8 Useless things that climb your kitchen (better throw)


Kitchen gadgets, packaging from products and unnecessary tools for cleaning - We tell, from which things it is worth getting rid of so that more storage space appears in the kitchen.

8 Useless things that climb your kitchen (better throw) 2141_1

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1 dishes that you do not use

Open the wardrobe in which you store the dishes, and think about what items you take from the shelves regularly, and how much you can not be maddown. There may be several reasons for this: dishes do not like, it's inconvenient from it, it is stored so that you are difficult to get it. Think about getting rid of those objects to which you least are attached. They occupy a useful place in the closet that can be used otherwise.

8 Useless things that climb your kitchen (better throw) 2141_2

Unnecessary dishes do not necessarily throw out, especially if it is in good condition: take it to the cottage or just distribute it. Unusual items can be tried to sell.

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2 Kitchen gadgets

8 Useless things that climb your kitchen (better throw) 2141_4
8 Useless things that climb your kitchen (better throw) 2141_5
8 Useless things that climb your kitchen (better throw) 2141_6

8 Useless things that climb your kitchen (better throw) 2141_7

8 Useless things that climb your kitchen (better throw) 2141_8

8 Useless things that climb your kitchen (better throw) 2141_9

It's about those subjects that are designed to save time in the kitchen: unusual grakers, scissors for cutting greenery and other things. Usually, after the purchase of these gadgets, many find that they not only do not reduce cooking time, but also increase it: after the main process, they have to wash them, dry in parts, and then collect back. In addition, these items occupy a place in the closet, and you can rarely use them.

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Think how often you take them from the shelves and how useful they are in work. If you have not found a positive answer on these questions, it is better to get rid of them. And in the future it is worth the purchase of such gadgets more critical.

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3 vases

8 Useless things that climb your kitchen (better throw) 2141_12

If you have accumulated a large collection of VAZ and it takes a lot of space in the kitchen cabinets, it is impractical. Useful space can be taken by other things, and for the storage of VAZ, invent another place.

Think, maybe it is worth entering the same way as with dishes: determine which vase you put flowers constantly, and which are standing on the shelves for years. In this case, they can find another application: decorate the interior with a composition of artificial or dried colors, as well as give someone together with a bouquet.

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4 Unusual ingredients

8 Useless things that climb your kitchen (better throw) 2141_14

Often, we have to buy specific ingredients for some unusual dish: spices, thickeners and other products. However, the dish is not always in taste, it happens that it turns out to be so difficult in preparation that it is not possible to regularly serve it on the table. In this case, special ingredients that are not applicable for familiar recipes lie without affairs and deteriorate. From these it is better to get rid of: In order not to regret the money spent, offer them friends and acquaintances that can use products while those still fresh.

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5 packaging from products

8 Useless things that climb your kitchen (better throw) 2141_16

Cardboard and plastic packaging from products in which we store them, usually take too much space on the shelves. Often because of such a package cabinets are littered, it becomes difficult to determine the number of reserves. It is better to shift bars, cookies, cereals and other products in transparent containers with labels. So you easily determine how many products you have left, and storage will become more aesthetic.

If you do not throw out the package due to recipes printed on them and cooking methods, cut out the instructions and put into the container. You can also stick it on the side of the bank or rewrite the contents on the label.

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6 disposable seasonings

8 Useless things that climb your kitchen (better throw) 2141_18

Surely you have repeatedly taken out of restaurants and cafes unused sugar and seasonings in small sachets. Or they were brought to you with the delivery of finished food, but they were not useful. If all this lies in your kitchen for a long time and has not yet been implemented, then, most likely, these things you do not need and take up an excess place.

If you still think about throwing out, think about where you can use them: take them with yourself to work with a snack, use in cooking or share with colleagues.

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7 products that you did not like

8 Useless things that climb your kitchen (better throw) 2141_20

A separate category in the kitchen is the products that you once bought, but still did not eat: cookies, loaf, flakes and muesli. You can hardly eat them, so it's better to free the shelves for something more delicious. In addition, groceries in open packs quickly becomes tasteless.

The exceptions are various drinks, such as packaging with tea bags or herbal fees. You should not throw out. Give them to relatives, friends, treat colleagues at work.

8 Unnecessary cleaning agents

8 Useless things that climb your kitchen (better throw) 2141_21

Look at the places where you store chemistry. Perhaps there are stored means that were bought spontaneously or about the reserve, and in the end were not useful. Most likely, their shelf life has long been released. It is not worth keeping at home, it faces the consequences: the means can easily freeze the container, flow, spoil furniture. And if you have pets or small children, then the leakage is especially dangerous.

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