10 plants for cottages that will postpone the following winter


Wintering in the middle strip is far from every plant. Chose those that guaranteed to make you blossom in the new season.

10 plants for cottages that will postpone the following winter 3062_1

10 plants for cottages that will postpone the following winter

To buy every season new plants for the garden - the occupation costs and in time, and financially. To avoid regular shopping trips, make a choice in favor of winter-hardy saplings - which specifically, tell on.

1 Lilac.

This plant has a lot of varieties: in the form of inflorescence, on the color, in the time of flowering. But their relatives are one general quality - winter hardiness. Lilac bush can calmly withstand winters up to minus 30, and individual varieties are colder. You can combine several different types of lilac on one site to create the impression of long flowering: one will bloom earlier, and the second to connect in a couple of weeks.

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2 Spiraya

This plant has one global flowering time division: early spiries and late. This is important when choosing the most winter-hard-resistant seedling: the early spirires launching flowers are formed on last year's shoots, and therefore, during the too harsh winter, they can freeze and not bloom at all, or blossoming locally in that part that was under the snow. Late spirires are not subject to frost, because they form flowers much later on new young shoots, which means that even after the coldest winter you still see their bloom.

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Since this is a whole tree, it is logical to plant it in a large area in the water, because it is the proximity to the water bodies give rise to a so-called mold crown. Sverdlovskaya IVA is considered the most resistant to frosts. If the winter is cold in your winter, it is better to take it, because other varieties can freeze in the level of snow. But be attentive, Sverdlovsk Willow is quite large trees that can grow up to five meters in height - prepare enough area for a seedlome on the site.

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4 Deciduous shrubs

There are many of them, and they all worry well in winter. The most famous varieties include Barbaris Tunberg, bubbler Kalinoliste, scamping. Of these, you can form an excellent floweruba - the bright color of the leaves visually will replace flowers. The bubbler to the most favorable tolerate frosts, so it can be planted in northern latitudes, while Barberry refers to the fifth climatic zone, but still well withstands frost to minus 30 degrees.

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5 dend

The varieties of this plant differ in the color of the leaves: somewhere white kaym sewn, and somewhere very small, but there are stains (which may also differ in color). If you have a white facade of a building or a white fence, consider the purchase of a deresant white - it will emphasize white color in the garden by creating a spectacular picture. After flowering, the dend is still decorated with a garden - his shoots are painted in a bright reddish color, and it may well make a competing in brightness to other plants on the flower bed.

10 plants for cottages that will postpone the following winter 3062_11

6 Hortensia

The most frost-resistant is the hydrangea hydrangea - this shrub is a height of about one and a half meters with lush inflorescences, in shape resembling a brush or pyramid. In the garden looks incredibly beautiful and effectively. If you need a more compact plant, there are varieties reaching 70 centimeters in a height, for example, Bobo hydrangea. All these varieties are characterized by a good winter hardiness, but for a 100% result, it is better to cut shoots in the fall.

10 plants for cottages that will postpone the following winter 3062_12

7 Astra Novobelgian

This variety, like most Astra, blooms in the fall. It is surprisingly unpretentious and quickly growing, can grow even without additional care. The plant is perennial, and perfectly winter without shelter. The only requirement is the sun, it is better to put it on the spinner in the stake.

10 plants for cottages that will postpone the following winter 3062_13

8 Kandyk Siberian

Or in a different way "dog fang", the plant is from Siberia, which remarkably tolerates harsh winters. It blooms around in April, it looks rather unusual (it is clear from the name that the flowers on the form resemble the teeth of the dog). In size, the candy is quite compact - no more than 30 centimeters in height.

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9 Clematis

Not all, but only certain types of Clematis are well tolerated winter. It is best to winter lianas - they are planted from special arches, which in the future serve as a support for the plant. The most winter-hardy varieties: snow-white and tangutsky, they are not covered by winter, but necessarily cut off.

10 plants for cottages that will postpone the following winter 3062_16

10 anemone

Do not know what to decorate a shady corner in the garden? Put the anemone - she loves shadow. The second name Anemone - Windpiece - the plant received due to the features of the colors: thin stems swing in the wind and look very impressive.

10 plants for cottages that will postpone the following winter 3062_17

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