8 poisonous country plants that can not be planted on the plot (or you need to destroy urgently)


Borshevik, acronite and lily of the Lily School - tell what plants in your garden can be poisonous and what to do if you really want to leave them.

8 poisonous country plants that can not be planted on the plot (or you need to destroy urgently) 3593_1

Listed dangerous country plants in video

Many do not even think that poisonous plants grow in summer cottages, they continue to water them and rejoice in flowering. However, if you did not come across accidents, this does not mean that it is worth it to ignore their probability. This is especially important if you have small children or pets that can easily pull in the mouth of a particular flower. We tell with what plants it is better to be careful in the country.

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1 Borshevik

One of the very dangerous summer plants whose juice destroys the pigment melanin. If you get into the skin in the summer, it causes severe sunburns. Borshevik is very cunning: it is not painful to touch him, so you will not immediately notice the consequences. The plant is difficult not to notice: in height it can grow up to 3-4 meters. But it will be not easy to get rid of it on the site: Borschevik has a long root system (from 30 cm to 2 m). When haroring, be sure to protect the open areas of the skin and work in gloves.

8 poisonous country plants that can not be planted on the plot (or you need to destroy urgently) 3593_3
8 poisonous country plants that can not be planted on the plot (or you need to destroy urgently) 3593_4
8 poisonous country plants that can not be planted on the plot (or you need to destroy urgently) 3593_5

8 poisonous country plants that can not be planted on the plot (or you need to destroy urgently) 3593_6

8 poisonous country plants that can not be planted on the plot (or you need to destroy urgently) 3593_7

8 poisonous country plants that can not be planted on the plot (or you need to destroy urgently) 3593_8

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2 lily

Surprisingly, all the favorite May plant is very poisonous. Moreover, this applies to all parts of the flower and especially to berries that appear closer to the end of summer. Be careful, the plant contains toxins that violate the work of the heart. Fatal cases from drunk water, in which there was a small bouquet.

8 poisonous country plants that can not be planted on the plot (or you need to destroy urgently) 3593_10
8 poisonous country plants that can not be planted on the plot (or you need to destroy urgently) 3593_11
8 poisonous country plants that can not be planted on the plot (or you need to destroy urgently) 3593_12

8 poisonous country plants that can not be planted on the plot (or you need to destroy urgently) 3593_13

8 poisonous country plants that can not be planted on the plot (or you need to destroy urgently) 3593_14

8 poisonous country plants that can not be planted on the plot (or you need to destroy urgently) 3593_15

  • To the gardener note: what is planted in April in the country

3 Potato fruits

It would seem that the usual potatoes can be dangerous, which we all eat in food? However, small green fruits that are very similar to tomato cherry, very poisonous. They contain many solonin alkaloid, which can cause severe poisoning.

8 poisonous country plants that can not be planted on the plot (or you need to destroy urgently) 3593_17
8 poisonous country plants that can not be planted on the plot (or you need to destroy urgently) 3593_18

8 poisonous country plants that can not be planted on the plot (or you need to destroy urgently) 3593_19

8 poisonous country plants that can not be planted on the plot (or you need to destroy urgently) 3593_20

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4 Samsit

This plant is often used to create live elevations and beautiful borders. It really looks very stylish in this role: bright green leaves are wonderful under the rays of the sun. But it is very poisonous. Especially dangerous leaves. They contain about 70 alkaloids, among which is cyclobuxin D. 0.1 mg of this substance per 1 kg of body weight of the dog - a deadly dosage.

8 poisonous country plants that can not be planted on the plot (or you need to destroy urgently) 3593_22
8 poisonous country plants that can not be planted on the plot (or you need to destroy urgently) 3593_23
8 poisonous country plants that can not be planted on the plot (or you need to destroy urgently) 3593_24

8 poisonous country plants that can not be planted on the plot (or you need to destroy urgently) 3593_25

8 poisonous country plants that can not be planted on the plot (or you need to destroy urgently) 3593_26

8 poisonous country plants that can not be planted on the plot (or you need to destroy urgently) 3593_27

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5 aconite (or wrestler)

In Europe, the aconite is considered one of the most poisonous plants. It is dangerous in it: both leaves, and stems, and roots, and even pollen. Sometimes it is used to compile bouquets, as the flowers are very bright and unusual. But even with a small scratch, the poison is able to penetrate the body and cause strong poisoning, be careful.

8 poisonous country plants that can not be planted on the plot (or you need to destroy urgently) 3593_29
8 poisonous country plants that can not be planted on the plot (or you need to destroy urgently) 3593_30
8 poisonous country plants that can not be planted on the plot (or you need to destroy urgently) 3593_31

8 poisonous country plants that can not be planted on the plot (or you need to destroy urgently) 3593_32

8 poisonous country plants that can not be planted on the plot (or you need to destroy urgently) 3593_33

8 poisonous country plants that can not be planted on the plot (or you need to destroy urgently) 3593_34

  • What flowers to plant in the spring in the ground: 10 suitable species

6 Digitalis (magenty and woolly

Very beautiful plants that love to plant on the flower beds in the courtyards of houses and in the gardens at the cottage. However, its leaves are especially poisonous: they contain glycosides that affect the work of the heart. In large doses they can cause a heart attack.

8 poisonous country plants that can not be planted on the plot (or you need to destroy urgently) 3593_36
8 poisonous country plants that can not be planted on the plot (or you need to destroy urgently) 3593_37
8 poisonous country plants that can not be planted on the plot (or you need to destroy urgently) 3593_38

8 poisonous country plants that can not be planted on the plot (or you need to destroy urgently) 3593_39

8 poisonous country plants that can not be planted on the plot (or you need to destroy urgently) 3593_40

8 poisonous country plants that can not be planted on the plot (or you need to destroy urgently) 3593_41

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7 Belladonna (srat)

The plant, since more than his poisonous qualities. Bendonna contains atropine in itself, capable of causeing excitation or even rabies. In addition to Atropine, there are other substances that cause burning and dry mouth, difficulty swallowing. Especially the plant is dangerous for children: bright colors and berries can attract their beauty and shape.

8 poisonous country plants that can not be planted on the plot (or you need to destroy urgently) 3593_43
8 poisonous country plants that can not be planted on the plot (or you need to destroy urgently) 3593_44

8 poisonous country plants that can not be planted on the plot (or you need to destroy urgently) 3593_45

8 poisonous country plants that can not be planted on the plot (or you need to destroy urgently) 3593_46

  • What can not be planted on the plot: 12 plants prohibited by law

8 Warmless Survener (Kolkhium)

A rampant may appear in your garden in autumn. It blooms very beautiful: purple-pink large flowers. However, the plant is completely poisonous, it is necessary to work with it necessarily in gloves. Do not even inhale its fragrance: you can get very strong poisoning. It is also capable of hitting the kidneys and the central nervous system.

8 poisonous country plants that can not be planted on the plot (or you need to destroy urgently) 3593_48
8 poisonous country plants that can not be planted on the plot (or you need to destroy urgently) 3593_49
8 poisonous country plants that can not be planted on the plot (or you need to destroy urgently) 3593_50

8 poisonous country plants that can not be planted on the plot (or you need to destroy urgently) 3593_51

8 poisonous country plants that can not be planted on the plot (or you need to destroy urgently) 3593_52

8 poisonous country plants that can not be planted on the plot (or you need to destroy urgently) 3593_53

  • 7 flammable plants in your garden (be extremely careful!)

Bonus: What to do if the plant really wants to plant

  • If you still decide to leave a poisonous plant or plant a new, follow the safety rules: work with it only in gloves, make sure that the juice does not get into your mucous membranes, after work, be sure to worry your hands thoroughly and deteriorate.
  • Place a plant in an inaccessible for pets and children place, and better - care for everyone from everyone.
  • If children grow up with you, definitely tell them that the plants are better not to touch, it can be dangerous. Moreover, this applies not only to landing in your garden, but also those growing in areas of neighbors.
  • Out in advance all berries on decorative shrubs and colors.

  • All about planting tulips in spring: a guide that will be understood by novice and is useful to experienced gardeners

Photo on the cover: Pixabay

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