All about landing and spring care for strawberry in the open ground


We tell how to choose the right seedlings, prepare a place and plant a strawberry.

All about landing and spring care for strawberry in the open ground 3365_1

All about landing and spring care for strawberry in the open ground

Delicious fragrant gardening berry love everything. But not everyone knows how to grow it properly. It is believed that it is unpretentious and does not require much care. In fact, it is not. There are many secrets of cultivation. We'll figure it out how to put the strawberry plant in the spring in open ground so that it is well rooted and plentifully fruit.

All about the spring landing and strawberry care

Turning time

Technology of landing work

Care of young landings

When to squeeze strawberries in spring in open ground

The date of the start of the landing work is determined by the weather. It may vary by years even in one region. The landing is carried out after the land warms up to 10 ° C, and the night temperatures will not fall below +5 ° C. It is believed that culture is resistant to spring frosts. This is true, but if the seedlings were grown at home from seeds, it is better not to risk it and falling later.

Dates of landing by region

  • In the southern regions, including Kuban, seedlings are beginning to land from the last half of March, sometimes in the first days of April.
  • In the north-west of Russia, including St. Petersburg and the region, conduct landing work after 10-12 May.
  • In the suburbs and the central strip planted the berry in the last half of April.
  • In the spring, the culture from the second-third decade of May is planted in the spring.

Lined the berry can be covered by the cold sponbond or film. After sustainable warming, the shelter is cleaned.

All about landing and spring care for strawberry in the open ground 3365_3

Technology landing

To get a rich harvest of berries, you need to know how to plant a strawberry in the spring in an open soil. We offer step-by-step instructions.

1. Choosing a good landing material

It can be grown independently or purchased. Buy seedlings follows specialized outlets or garden centers. This gives confidence that the gardener will receive the selected variety without disease and pests. The purchase of "with hands" is dangerous in the inconsistency of the stated characteristics. In addition, it is necessary to choose only the zoned varieties that will come in and will be able to be froning in these climatic conditions. All seedlings, including repairing varieties, is divided into two groups.

Types of seedlings

  • With open roots (or ox). These are young plants that have rooted without the isolation of their root system. Such people are not good, but the price is low.
  • With isolated roots (or zx). These are rooted in cups or containers last year's processing mustache or a seedlings of seeds. Easy to take root with falling in autumn, in spring or summer. The quality indicator of the ZKS - root processes from the holes from the holes.

Signs of high-quality saplings

  • Leafs without signs of fading or diseases, without spots and plaque.
  • The diameter of the root neck is not less than 6-7 mm.
  • On the stem at least three leaves. At the same time, one of them can be in the infavor phase, that is, not dissolved.
  • Fairly developed roots of about 8-10 cm long.

When buying seedlings from the OX, pay attention to the state of the roots. They can not be loose and brittle. Otherwise do not come together. It is important to be able to distinguish old plants from young. Sometimes unscrupulous vendors issue a "worked" material for the young piglery. Young seedlings are usually distinguished by a light root system, and the old are dark.

  • We are planning the location of the beds on the country area: rules, sizes and other important points

2. Choosing a seat landing

Strawberry will be plentifully fruit only if it is planted onto the right place. Illumination for it is especially important. Large varieties do not even endure a light half. For fine-shallower it is permissible. Noise for growing will not suit. Here it is too humid here, because the melting and rainwater accumulate. The soil in lowlands hides and warms it later, it means that the appearance and ripening of the berries will also delay.

If there is no other option, the bushes are planted on high raised beds or ridges. It is possible to place plants on the slope with a small slope, not more than 2-3 °. But the best option is a smooth surface. Crickerels orient from north to south. So all the swords will be enough light.

Culture is sensitive to neighbors and predecessors. Placing a strawberry plantation on the spot where the cabbage, pumpkin and any passive, including potatoes, are not categorically recommended. Siderates are considered the best predecessors for all sorts of garden strawberries. But any legumes or green crops are suitable. The neighbors for the berry should also be chosen correctly. You can grow garlic next to it, leaf or root parsley, legumes, dill or velvets.

The agronomists know that if you grow a culture in the same place for years, it significantly loses its yield. So, a berry every three years it is advisable to transplant. You can return it to the former site no earlier than in 5-6 years. It is necessary to take into account when selecting an area for landing.

All about landing and spring care for strawberry in the open ground 3365_5

Another important point is the soil composition. The berry prefers fertile light soils. Excessively dense and acidic land are not suitable. The best option is soup or loam with a pH level from 5.5 to 6.5. It is recommended to clarify the composition of the soil and make the necessary adjustments: to win the acidic mixture, deposit sand into excessively dense ground, add fertilizers with their lack of.

  • 4 types of beds under the strawberries and their proper preparation in spring with their own hands

3. Preparation of plants

Before planting bushes in open ground, they must be prepared. Plants are kept in a shaded cold place for four to five days. The preparation of the Saplings of the ZCEC end with abundant irrigation. It is necessary that the earthen comes easily removed from the cup. Instances with open roots require other training. Root processes are soaked in water for an hour, and better in the aqueous solution of "heteroaceuxin" or "corneeling". This increases the survival rate.

After that, they prepare a thick clay boltushka and dip the root into it. If they are longer than 8-10 cm, they are trimmed. Experienced gardeners perform another procedure. Before planting a bush, they lower it for 12-15 minutes in hot water. Its temperature must be no higher than 65 ° C. So get rid of ticks that are hiding in the leaves. Instead, it is possible to spray the "AcTelle" bush, "phytodeterm" or similar acaricide.

All about landing and spring care for strawberry in the open ground 3365_7

  • 8 plants for giving, which you can start growing at home and transplant after the site

4. Recessing procedure

To grow strawberries in the open soil, different schemes are used: rows, carpet, ribbons in several lines. The planting process in all cases is the same. We will analyze it step by step.

  1. Cooking holes. The distance between them should be no less than 30 cm, the separation of the sequinine from 45 to 70 cm depending on the selected scheme. Segment can not. The depth of the wells should be about 10 cm.
  2. We introduce fertilizers. It is not necessary if a predicted soil preparation was carried out. In other cases, a handful of humus and as much ash are stacked on the bottom of the dug hole. Everything is mixed and falling asleep with a small amount of land so that the root processes do not touch fertilizer.
  3. Shedding the yam with water. It is not necessary to water too abundantly, 500 ml is enough per hole. We give moisture to absorb.
  4. We are seedlings in the hole. If the roots are open, they gently spread them so as not to be flex. We find a point of growth, it is also called a heart. I fall asleep well so that it is above the surface of the earth, but the roots under it were not visible. Make it necessary correctly. If you touch the point of growth or, on the contrary, too raising, the bustice will die. Sealing land around the plant.
  5. Check the quality of the disembarkation. We take a bush for leaves and slightly pull it. He should not get out of the ground.
  6. Mulch the wells. According to the rules of the agrotechnology, we fall asleep with a layer of 3 cm. We use straw, sawdust, hay, crushed boring, compost or humus. You can take agrofiber, polyethylene, rubberoid or cardboard.

All about landing and spring care for strawberry in the open ground 3365_9

Aftermaking care

In order for the seedlings faster and began to be fruit, it needs a full-fledged care. Garden is important to know how to properly water strawberries in the open soil. The first 10-14 days after disembarking bushes, the ground under them should be constantly moistened. It should not disperse. Then, when the culture is a little attached, the amount of irrigation is reduced. Determine how often to water strawberries in the open soil, simply. Water is fed as land drying.

Experienced gardeners know that the excess and lack of moisture for the berry is equally dangerous. The overvailing provokes the development of fungal diseases, reinforce the roots. Busty becomes weak. The lack of moisture stops development, provokes the death of the plant. Necessarily regular fucked. Weeds take useful substances and moisture from the soil, shadow the low-spirited culture.

All about landing and spring care for strawberry in the open ground 3365_10

Spring strawberry care In the open ground, assumes the fertilizer bookmark, especially if the poor either, either they did not fit before disembarking. Preparations like "Nitroammofoski" or aqueous solutions of the organic, for example, the litter of birds. Successful accessibility of strawberry bushes depends on competent care. If everything is done correctly, they will penetrate well and delight with an abundant harvest.

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