Idea for fast redesign: how to paint the floors


We tell in detail about the choice of paint for the floor and about the correct painting work.

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Idea for fast redesign: how to paint the floors

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In the design of the interior does not happen. Therefore, special attention is paid to the choice and finishing of the floor covering. Coloring is a good idea for updating outdated finish. New paints and varnish materials make it possible to get an unusual texture, combine different colors. The result will delight the owner for several years unchanged. We will deal some paint to paint the floor and how to make it right.

All about choosing paint mixes and painting

Choosing coloring composition

Tools and mixes for painting

Instructions for coloring

What paint paint floor: wooden, concrete and other materials

Traditionally, only wooden surfaces were painted. Modern paint and varnish coatings are qualitatively coloring not only them, but also metal, concrete bases. It is clear that there are no such floors everywhere, however, the ability to paint them if necessary. It is necessary to choose the paintwork composition with three important factors.

What to take into account when choosing

  • The level of humidity indoors. The composition must accurately correspond to him. For the bathrooms choose a moisture-proof remedy, for an open veranda and unheated rooms at the cottage, it is best to take a mixture for outdoor work, anyone will suit for dry premises. If you do not follow this rule, the coating will quickly come into disrepair.
  • Foundation material. Most often it is some kind of tree type: board, plywood, fiberboard, etc. But it may be metal, concrete, composite. It is necessary to make sure that the composition can be used for such grounds. Usually this indicates the manufacturer.
  • Load intensity. The coating will retain its properties for a long time, only if it is chosen correctly. Thus, for premises with high passability, the finishing material, corresponding to this indicator, is chosen.

All paints and varnishes are divided into two groups. It is necessary to know when choosing. The first includes transparent drugs. They cover the basis of a solid protective film, but it does not hide its texture and painting. Color tools are covers, they completely cover the structure and tone of the base, painting it into the selected color. For wood, you can choose preparations from the first or second group. For other types of floors, only colored compositions are suitable.

Idea for fast redesign: how to paint the floors 3033_3

Transparent varnishes are produced on water and other types of basics. They are quite complex in applying and subsequent operation. Do not hide defects foundation, so it needs to be well prepared. Color mixtures are also diverse, they are divided into several types.

Symbols of Krasok

  • Acrylic. A mixture of acrylic resin, coloring pigment and water. Therefore, they are also called water-emulsion. Universal, apply for painting of any materials, for external and internal works. Not toxic, easily applied, quickly dry, resistant to adverse effects.
  • Alkyd enamel. The basis of the drug alkyd resin. It gives him strength, shine, moisture protection properties. Enamels dry quickly, have a sharp odor, not resistant to aggressive chemistry. Used in wet rooms.
  • Polyurethane. Two-component mixtures are distinguished by increased wear resistance, can be used on concrete, metal, wood, ceramics. Not toxic, resistant to ultraviolet, humidity, temperature drops. Completely hardened in 10-14 days.
  • Oil. The composition includes oil and some toxic components. Therefore, drugs are harder and have a sharp smell. They are cheap, produced in different colors. But at the same time, it is quickly wears, not resistant to mechanical damage, over time yellow.
  • Rubber. The polymer mixture is converted to a dense elastic film. It does not crack, resistant to mechanical damage, durable, does not fade in the sun. Closes small surface defects.

All varieties have their own expense for square. meter. This determines how much paint floor is worth painting. The number specified on the label is multiplied by the apartment area and on the estimated number of staining layers.

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Tools and painting tools

Painting selection is only part of the preparation for painting work. In addition to it, other materials will be required. For sealing slots and cracks used putty. It can be oil-glue, acrylic or oily. The paste is selected based on the coating that will have to work. For wooden floors, a homemade tool from carbon black glue is suitable, mixed with sawdust.

Neighborhood. This is a drug designed to prepare the base for coloring. It closes the pores, improves adhesion. There are primers with special properties: antiseptics, antipyrins, etc. The selection of primer is determined by the material of the floor covering. It is desirable that its color, and it is usually white or gray, was approaching the tone of the coloring mixture. Then she will not shine.

From tools for painting most often use roller. Be sure to need a tray in which the painting paste is poured into portions. We need brushes of different sizes. They are missing complex areas, plinths, all small fragments. It will take the paint tape, which will close the seats that are not painted, spatula and the chisel for preparatory operations.

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Detailed instructions for painting wooden floor

To get a good result, it is important to choose the right coloring drug and other mixtures. But it is equally important without errors to prepare and the color itself. We gradually look at how to paint the paint floors of wood and wood plates. Masters have to work with them most often.

1. Preparation

The most difficult thing to work where there is already a layer of old coating. Before painting the floor, the old paint must be removed. First clean the plinths, then carefully inspect the boards. Over time, their attachments to lags weaken and loosened. Fasteners caps can rise. They must be drown deeper. With the forefronts prepared in this way, it is painted old painting. If it is applied to one layer, the easiest way will apply the grinding machine of any type. It will not only remove the painted layer, but also lines the boards.

With multi-layer painting will have to tinker. The painted oil paint floor is frozen, however, it does not always give the expected result. Then apply heating. An old layer is heated with a construction hairdryer, then removed it with a scraper or spatula. Purified in this way the base is once again carefully examined. Now it is necessary to determine the presence and size of defects: cracks, irregularities, gaps.

With significant irregularities, it is necessary to align. It is carried out using a squabble machine. Then remove all dust and garbage. Good use for this powerful building vacuum cleaner.

Now it is necessary to get rid of cracks and cracks. If they are small, it is enough to close the defects with putty and give it to open. Wide gaps are expanded, that is, expand at an angle. Then insert into them lubricated by glue of the clins, customize it in size. Split narrow seams. The surface with the embedded slits once again pass grinders, then dust. Fit suitable primer. Difficult areas are lubricated with a brush, the rest of the roller. Typically, the primer is placed in two or three layers. This clarify on the label with the instruction. Each subsequent applied only after complete drying of the previous one.

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  • How to paint the wooden floor on an open veranda: selection of coating and application technology

2. Coloring

For coloring can only be used by one color or several tones immediately. The pattern was originally applied on top of a monochrome base on a stencil or painted in the contrast tone of the floorboard. Examples can be seen below in the photo. In any case, the main shade is first superimposed. We will analyze how to paint a wooden surface.

Instructions for coloring

  1. If necessary, we stick the painting ribbon sections that can be blicked.
  2. We are preparing the painting pasta to work. Mix it so that no lumps and clots are left. Pour into the tray.
  3. Brush staining the joints of the walls and flooring around the perimeter of the room. If there are some more hard-to-reach fragments, for example, bends or protrusions, stain them.
  4. Roller dip in the tray, remove the excess solution, rolling it on a special shelf. Prayes of the floorboard. We start from the wall opposite to the entrance door. Moving to exit.
  5. We are waiting for a complete drying of the first layer. After that, if necessary, we apply the second.

Further actions depend on what result is planned to be obtained. If an additional decor is not needed, dried flooring washed with soapy water, after furniture arrange.

Additional decorations are performed using stencils, they are glued on scotch boards. There is also such an option: the painting ribbon closes the sections that should not be painted. The remaining fragments are painted with a composition of another color.

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Idea for fast redesign: how to paint the floors 3033_11

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Idea for fast redesign: how to paint the floors 3033_14

Concrete or metal flooring is stained similarly. First, preparatory work on leveling the foundation, detection of defects is carried out. Then it is grounded with a suitable primer and stains. The peculiarities of the paintwork material are indicated in the instructions, they are necessarily taken into account when working. If everything is done correctly, the painted floor in the house will delight their owners with an attractive view for a long time.

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