8 Lifehas for washing windows that simplify the process and make the result brilliant (in the literal)


Contrary to the current tradition of choosing a warm sunny day for washing windows, we recommend doing it in cloudy weather. And also use a sticky roller for clothes to clean the mosquito net. Read all Lifehaki in the article!

8 Lifehas for washing windows that simplify the process and make the result brilliant (in the literal) 3691_1

8 Lifehas for washing windows that simplify the process and make the result brilliant (in the literal)

Once reading an article? See a short video with reviews for sinking windows

1 Select for washing cool cloud day

If you decide to wash the windows in the coming weekend, first look at the weather forecast. Perhaps it is worth reconsidering your plans. The fact is that the blinding bright sun will heat the glasses, which can lead to a rapid drying of detergents and formation of divorces. Therefore, it is better to choose a cool cloud day for cleaning.

Be very careful. If you live on the top floor and windows do not open inward, use the services of special cleaning companies. Always remember security.

2 First, wash the whole dirt

To begin, it is not necessary to take for a special means for washing the glasses, and wash all the frames and glasses with ordinary water and microfiber cloth. Microfiber will not leave the villion and divorces, and ordinary water will help wash off all the dirt so that it is then to start glass to shine.

8 Lifehas for washing windows that simplify the process and make the result brilliant (in the literal) 3691_3

3 Remove mold

If on the frames you noticed the foci of mold, they need to be treated with a special means against fungus. You can make an aqueous solution of chlorine lime and cleaned polluted places to them. Vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, essential oils - grapefruit or tea tree - can be used for prophylaxis. Most likely, they will not help from large foci of mold.

4 Prepare windscreen wipers at home

If for some reason there is no idea of ​​the wiper or it remains very little and is clearly not enough to clean all windows in the house, select one of the recipes.

Recipe number 1

  • 1/4 cup of medical alcohol
  • 1/4 glasses of vinegar
  • Tablespoon of corn starch
  • 2 glasses of warm water

Mix all the ingredients and fill in a bottle with a sprayer. Alcohol will give a purified surface with an additional shine, like corn starch.

8 Lifehas for washing windows that simplify the process and make the result brilliant (in the literal) 3691_4

Recipe number 2.

  • 1 part of vinegar
  • 1 part of ordinary water
  • Several drops of dishwashing liquid
This is an excellent tool that works best if you spray it on the microfiber fabric, and not on the glass. The fact is that with the amount of means on the glass, you can not calculate and leave a divorce. And yes, the use of microfiber fabric is also an important factor on the way to pure windows.

Recipe number 3.

  • 3 glasses of water
  • 1/4 cup of white vinegar
  • 20 drops of any essential oil (optional)

Also use this mixture with their microfiber cloth.

8 Lifehas for washing windows that simplify the process and make the result brilliant (in the literal) 3691_5

5 Use a special mops for washing windows

If you have large windows or panoramic glazing to the floor, without a mop with a telescopic handle really can not do. Yes, and it is much safer than to climb on a chair or a stepladder to get to the topmost sections. And on such mops there is a special element - Sgon - a narrow gasket-sponge that helps remove divorces. They are sold separately. With such a mop, it is also convenient to wash the shower partitions in the bathroom, so it will become your assistant in everyday life.

6 Do not wipe windows with wet and conventional paper napkins

Ordinary wet wipes will leave the divorces, and paper - pork. It is better to use a wet microfiber, and then go through the same dry cloth on the washed surface. Or use in the final Verified "Dedovsky" method - newspaper.

8 Lifehas for washing windows that simplify the process and make the result brilliant (in the literal) 3691_6

7 Take advantage of special assistants

Today, there are fiber-wiper robots, as well as special electrical wipers that much simplify the process. In addition, a steam cleaner will help in the sink of frames and windows.

8 Do not forget about mosquito net

If you did not remove the mosquito net from the windows for the winter, then it accumulated a large amount of dust and dirt. It should be removed and attributed to the bathroom, rinse there under the flow of water. But if for some reason you can not do this or broke fastening fastening from the grid, arm yourself with a conventional sticky roller for clothes. He will collect dust with small cells. You can also use a vacuum cleaner, but do not press the grid so that it does not fall out.

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