Garden in an urban apartment: 7 fruits and vegetables that you easily grow up if there is no cottage


Cucumbers, tomatoes and even avocado - We tell you that you can put at home on the windowsill, if you really want to do gardening.

Garden in an urban apartment: 7 fruits and vegetables that you easily grow up if there is no cottage 3557_1

Garden in an urban apartment: 7 fruits and vegetables that you easily grow up if there is no cottage

If you do not have a cottage or you temporarily can't get it because of self-insulation, try to organize a mini-garden on your windowsill.

1 greens

The simplest thing you can put on your windowsill are different grade of greenery. It is useful for health, and saves your budget, since not all kinds can be bought in the store at a low price.

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What can be planted

  • Dill. Put seeds in the box with a soil (you can soak them in advance), cover the ground with a small layer of land. The plant does not like humidity, so watering it moderately. Keep it better in the lit, but not very hot.
  • Parsley. Soak the seeds about half an hour, you can wrap them into a wet cloth or gauze. After put in the ground and put the pot into a well-lit place. When the seeds go out, ride them: Leave 4 cm between sprouts.
  • Basil. If you regularly eat this greens, leave a pair of stems for germination - it's easiest to make it up. Put the stalks into the water. As soon as the roots appear, transfer to the ground. Do not forget to regularly water and spray the plant with water. When 6 and more leaves appear on the saplings, cut the top so that the basil began to go busy.

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Garden in an urban apartment: 7 fruits and vegetables that you easily grow up if there is no cottage 3557_5

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2 Cucumbers

If you really want to regularly get cucumbers from the bed, you can germinate them at home. Choose self-polished early and bush grades for this.

Soak seeds in a weak salt solution, the pop-ups are not needed. Next, soak them for 20 minutes in the solution of manganese. Gently rinse the seeds with gauze, so as not to wash them away by chance in the sink. Then put it in the ground and cover with a plastic film. Water warm water every day.

When the seedlings are growing, they should be transplanted into large pots: choose the capacity of about 6 liters. Next, make the grille so that the cucumber's shoots were to cling.

Garden in an urban apartment: 7 fruits and vegetables that you easily grow up if there is no cottage 3557_7

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3 Tomatoes

Tomatoes are thermal-loving plants, so they will be perfectly going on the window on the sun's side of the house. They need a temperature of more than 20 ° C - at night, not less than 22 ° C - during the day. For apartments, varieties with small fruits are suitable, for example, Cherry. You can accommodate them not only in pots and boxes, but also in suspended porridge.

Garden in an urban apartment: 7 fruits and vegetables that you easily grow up if there is no cottage 3557_9

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4 radish

Another delicious vegetable, which can easily grow at home, is radishes. It is better to plant in pots from clay or tree. Seeds before the procedure should be soaked in water with a small addition of salt. Those that will emerge are not needed. After in loose ground, make small pits 1-3 cm depth, place the seeds and cover the pots of the film to create a greenhouse effect.

Abundantly water the soil and do not bring to dryness. When radishes germinate, seedlings can be transferred to a sharp place for hardening. Temperature should not be below 15 ° C. After 5 days after the appearance of sprouts, add organic fertilizers, and after 14 days - mineral.

Garden in an urban apartment: 7 fruits and vegetables that you easily grow up if there is no cottage 3557_11

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5 carrots

This vegetable - the plant is very unpretentious, so you will easily grow up at home. Take a deep box or pot. A loose sandy soil is suitable for landing. Seeds place in the ground in 3-5 cm from each other. Watch that the earth is always wet. Comer seedlings when the sprouts are 5 cm long, and wait for a tasty harvest.

Garden in an urban apartment: 7 fruits and vegetables that you easily grow up if there is no cottage 3557_13

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6 lemon

The lemon tree with green leaves will become an excellent decoration of any interior, even if the fruit does not appear on it, since the process of germination is quite time-consuming. It's easier to acquire a seedling in the store, then getting useful fruits you are guaranteed. In addition to them, there is a wonderful time of flowering, during which lemon inflorescences emit a wonderful aroma.

Garden in an urban apartment: 7 fruits and vegetables that you easily grow up if there is no cottage 3557_15

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7 avocado

If you decide to plant this fruit at home, we advise you to choose dwarf varieties. They are not so demanding like others. You can germinate avocado from the bone, but it is not always fast and successfully. Most likely, you get a tree that does not give fruit.

Therefore, the easiest way, as in the case of lemon, acquire already germinated avocado. For home dilution, a ceramic large pot is suitable (at least 25 cm in diameter), the depth also should be provided more, since the root system needs a lot of space. When transplanting do not forget about drainage, and the ground is based on the sand-based. And do not forget to water.

Garden in an urban apartment: 7 fruits and vegetables that you easily grow up if there is no cottage 3557_17

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