New kitchen with paint: 5 things you easily update yourself


You can repaint a dining table and chairs, a kitchen set and even a fridge.

New kitchen with paint: 5 things you easily update yourself 2005_1

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1 Refrigerator

If you have a separate refrigerator in the kitchen, you can make a colorful and original accent using paint.

What is necessary

  • Malyary Scotch, plastic film.
  • Roller, tassel and paint cuvette.
  • Degreaser.
  • Sand paper medium and fine grain degree.
  • Primer.
  • Paint enamel. It can be painted in the store or choose the already ready-made applied.

All work will leave a couple of days. At the beginning it is necessary to defrost the unit, clean the surface from the old paint if it is. Further, working in a protective mask and in gloves, efficiently degrease the surface. After that, primer and two or three layers of paint with drying breaks are applied. The malarious tape will be needed in order to flick those elements where the paint should not get, for example, on the handle or between the case and the door. Polyethylene film will help close the floors and furniture around.

New kitchen with paint: 5 things you easily update yourself 2005_2
New kitchen with paint: 5 things you easily update yourself 2005_3
New kitchen with paint: 5 things you easily update yourself 2005_4

New kitchen with paint: 5 things you easily update yourself 2005_5

New kitchen with paint: 5 things you easily update yourself 2005_6

New kitchen with paint: 5 things you easily update yourself 2005_7

  • We update the old refrigerator: 10 unexpected ideas

2 Dining table and chairs

If your kitchen is an outdated or just a non-heightening kit from the dining table and chairs, they are also very easy to transform. At the same time, it is not necessary to create something bright, sometimes enough small stroke to make furniture individual. For example, on the first and second photo to the gallery - IKEA furniture: Table "Ingu" and chairs "Ivar". They are made of raw pines, so ideal for painting. But you can repaint any furniture.

First remove the old layer of varnish and paint using sandpaper. If they are poorly departed, use the solvent and coarse-grained sandpaper. Next is applied degreaser, a layer of primer and paint. For glossy gloss, you can apply an additional layer of varnish. Also varnish can be treated by those sites that you decide not to paint.

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New kitchen with paint: 5 things you easily update yourself 2005_10
New kitchen with paint: 5 things you easily update yourself 2005_11
New kitchen with paint: 5 things you easily update yourself 2005_12

New kitchen with paint: 5 things you easily update yourself 2005_13

New kitchen with paint: 5 things you easily update yourself 2005_14

New kitchen with paint: 5 things you easily update yourself 2005_15

New kitchen with paint: 5 things you easily update yourself 2005_16

3 Kitchen set

When repainting the kitchen headset, it should be borne in mind that this is a major object with which the feeling of the interior will change as a whole. For example, if you paint the lower row of cabinets into a saturated dark color, and the top - in the light, the ceilings will seem visually higher.

Also painting - a great way out of the situation, when you found inexpensive and high-quality headset, which looks cheap due to an unsuccessful shade. Try repainted cabinets in cold matte white, put new handles, and make the worktop to make black. It turns out an elegant and expensive headset with minimal investments.

Another situation when the headsets should repaint - he is old, the paint burned out, the varnish crackled. Simple restoration and bright paint will update your kitchen and make not like others.

You need

  • Grinding machine, and if not, there is a conventional solvent and spatula.
  • Primer.
  • Paint, choose depending on the material of the facades.
  • Water based lacquer.
  • Roller

Purified facades are ground, after removing the handle, and allow to dry. After that, paint is applied in several layers, everyone also needs to be fascinated. In the final, the coating is fixed with varnish.

New kitchen with paint: 5 things you easily update yourself 2005_17
New kitchen with paint: 5 things you easily update yourself 2005_18
New kitchen with paint: 5 things you easily update yourself 2005_19
New kitchen with paint: 5 things you easily update yourself 2005_20
New kitchen with paint: 5 things you easily update yourself 2005_21

New kitchen with paint: 5 things you easily update yourself 2005_22

New kitchen with paint: 5 things you easily update yourself 2005_23

New kitchen with paint: 5 things you easily update yourself 2005_24

New kitchen with paint: 5 things you easily update yourself 2005_25

New kitchen with paint: 5 things you easily update yourself 2005_26

  • Before and after: 8 kitchen heads that have been updated with their own hands.

4 Wall

You can change the color in the kitchen not only in the furniture, but also by the walls. It will take a little time, will not require special skills and high costs. Even if you add quite a bit of color, making one contrasting wall or a small part of it, the feeling from the interior will change.

Choosing a color, focus on the shade of the kitchen headset and other large elements, such as floors. Ideally, if the wall is smooth. If not, whale the irregularity with putty.

The wall before painting should be projected. Painting start from the window, tassel or roller. If you chose a brush, then paint pour into a can with a wide neck, and if the roller is in a deep pallet. As a rule, there are enough two layers of paint.

New kitchen with paint: 5 things you easily update yourself 2005_28
New kitchen with paint: 5 things you easily update yourself 2005_29
New kitchen with paint: 5 things you easily update yourself 2005_30

New kitchen with paint: 5 things you easily update yourself 2005_31

New kitchen with paint: 5 things you easily update yourself 2005_32

New kitchen with paint: 5 things you easily update yourself 2005_33

5 Window Rama

This is a small change, which will be needed for several hours and one or two cans of paint, will noticeably change the feeling from the zone next to the window. Especially interesting, such a decorator reception looks in the interior in neutral colors. You only need to get paint and primer for plastic, greasy tape, plastic film and brush.

How to repaint plastic windows

  • Mary of scotch tape and film protect everything around, from furniture to the floor.
  • Clean the window and take a little walk on the surface of sandpaper with a fine grain degree. No need to leave deep scratches, enough if the surface is slightly rough.
  • Further, the frame is ground and after drying in two layers.

New kitchen with paint: 5 things you easily update yourself 2005_34
New kitchen with paint: 5 things you easily update yourself 2005_35

New kitchen with paint: 5 things you easily update yourself 2005_36

New kitchen with paint: 5 things you easily update yourself 2005_37

  • How to paint plastic windows with your own hands: Step by step instructions

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