5 reasons for which the garden does not work on the windowsill


I did not take into account the number of sunny hours, light, did not understand the preparation of seeds - help determine why the mini-garden could not grow.

5 reasons for which the garden does not work on the windowsill 20825_1

5 reasons for which the garden does not work on the windowsill

To put on the windowsill greens, and even a fruit with vegetables - such an idea will like the lovers of plants and those who want to engage in gardening, but have not yet acquired their own country plot. It is important not to make mistakes so that the idea is crowned with success.

Listed reasons in video

1 incorrectly picked up plants

Growing plants at home on the windowsill differs from the same process in the country area. At home you have less space, less light. Another soil volume is not everyone wants to force the windowsill with huge pots.

Therefore, choosing plants, orient to those that are suitable for your conditions. All seeds are suitable, on the packages of which manufacturers indicated that they are for growing at home, as well as any herbs. Pay special attention to packaging with microelen seeds - it is useful, and it was created specifically for growing on the windowsill.

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  • Garden in an urban apartment: 7 fruits and vegetables that you easily grow up if there is no cottage

2 took old or flooded seeds

Two most frequent reasons why seeds do not give a shoot: they are overdue, you wipeed them too abundantly.

Therefore, in the store, pay attention to the date of manufacture, try not to take the seeds, which remained 2-3 weeks before the expiration date. And when landing in the soil, you clearly follow the instructions for watering, check the soil. He should not disappear, but water should not be in the pallet.

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3 incorrectly prepared and landed seeds

All seeds have to prepare to land and grow differently. This stage is very important for the development of the root system and the stem.

Here are some basic rules for the preparation of basic plants.

  • Onion. Seeds are soaked for a day in warm water. The thickness of the drainage in the pot must be 3 cm, and the soil with neutral acidity, watering abundant. It is not necessary to force the film and cut forward.
  • Parsley and dill. Seeds are soaked for 4 hours. Drainage needs to be made 1 cm in height and choose soil with neutral acidity, watering should be moderate. It is also important to cover the film and cut forward.
  • Leaf salad. Seeds are soaked for 3 hours using manganese. The thickness of the drainage in the pot must be 3 cm. Soil is needed enriched with organic and microelements. It is necessary to water abundantly, and planting seeds - at a distance of 4-5 cm.
  • Basil. Seeds are soaked for 3 hours in a solution of manganese. The height of the drainage is 2-3 cm. Soil is suitable for subtropical plants or compost enriched. The distance between the sprouts should turn out to be 5-7 cm.

5 reasons for which the garden does not work on the windowsill 20825_7

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4 did not think over the amount of light

If sprouts are obtained with disproportionately long and pale stems - they lack light. When the seedlings are already on the windowsill, try to transfer it to a more sunny room or buy phytolampu. You will need a bicolor lamp on 3 W and with an angle of dispersion of light 120 degrees. It is easy to distinguish: there will be a color schedule on the package. It is necessary that the highest points on this chart be in a blue and red spectrum.

If yellow spots began to appear on the plants and the leaves began to fall out - most likely they got a burn. It happens if the pot stands on the southern window. Try to rearrange it a little further from the window or hang a thin translucent chart that you will omit in the most hot clock.

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5 did not take into account the number of sun hours

What plants you can grow on the windowsill depends on your region. For example, herbs need only 2-4 hours of direct sunlight per day. They can be grown almost everywhere. And it will be necessary for vegetables from 4-6 hours. And such a quantity, for example, in winter, will not be in each region.

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5 reasons for which the garden does not work on the windowsill 20825_12

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