Back to school: 8 things from IKEA to 1 000 rubles, which should pay attention to parents


In our selection - tablet for drawing, convenient organizers, a table lamp and other useful things for schoolchildren of different ages.

Back to school: 8 things from IKEA to 1 000 rubles, which should pay attention to parents 2345_1

Back to school: 8 things from IKEA to 1 000 rubles, which should pay attention to parents

1 Bag-Tablet "Mall", 799 rubles

The tablet's bag is a novelty in the range of the Swedish brand. Suitable for children who love to draw, go to art school, as well as for lessons from. Inside the bag - several branches for storing pencils, paints, scissors, paper or album. And one of the sides of the bag is decorated with plywood from the birch under varnish, so that it is convenient to put a sheet of paper on a hard surface and work in creativity.

Back to school: 8 things from IKEA to 1 000 rubles, which should pay attention to parents 2345_3
Back to school: 8 things from IKEA to 1 000 rubles, which should pay attention to parents 2345_4
Back to school: 8 things from IKEA to 1 000 rubles, which should pay attention to parents 2345_5

Back to school: 8 things from IKEA to 1 000 rubles, which should pay attention to parents 2345_6

Back to school: 8 things from IKEA to 1 000 rubles, which should pay attention to parents 2345_7

Back to school: 8 things from IKEA to 1 000 rubles, which should pay attention to parents 2345_8

  • 10 new products from IKEA up to 1 000 rubles that will change your interior for the better

2 mini-dresser "Lankma", 399 rubles

Little comoxy with two drawers is made of cardboard and painted in bright colors. It is convenient to store a variety of stationery trivia. You can put a schoolboy on your desktop or put in a closed box.

Back to school: 8 things from IKEA to 1 000 rubles, which should pay attention to parents 2345_10

Back to school: 8 things from IKEA to 1 000 rubles, which should pay attention to parents 2345_12

  • How to prepare a room for first grades: a detailed guide for parents

3 Organizer "Lankma", 249 rubles

By the way, about organizers. Pens, pencils, scissors and other small stationery are taken in glasses. But organizers are more convenient, since there are several branches for different items.

Back to school: 8 things from IKEA to 1 000 rubles, which should pay attention to parents 2345_15

Back to school: 8 things from IKEA to 1 000 rubles, which should pay attention to parents 2345_16

4 Wall panel "Skodis", 899 rubles

The wall panel is convenient because you can attach a variety of hooks and organizers for storing stationery, notebooks and not only.

IKEA proposes to use it instead of a rack for clothing - unusual, but to accustom a younger student to prepare his shape, this is an interesting solution.

Back to school: 8 things from IKEA to 1 000 rubles, which should pay attention to parents 2345_17
Back to school: 8 things from IKEA to 1 000 rubles, which should pay attention to parents 2345_18

Back to school: 8 things from IKEA to 1 000 rubles, which should pay attention to parents 2345_19

Back to school: 8 things from IKEA to 1 000 rubles, which should pay attention to parents 2345_20

  • 6 examples of creative use of the Skodes board from IKEA

5 Stand for the phone "Sigfin", 299 rubles

Many parents against smartphones and tablets in younger children, but in middle and older classes without this attribute no one is no longer anything. Moreover, the mobile device can be useful not only for entertainment, but also for studying: Educational videos, view text materials. Therefore, the stand is useful for the phone. This is convenient because the phone can be kept on charging, for which there is a special excavation.

Back to school: 8 things from IKEA to 1 000 rubles, which should pay attention to parents 2345_22
Back to school: 8 things from IKEA to 1 000 rubles, which should pay attention to parents 2345_23

Back to school: 8 things from IKEA to 1 000 rubles, which should pay attention to parents 2345_24

Back to school: 8 things from IKEA to 1 000 rubles, which should pay attention to parents 2345_25

6 Board for entries "Waggis", 499 rubles

The work area should include not only the table, stool and shelves for books. Visualization of tasks to many helps to get together with thoughts and work step by step, without distracting. Try to offer a child to hang such a board for records.

For a younger schoolboy, it can also become an interesting game, and for the older - a useful bonus to self-organization attempts.

Back to school: 8 things from IKEA to 1 000 rubles, which should pay attention to parents 2345_26

7 Working lamp "Termentation", 699 rubles

Quality lighting of the workplace is extremely important. Therefore, in children recommended to put a table to the window, and this principle adhere to many designers in their projects. But in the winter of natural lighting lacks, so without a lamp can not do. There is a budgetary and stylish version of the lamp, which is fixed on the worktop or on the wall. He has an adjustable tripod and a ceiling.

By the way, do not think that the blue is an option exclusively for boys. The interior design has long resigned gender stereotypes.

Back to school: 8 things from IKEA to 1 000 rubles, which should pay attention to parents 2345_27
Back to school: 8 things from IKEA to 1 000 rubles, which should pay attention to parents 2345_28

Back to school: 8 things from IKEA to 1 000 rubles, which should pay attention to parents 2345_29

Back to school: 8 things from IKEA to 1 000 rubles, which should pay attention to parents 2345_30

  • IKEA for schoolchildren: 8 items that will help equip the workplace

8 Stand for Laptop "Bill", 999 rubles

Making lessons only at the table - right. But grown children often do not comply with this rule. And what if the room is very small and the table is not? You have to look for alternatives. The laptop stand is not only for working directly with the computer, you can put a notebook on it.

Back to school: 8 things from IKEA to 1 000 rubles, which should pay attention to parents 2345_32
Back to school: 8 things from IKEA to 1 000 rubles, which should pay attention to parents 2345_33

Back to school: 8 things from IKEA to 1 000 rubles, which should pay attention to parents 2345_34

Back to school: 8 things from IKEA to 1 000 rubles, which should pay attention to parents 2345_35

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