How to keep clean in the apartment when all at home: 7 rapid tips


Set the rules, throw out the garbage and return everything to the place - we tell how to follow the order in the apartment, when the whole family has to sit at home, and do not spoil the relationship.

How to keep clean in the apartment when all at home: 7 rapid tips 3453_1

How to keep clean in the apartment when all at home: 7 rapid tips

During quarantine, when the whole family is at home, to keep track of cleanness is quite difficult. But no one wants to spend all his time in a dirty apartment, and even more so there is no desire to remove it after a monthly isolation. We tell you what can be done to keep home clean at this time, even if you have small children.

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1 Decide on the concept of order

To get started, find out what is the order for you. Perhaps you have enough to wipe the dust and wash the dishes. Or, on the contrary, without general cleaning, every week you feel at home uncomfortable. Discuss this question in a family circle and agree on how the order you will adhere to together. But keep in mind that while everyone sit at home, perfect cleanliness is difficult to bring, so try to attribute to this fact calmly.

How to keep clean in the apartment when all at home: 7 rapid tips 3453_4

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2 Set the rules

It is difficult to demand an ideal order from all households: if adults are not occupied by remote work, and children do not disarm children. In this case, you can try to set the rules: for example, you agree with the child that toys can be scattered in a certain area of ​​the apartment: children's, gaming or just parts of the room. In this case, they will be much easier to remove.

The same thing is worth to do for public areas: Agree, where you will take food not to crumble in other places, or take a habit of carrying a cup of tea or coffee in the kitchen. At the same time, order in personal storage sites: the cabinet, a bedside table or some other box, - Leave on the conscience of his host.

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3 Return everything to the places

It is much easier to follow the order if every thing has its place. Try to return them there: the remote is on the bedside table in front of the TV, dirty plates - immediately in washing, books and notebooks - on the shelves for the office. If at the end of the day do not forget to do this, then the risk to soap the apartment will be minimal.

How to keep clean in the apartment when all at home: 7 rapid tips 3453_7

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4 Throw garbage

During the daily location of the house, throw out the garbage regularly too lazy. But to postpone this case is a big mistake. At a minimum, because in a few days an unpleasant smell will appear, after which you will have to air apartment for a long time.

Do not forget also to attribute candy in the trash and unnecessary papers. Similar trifles are able to spoil the interior even perfectly clean apartment.

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5 Make a schedule

Scrib your home plan - a simple, but effective advice. Distribute duties for all family members: let them do in a small task daily. Then purity and order in the apartment will be maintained regularly. For additional stimulation, you can apply a system of encouragement and pampering domestic something delicious after done.

Another option to divide responsibilities is to negotiate with family members so that everyone makes something that he likes or is better. And what you do not want to do, distribute equally and put on the schedule.

How to keep clean in the apartment when all at home: 7 rapid tips 3453_10

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6 Use containers

This is an emergency method that can be signed when it is very lazy to clean. It will help both adults and children. For example, if you do not want to collect children's toys, it is much easier to fold them into one container than to distribute everything in places. The same can be done with the scattered things of adults. However, this method will work once or two, then you have to disassemble boxes.

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7 fight with stress

Cleaning can be used as a way of getting rid of stress to distract from problems and negative information. Start the timer for 10 minutes and disassemble some shelf in the closet during this time. Thus, you switch your attention to the case and calm down during the folding of things.

How to keep clean in the apartment when all at home: 7 rapid tips 3453_13

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