4 unsuccessful ways to zonail the room (and what to replace them)


Separate large objects a small room, close the sunlight from the window - disassemble these and other errors that are often involved when the space zonates.

4 unsuccessful ways to zonail the room (and what to replace them) 2455_1

4 unsuccessful ways to zonail the room (and what to replace them)

1 split large items a small room

One of the popular and simple zoning techniques is to separate the part of the room with a wardrobe with books, screen or shelving. Unfortunately, all similar vertical partitions look too massively in a small room. The visual center shifts on them and the space looks overloaded and disproportionate.

What to do

Little room is better zoning otherwise. The color crushing of space is suitable, for example, part of the wall at the desktop can be painted in another color and allocate this zone. Light scenarios work well: they allow you to highlight each functional interior element. If necessary, it is necessary to split the room into two parts, for example, if you want to separate the sleep zone from storage, try to fix the eaves on the ceiling and hang the speed. It copes well with the separation of space and is not noticeable in the assembled form.

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4 unsuccessful ways to zonail the room (and what to replace them) 2455_4
4 unsuccessful ways to zonail the room (and what to replace them) 2455_5

4 unsuccessful ways to zonail the room (and what to replace them) 2455_6

4 unsuccessful ways to zonail the room (and what to replace them) 2455_7

4 unsuccessful ways to zonail the room (and what to replace them) 2455_8

  • 5 functional zones in the apartment for which you need less space than it seems

2 Put the rack or partition parallel to the window

It is not necessary to use zoning that will deprive part of the room of natural lighting. For example, if you have a studio and you would like to separate the bedroom, do not close it from the window with a plasterboard partition or rack. Without sunlight, any space becomes uncomfortable and non-residential.

What to do

In the case of the studio, try to make a niche niche with a curtain or install glass partitions. In the usual room natural lighting can interfere with screen and racks. If you need to see the visual crushing of space, use objects with a height to the windowsill. For example, a sofa, a table or low rack.

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4 unsuccessful ways to zonail the room (and what to replace them) 2455_11
4 unsuccessful ways to zonail the room (and what to replace them) 2455_12

4 unsuccessful ways to zonail the room (and what to replace them) 2455_13

4 unsuccessful ways to zonail the room (and what to replace them) 2455_14

4 unsuccessful ways to zonail the room (and what to replace them) 2455_15

  • Zoning room on the bedroom and living room: 14 available options

3 Use zoning as a decorative reception

Inspired by beautiful photos of interiors with the separation of space, many want to repeat these techniques at home. But still zoning is a functional tool that looks harmoniously only when the practical task is issued. If the whole room is assigned to one function, for example, you do not need to combine a bedroom and a living room, a kitchen and a place to stay, it makes no sense to exist to create a separation of the area.

What to do

If the size of the apartment or at home allows one function to remove each room, it is worth using this. And later, if you liked ideas to underline certain zones, you can use microscone using the following elements.

  • Carpets. They are well outlined around the chair or bed.
  • Contrast walls. They highlight furniture that stands along them.
  • Lamps. Hang the sconce or put the flooring to highlight the coffee table, a reading corner or a bed, visually highlighting them.

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4 unsuccessful ways to zonail the room (and what to replace them) 2455_18

4 unsuccessful ways to zonail the room (and what to replace them) 2455_19

4 unsuccessful ways to zonail the room (and what to replace them) 2455_20

4 Build zoning only on the placement of furniture

If the room did not share at least visually at the repair stage, it resembles a box in which you will have to invent, how to arrange furniture to highlight the zones. It is always more difficult than working with the prepared space.

If you are at the repair stage, do not miss the opportunity to divide the visually area with the help of finishing materials and other techniques, such as partitions or sliding doors.

What to do

Here are some techniques that make you the separation of space.

  • Miscellaneous flooring. If the kitchen is not delivered to a separate room or you want to give up the door, try to make the combination of floor coverings. For example, in the cooking zone, you can lay a large tile, and in the living room or dining area - put the laminate.
  • Contrast wall. It will help visually divide the area, not taking place. Suitable to separate the dining space from the working part of the kitchen.
  • Lighting. Take the lamps wherever something is something large and important: dining table, bed, sofa, reading corner.
  • Podium. You can use in large rooms, for example, to separate the kitchen from the living room. It will also work in small, for example, to make a sleep zone without a huge bed and at the same time create a storage space.

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4 unsuccessful ways to zonail the room (and what to replace them) 2455_22

4 unsuccessful ways to zonail the room (and what to replace them) 2455_23

4 unsuccessful ways to zonail the room (and what to replace them) 2455_24

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