How to get rid of dwarfs in the house and apartment: a description of the most effective techniques


We tell why the houses appear in the houses and how to effectively and quickly get rid of the unpleasant neighborhood.

How to get rid of dwarfs in the house and apartment: a description of the most effective techniques 3589_1

How to get rid of dwarfs in the house and apartment: a description of the most effective techniques

Next to people are often insects. They occupy suitable corners of the living space, so they can meet in unexpected places for a person. Many are perplexed where they come from. They need to be expelled as soon as possible. We will figure it out how to get rid of two-tailed apartment or in a private house.

All about how to get rid of two

Features of insects

Causes of their appearance

Methods of struggle

- Chemical preparations

- Folk Methods

Biological features of pests

These small crawling are also called viloch-robes or in the afternoon. They received the second name for the fact that allegedly covered in the ear of a sleeping person at night. It is likely that such cases were. Insects are hiding in the afternoon, at night they go hunting. In search of food investigate the entire affordable territory. There are two types of two-dimensions: herbivores and predatory. They differ in the form of a split "tail", consisting of actually from two processes. In the herbivores, they are long and thin, in predatory - shorter, in shape look like a claw. In both cases, for a person, they do not imagine. There are no poison, the allergic response to bites is usually not evolving. Vilokhvostki is not aggressive. Never be the first to attack. But if a person accidentally presses or falls into a person, it can quite sensitively tweet with its opposition-tail. At the same time, their form for some reason is unpleasant to most people, although they do not imagine any threat.

However, in large quantities of two, the plants are capable of damage. Anyone: Garden, homemade, greenhouse. They are with great pleasure eating leaves, young shoots. Large pest colonies can destroy garden and garden landings, destroy the seedlings in the greenhouse. Vilokvostki multiply very quickly. One female plots from 25 to 60 eggs. Therefore, it is necessary to deal with them.

How to get rid of dwarfs in the house and apartment: a description of the most effective techniques 3589_3

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Why the house appears two

To live in the afternoon preferred in wet land or any other raw place. In search of food overnight, they can examine a fairly large territory. They move fast enough. In housing they are attracted to crumbs of bread and any other products, residues of vegetables or fruits. Insects penetrate the rooms through the slots in the foundation and the floor, through the open doors and windows. They can be brought together with fruits and vegetables from the garden or from the market, with the ground scored for seedlings.

Finding food, pests try to settle nearby. On the day we go to secluded corners, at night they go to the "hunt". It is necessary to know that for survival they need increased humidity. In a dry, clean house they will not be able to survive. We list the possible causes of the appearance of unpleasant neighbors.

The most frequent causes of appearance

  • Lack of efficient ventilation. In such conditions, condensate is formed in the creases, under plinths and on other closed areas.
  • Increased humidity. Economic premises, which is erased and dried underwear, bathrooms, the bathrooms are attractive for the descent. Wet things, leaking plumbing and non-refined rooms - the best places to accommodate and develop the colonies.
  • Free access to food. Filled garbage bucket and dirty dishes, left overnight in washing, excellent food sources for pests. In addition, they appear in drawers with storage with fruit or vegetables.
  • Access to the leaves and roots of plants. Growing specimens or cut vegetable residues are equally attractive for the vilobost. They are glad to eat them.

How to get rid of dwarfs in the house and apartment: a description of the most effective techniques 3589_5

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How to deal with two-dimensions in a private house and an apartment

It is necessary to start the struggle with the identification of places where the "enemies" are hidden. In private houses, this is an underground, slips in plinths and boarded floorings, cracks in the walls. They crawl into all raw corners. In the apartments of the Vilokhvostka are hiding in the bathrooms and bathrooms, in poorly ventilated rooms. In the household sites and dachas they also have favorite places. First of all, it is greenhouses. It is always wet and warm here. Insects love to settle in silo pits, wood barn and summer souls, in flower beds and in flower beds, on verandas, in baths and utility rooms, in the cellar and basements. There is such an observation that if multicacies or loft live in the room, the afternoon will settle next to them.

After the detection of all or almost all the secluded places, where the colonies of "invaders" are actively multiplied, proceed to their destruction. We have collected the most effective techniques how to get rid of the two-tailed house.

How to get rid of dwarfs in the house and apartment: a description of the most effective techniques 3589_7


There are a lot of funds from two-way, because they are very sensitive to chemicals. For the same reason, the struggle is recommended from the weakest compositions. It is possible that it will be enough, and dangerous for humans and animal substances will not have to use. Such moderately toxic drugs include chalks and similar to them in the form of gel. They are used against cockroaches. These are chalk pencils "Tornado", "Masha", "Clean Home" and others. They draw stripes over the plinths, around window and doorways - where pests may appear. If they are in contact with an insecticide, which is part of the shallow, dying after a while.

An electrofumor with a liquid solution or tablets in the form of plates can help. These funds are used against flies and mosquitoes, but also have an adverse effect on the inhales.

If formulations with moderate toxicity do not help, take a strong poison. In this case, it will help the tested "Dichlofos" or more modern "raptor". The first preparation has a sharp odor, toxic. The second is less dangerous for people. When applied, it is necessary to use the means of protection. Before you to train insects, the rooms are cleaned with food or tightly closed them, they bring children and animals. All windows and doors are tightly closed. The cylinder with the drug is brought by 30-35 cm to the surface and spray toxic fluid. After processing, leave the room, leave it for several hours. This time is enough to relieve pests. Upon returning to the room, it is well ventilated, washed with clean water surface. You can spray insecticides only where the accumulations of the inkhertok are seen.

How to get rid of dwarfs in the house and apartment: a description of the most effective techniques 3589_8

Folk remedies

Not everyone agrees to use chemical preparations, despite their high efficiency. They are toxic and can adversely affect human health and pets. To remove the inchrates, you can use gentle folk techniques.

Boric acid

With its help, it is possible to remove not only the vylokhvostok, but also almost all home pests: cockroaches, ants and others. To get rid of them, it is enough to sprinkle the floor along the plinths, cracks in the walls. Contacting with the drug, insects are dying.

The result will be even more efficient if you additionally decompose edible bait. For their manufacture, the acid is mixed with a yolk of boiled egg. On one yolk taking 50 g of the poisoning substance. The mixture is thoroughly mixed, separated into small lumps and decomposed on the floor covering, near the plinths.

  • We fight cockroaches: the most effective means

Wet trap

This method will not help to radically get rid of pests, but will significantly reduce their number. On the evening on the floor lay old rags, newspapers or rags dipped in water. Pests out of shelters are hiding under them. In the morning there remains to collect traps and take them to the street. So that caught copies did not spread around the territory, they are destroyed. For example, shed potatoes with boiling water.

Garlic and leek

Quite quickly, you can drive out uninvited neighbors with a strong smelling tincture. It is made of garlic with onions. Grind the middle garnish head and two onions. The resulting cleaner is poured 750 ml of boiling water, mix well. Leave for three or four hours to fill.

You can prepare a mixture from the evening to use in the morning. Infusion is overflowed into the sprayer and spray distressed areas of the house: board floors, plinths, bottom walls, etc. In the spring and summer, processing is carried out at least once a week. The technique has a significant minus - a strong smell that many people do not like.

Pijm or Worm

The decoction of the medicinal plant is used similarly to the onion influence, but unlike him the smell is much more pleasant and not so much expressed. To remove insects, you can take the alcohol infusion of the Pijmas or wormwood in the pharmacy, or cook the decoction yourself. In the latter case, the liter of water takes 2-3 tbsp. Spoons of dry raw materials. The grass is poured with boiling water, give it. After cooling, the windows, walls, floors, thresholds spray or wash. In the room, which is regularly treated with such a decoction, pests do not become.

How to get rid of dwarfs in the house and apartment: a description of the most effective techniques 3589_10

We found out how to get rid of the two-tailed house in the house quickly and efficiently. In addition to treatments by various compositions, it is advisable to find out where they come from into the home to overlap all possible paths. If neither folk techniques nor chemicals helped, cause specialists. They will handle highly efficient insecticides. After that, about unwanted neighbors will be forgotten for a long time.

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