12 Dust collectors that are almost each (get rid of them, and cleaning will become easier)


Is it possible to constantly maintain the order in the house without making it the meaning of life? Yes! The main thing is to determine correctly when it's time to throw away.

12 Dust collectors that are almost each (get rid of them, and cleaning will become easier) 2479_1

12 Dust collectors that are almost each (get rid of them, and cleaning will become easier)

The benefits and value of some things are sometimes exaggerated. Come up with more convenient storage methods and say goodbye to constant cleaning and dust.

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1 carpets

The most famous dust collector. To keep it clean, you need not only often vacuuming, but also carry out wet cleaning or carrying this accessory into a dry cleaning, if you wash it yourself, you are not ready. If you spend time and money for constant cleaning is not included in your plans, it is better to give up the carpet at all.

12 Dust collectors that are almost each (get rid of them, and cleaning will become easier) 2479_3
12 Dust collectors that are almost each (get rid of them, and cleaning will become easier) 2479_4

12 Dust collectors that are almost each (get rid of them, and cleaning will become easier) 2479_5

12 Dust collectors that are almost each (get rid of them, and cleaning will become easier) 2479_6

  • Allergy to dust: 11 products for home that will help live with this problem

2 blinds

The design of the blinds is too complicated for rapid cleaning. To provide convenient access to each bar, you need to stock special accessories and some time. Plus, in the interior, blinds look quite controversial and not always appropriate.

  • How to wash blinds: detailed instructions for different types of systems

3 curtains

If not ready to completely abandon the curtains, change the curtains to the floor to a more laconic model, for example, Roman curtains. Or at least facilitate the set, leaving only tulle.

12 Dust collectors that are almost each (get rid of them, and cleaning will become easier) 2479_9
12 Dust collectors that are almost each (get rid of them, and cleaning will become easier) 2479_10

12 Dust collectors that are almost each (get rid of them, and cleaning will become easier) 2479_11

12 Dust collectors that are almost each (get rid of them, and cleaning will become easier) 2479_12

4 Economic Accessories

There is nothing worse than the mountain of rags is not the first freshness for the floor and other surfaces that occupy a lot of space. Similar accessories need to be erased and clean after each cleaning. It is much easier to take a roll of disposable rags that can be disposed of after each cleaning.

  • 11 things in the house that have a shelf life (maybe it's time to throw away?)

5 clothes

All clothes are not in size, the one that you have not worn for a long time (for example, year), you need to throw it away. Unload the backs of the chairs and start the shelf in the wardrobe for clothing, which wears right now.

12 Dust collectors that are almost each (get rid of them, and cleaning will become easier) 2479_14
12 Dust collectors that are almost each (get rid of them, and cleaning will become easier) 2479_15

12 Dust collectors that are almost each (get rid of them, and cleaning will become easier) 2479_16

12 Dust collectors that are almost each (get rid of them, and cleaning will become easier) 2479_17

6 Road sets

If you do not plan to collect suitcases in the near future, get rid of all miniature bubbles with shampoos and lotions. Full care they will not provide, and the place occupy, and moreover, create visual noise in the already loaded bathroom interior.

  • 8 things that designer would throw out of your bathroom

7 Complex chandeliers

Ceiling lamps without it is quite difficult to clean, and if there are many small details, to which it is difficult to get to get, - cleaning turns into a real test and, as a rule, becomes more and more rare. In order not to breathe dust, make a choice in favor of the most simple ceiling luminaires.

12 Dust collectors that are almost each (get rid of them, and cleaning will become easier) 2479_19
12 Dust collectors that are almost each (get rid of them, and cleaning will become easier) 2479_20

12 Dust collectors that are almost each (get rid of them, and cleaning will become easier) 2479_21

12 Dust collectors that are almost each (get rid of them, and cleaning will become easier) 2479_22

8 Children's crafts

Memorable things over time occupy more and more places on the shelves and other surfaces. Just imagine - every year for several crafts, starting with kindergarten. How to save everything and not turn a house in the warehouse? Everything is simple: do a photo. Then children's creativity will be saved in memory, and you do not have to allocate place for it.

  • 15 ideas how to organize an exhibition of crafts and drawings in the children's room

9 cosmetics

Drag the dressing table: all open cosmetics older than the year is subject to disposal. If you have closed tubes, check the expiration time and all that over three years will also throw away.

12 Dust collectors that are almost each (get rid of them, and cleaning will become easier) 2479_24
12 Dust collectors that are almost each (get rid of them, and cleaning will become easier) 2479_25

12 Dust collectors that are almost each (get rid of them, and cleaning will become easier) 2479_26

12 Dust collectors that are almost each (get rid of them, and cleaning will become easier) 2479_27

10 magazines

They should not be stored at all. If you like the publication or photo, make a clipping. Get the folder where all these tenderlook will be stored, and get rid of the magazines. And even better read in electronic format.

11 Memorable things

This is the main grade of dust collectors, which greatly complicate life, but get rid of them even harder. Let each family members have one small box (for example, from under shoes) for memorable things, souvenirs and other expensive heart of baubles.

12 Dust collectors that are almost each (get rid of them, and cleaning will become easier) 2479_28
12 Dust collectors that are almost each (get rid of them, and cleaning will become easier) 2479_29

12 Dust collectors that are almost each (get rid of them, and cleaning will become easier) 2479_30

12 Dust collectors that are almost each (get rid of them, and cleaning will become easier) 2479_31

12 Empty Containers

Look at all your empty containers and think about what you will be stored in each of them. Those who remained "empty" time to throw out. They take an excess place and interfere with the wardrobe.

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