5 things that can be stored in vacuum packaging (spoiler: save a lot of space)


Food, winter things, children's toys - tell me what can be stored in vacuum packaging and what needs to be taken into account.

5 things that can be stored in vacuum packaging (spoiler: save a lot of space) 3054_1

5 things that can be stored in vacuum packaging (spoiler: save a lot of space)

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1 products

For product storage, you can purchase containers or special packages that differ in functionality. Vacuum containers are not just tightly closing plastic storage boxes: on their lid there is a special valve to click to release air. It can only be conditionally called a vacuum, since it is impossible to pump out all the air, but this method still allows you to store the meal longer.

Vacuum packages are included with the refusal air by the device, that is, they create a full-fledged vacuum. They can be stored for products with a significantly longer, a few months.

Causes to use

Airless packaging has several advantages over usual:

  1. Larger storage of products.
  2. Preservation of nutrients.
  3. Compactness.

5 things that can be stored in vacuum packaging (spoiler: save a lot of space) 3054_3
5 things that can be stored in vacuum packaging (spoiler: save a lot of space) 3054_4

5 things that can be stored in vacuum packaging (spoiler: save a lot of space) 3054_5

5 things that can be stored in vacuum packaging (spoiler: save a lot of space) 3054_6

2 bed linen

If you have a lot of bed linen sets, and there are seasonal blankets, blankets and pillows that need to be removed for several months, that is, it makes sense to use a vacuum package. The most common type for these purposes is from dense polyethylene with the valve to which the vacuum cleaner hose is connected.

You fold all items in packaging, buttoning zip "Zip Lok" and pump out air with a vacuum cleaner until the packaging becomes flat and will not cease to decrease. Folding underwear, do not go for a special checklist, which the manufacturer notes, otherwise the clasp will be unborn.

Causes to use

Such storage of bed linen has important advantages:

  1. Compactness. Vacuuming significantly saves the place in the closet, as the pillows and blankets are voluminous just because there is a lot of air inside them.
  2. Protection against dust and dust ticks. Before the package, let's hang and dry underwear, and then you can be sure that when after a few months you will get it, it will be the same clean and fresh.

5 things that can be stored in vacuum packaging (spoiler: save a lot of space) 3054_7

3 Winter clothes

Storage of clothes with a vacuum has its own characteristics, for example, there are things that can not be stored in a similar way.
  • Leather Products.
  • Fur products and accessories, such as detachable collars.
  • Old things with a rubbed cloth, for example, down jackets - there is a chance that the small hole will not endure air pumping, it will break out, and the filler will be climbing out of it.

The remaining things can be packaged using a vacuum, but neat. For example, jackets and down jackets need to turn out the involve side to the outside, so that the zipper and buttons do not break the package. Also, using this storage method, consider that the halls on the clothes will be stronger and more noticeable than if she just lay on the shelf.

Causes to use

Although this method has its limitations, still have reasons to try it:

  1. Tangible savings in the closet. There are even packages made in the shape of a cover for outerwear. That is, the down jackets do not have to fold, they will not remember. In length, such a package takes the same place as the down jacket itself, but it will be flat.
  2. The clothes are protected from dust, moths, smells.
  3. Knitted things are not strong and best suited for evacuation.

5 things that can be stored in vacuum packaging (spoiler: save a lot of space) 3054_8
5 things that can be stored in vacuum packaging (spoiler: save a lot of space) 3054_9

5 things that can be stored in vacuum packaging (spoiler: save a lot of space) 3054_10

5 things that can be stored in vacuum packaging (spoiler: save a lot of space) 3054_11

  • How to fold winter clothes and shoes so that they do not occupy the entire wardrobe: 7 lifehams with video

4 Children's toys

Soft toys are well tolerated vacuuming and occupy little space with such a storage method. Consider their condition so that they do not break down when packing and avoid sharp details so as not to damage the package.

Causes to use

If the child constantly plays with his toys, such storage is useless. But there are moments when it is useful:

  1. If you leave the house for a long time and do not want toys to dust.
  2. If you need to move - it is much easier to put one flat package into the car than a few volumetric.
  3. If the child has grown, to join the interior toys are not suitable, but throwing out their sorry. Fold them into vacuum packages and remove into the closet until you think about what to do with them. After this storage, they look good and later they can be given or sell.

5 things that can be stored in vacuum packaging (spoiler: save a lot of space) 3054_13
5 things that can be stored in vacuum packaging (spoiler: save a lot of space) 3054_14

5 things that can be stored in vacuum packaging (spoiler: save a lot of space) 3054_15

5 things that can be stored in vacuum packaging (spoiler: save a lot of space) 3054_16

5 things in a suitcase

Collecting a suitcase on the trip, think about evacuation - it will allow you to fold clothes, towels and similar soft items are much more compact. Just keep in mind that, despite the flat packaging, the weight of things does not become less and therefore it is necessary to check the total weight of the suitcase so that there is no advantage. Also remember that in place you will most likely need an iron, and before departure - a vacuum cleaner.

Causes to use

This method has its own advantages:

  1. Clothing is protected from the flow of liquids that you carry.
  2. You can use a smaller suitcase or take more things.

5 things that can be stored in vacuum packaging (spoiler: save a lot of space) 3054_17
5 things that can be stored in vacuum packaging (spoiler: save a lot of space) 3054_18

5 things that can be stored in vacuum packaging (spoiler: save a lot of space) 3054_19

5 things that can be stored in vacuum packaging (spoiler: save a lot of space) 3054_20

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