5 ways to save on the repair of the bathroom and bathroom


Alternatives to tiles, ways to fix chips on plumbing and ideas than replacing an expensive stretch ceiling.

5 ways to save on the repair of the bathroom and bathroom 2022_1

5 ways to save on the repair of the bathroom and bathroom

The secret of saving is not only in planning, but also in the selection of materials and solutions optimal in the ratio of price and quality. Experts School of Repair "Lerua Merlen" are divided by possible ways to save on repairs in the bathroom.

1 Plumbing repair instead of buying new

Sometimes a bath or shell is in a decent state, all spoil only small chips that appeared during operation. The result is an inesttic appearance and rust flows. For many, it becomes a direct signal to replace the bath when repairing. But chips can be eliminated not to spend money on a new one.

You will need enamel, plasticine, metal powder, rust converter, small sandpaper and rubber or plastic spatula.

Explore offers: There are special repair kits for the restoration of enamel, which includes almost all of the above. But assembled separately, they can do it cheaper - so when choosing, compare two options. Do not forget about security - all work must be carried out in gloves.

Plumbing repair sequence

  • To begin with, protect the chip ring from plasticine so that the tool does not fall on intact sections. Apply a rust converter to the ring area and wash the remedy with the residues of rye after a few minutes. It is important to neutralize the converter with a solution of washing powder or soap - this will prevent the enamel separation.
  • The putty must be prepared according to the instructions and apply on the chip, filling the irregularities with neat movements. The level of putty should be slightly lower than the level of enamel - they are leveled when you cover the chill with a paint layer. After drying, remove the irregularities of the skin.
  • The next step is to apply the enamel layer. It is better to choose a two-component acrylic enamel - this is the optimal option in terms of durability and quality. Enamel from the can, but be sure to protect the area of ​​operation of the stencil and be prepared for the fact that the coating will have to periodically restore. To do it less often, follow the rules for the care of the bathroom: In place of the scol, use soft products, without chlorine, acid or abrasive.

5 ways to save on the repair of the bathroom and bathroom 2022_3

  • Enamel restoration on a cast-iron bath: 3 effective ways

2 acrylic bath instead of cast-iron

Sometimes without replacing plumbing can not do, but in this case you can save. For example, choose not a cast-iron bath, but acrylic. Savings will be tangible: the cheapest cast iron bath will cost about 15 thousand rubles, while the prices of an alternative from acrylic begin with 4-5 thousand rubles. But, of course, the price of baths from acrylic is due to characteristics. They lose a little cast iron on wear resistance: acrylic is easier to scratch, so when choosing such a bath, be especially neat when it is used.

Instead of acrylic, you can see and the baths made of steel.

  • 5 solutions in the interior of the bathroom, which will be more expensive (refuse if you want to save)

3 suspended ceiling instead of tension

If the pipes of the water pipeline are under the ceiling or it is too uneven, it is worth thinking about the installation of the suspended ceiling. It will cost more than putty and paint, but it is easy to install installation work independently, unlike the stretch ceiling, with which you need to help a specialist. Plastic panels can be used as the main material.

5 ways to save on the repair of the bathroom and bathroom 2022_6

An alternative is moisture-resistant plasterboard, but it will require additional finishes, which means additional money and time.

4 PVC panels instead of tile

The PVC panels are sold already with drawing applied on them, so the additional finish will not need. PVC panels do not let moisture and resistant to high temperatures, they are durable and do not require much care: they are not more difficult to clean than tiles.

It is allowed to install on the crate or glue.

  • Installing PVC panels in the bathroom: Tips for choosing and installation instructions

5 paint instead of tile

Moisture-resistant plasterboard for wall decoration can be a real find. Even taking into account the fact that it will need to paint, the material will cost cheaper than tiles, it is suitable for the construction of boxes for trimming pipes, does not require alignment of the walls to eliminate the defects of the old cladding. The finishing finish at the same time has more color solutions, it is enough to buy the paint of the desired shade. Update such a coating is also much easier than tiles. The only thing in wet zones (around the bath and next to the sink) will still have to lay a tile or install PVC panels.

5 ways to save on the repair of the bathroom and bathroom 2022_8

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