4 best way to store strawberry harvest


Unfortunately, in the fresh form of strawberries will not be stored for longer than 14 days, and then if it is properly prepared. We tell the details of the preparation of the berry for storage in the refrigerator, as well as give instructions for the correct freezing, sugar and drying.

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4 best way to store strawberry harvest

Ripe fragrant strawberries - the best delicacy for children and adults. In the season it is very much, especially when the yield will be given. It is a pity that it is stored for a short time, quickly becomes soft and flutters. Nevertheless, it is possible to save the crop. We collected the best ways to keep strawberries at home.

All about Strawberry Storage

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Four best ways to save harvest

1. In the refrigerator

2. In the freezer

3. Saucharit

4. Drying

How to select a storage berry

Juicy berries are very capricious. They are not shown excessive warmth and moisture. In the room they will ruin after a few hours. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully select the fruits. Choose the freshest and elastic berries. They should not be darkens and softening sites, an uniform red color and hardness is important. Copies even with small softened fragments lay aside.

Long stored specially derived varieties. They are distinguished by increased fierce, easily carry transportation. These are the early "Elsanta", "Alba" and "Khongy", the middle-timed "Malwa" and "Pegasus", large-scale "Gianatela" and "Kiss Nellis". All strawberries should be with cups. Without them, she flies faster. The appearance of the sewers is also important. Elastic green leaflets talk about freshness, but beastful brown signs that the product was powered on the counter.

4 best way to store strawberry harvest 2423_3

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How to keep strawberry harvest

The easiest way to keep the harvest, welding scented jam from it. Many do it, especially since it is very tasty. It is only bad that the vitamins that these berries are so rich in the jam almost no. There are many ways to keep the berry and vitamins in it. We share the most effective.

1. In the refrigerator

Here, the berries can be stored 7-10 days, maximum 14. Provided that they were properly prepared. Important and temperature. The best result gives the so-called freshness zone. This is a special separation of the refrigerator, where sufficient humidity and temperature is maintained in the range of 0-2 ° C. Here they are stored longer. However, before stacking, they must be prepared.

  1. We swore berries. We also leave ripe, solid, without sampling. Fruit do not remove. You can not wash! It is done only before eating, otherwise the strawberry will quickly deteriorate.
  2. We are preparing tora. It can be a cardboard or wooden box, plastic tray. With the help of toothpick or drill, we perform holes on the walls and at the bottom, if there are no. They are needed for unhindered air circulation.
  3. The bottom prepared by the package thus we stood with soft paper sheets. It will absorb the excess moisture.
  4. Disinfect the harvest. This is not a mandatory point, but desirable. Especially if moldy specimens were seen in the party. We divor the table vinegar in the water. Proportions 1: 3. Mix well. In the resulting solution, fed the berries, lay them out for drying. Or pour the drug into the sprayer and spray the fruits.
  5. We put the berries on the bottom of the tray of cups down. Between them, we leave a short distance: 0.7-1 cm. It should not touch each other, otherwise it will begin to deteriorate.
  6. We cover the packaging with a linen towel or gauze, we remove into the refrigeration compartment.

When storing strawberries in the refrigerator it is desirable to eliminate the neighborhood with other fruits and vegetables. If they are infected with mold, it will quickly go to the berries.

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It is impossible to clean the container with a lid or plastic. Its content will quickly deteriorate. Sometimes collected berries are very dirty. In this form, they cannot be stored. They wash them, remove the cups, dried. Then put on the bottom of the tray or container waffle towel, which absorbs excess moisture. It is laid out strawberries. She will fly one or two days.

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2. In the freezer

Proper freezing guarantees the safety of vitamins and does not spoil the taste of the product. In a frozen form, it can be stored until the next summer. Considering that 90% of the volume of strawberries occupies water, is the likelihood that after defrosting it will lose its form. Therefore, for freezing, the most dense instances are chosen, without signs of softening.

Before frosting berries, they move, remove the cups. After that wash and dried. There should be no extra moisture. Prepared berries can be freezed entirely. To do this, they are laid out in one layer on a baking or big dish. Leave a small distance between them. Capped with a film and placed in the freezer for 10-12 hours. Frozen fruits are removed, fold into the package. They squeeze out air from it, closed tightly, removed into the freezer.

Sometimes before freezing, the whole berries are loose in yogurt or chocolate. Such a shell helps to keep the form, does not give the pulp to be torn. In addition, it turns out ready-made useful sweetie. Strawberry slices are frozen. They quickly and evenly marlace, preserve the form better. The berries are cut on the slice of a sharp knife. Lay them on the sheet, freeze. Then they laid into containers or packages.

Sometimes strawberry in front of freezing is poured with sugar syrup. Such an additive helps to preserve the shape and aroma, but gives a sweet taste. This is not all like it. To prepare the syrup take water and sugar, the proportions 1: 1. The solution is heated to the complete dissolution of crystals. Then it is cool and can be used. Pectinic syrup is suitable. It keeps worse, but not sweet. Prepare a solution according to the instructions on the packing of pectin. It happens different, so there is no general recipe. And pectinov and sugar syrup pour berries before frost.

You can freeze strawberry puree. After defrosting, it is added to pastries, desserts, eat fresh. It does not lose sight and taste, for which the hostess is highly appreciated. Another plus is that it is not necessary to select the best berries for cooking. It is important that they are not pouched upon. Vintage washed, dried and blended. You can use any other way: to skip through a meat grinder, strain with a brush or fork.

As a result, a liquid puree is obtained. Optionally, sugar syrup is added to it, but you can do without it. The mass is bottled on small plastic containers or trays, covered with a lid. Then remove into the freezer. Well, if the shape of the trays allows you to tightly compose them to each other. This is used every centimeter of free space.

4 best way to store strawberry harvest 2423_7

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3. Zapacing

The shelf life of strawberries can be significantly extended if they use sugar. It's not hard.

  1. We swore berries, my and dry. Large fruits cut in pressure.
  2. We lay them out into the pan, fall asleep sugar. The ratio can be different from 1: 1.2 to 1: 0.8. The longer it is supposed to keep the workpiece, the more sugar should be in it.
  3. We put a saucepan in a cool place for 10-12 hours, you can at night. From time to time it is desirable to mix.
  4. Cooking puree. We understand the contents of the pans with a pinch or pestle or blend.
  5. Glass cans of mine, sterilize and cool.
  6. Fill up the prepared banks with strawberry mass without reaching up to top of 1-1.5 cm.
  7. The remaining place is filled with sugar sand. Close banks.

It is necessary to store the resulting workpiece in the refrigerator either in the cellar if it is. For the winter it can be taken to the balcony. At temperatures below + 6 ° C, the cached puree is preserved half a year.

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4. Drying fruits

At home, keep the strawberry fresh difficult. For a variety you can try to dry it. To do this, clean fruits cut into thin slices. It is desirable that their height is the same. This is important for uniform drying. Berry plates are decomposed on the laid papers with a baking sheet or a tray, cover from above gauze. Exhibit into a well-starved warm place, but without direct sunlight. On the drying will leave for four or five days.

You can speed up the process, drying the slices in the electric rig. It will take about 9-12 hours.

For drying, use oven. Solk are laid on a contrary to one layer. Heated in a heated to 60 ° C closet one and a half hours. Then turn off the oven, turn the slices, give them to cool. Repeat until the total drying time does not reach eight-nine hours. Dried slices are cleaned into fabric bags or glass jars covered with gauze bandages.

4 best way to store strawberry harvest 2423_10

We told about storing fresh strawberries. There are many ways. Perhaps you will like one method or immediately everything. In any case, it is worth trying each and choose like. Then even in winter on the table there will be a fragrant berry, resembling hot summer days.

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