How to transfer the doorway and what to do if it is prohibited


How to transfer to another place or change the doorway and how to be if it is impossible to do it, but I really want to - tell us in our article.

How to transfer the doorway and what to do if it is prohibited 21693_1

How to transfer the doorway and what to do if it is prohibited

1 Get redevelopment permission

No matter if you want to transfer the door or just make it sewn or higher, - in any case, such a change refers to redevelopment of the apartment. If you change or transfer the doorway in a nonsense wall, then you are waiting for the usual process of matching, but it is very difficult to change something in the bearing wall. To do this, it will be necessary to calculate how safe for the whole building, make a complete redevelopment project and convince the relevant organizations to give you permission, and the chances that they will agree is very small.

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2 Find out what benefit will be transferred

Since in any case you have a long and painstaking work with documents, it would be great that the idea worth it.

When is it really worth thinking about the transfer?

  • A small transfer of the door would allow you to enter a more voluminous and convenient headset in the kitchen or put the fridge.
  • If the door was on a different bedroom wall, it would be possible to make a more convenient storage system or even allocate a place for a small dressing room.
  • The entrance to the room is located opposite the entrance to the bathroom, and the doors hurt each other.
  • The family has very high people, and the two-meter opening brings inconvenience.

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How to transfer the doorway and what to do if it is prohibited 21693_5
How to transfer the doorway and what to do if it is prohibited 21693_6

How to transfer the doorway and what to do if it is prohibited 21693_7

How to transfer the doorway and what to do if it is prohibited 21693_8

How to transfer the doorway and what to do if it is prohibited 21693_9

3 Pick up the right place.

As a rule, the door has two standard locations: in the center of the wall and closer to the corner. Both variants are suitable for large spacious rooms with high ceilings, but in a small space, the placement in the corner looks harmonious. Therefore, if you have a second case and you still need to transfer the opening, try not to shift it more than half meter.

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How to transfer the doorway and what to do if it is prohibited 21693_11
How to transfer the doorway and what to do if it is prohibited 21693_12

How to transfer the doorway and what to do if it is prohibited 21693_13

How to transfer the doorway and what to do if it is prohibited 21693_14

How to transfer the doorway and what to do if it is prohibited 21693_15

4 Take yourself by transfer or expansion

If you are engaged in changes in the bearing wall, invite a professional construction brigade - they have experience and special tools. You will also have a guarantee for the result of the work. With undessel, you can work yourself.

Tools for transfer

  • Eletclock.
  • Sledgehammer.
  • Grinding disk for stone.

On the wall they put markup and either cut the necessary sections when expanding, or use a sledgehammer to create a new opening. With an increase in the old opening, it is important not to break the strengthening in the wall above it, so that the cracks do not appear and do not catch the door. And when creating a new one, such a jumper will have to be created independently.

To strengthen the new opening, you need to purchase a "pencil" - a reinforced concrete construction that enters the wall by 10 cm. For its installation, concrete or construction foam are used.

After completion of the work, it will be necessary to put deals, align them and install the installation box.

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How to transfer the doorway and what to do if it is prohibited 21693_17
How to transfer the doorway and what to do if it is prohibited 21693_18

How to transfer the doorway and what to do if it is prohibited 21693_19

How to transfer the doorway and what to do if it is prohibited 21693_20

How to transfer the doorway and what to do if it is prohibited 21693_21

Bonus: what to do if you carry the opening it is impossible

If for some reason, it was necessary to refuse or pushed the time consuming and long process, you can try other options. For example, to make the ceiling visually above, it is not necessary to increase the opening. You can make a falseframugue over it.

In a small space, it is not necessary to expand the opening - try to remove the door if it leads into the common room. So the interior will look easier, and you will pass faster and freer.

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How to transfer the doorway and what to do if it is prohibited 21693_23

How to transfer the doorway and what to do if it is prohibited 21693_24

How to transfer the doorway and what to do if it is prohibited 21693_25

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