7 frequent errors in the design of a decorative pond in the country


The wrong size, the abundance of the decor and the lack of security - we tell about the most common mistakes in the design of the water branch in the country and how they can be corrected.

7 frequent errors in the design of a decorative pond in the country 2548_1

7 frequent errors in the design of a decorative pond in the country

1 Incountable Size

One of the common mistakes of novice landscape designers is to issue a pond that is inappropriate to the size of the site. A small reservoir on a free territory will look lonely or simply lost among other plants, and the big on the tiny plot will take all the place.

How to fix

Match the sizes of the pond and the territory you want to issue. For example, if you want a small pond on a spacious plot, make several reservoirs or create around the final composition with decorations. If the territory is small, then select a pond of medium sizes for it and, on the contrary, do not be fond of excessive decor, which is capable of visually making the composition larger.

7 frequent errors in the design of a decorative pond in the country 2548_3
7 frequent errors in the design of a decorative pond in the country 2548_4

7 frequent errors in the design of a decorative pond in the country 2548_5

7 frequent errors in the design of a decorative pond in the country 2548_6

2 Unsuccessful decoration

The pond can be made independently from different materials, for example, from the already finished form from PVC, a special film or even an unnecessary old bath. The error is that with relatively inexpensive materials, it is not all possible to decorate them well. As a result, it remains to strike an unobed film, the bath gives itself white sides and the same color bottom.

How to fix

If we are talking about the bath, then it can be repainted or almost completely hide flights under the decor: bulk or stones. The same thing is worth to do with the film: if you just put stones on it, then she will still be perencing through them. There is a way out: together with large place in the intervals of small copies that climb the shortcomings.

7 frequent errors in the design of a decorative pond in the country 2548_7
7 frequent errors in the design of a decorative pond in the country 2548_8
7 frequent errors in the design of a decorative pond in the country 2548_9

7 frequent errors in the design of a decorative pond in the country 2548_10

7 frequent errors in the design of a decorative pond in the country 2548_11

7 frequent errors in the design of a decorative pond in the country 2548_12

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3 ugly background

Another error is to make a pond without thinking around the environment. For example, on the background of a compost pit, a barn or garbage, the reservoir will not look as it could.

How to fix

Remember that any water always attracts your brilliance and dynamics, so you will have to choose the location on the principle: not where there is a place, and where the best water will look. Nearby should not be unsightly places that water is unprofitable.

7 frequent errors in the design of a decorative pond in the country 2548_14
7 frequent errors in the design of a decorative pond in the country 2548_15

7 frequent errors in the design of a decorative pond in the country 2548_16

7 frequent errors in the design of a decorative pond in the country 2548_17

4 inappropriate place

The pond is not recommended to be located under the trees and very close to them, and it is also necessary to envisage that it is not all day lit by the sun. Trees are dangerous that their foliage will pollute water, and the roots of large species can damage the foundation of the reservoir. And under the sun, it will be much more often blooming, since the heat and absence of oxygen algae grow very quickly.

How to fix

If you have not had time to arrange a pond, it is better to avoid neighborhood with trees and choose such a place that at least half the day is in the shade. If the reservoir is already decorated, solutions can be the following: to cover it with a special grid, so that the leaves do not fall into the water, as well as close the pond from the Sun, for example, put a gazebo or plan the plants that will create a natural shadow.

7 frequent errors in the design of a decorative pond in the country 2548_18
7 frequent errors in the design of a decorative pond in the country 2548_19

7 frequent errors in the design of a decorative pond in the country 2548_20

7 frequent errors in the design of a decorative pond in the country 2548_21

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5 Incorrect destination

Before starting to place a reservoir, think why you create it, whether you want to run ries there or put floating plants. For each of these purposes, the pond is drawn up in different ways.

How to fix

If there is already a reservoir, most likely, it will be able to use it only as a decorative decoration or maximum for breeding water lishes.

If you want to make a fountain, then when designing from zero it is necessary to put communication. It should be borne in mind that decorative plants will not grow in such conditions, as they prefer calm water, as well as the fountain itself can be scored. Combining fish and plants is also not the best idea, since both those and others may not have enough space. Therefore, we think in advance the purpose of the reservoir.

7 frequent errors in the design of a decorative pond in the country 2548_23

6 large number of decoration

Often, when clearing the pond, you can get carried away with an excessive decor: add difference figures, lights, bridges, waterfalls and additional imitation of living plants to the composition. All together it looks aleapodato.

How to fix

If you do not resort to the help of landscape designers, it is worth staying on one, maximum two types of decor. Think whether they are suitable for the main style of garden design. For example, for minimalism it is worth choosing laconic stones and neat plants, for classic style you can use fountains in the form of amphorous and jugs. Also select the desired decoration size, as too small parts near the large reservoir will be lost, and large on the background of the little one - it is strange.

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7 frequent errors in the design of a decorative pond in the country 2548_25

7 frequent errors in the design of a decorative pond in the country 2548_26

7 frequent errors in the design of a decorative pond in the country 2548_27

7 Insecure design

Another point that you must think about the design is the security of a pond. It is worth considering that the film under water or bottom, made of any other material, very slippery.

How to fix

Therefore, try to think through everything that you can: Strengthen the stones so as not to be risen, take care of the ground near, which may be landslide, arrange the edge of the pond with non-slip materials. Also in order to focus on the site at night, mark the edges of the water-based lanterns on solar panels - they cost inexpensively and will additionally give comfort to the surround.

If you have animals or children, then the reservoir stands to disperse or cover the special grid when the pond is not within the reach of your view.

7 frequent errors in the design of a decorative pond in the country 2548_28
7 frequent errors in the design of a decorative pond in the country 2548_29

7 frequent errors in the design of a decorative pond in the country 2548_30

7 frequent errors in the design of a decorative pond in the country 2548_31

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