routine, you should learn how to adjust the process correctly. You can encourage yourself, break one big deal on a lot of small, work on the habit and even call friends so that they act as "auditors" of purity and order in the house.

1 Start with a small

The principle of local cleaning of 10 or 15 minutes daily is an excellent way to start an important thing. It is on this that many well-known cleaning techniques are based. Often cleaning is postponed precisely because it takes a lot of time. It is not always necessary to clean the whole apartment at once. Plan a five-minute one for the dirtiest places and highlight the time for it daily, you will see how the room transformed.

Lifehak: how to start cleaning, if you hate her 1998_3

  • 6 Lifehas for cleaning places that are always difficult to clean

2 Word the task

It is easier to perform actions with specific wording. For example, instead of "make cleaning", put some more accurate tasks: "Wash the toilet", "spending the floor" and so on. At such items you can break cleaning throughout the apartment or in some particular room. The clearer formulation and the local task, the easier it is to start.

Lifehak: how to start cleaning, if you hate her 1998_5

3 Invite friends

No, not to help you. The arrival of guests is an instant motivation for cleaning. If you can't get together and start calling friends and invite them to your home. In order not to be ashamed to the mess, you will have to remove everything before they arrive.

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  • What to do if the apartment is not removed, and the guests are already on the threshold

4 are regularly broken

Indoor, where a lot of superfluous things and little free space, start cleaning much more difficult. Therefore, we regularly get rid of unnecessary. Homemade things will become easier, and the motivation will come by itself.

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5 Encourage yourself

You can simply praise yourself after cleaning, allow you to see your favorite movie or come up with a more significant "prize", for example, a hike in a cafe for a delicious dessert or to the store for a new pair of shoes. The expectation of the gift will speed up the process and will help faster to start an unpleasant cause.

Lifehak: how to start cleaning, if you hate her 1998_10

6 Send domestic walk

If your cleaning is for you by itself - an unpleasant process, the presence of people in the house that will interfere with and distract, can strongly affect the result. Therefore, for a start, send the family for a walk or wait for them to fall to bed or go to school and to work. Getting Started in an empty apartment, it's easier to start.

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  • How to keep clean in the apartment when all at home: 7 rapid tips

7 Form a habit

Make a cleaning schedule when and what zone you will be cleaned. The plan must be strictly followed on 21 days - it is so much necessary to fix the habit. After this period, you will be automatically removed at home, you do not have to tune in to the process.

Lifehak: how to start cleaning, if you hate her 1998_13

  • 8 simple ideas for maintaining in the house of order without general cleaning (you will no longer spend the whole weekend!)

8 Make the very most unpleasant

If you hate to clean the bath or wash the floors, put this item first with your listed list. Usually the hardest and unpleasant pulls us down and does not allow the process. And the feeling of what you have already done the most difficult, adds motivation, and the rest of the cleaning seems very easy.

Lifehak: how to start cleaning, if you hate her 1998_15

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