How to get rid of rats in a private house and on the plot


We tell how to use traps, special poisons and what folk remedies are to combat rodents.

How to get rid of rats in a private house and on the plot 3642_1

How to get rid of rats in a private house and on the plot

Rats - Dangerous neighbors for a person. These are omnivorous mammals, well adaptable to any living conditions. They quickly multiply and capture new territories. Settling in a private house, they spoil the products, furniture, things. We'll figure it out how to get rid of rats of times and forever.

All about combating rodents

Signs of pest appearance

How to deal with them

- Natural enemies

- Trap

- Poisonous bait

- Folk remedies

How to drive animals from the plot

How to understand that rodents settled in the house

Determine what uninvited neighbors appeared, quite simple. The first "bells", indicating this, will become several factors.

  • An unpleasant odor, the reasons for which cannot be detected.
  • The appearance of incomprehensible sounds: Finding, scratching, rustling.
  • Spoiled property. It can be products, furniture, partitions, clothing and even communications from plastic.
  • The appearance of rat excrement.

Even one of the listed signs should make it fill. If they are two or more, almost certainly settled rodents in the neighborhood. It is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous. Pests eat food reserves for farm animals, spoil products and seeds. They are able to nourish everything that they will fall: walls, foundation, partitions, cables and wiring. The latter can lead to a fire.

The worst thing is that rats are natural carriers dangerous for people and for animal diseases: plague, leptospirosis, rabies. In addition, they parasitate rat pliers and fleas that can leave their owners. Extoparasites are spreading illness and provoke severe allergic reactions. With the appearance of the first signs, the presence of rodents should be wondering how to get rid of rats in a private house.

How to get rid of rats in a private house and on the plot 3642_3

Make it is not always easy. Rodents are very smart. Biologists believe that they are able to learn, adapting to any situations. Therefore, after the poisoned bait becomes useless. Animals simply bypass them. In addition, animals are very hardy, strong, possess high adaptability. Equally well tolerate cold and heat. The fight against them can be long, but still crowned with success.

4 ways to get rid of rats in the house

It is necessary to start active actions with an invasion assessment of invasion. For this, simple events are performed.

Initial actions

  • Find rats, determine the ways of moving animals, the places of their cluster.
  • Inspect all the buildings on the home area, to identify all infected rooms. It can be a garage, barn, chicken coop, etc.
  • Inspect the garden and garden. Here, too, there may be pests.

After the homeowner approximately determined, with which the number of "invaders" he will have to fight, he chooses suitable techniques. If there are too many of them, it will be necessary to call specialists who will hold total deratization. In other cases, you can try to cope yourself. We list the most effective ways.

How to get rid of rats in a private house and on the plot 3642_4

1. Natural enemies

In this method, you can destroy only a small number of individuals. But even if there are many of them, the presence of the enemy will become a source of stress for them. In such conditions, they slower slowly, fear far away from their shelters. Natural enemy for animals are small predators. These include cats. But it is necessary to understand that not every cat can cope with a strong rodent. And the attack of several individuals can cost him life.

Therefore, it is not necessary to calculate only on cats. Small dogs can help: focister, taxes. They are good rats. Important moment. In the process of hunting, pets can be injured or infected from bites. It is necessary to monitor their condition and be ready to assist. The presence of reptiles is particularly effective. Snakes - the long-standing enemies of rodents. Even their smell causes panic from pests.

You can start a small terrarium, it will scare away unwanted "apartments". If there is no desire to do this, come otherwise. In the ZOOMAGAZINE, from time to time, they take snake excrement, fragments of the litter, etc. They are laid out in non-residential premises. This is an effective way to get rid of rats in the barn, garage, hospostroy.

2. Trap

It is possible to reduce the number of "invaders" using trappers and traps. There are two types of such devices. Some destroy the instance in them, others only limit the freedom of its movement. In any case, you have to get rid of the animal from the rat. It is always unpleasant. However, sometimes it is necessary. So, traps can be the only solution to the problem, how to get rid of rats in the chicken coop and similar economic premises. Here it is impossible to use poisonous means or dischargers, so rattles come to the rescue.

Features of the use of traps

  • Adhesive trap, effective in combating mice, hardly work. The animals are very strong, so the drug does not hold them.
  • Animals are smart and quickly learn. If there are several individuals in the trap, it must be rearranged. The rest will not go into it.
  • For sure to catch the animal, they leave the bait in the cappon, but it does not act. After two or three days, the mechanism is activated.

Mechanical traps are effective, but they can not be arranged where pets go.

How to get rid of rats in a private house and on the plot 3642_5

3. Chemical preparations

Poisonous tools are produced in a large assortment and different forms: aerosols, granules, powders. Everyone can choose what is convenient to use at home. Active substances in such preparations are two types.


From eating a poisoned bait to the death of an animal takes a very short time. The effect depends on the number of eaten poison, so the poisoned individual can survive. Or return to Noura and die there. Sorodii is alarming and they refuse to eat suspicious bait. Therefore, it is not recommended to use high-speed poisons more often than one or two times a year. These are the preparations of "rat", amynostigmine, zinc phosphide, others.

With cumulative action

Substances accumulate in the body and cause the death of an infected individual. Supports do not understand the reasons, they continue to eat bait. The spectrum of cumulative preparations is great. These are organic and inorganic poisons, as well as anticoagulants. The latter do not have a poisoning action, but block blood clotting. Therefore, in small concentrations relatively safe for farm animals. Long-term poisons can be used constantly. This is "Zoocumarine", "Ratinan", "Kratsky", "Goliath", others.

Apply poisoned bait needs with caution. They should not find and eat children or pets. There is another danger. Poisoned rodents become easy prey for cats or dogs. The latter may die, eat such prey.

4. Folk remedies

Many prefer to get rid of pests with such methods, because they are relatively safe for others. They are used when children, pets or allergies live in the house. List several ways.

Folk recipes

  • Smell swing. Rodents are poorly seen, but the smell of them is developed very well. To scare up heavily smelling substances: naphthalene, birch tar, camphor, essential oils of carnations or mint, ammonia alcohol. Make an aqueous solution with them, lubricate the plinths and gaps, the walls of sheds, hozpostroops.
  • The alkali, which is contained in wood ashes, corrodies the gentle beasts of animals. The ash scatter where they may appear.
  • Dangerous plants in pests. They are laid out in dry or fresh form in the places of the appearance of animals. This is a Pijm, Chernykorn, Repel, Pijm, Chamomile.
  • Broken glass. It is poured along the rat path and in the holes. Similarly use glasswater. However, there is evidence that pests make nests in it and live calmly there.
There are many recipes for deadly bait without using poison. Here are some effective options.

Homemade bait

  • Natural plug crumble and roasted on the fat.
  • In equal parts, soda and sugar are mixed, a little flour is added.
  • Stirred putty and making in proportion 1: 1.
  • In equal parts, building gypsum and corn flour are mixed.

Such baits laid out so that the animals eat them. They act differently, but equally lead to the death of their individuals.

How to get rid of rats in a private house and on the plot 3642_6

How to get rid of rats on the plot

Sometimes pests notice in the garden or garden. There, it places its colonies a variety of rodents, which is called earthlings. Such a neighborhood threatens harvest, garden landings, and the house is too close. He is also threatened. We must immediately take action. It will help an ultrasonic repeller. It is necessary to buy a street model. The range of the apparatus should be greater than the size of the site. Otherwise, they buy several devices.

As a preventive measure, plants are planted around the perimeter, whose smell scares the "aliens". It is wormwood, mint, elderberry, pyrhem and chamomile. True, if in free access will be the food, the unpleasant smell is unlikely to scare away. Therefore, garbage tanks should be sealed, be away from buildings. If pests appeared in the garden, it is necessary to think not only about how to get rid of earthwood rats on the plot, but also to protect your home. They will get to him very quickly.

How to get rid of rats in a private house and on the plot 3642_7

In the fight against uninvited neighbors can also help disfiguration instruments. They create no confortable conditions for rodents, emitting ultrasound. True, in domestic pets they affect the same way. Therefore, their use in homes is limited. There is no universal way to get rid of pests. In each case, the combination of several effective methods is selected.

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