9 unusual plants for your site that do not grow from neighbors


Antillese cucumber, ficifolia and strawberry grass are not ingredients of magical potion, but plants that you can perfectly grow on your beds.

9 unusual plants for your site that do not grow from neighbors 2697_1

9 unusual plants for your site that do not grow from neighbors

Gardening is a creative process, experienced gardeners are always in finding new plants for their beds. We decided to facilitate your task and collected interesting and unusual vegetables and fruits that can be landed in the garden.

1 Fizifolia

She is a pumpkin Figoven - a rare inhabitant of garden beds. What is strange: it remarks freely tolerate frosts, gives good crops, easily transfers the absence of watering and scares pests. Real find for an inexperienced dac. In addition, its fruits are stored for several years, and nothing happens to them.

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2 Anguria

In a different way, this plant is called an antillese cucumber - due to the remote similarity of the fruit. The plant loves a warm climate, according to the peculiarities of growing similarity with watermelons or melons. At the species, even the leaves are similar, so Anguria is also called watermelon cucumber.

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9 unusual plants for your site that do not grow from neighbors 2697_11

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3 Kassabanana

The plant is also found under the name of the sikan fragrant. Refers to the family of pumpkin, on the structure it looks like Lian. Separately, it is worth saying about the fruits: in shape they look like a zucchini, by smell - on a melon, color - on eggplant, and chemical composition - on pumpkin. You can eat this vegetable in food, such as cucumber, or matured - after removal, the fruits are stored for several months at ordinary room temperature.

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9 unusual plants for your site that do not grow from neighbors 2697_14

9 unusual plants for your site that do not grow from neighbors 2697_15

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4 digitradra

This is a real tomato tree by sight, although the fruits are relevant to tomato extremely external. Digger - a perennial plant that is grown in the winter garden, if there is such, or in a greenhouse. Since fruits appear only for the second year, the cold winter period is a plant should worry at home, in the conditions of the garden, it will not endure the cooling. If you want to get a harvest, you will have to tinker with the departure - the plant is very lightless, in the winter period it needs to be additionally highlighted with the lamp. In addition, standard watering and feeding are needed.

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5 Cefalofora

Strawberry grass is an unpretentious exotic plant that can become central accents in your garden. Cefalofora smells great: strawberry, caramel and a little pineapple. It is added to tea, pastries or home tinctures. You can grow from seeds (landing in mid-May) or prepare seedlings - then sowing in the container is carried out in April.

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9 unusual plants for your site that do not grow from neighbors 2697_24

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6 Earth almonds

Chufa (so differently called this plant) exclusively thermal-loving, so it is worth thinking about warming in the case of changing the weather. The planting material in front of the sowing is soaked for about a day, after which they plant immediately into the ground. You can do this after it is resumed relatively warm weather: freezing plant will not survive. From one tuber grows a bush similar to the Essay, and by the beginning of the fall, it is possible to detect a handful of earthen nuts under it, to taste reminiscent almonds.

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7 Dame fingers

The name is similar to grape variety, but the appearance is completely different. Bamium - the alternative name of this vegetable is the annual coming from Africa. It can be placed on the flower and enjoy beautiful bloom, which lasts a few months. After the plant is blocked, the fruits will appear - pods resembling beans. They can be safely eating them, make sides and blanks from them. The fruits will be angry until the autumn, but to collect them stands in gloves, because the leaves of the batter can burn the skin like nettle.

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8 Lagenarium

Western lovers are probably familiar in this vegetable, from it, Cowboy had flasks for water. In another other, it is also called dishwashed cabbage - just because of this feature. Lagenarium refers to the pool family, they grow first through seedlings, and after a vertical way on the support under the trees. Culture is very thermalid.

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9 triothoznet

The plant looks very unusual: the fruits resemble snakes, which is why it received the second name - the serpentine cucumber. In addition, the trico dress also blooms and beautifully flowers: beautiful fragrant inflorescences can decorate a flowerbed or a barrier on a vegetable garden. The fruits eat unreasonable, like cucumbers, they can be boiled, fry, eat raw or roll in banks. To taste, the vegetable resembles Cucumber and Daikon.

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9 unusual plants for your site that do not grow from neighbors 2697_37

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